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// Copyright 2019 The Waku Library Authors.
// The Waku library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The Waku library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty off
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the Waku library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This software uses the go-ethereum library, which is licensed
// under the GNU Lesser General Public Library, version 3 or any later.
package wakuv2
import (
mapset "github.com/deckarep/golang-set"
gethcommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
wps "github.com/waku-org/go-waku/waku/v2/peerstore"
storepb "github.com/waku-org/go-waku/waku/v2/protocol/legacy_store/pb"
node "github.com/waku-org/go-waku/waku/v2/node"
v2protocol "github.com/waku-org/go-waku/waku/v2/protocol"
const messageQueueLimit = 1024
const requestTimeout = 30 * time.Second
const bootnodesQueryBackoffMs = 200
const bootnodesMaxRetries = 7
const cacheTTL = 20 * time.Minute
const maxHashQueryLength = 100
const hashQueryInterval = 5 * time.Second
const messageSentPeriod = 5 // in seconds
type SentEnvelope struct {
Envelope *v2protocol.Envelope
PublishMethod PublishMethod
type ITelemetryClient interface {
PushReceivedEnvelope(receivedEnvelope *v2protocol.Envelope)
PushSentEnvelope(sentEnvelope SentEnvelope)
// Waku represents a dark communication interface through the Ethereum
// network, using its very own P2P communication layer.
type Waku struct {
node *node.WakuNode // reference to a libp2p waku node
appDB *sql.DB
dnsAddressCache map[string][]dnsdisc.DiscoveredNode // Map to store the multiaddresses returned by dns discovery
dnsAddressCacheLock *sync.RWMutex // lock to handle access to the map
// Filter-related
filters *common.Filters // Message filters installed with Subscribe function
filterManager *FilterManager
privateKeys map[string]*ecdsa.PrivateKey // Private key storage
symKeys map[string][]byte // Symmetric key storage
keyMu sync.RWMutex // Mutex associated with key stores
envelopeCache *ttlcache.Cache[gethcommon.Hash, *common.ReceivedMessage] // Pool of envelopes currently tracked by this node
expirations map[uint32]mapset.Set // Message expiration pool
poolMu sync.RWMutex // Mutex to sync the message and expiration pools
bandwidthCounter *metrics.BandwidthCounter
protectedTopicStore *persistence.ProtectedTopicsStore
sendQueue chan *protocol.Envelope
msgQueue chan *common.ReceivedMessage // Message queue for waku messages that havent been decoded
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
wg sync.WaitGroup
cfg *Config
options []node.WakuNodeOption
envelopeFeed event.Feed
storeMsgIDs map[gethcommon.Hash]bool // Map of the currently processing ids
storeMsgIDsMu sync.RWMutex
sendMsgIDs map[string]map[gethcommon.Hash]uint32
sendMsgIDsMu sync.RWMutex
storePeerID peer.ID
topicHealthStatusChan chan peermanager.TopicHealthStatus
connStatusSubscriptions map[string]*types.ConnStatusSubscription
connStatusMu sync.Mutex
logger *zap.Logger
// NTP Synced timesource
timesource *timesource.NTPTimeSource
// seededBootnodesForDiscV5 indicates whether we manage to retrieve discovery
// bootnodes successfully
seededBootnodesForDiscV5 bool
// offline indicates whether we have detected connectivity
offline bool
// connectionChanged is channel that notifies when connectivity has changed
connectionChanged chan struct{}
// discV5BootstrapNodes is the ENR to be used to fetch bootstrap nodes for discovery
discV5BootstrapNodes []string
onHistoricMessagesRequestFailed func([]byte, peer.ID, error)
onPeerStats func(types.ConnStatus)
statusTelemetryClient ITelemetryClient
func (w *Waku) SetStatusTelemetryClient(client ITelemetryClient) {
w.statusTelemetryClient = client
func newTTLCache() *ttlcache.Cache[gethcommon.Hash, *common.ReceivedMessage] {
cache := ttlcache.New[gethcommon.Hash, *common.ReceivedMessage](ttlcache.WithTTL[gethcommon.Hash, *common.ReceivedMessage](cacheTTL))
go cache.Start()
return cache
// New creates a WakuV2 client ready to communicate through the LibP2P network.
