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synced 2025-03-04 00:21:01 +00:00
- Replace command line flags with `-c` config flag. Part of #1180 - Convert node config private keys to hex-encoded string versions. - Remove `GenerateConfig` from library. - Remove unused `FirebaseConfig` from library. - Fix loading of `config/status-chain-genesis.json` in non-dev machines.
254 lines
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254 lines
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package accounts
import (
e2e "github.com/status-im/status-go/t/e2e"
. "github.com/status-im/status-go/t/utils"
func TestAccountsTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(AccountsTestSuite))
type AccountsTestSuite struct {
func (s *AccountsTestSuite) TestAccountsList() {
defer s.StopTestBackend()
accounts, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
// make sure that we start with empty accounts list (nobody has logged in yet)
s.Zero(len(accounts), "accounts returned, while there should be none (we haven't logged in yet)")
// create an account
address, _, _, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
// ensure that there is still no accounts returned
accounts, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
s.Zero(len(accounts), "accounts returned, while there should be none (we haven't logged in yet)")
// select account (sub-accounts will be created for this key)
err = s.Backend.SelectAccount(address, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "account selection failed")
// at this point main account should show up
accounts, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
s.Equal(1, len(accounts), "exactly single account is expected (main account)")
s.Equal(accounts[0].Hex(), address,
fmt.Sprintf("main account is not retured as the first key: got %s, expected %s", accounts[0].Hex(), "0x"+address))
// create sub-account 1
subAccount1, subPubKey1, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount("", TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "cannot create sub-account")
// now we expect to see both main account and sub-account 1
accounts, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
s.Equal(2, len(accounts), "exactly 2 accounts are expected (main + sub-account 1)")
s.Equal(accounts[0].Hex(), address, "main account is not retured as the first key")
s.Equal(accounts[1].Hex(), subAccount1, "subAcount1 not returned")
// create sub-account 2, index automatically progresses
subAccount2, subPubKey2, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount("", TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "cannot create sub-account")
s.False(subAccount1 == subAccount2 || subPubKey1 == subPubKey2, "sub-account index auto-increament failed")
// finally, all 3 accounts should show up (main account, sub-accounts 1 and 2)
accounts, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
s.Equal(3, len(accounts), "unexpected number of accounts")
s.Equal(accounts[0].Hex(), address, "main account is not retured as the first key")
subAccount1MatchesKey1 := accounts[1].Hex() != "0x"+subAccount1
subAccount1MatchesKey2 := accounts[2].Hex() != "0x"+subAccount1
s.False(!subAccount1MatchesKey1 && !subAccount1MatchesKey2, "subAcount1 not returned")
subAccount2MatchesKey1 := accounts[1].Hex() != "0x"+subAccount2
subAccount2MatchesKey2 := accounts[2].Hex() != "0x"+subAccount2
s.False(!subAccount2MatchesKey1 && !subAccount2MatchesKey2, "subAcount2 not returned")
func (s *AccountsTestSuite) TestCreateChildAccount() {
defer s.StopTestBackend()
keyStore, err := s.Backend.StatusNode().AccountKeyStore()
// create an account
address, pubKey, mnemonic, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.T().Logf("Account created: {address: %s, key: %s, mnemonic:%s}", address, pubKey, mnemonic)
acct, err := account.ParseAccountString(address)
s.NoError(err, "can not get account from address")
// obtain decrypted key, and make sure that extended key (which will be used as root for sub-accounts) is present
_, key, err := keyStore.AccountDecryptedKey(acct, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "can not obtain decrypted account key")
s.NotNil(key.ExtendedKey, "CKD#2 has not been generated for new account")
// try creating sub-account, w/o selecting main account i.e. w/o login to main account
_, _, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount("", TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.EqualError(account.ErrNoAccountSelected, err.Error(), "expected error is not returned (tried to create sub-account w/o login)")
err = s.Backend.SelectAccount(address, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "cannot select account")
// try to create sub-account with wrong password
_, _, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount("", "wrong password")
expectedErr := errors.New("cannot retrieve a valid key for a given account: could not decrypt key with given passphrase")
s.EqualError(expectedErr, err.Error(), "create sub-account with wrong password")
// create sub-account (from implicit parent)
subAccount1, subPubKey1, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount("", TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "cannot create sub-account")
// make sure that sub-account index automatically progresses
