
233 lines
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package backoff
import (
logging ""
var log = logging.Logger("discovery-backoff")
type BackoffFactory func() BackoffStrategy
// BackoffStrategy describes how backoff will be implemented. BackoffStrategies are stateful.
type BackoffStrategy interface {
// Delay calculates how long the next backoff duration should be, given the prior calls to Delay
Delay() time.Duration
// Reset clears the internal state of the BackoffStrategy
// Jitter implementations taken roughly from
// Jitter must return a duration between min and max. Min must be lower than, or equal to, max.
type Jitter func(duration, min, max time.Duration, rng *rand.Rand) time.Duration
// FullJitter returns a random number, uniformly chosen from the range [min, boundedDur].
// boundedDur is the duration bounded between min and max.
func FullJitter(duration, min, max time.Duration, rng *rand.Rand) time.Duration {
if duration <= min {
return min
normalizedDur := boundedDuration(duration, min, max) - min
return boundedDuration(time.Duration(rng.Int63n(int64(normalizedDur)))+min, min, max)
// NoJitter returns the duration bounded between min and max
func NoJitter(duration, min, max time.Duration, rng *rand.Rand) time.Duration {
return boundedDuration(duration, min, max)
type randomizedBackoff struct {
min time.Duration
max time.Duration
rng *rand.Rand
func (b *randomizedBackoff) BoundedDelay(duration time.Duration) time.Duration {
return boundedDuration(duration, b.min, b.max)
func boundedDuration(d, min, max time.Duration) time.Duration {
if d < min {
return min
if d > max {
return max
return d
type attemptBackoff struct {
attempt int
jitter Jitter
func (b *attemptBackoff) Reset() {
b.attempt = 0
// NewFixedBackoff creates a BackoffFactory with a constant backoff duration
func NewFixedBackoff(delay time.Duration) BackoffFactory {
return func() BackoffStrategy {
return &fixedBackoff{delay: delay}
type fixedBackoff struct {
delay time.Duration
func (b *fixedBackoff) Delay() time.Duration {
return b.delay
func (b *fixedBackoff) Reset() {}
// NewPolynomialBackoff creates a BackoffFactory with backoff of the form c0*x^0, c1*x^1,*x^n where x is the attempt number
// jitter is the function for adding randomness around the backoff
// timeUnits are the units of time the polynomial is evaluated in
// polyCoefs is the array of polynomial coefficients from [c0, c1, ... cn]
func NewPolynomialBackoff(min, max time.Duration, jitter Jitter,
timeUnits time.Duration, polyCoefs []float64, rngSrc rand.Source) BackoffFactory {
rng := rand.New(&lockedSource{src: rngSrc})
return func() BackoffStrategy {
return &polynomialBackoff{
attemptBackoff: attemptBackoff{
randomizedBackoff: randomizedBackoff{
min: min,
max: max,
rng: rng,
jitter: jitter,
timeUnits: timeUnits,
poly: polyCoefs,
type polynomialBackoff struct {
timeUnits time.Duration
poly []float64
func (b *polynomialBackoff) Delay() time.Duration {
var polySum float64
switch len(b.poly) {
case 0:
return 0
case 1:
polySum = b.poly[0]
polySum = b.poly[0]
exp := 1
attempt := b.attempt
for _, c := range b.poly[1:] {
exp *= attempt
polySum += float64(exp) * c
return b.jitter(time.Duration(float64(b.timeUnits)*polySum), b.min, b.max, b.rng)
// NewExponentialBackoff creates a BackoffFactory with backoff of the form base^x + offset where x is the attempt number
// jitter is the function for adding randomness around the backoff
// timeUnits are the units of time the base^x is evaluated in
func NewExponentialBackoff(min, max time.Duration, jitter Jitter,
timeUnits time.Duration, base float64, offset time.Duration, rngSrc rand.Source) BackoffFactory {
rng := rand.New(&lockedSource{src: rngSrc})
return func() BackoffStrategy {
return &exponentialBackoff{
attemptBackoff: attemptBackoff{
randomizedBackoff: randomizedBackoff{
min: min,
max: max,
rng: rng,
jitter: jitter,
timeUnits: timeUnits,
base: base,
offset: offset,
type exponentialBackoff struct {
timeUnits time.Duration
base float64
offset time.Duration
func (b *exponentialBackoff) Delay() time.Duration {
attempt := b.attempt
return b.jitter(
time.Duration(math.Pow(b.base, float64(attempt))*float64(b.timeUnits))+b.offset, b.min, b.max, b.rng)
// NewExponentialDecorrelatedJitter creates a BackoffFactory with backoff of the roughly of the form base^x where x is the attempt number.
// Delays start at the minimum duration and after each attempt delay = rand(min, delay * base), bounded by the max
// See for more information
func NewExponentialDecorrelatedJitter(min, max time.Duration, base float64, rngSrc rand.Source) BackoffFactory {
rng := rand.New(&lockedSource{src: rngSrc})
return func() BackoffStrategy {
return &exponentialDecorrelatedJitter{
randomizedBackoff: randomizedBackoff{
min: min,
max: max,
rng: rng,
base: base,
type exponentialDecorrelatedJitter struct {
base float64
lastDelay time.Duration
func (b *exponentialDecorrelatedJitter) Delay() time.Duration {
if b.lastDelay < b.min {
b.lastDelay = b.min
return b.lastDelay
nextMax := int64(float64(b.lastDelay) * b.base)
b.lastDelay = boundedDuration(time.Duration(b.rng.Int63n(nextMax-int64(b.min)))+b.min, b.min, b.max)
return b.lastDelay
func (b *exponentialDecorrelatedJitter) Reset() { b.lastDelay = 0 }
type lockedSource struct {
lk sync.Mutex
src rand.Source
func (r *lockedSource) Int63() (n int64) {
n = r.src.Int63()
func (r *lockedSource) Seed(seed int64) {