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synced 2025-02-23 04:08:27 +00:00
220 lines
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220 lines
5.3 KiB
package standard
import (
var _ qrcode.Writer = (*Writer)(nil)
var (
ErrNilWriter = errors.New("nil writer")
// Writer is a writer that writes QR Code to io.Writer.
type Writer struct {
option *outputImageOptions
closer io.WriteCloser
// New creates a standard writer.
func New(filename string, opts ...ImageOption) (*Writer, error) {
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err != nil && os.IsExist(err) {
// custom path got: "file exists"
log.Printf("could not find path: %s, then save to %s", filename, _defaultFilename)
filename = _defaultFilename
fd, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create file failed")
return NewWithWriter(fd, opts...), nil
func NewWithWriter(writeCloser io.WriteCloser, opts ...ImageOption) *Writer {
dst := defaultOutputImageOption()
for _, opt := range opts {
if writeCloser == nil {
panic("writeCloser could not be nil")
return &Writer{
option: dst,
closer: writeCloser,
const (
_defaultFilename = "default.jpeg"
_defaultPadding = 40
func (w Writer) Write(mat qrcode.Matrix) error {
return drawTo(w.closer, mat, w.option)
func (w Writer) Close() error {
if w.closer == nil {
return nil
if err := w.closer.Close(); !errors.Is(err, os.ErrClosed) {
return err
return nil
func (w Writer) Attribute(dimension int) *Attribute {
return w.option.preCalculateAttribute(dimension)
func drawTo(w io.Writer, mat qrcode.Matrix, option *outputImageOptions) (err error) {
if option == nil {
option = defaultOutputImageOption()
if w == nil {
return ErrNilWriter
img := draw(mat, option)
// DONE(@yeqown): support file format specified config option
if err = option.imageEncoder.Encode(w, img); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("imageEncoder.Encode failed: %v", err)
// draw deal QRCode's matrix to be an image.Image. Notice that if anyone changed this function,
// please also check the function outputImageOptions.preCalculateAttribute().
func draw(mat qrcode.Matrix, opt *outputImageOptions) image.Image {
top, right, bottom, left := opt.borderWidths[0], opt.borderWidths[1], opt.borderWidths[2], opt.borderWidths[3]
// closer as image width, h as image height
w := mat.Width()*opt.qrBlockWidth() + left + right
h := mat.Height()*opt.qrBlockWidth() + top + bottom
dc := gg.NewContext(w, h)
// draw background
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, float64(w), float64(h))
// qrcode block draw context
ctx := &DrawContext{
Context: dc,
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
w: opt.qrBlockWidth(),
h: opt.qrBlockWidth(),
color: color.Black,
shape := opt.getShape()
var (
halftoneImg image.Image
halftoneW = float64(opt.qrBlockWidth()) / 3.0
if opt.halftoneImg != nil {
halftoneImg = imgkit.Binaryzation(
imgkit.Scale(opt.halftoneImg, image.Rect(0, 0, mat.Width()*3, mat.Width()*3), nil),
//_ = imgkit.Save(halftoneImg, "mask.jpeg")
// iterate the matrix to Draw each pixel
mat.Iterate(qrcode.IterDirection_ROW, func(x int, y int, v qrcode.QRValue) {
// Draw the block
ctx.x, ctx.y = float64(x*opt.qrBlockWidth()+left), float64(y*opt.qrBlockWidth()+top)
ctx.w, ctx.h = opt.qrBlockWidth(), opt.qrBlockWidth()
ctx.color = opt.translateToRGBA(v)
// DONE(@yeqown): make this abstract to Shapes
switch typ := v.Type(); typ {
case qrcode.QRType_FINDER:
case qrcode.QRType_DATA:
if halftoneImg == nil {
ctx2 := &DrawContext{
Context: ctx.Context,
w: int(halftoneW),
h: int(halftoneW),
// only halftone image enabled and current block is Data.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
ctx2.x, ctx2.y = ctx.x+float64(i)*halftoneW, ctx.y+float64(j)*halftoneW
ctx2.color = halftoneImg.At(x*3+i, y*3+j)
if i == 1 && j == 1 {
ctx2.color = ctx.color
// only center block keep the origin color.
// EOFn
// DONE(@yeqown): add logo image
if opt.logoImage() != nil {
// Draw logo image into rgba
bound := opt.logo.Bounds()
upperLeft, lowerRight := bound.Min, bound.Max
logoWidth, logoHeight := lowerRight.X-upperLeft.X, lowerRight.Y-upperLeft.Y
if !validLogoImage(w, h, logoWidth, logoHeight) {
log.Printf("w=%d, h=%d, logoW=%d, logoH=%d, logo is over than 1/5 of QRCode \n",
w, h, logoWidth, logoHeight)
goto done
// DONE(@yeqown): calculate the xOffset and yOffset which point(xOffset, yOffset)
//should icon upper-left to start
dc.DrawImage(opt.logoImage(), (w-logoWidth)/2, (h-logoHeight)/2)
return dc.Image()
func validLogoImage(qrWidth, qrHeight, logoWidth, logoHeight int) bool {
return qrWidth >= 5*logoWidth && qrHeight >= 5*logoHeight
// Attribute contains basic information of generated image.
type Attribute struct {
// width and height of image
W, H int
// in the order of "top, right, bottom, left"
Borders [4]int
// the length of block edges
BlockWidth int