
46 lines
1.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package protobuf;
import "enums.proto";
// ChatIdentity represents the user defined identity associated with their public chat key
message ChatIdentity {
// Lamport timestamp of the message
uint64 clock = 1;
// ens_name is the valid ENS name associated with the chat key
string ens_name = 2;
// images is a string indexed mapping of images associated with an identity
map<string, IdentityImage> images = 3;
// ProfileImage represents data associated with a user's profile image
message IdentityImage {
// payload is a context based payload for the profile image data,
// context is determined by the `source_type`
bytes payload = 1;
// source_type signals the image payload source
SourceType source_type = 2;
// image_type signals the image type and method of parsing the payload
ImageType image_type =3;
// SourceType are the predefined types of image source allowed
enum SourceType {
// RAW_PAYLOAD image byte data
// ENS_AVATAR uses the ENS record's resolver get-text-data.avatar data
// The `payload` field will be ignored if ENS_AVATAR is selected
// The application will read and parse the ENS avatar data as image payload data, URLs will be ignored
// The parent `ChatMessageIdentity` must have a valid `ens_name` set