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// +build nimbus
package node
import (
gethrpc "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc"
nimbusbridge "github.com/status-im/status-go/eth-node/bridge/nimbus"
nimbussvc "github.com/status-im/status-go/services/nimbus"
// // tickerResolution is the delta to check blockchain sync progress.
// const tickerResolution = time.Second
// errors
var (
ErrNodeRunning = errors.New("node is already running")
ErrNodeStopped = errors.New("node not started")
ErrNoRunningNode = errors.New("there is no running node")
ErrServiceUnknown = errors.New("service unknown")
// NimbusStatusNode abstracts contained geth node and provides helper methods to
// interact with it.
type NimbusStatusNode struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
//eventmux *event.TypeMux // Event multiplexer used between the services of a stack
config *params.NodeConfig // Status node configuration
privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
node nimbusbridge.Node
nodeRunning bool
rpcClient *rpc.Client // reference to public RPC client
rpcPrivateClient *rpc.Client // reference to private RPC client (can call private APIs)
rpcAPIs []gethrpc.API // List of APIs currently provided by the node
inprocHandler *gethrpc.Server // In-process RPC request handler to process the API requests
inprocPublicHandler *gethrpc.Server // In-process RPC request handler to process the public API requests
serviceFuncs []nimbussvc.ServiceConstructor // Service constructors (in dependency order)
services map[reflect.Type]nimbussvc.Service // Currently running services
// discovery discovery.Discovery
// register *peers.Register
// peerPool *peers.PeerPool
db *leveldb.DB // used as a cache for PeerPool
//stop chan struct{} // Channel to wait for termination notifications
lock sync.RWMutex
log log.Logger
// NewNimbus makes new instance of NimbusStatusNode.
func NewNimbus() *NimbusStatusNode {
return &NimbusStatusNode{
//eventmux: new(event.TypeMux),
log: log.New("package", "status-go/node.NimbusStatusNode"),
// Config exposes reference to running node's configuration
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) Config() *params.NodeConfig {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
return n.config
// GethNode returns underlying geth node.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) GethNode() *node.Node {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// return n.gethNode
// }
// Server retrieves the currently running P2P network layer.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) Server() *p2p.Server {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// if n.gethNode == nil {
// return nil
// }
// return n.gethNode.Server()
// }
// Start starts current NimbusStatusNode, failing if it's already started.
// It accepts a list of services that should be added to the node.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) Start(config *params.NodeConfig, services ...nimbussvc.ServiceConstructor) error {
return n.StartWithOptions(config, NimbusStartOptions{
Services: services,
StartDiscovery: true,
// AccountsManager: accs,
// NimbusStartOptions allows to control some parameters of Start() method.
type NimbusStartOptions struct {
Node types.Node
Services []nimbussvc.ServiceConstructor
StartDiscovery bool
// AccountsManager *accounts.Manager
// StartWithOptions starts current NimbusStatusNode, failing if it's already started.
// It takes some options that allows to further configure starting process.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) StartWithOptions(config *params.NodeConfig, options NimbusStartOptions) error {
defer n.mu.Unlock()
if n.isRunning() {
n.log.Debug("node is already running")
return ErrNodeRunning
n.log.Debug("starting with NodeConfig", "ClusterConfig", config.ClusterConfig)
db, err := db.Create(config.DataDir, params.StatusDatabase)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create database at %s: %v", config.DataDir, err)
n.db = db
err = n.startWithDB(config, db, options.Services)
// continue only if there was no error when starting node with a db
if err == nil && options.StartDiscovery && n.discoveryEnabled() {
// err = n.startDiscovery()
if err != nil {
if dberr := db.Close(); dberr != nil {
n.log.Error("error while closing leveldb after node crash", "error", dberr)
n.db = nil
return err
return nil
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) startWithDB(config *params.NodeConfig, db *leveldb.DB, services []nimbussvc.ServiceConstructor) error {
if err := n.createNode(config, services, db); err != nil {
return err
if err := n.setupRPCClient(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) createNode(config *params.NodeConfig, services []nimbussvc.ServiceConstructor, db *leveldb.DB) error {
var privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
if config.NodeKey != "" {
var err error
privateKey, err = crypto.HexToECDSA(config.NodeKey)
if err != nil {
return err
n.privateKey = privateKey
n.node = nimbusbridge.NewNodeBridge()
