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package healthmanager
import (
type BlockchainHealthManagerSuite struct {
manager *BlockchainHealthManager
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) SetupTest() {
s.manager = NewBlockchainHealthManager()
s.ctx, s.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TearDownTest() {
// Helper method to update providers and wait for a notification on the given channel
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) waitForUpdate(ch <-chan struct{}, expectedChainStatus rpcstatus.StatusType, timeout time.Duration) {
select {
case <-ch:
// Received notification
case <-time.After(timeout):
s.Fail("Timeout waiting for chain status update")
// Helper method to assert the current chain status
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) assertBlockChainStatus(expected rpcstatus.StatusType) {
actual := s.manager.Status().Status
s.Equal(expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("Expected blockchain status to be %s", expected))
// Test registering a provider health manager
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestRegisterProvidersHealthManager() {
phm := NewProvidersHealthManager(1) // Create a real ProvidersHealthManager
err := s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(context.Background(), phm)
// Verify that the provider is registered
// Test status updates and notifications
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestStatusUpdateNotification() {
phm := NewProvidersHealthManager(1)
err := s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(context.Background(), phm)
ch := s.manager.Subscribe()
// Update the provider status
phm.Update(s.ctx, []rpcstatus.RpcProviderCallStatus{
{Name: "providerName", Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: nil},
s.waitForUpdate(ch, rpcstatus.StatusUp, 100*time.Millisecond)
// Test getting the full status
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestGetFullStatus() {
phm1 := NewProvidersHealthManager(1)
phm2 := NewProvidersHealthManager(2)
ctx := context.Background()
err := s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(ctx, phm1)
err = s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(ctx, phm2)
ch := s.manager.Subscribe()
// Update the provider status
phm1.Update(s.ctx, []rpcstatus.RpcProviderCallStatus{
{Name: "providerName1", Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: nil},
phm2.Update(s.ctx, []rpcstatus.RpcProviderCallStatus{
{Name: "providerName2", Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: errors.New("connection error")},
s.waitForUpdate(ch, rpcstatus.StatusUp, 10*time.Millisecond)
fullStatus := s.manager.GetFullStatus()
s.Len(fullStatus.StatusPerChainPerProvider, 2, "Expected statuses for 2 chains")
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestConcurrentSubscriptionUnsubscription() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
subscribersCount := 100
// Concurrently add and remove subscribers
for i := 0; i < subscribersCount; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
subCh := s.manager.Subscribe()
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
activeSubscribersCount := 0
s.manager.subscribers.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return true
// After all subscribers are removed, there should be no active subscribers
s.Equal(0, activeSubscribersCount, "Expected no subscribers after unsubscription")
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestConcurrency() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
chainsCount := 10
providersCount := 100
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.ctx)
defer cancel()
for i := 1; i <= chainsCount; i++ {
phm := NewProvidersHealthManager(uint64(i))
err := s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(ctx, phm)
ch := s.manager.Subscribe()
for i := 1; i <= chainsCount; i++ {
go func(chainID uint64) {
defer wg.Done()
phm := s.manager.providers[chainID]
for j := 0; j < providersCount; j++ {
err := errors.New("connection error")
if j == providersCount-1 {
err = nil
name := fmt.Sprintf("provider-%d", j)
go phm.Update(ctx, []rpcstatus.RpcProviderCallStatus{
{Name: name, Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: err},
s.waitForUpdate(ch, rpcstatus.StatusUp, 2*time.Second)
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestMultipleStartAndStop() {
// Ensure that the manager is in a clean state after multiple starts and stops
s.Equal(0, len(s.manager.cancelFuncs), "Expected no cancel functions after stop")
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestUnsubscribeOneOfMultipleSubscribers() {
// Create an instance of BlockchainHealthManager and register a provider manager
phm := NewProvidersHealthManager(1)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.ctx)
err := s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(ctx, phm)
defer cancel()
// Subscribe two subscribers
subscriber1 := s.manager.Subscribe()
subscriber2 := s.manager.Subscribe()
// Unsubscribe the first subscriber
phm.Update(ctx, []rpcstatus.RpcProviderCallStatus{
{Name: "provider-1", Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: nil},
// Ensure the first subscriber did not receive a notification
select {
case _, ok := <-subscriber1:
s.False(ok, "First subscriber channel should be closed")
s.Fail("First subscriber channel was not closed")
// Ensure the second subscriber received a notification
select {
case <-subscriber2:
// Notification received by the second subscriber
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
s.Fail("Second subscriber should have received a notification")
func (s *BlockchainHealthManagerSuite) TestMixedProviderStatusInSingleChain() {
// Register a provider for chain 1
phm := NewProvidersHealthManager(1)
err := s.manager.RegisterProvidersHealthManager(s.ctx, phm)
// Subscribe to status updates
ch := s.manager.Subscribe()
defer s.manager.Unsubscribe(ch)
// Simulate mixed statuses within the same chain (one provider up, one provider down)
phm.Update(s.ctx, []rpcstatus.RpcProviderCallStatus{
{Name: "provider1_chain1", Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: nil}, // Provider 1 is up
{Name: "provider2_chain1", Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: errors.New("error")}, // Provider 2 is down
// Wait for the status to propagate
s.waitForUpdate(ch, rpcstatus.StatusUp, 100*time.Millisecond)
// Verify that the short status reflects the chain as down, since one provider is down
shortStatus := s.manager.GetStatusPerChain()
s.Equal(rpcstatus.StatusUp, shortStatus.Status.Status)
s.Equal(rpcstatus.StatusUp, shortStatus.StatusPerChain[1].Status) // Chain 1 should be marked as down
func TestBlockchainHealthManagerSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(BlockchainHealthManagerSuite))