subAccount2, subPubKey2, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount("", TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.False(subAccount1 == subAccount2 || subPubKey1 == subPubKey2, "sub-account index auto-increament failed")
// create sub-account (from explicit parent)
subAccount3, subPubKey3, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateChildAccount(subAccount2, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.False(subAccount1 == subAccount3 || subPubKey1 == subPubKey3 || subAccount2 == subAccount3 || subPubKey2 == subPubKey3)
func (s *AccountsTestSuite) TestRecoverAccount() {
defer s.StopTestBackend()
keyStore, err := s.Backend.StatusNode().AccountKeyStore()
// create an acc
address, pubKey, mnemonic, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.T().Logf("Account created: {address: %s, key: %s, mnemonic:%s}", address, pubKey, mnemonic)
// try recovering using password + mnemonic
addressCheck, pubKeyCheck, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().RecoverAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password, mnemonic)
s.NoError(err, "recover acc failed")
s.False(address != addressCheck || pubKey != pubKeyCheck, "incorrect accound details recovered")
// now test recovering, but make sure that acc/key file is removed i.e. simulate recovering on a new device
acc, err := account.ParseAccountString(address)
s.NoError(err, "can not get acc from address")
acc, key, err := keyStore.AccountDecryptedKey(acc, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.NoError(err, "can not obtain decrypted acc key")
extChild2String := key.ExtendedKey.String()
s.NoError(keyStore.Delete(acc, TestConfig.Account1.Password), "cannot remove acc")
addressCheck, pubKeyCheck, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().RecoverAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password, mnemonic)
s.NoError(err, "recover acc failed (for non-cached acc)")
s.False(address != addressCheck || pubKey != pubKeyCheck,
"incorrect acc details recovered (for non-cached acc)")
// make sure that extended key exists and is imported ok too
_, key, err = keyStore.AccountDecryptedKey(acc, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.Equal(extChild2String, key.ExtendedKey.String(), "CKD#2 key mismatch")
// make sure that calling import several times, just returns from cache (no error is expected)
addressCheck, pubKeyCheck, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().RecoverAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password, mnemonic)
s.NoError(err, "recover acc failed (for non-cached acc)")
s.False(address != addressCheck || pubKey != pubKeyCheck,
"incorrect acc details recovered (for non-cached acc)")
func (s *AccountsTestSuite) TestSelectAccount() {
defer s.StopTestBackend()
// create an account
address1, pubKey1, _, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.T().Logf("Account created: {address: %s, key: %s}", address1, pubKey1)
address2, pubKey2, _, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
s.T().Logf("Account created: {address: %s, key: %s}", address2, pubKey2)
// try selecting with wrong password
err = s.Backend.SelectAccount(address1, "wrongPassword")
expectedErr := errors.New("cannot retrieve a valid key for a given account: could not decrypt key with given passphrase")
s.EqualError(expectedErr, err.Error(), "select account is expected to throw error: wrong password used")
err = s.Backend.SelectAccount(address1, TestConfig.Account1.Password)
// select another account, make sure that previous account is wiped out from Whisper cache
s.NoError(s.Backend.SelectAccount(address2, TestConfig.Account1.Password))
func (s *AccountsTestSuite) TestSelectedAccountOnRestart() {
// create test accounts
address1, _, _, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
address2, _, _, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().CreateAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Password)
// make sure that no account is selected by default
selectedAccount, err := s.Backend.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
s.EqualError(account.ErrNoAccountSelected, err.Error(), "account selected, but should not be")
// select account
err = s.Backend.SelectAccount(address1, "wrongPassword")
expectedErr := errors.New("cannot retrieve a valid key for a given account: could not decrypt key with given passphrase")
s.EqualError(expectedErr, err.Error())
s.NoError(s.Backend.SelectAccount(address2, TestConfig.Account1.Password))
// stop node (and all of its sub-protocols)
nodeConfig := s.Backend.StatusNode().Config()
preservedNodeConfig := *nodeConfig
// make sure that account is still selected
selectedAccount, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
s.Equal(selectedAccount.Address.Hex(), address2, "incorrect address selected")
// resume node
// re-check selected account (account2 MUST be selected)
selectedAccount, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
s.Equal(selectedAccount.Address.Hex(), address2, "incorrect address selected")
// now restart node using RestartNode() method, and make sure that account is still available
defer s.StopTestBackend()
// now logout, and make sure that on restart no account is selected (i.e. logout works properly)
selectedAccount, err = s.Backend.AccountManager().SelectedAccount()
s.EqualError(account.ErrNoAccountSelected, err.Error())