err := n.activateServices(config, db)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = n.start(config, services); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// start starts current NimbusStatusNode, will fail if it's already started.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) start(config *params.NodeConfig, services []nimbussvc.ServiceConstructor) error {
for _, service := range services {
if err := n.Register(service); err != nil {
return err
n.config = config
err := n.node.StartNimbus(n.privateKey, config.ListenAddr, true)
n.nodeRunning = err == nil
return err
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) setupRPCClient() (err error) {
// setup public RPC client
gethNodeClient := gethrpc.DialInProc(n.inprocPublicHandler)
n.rpcClient, err = rpc.NewClient(gethNodeClient, n.config.UpstreamConfig)
if err != nil {
// setup private RPC client
gethNodePrivateClient := gethrpc.DialInProc(n.inprocHandler)
n.rpcPrivateClient, err = rpc.NewClient(gethNodePrivateClient, n.config.UpstreamConfig)
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) discoveryEnabled() bool {
return n.config != nil && (!n.config.NoDiscovery || n.config.Rendezvous) && n.config.ClusterConfig.Enabled
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) discoverNode() (*enode.Node, error) {
// if !n.isRunning() {
// return nil, nil
// }
// server := n.gethNode.Server()
// discNode := server.Self()
// if n.config.AdvertiseAddr == "" {
// return discNode, nil
// }
// n.log.Info("Using AdvertiseAddr for rendezvous", "addr", n.config.AdvertiseAddr)
// r := discNode.Record()
// r.Set(enr.IP(net.ParseIP(n.config.AdvertiseAddr)))
// if err := enode.SignV4(r, server.PrivateKey); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return enode.New(enode.ValidSchemes[r.IdentityScheme()], r)
// }
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) startRendezvous() (discovery.Discovery, error) {
// if !n.config.Rendezvous {
// return nil, errors.New("rendezvous is not enabled")
// }
// if len(n.config.ClusterConfig.RendezvousNodes) == 0 {
// return nil, errors.New("rendezvous node must be provided if rendezvous discovery is enabled")
// }
// maddrs := make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(n.config.ClusterConfig.RendezvousNodes))
// for i, addr := range n.config.ClusterConfig.RendezvousNodes {
// var err error
// maddrs[i], err = ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse rendezvous node %s: %v", n.config.ClusterConfig.RendezvousNodes[0], err)
// }
// }
// node, err := n.discoverNode()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get a discover node: %v", err)
// }
// return discovery.NewRendezvous(maddrs, n.gethNode.Server().PrivateKey, node)
// }
// StartDiscovery starts the peers discovery protocols depending on the node config.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) StartDiscovery() error {
defer n.mu.Unlock()
if n.discoveryEnabled() {
// return n.startDiscovery()
return nil
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) startDiscovery() error {
// if n.isDiscoveryRunning() {
// return ErrDiscoveryRunning
// }
// discoveries := []discovery.Discovery{}
// if !n.config.NoDiscovery {
// discoveries = append(discoveries, discovery.NewDiscV5(
// n.gethNode.Server().PrivateKey,
// n.config.ListenAddr,
// parseNodesV5(n.config.ClusterConfig.BootNodes)))
// }
// if n.config.Rendezvous {
// d, err := n.startRendezvous()
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// discoveries = append(discoveries, d)
// }
// if len(discoveries) == 0 {
// return errors.New("wasn't able to register any discovery")
// } else if len(discoveries) > 1 {
// n.discovery = discovery.NewMultiplexer(discoveries)
// } else {
// n.discovery = discoveries[0]
// }
// log.Debug(
// "using discovery",
// "instance", reflect.TypeOf(n.discovery),
// "registerTopics", n.config.RegisterTopics,
// "requireTopics", n.config.RequireTopics,
// )
// n.register = peers.NewRegister(n.discovery, n.config.RegisterTopics...)
// options := peers.NewDefaultOptions()
// // TODO(dshulyak) consider adding a flag to define this behaviour
// options.AllowStop = len(n.config.RegisterTopics) == 0
// options.TrustedMailServers = parseNodesToNodeID(n.config.ClusterConfig.TrustedMailServers)
// options.MailServerRegistryAddress = n.config.MailServerRegistryAddress
// n.peerPool = peers.NewPeerPool(
// n.discovery,
// n.config.RequireTopics,
// peers.NewCache(n.db),
// options,
// )
// if err := n.discovery.Start(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := n.register.Start(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// return n.peerPool.Start(n.gethNode.Server(), n.rpcClient)
// }
// Stop will stop current NimbusStatusNode. A stopped node cannot be resumed.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) Stop() error {
defer n.mu.Unlock()
if !n.isRunning() {
return ErrNoRunningNode
var errs []error
// Terminate all subsystems and collect any errors
if err := n.stop(); err != nil && err != ErrNodeStopped {
errs = append(errs, err)
// Report any errors that might have occurred
switch len(errs) {
case 0:
return nil
case 1:
return errs[0]
return fmt.Errorf("%v", errs)
// StopError is returned if a Node fails to stop either any of its registered
// services or itself.
