Jakub Sokołowski 8191f24ef3
docker: upgrade Golang version to 1.18
Otherwise it fails with:
build cannot load no Go source files

We also add missing `g++` compiler for `go-libutp` to fix:
go build g++: exec: "g++": executable file not found in $PATH

As well as install `libgcc` and `libstdc++` to avoids failures like this:
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/local/bin/statusd)
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/local/bin/statusd)
Error relocating /usr/local/bin/statusd: _Znwm: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/local/bin/statusd: _ZdlPvm: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/local/bin/statusd: _Unwind_Resume: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/local/bin/statusd: __gxx_personality_v0: symbol not found

Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
2022-07-26 13:07:07 +02:00

32 lines
1023 B

# Build status-go in a Go builder container
FROM golang:1.18-alpine as builder
RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc g++ musl-dev linux-headers
ARG build_tags
ARG build_flags
RUN mkdir -p /go/src/
WORKDIR /go/src/
ADD . .
RUN make statusgo BUILD_TAGS="$build_tags" BUILD_FLAGS="$build_flags"
# Copy the binary to the second image
FROM alpine:latest
LABEL maintainer=""
LABEL source=""
LABEL description="status-go is an underlying part of Status - a browser, messenger, and gateway to a decentralized world."
RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates bash libgcc libstdc++
RUN mkdir -p /static/keys
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=builder /go/src/* /static/keys/
# 30304 is used for Discovery v5
EXPOSE 8080 8545 30303 30303/udp 30304/udp
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/statusd"]
CMD ["--help"]