type StopError struct {
Server error
Services map[reflect.Type]error
// Error generates a textual representation of the stop error.
func (e *StopError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("server: %v, services: %v", e.Server, e.Services)
// stop will stop current NimbusStatusNode. A stopped node cannot be resumed.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) stop() error {
// if n.isDiscoveryRunning() {
// if err := n.stopDiscovery(); err != nil {
// n.log.Error("Error stopping the discovery components", "error", err)
// }
// n.register = nil
// n.peerPool = nil
// n.discovery = nil
// }
// if err := n.gethNode.Stop(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// Terminate the API, services and the p2p server.
n.rpcClient = nil
n.rpcPrivateClient = nil
n.rpcAPIs = nil
failure := &StopError{
Services: make(map[reflect.Type]error),
for kind, service := range n.services {
if err := service.Stop(); err != nil {
failure.Services[kind] = err
n.services = nil
// We need to clear `node` because config is passed to `Start()`
// and may be completely different. Similarly with `config`.
if n.node != nil {
n.node = nil
n.nodeRunning = false
n.config = nil
if n.db != nil {
err := n.db.Close()
n.db = nil
return err
if len(failure.Services) > 0 {
return failure
return nil
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) isDiscoveryRunning() bool {
return false //n.register != nil || n.peerPool != nil || n.discovery != nil
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) stopDiscovery() error {
// n.register.Stop()
// n.peerPool.Stop()
// return n.discovery.Stop()
// }
// ResetChainData removes chain data if node is not running.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) ResetChainData(config *params.NodeConfig) error {
defer n.mu.Unlock()
if n.isRunning() {
return ErrNodeRunning
chainDataDir := filepath.Join(config.DataDir, config.Name, "lightchaindata")
if _, err := os.Stat(chainDataDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
err := os.RemoveAll(chainDataDir)
if err == nil {
n.log.Info("Chain data has been removed", "dir", chainDataDir)
return err
// IsRunning confirm that node is running.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) IsRunning() bool {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
return n.isRunning()
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) isRunning() bool {
return n.node != nil && n.nodeRunning // && n.gethNode.Server() != nil
// populateStaticPeers connects current node with our publicly available LES/SHH/Swarm cluster
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) populateStaticPeers() error {
if !n.config.ClusterConfig.Enabled {
n.log.Info("Static peers are disabled")
return nil
for _, enode := range n.config.ClusterConfig.StaticNodes {
if err := n.addPeer(enode); err != nil {
n.log.Error("Static peer addition failed", "error", err)
return err
n.log.Info("Static peer added", "enode", enode)
return nil
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) removeStaticPeers() error {
if !n.config.ClusterConfig.Enabled {
n.log.Info("Static peers are disabled")
return nil
for _, enode := range n.config.ClusterConfig.StaticNodes {
if err := n.removePeer(enode); err != nil {
n.log.Error("Static peer deletion failed", "error", err)
return err
n.log.Info("Static peer deleted", "enode", enode)
return nil
// ReconnectStaticPeers removes and adds static peers to a server.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) ReconnectStaticPeers() error {
defer n.mu.Unlock()
if !n.isRunning() {
return ErrNoRunningNode
if err := n.removeStaticPeers(); err != nil {
return err
return n.populateStaticPeers()
// AddPeer adds new static peer node
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) AddPeer(url string) error {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
return n.addPeer(url)
// addPeer adds new static peer node
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) addPeer(url string) error {
if !n.isRunning() {
return ErrNoRunningNode
return nil
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) removePeer(url string) error {
if !n.isRunning() {
return ErrNoRunningNode
return nil
// PeerCount returns the number of connected peers.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) PeerCount() int {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
if !n.isRunning() {
return 0
return 1
//return n.gethNode.Server().PeerCount()
// Service retrieves a currently running service registered of a specific type.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) Service(service interface{}) error {
defer n.lock.RUnlock()
// Short circuit if the node's not running
if !n.isRunning() {
return ErrNodeStopped
// Otherwise try to find the service to return
element := reflect.ValueOf(service).Elem()
if running, ok := n.services[element.Type()]; ok {
return nil
return ErrServiceUnknown
// // LightEthereumService exposes reference to LES service running on top of the node
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) LightEthereumService() (l *les.LightEthereum, err error) {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// err = n.Service(&l)
// return
// }
// StatusService exposes reference to status service running on top of the node
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) StatusService() (st *status.Service, err error) {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
err = n.Service(&st)
// // PeerService exposes reference to peer service running on top of the node.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) PeerService() (st *peer.Service, err error) {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// err = n.Service(&st)
// return
// }
// WhisperService exposes reference to Whisper service running on top of the node
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) WhisperService() (w *nodebridge.WhisperService, err error) {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
err = n.Service(&w)
// ShhExtService exposes reference to shh extension service running on top of the node
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) ShhExtService() (s *shhext.NimbusService, err error) {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
err = n.Service(&s)
// // WalletService returns wallet.Service instance if it was started.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) WalletService() (s *wallet.Service, err error) {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// err = n.Service(&s)
// return
// }
// // BrowsersService returns browsers.Service instance if it was started.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) BrowsersService() (s *browsers.Service, err error) {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// err = n.Service(&s)
// return
// }
// // PermissionsService returns browsers.Service instance if it was started.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) PermissionsService() (s *permissions.Service, err error) {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// err = n.Service(&s)
// return
// }
// // AccountManager exposes reference to node's accounts manager
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) AccountManager() (*accounts.Manager, error) {
// n.mu.RLock()
// defer n.mu.RUnlock()
// if n.gethNode == nil {
// return nil, ErrNoGethNode
// }
// return n.gethNode.AccountManager(), nil
// }
// RPCClient exposes reference to RPC client connected to the running node.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) RPCClient() *rpc.Client {
defer n.mu.RUnlock()
return n.rpcClient
// RPCPrivateClient exposes reference to RPC client connected to the running node
// that can call both public and private APIs.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) RPCPrivateClient() *rpc.Client {
defer n.mu.Unlock()
return n.rpcPrivateClient
// ChaosModeCheckRPCClientsUpstreamURL updates RPCClient and RPCPrivateClient upstream URLs,
// if defined, without restarting the node. This is required for the Chaos Unicorn Day.
// Additionally, if the passed URL is Infura, it changes it to httpbin.org/status/500.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) ChaosModeCheckRPCClientsUpstreamURL(on bool) error {
url := n.config.UpstreamConfig.URL
if on {
if strings.Contains(url, "infura.io") {
url = "https://httpbin.org/status/500"
publicClient := n.RPCClient()
if publicClient != nil {
if err := publicClient.UpdateUpstreamURL(url); err != nil {
return err
privateClient := n.RPCPrivateClient()
if privateClient != nil {
if err := privateClient.UpdateUpstreamURL(url); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// EnsureSync waits until blockchain synchronization
// is complete and returns.
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) EnsureSync(ctx context.Context) error {
// Don't wait for any blockchain sync for the
// local private chain as blocks are never mined.
if n.config.NetworkID == 0 || n.config.NetworkID == params.StatusChainNetworkID {
return nil
return n.ensureSync(ctx)
func (n *NimbusStatusNode) ensureSync(ctx context.Context) error {
return errors.New("Sync not implemented")
// les, err := n.LightEthereumService()
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("failed to get LES service: %v", err)
// }
// downloader := les.Downloader()
// if downloader == nil {
// return errors.New("LightEthereumService downloader is nil")
// }
// progress := downloader.Progress()
// if n.PeerCount() > 0 && progress.CurrentBlock >= progress.HighestBlock {
// n.log.Debug("Synchronization completed", "current block", progress.CurrentBlock, "highest block", progress.HighestBlock)
// return nil
// }
// ticker := time.NewTicker(tickerResolution)
// defer ticker.Stop()
// progressTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
// defer progressTicker.Stop()
// for {
// select {
// case <-ctx.Done():
// return errors.New("timeout during node synchronization")
// case <-ticker.C:
// if n.PeerCount() == 0 {
// n.log.Debug("No established connections with any peers, continue waiting for a sync")
// continue
// }
// if downloader.Synchronising() {
// n.log.Debug("Synchronization is in progress")
// continue
// }
// progress = downloader.Progress()
// if progress.CurrentBlock >= progress.HighestBlock {
// n.log.Info("Synchronization completed", "current block", progress.CurrentBlock, "highest block", progress.HighestBlock)
// return nil
// }
// n.log.Debug("Synchronization is not finished", "current", progress.CurrentBlock, "highest", progress.HighestBlock)
// case <-progressTicker.C:
// progress = downloader.Progress()
// n.log.Warn("Synchronization is not finished", "current", progress.CurrentBlock, "highest", progress.HighestBlock)
// }
// }
// // Discover sets up the discovery for a specific topic.
// func (n *NimbusStatusNode) Discover(topic string, max, min int) (err error) {
// if n.peerPool == nil {
// return errors.New("peerPool not running")
// }
// return n.peerPool.UpdateTopic(topic, params.Limits{
// Max: max,
// Min: min,
// })
// }