func New(nodeKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey, fleet string, cfg *Config, logger *zap.Logger, appDB *sql.DB, ts *timesource.NTPTimeSource, onHistoricMessagesRequestFailed func([]byte, peer.ID, error), onPeerStats func(types.ConnStatus)) (*Waku, error) {
var err error
if logger == nil {
logger, err = zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ts == nil {
ts = timesource.Default()
cfg = setDefaults(cfg)
if err = cfg.Validate(logger); err != nil {
return nil, err
logger.Info("starting wakuv2 with config", zap.Any("config", cfg))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
waku := &Waku{
appDB: appDB,
cfg: cfg,
privateKeys: make(map[string]*ecdsa.PrivateKey),
symKeys: make(map[string][]byte),
envelopeCache: newTTLCache(),
expirations: make(map[uint32]mapset.Set),
msgQueue: make(chan *common.ReceivedMessage, messageQueueLimit),
sendQueue: make(chan *protocol.Envelope, 1000),
topicHealthStatusChan: make(chan peermanager.TopicHealthStatus, 100),
connStatusSubscriptions: make(map[string]*types.ConnStatusSubscription),
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
wg: sync.WaitGroup{},
dnsAddressCache: make(map[string][]dnsdisc.DiscoveredNode),
dnsAddressCacheLock: &sync.RWMutex{},
storeMsgIDs: make(map[gethcommon.Hash]bool),
timesource: ts,
storeMsgIDsMu: sync.RWMutex{},
sendMsgIDs: make(map[string]map[gethcommon.Hash]uint32),
sendMsgIDsMu: sync.RWMutex{},
logger: logger,
discV5BootstrapNodes: cfg.DiscV5BootstrapNodes,
onHistoricMessagesRequestFailed: onHistoricMessagesRequestFailed,
onPeerStats: onPeerStats,
waku.filters = common.NewFilters(waku.cfg.DefaultShardPubsubTopic, waku.logger)
waku.bandwidthCounter = metrics.NewBandwidthCounter()
if nodeKey == nil {
// No nodekey is provided, create an ephemeral key
nodeKey, err = crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate a random go-waku private key: %v", err)
hostAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", fmt.Sprint(cfg.Host, ":", cfg.Port))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to setup the network interface: %v", err)
if cfg.KeepAliveInterval == 0 {
cfg.KeepAliveInterval = DefaultConfig.KeepAliveInterval
libp2pOpts := node.DefaultLibP2POptions
libp2pOpts = append(libp2pOpts, libp2p.BandwidthReporter(waku.bandwidthCounter))
libp2pOpts = append(libp2pOpts, libp2p.NATPortMap())
opts := []node.WakuNodeOption{
node.WithKeepAlive(time.Duration(cfg.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second),
node.WithMaxMsgSize(1024 * 1024),
if cfg.EnableDiscV5 {
bootnodes, err := waku.getDiscV5BootstrapNodes(waku.ctx, cfg.DiscV5BootstrapNodes)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to get bootstrap nodes", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
opts = append(opts, node.WithDiscoveryV5(uint(cfg.UDPPort), bootnodes, cfg.AutoUpdate))
if cfg.LightClient {
opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuFilterLightNode())
cfg.EnablePeerExchangeClient = false //TODO: Need to fix: Disabling for now to test only with fleet nodes.
} else {
relayOpts := []pubsub.Option{
if waku.logger.Level() == zap.DebugLevel {
relayOpts = append(relayOpts, pubsub.WithEventTracer(waku))
opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuRelayAndMinPeers(waku.cfg.MinPeersForRelay, relayOpts...))
if cfg.EnableStore {
if appDB == nil {
return nil, errors.New("appDB is required for store")
opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuStore())
dbStore, err := persistence.NewDBStore(logger, persistence.WithDB(appDB), persistence.WithRetentionPolicy(cfg.StoreCapacity, time.Duration(cfg.StoreSeconds)*time.Second))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts = append(opts, node.WithMessageProvider(dbStore))
if !cfg.LightClient {
opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuFilterFullNode(filter.WithMaxSubscribers(20)))
opts = append(opts, node.WithLightPush())
if appDB != nil {
waku.protectedTopicStore, err = persistence.NewProtectedTopicsStore(logger, appDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
waku.options = opts
waku.logger.Info("setup the go-waku node successfully")
return waku, nil
func (w *Waku) SubscribeToConnStatusChanges() *types.ConnStatusSubscription {
defer w.connStatusMu.Unlock()
subscription := types.NewConnStatusSubscription()
w.connStatusSubscriptions[subscription.ID] = subscription
return subscription
func (w *Waku) GetNodeENRString() (string, error) {
if w.node == nil {
return "", errors.New("node not initialized")
return w.node.ENR().String(), nil
func (w *Waku) getDiscV5BootstrapNodes(ctx context.Context, addresses []string) ([]*enode.Node, error) {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
mu := sync.Mutex{}
var result []*enode.Node
w.seededBootnodesForDiscV5 = true
retrieveENR := func(d dnsdisc.DiscoveredNode, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer mu.Unlock()
defer wg.Done()
if d.ENR != nil {
result = append(result, d.ENR)
for _, addrString := range addresses {
if addrString == "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(addrString, "enrtree://") {
// Use DNS Discovery
go func(addr string) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := w.dnsDiscover(ctx, addr, retrieveENR); err != nil {
w.seededBootnodesForDiscV5 = false
} else {
// It's a normal enr
bootnode, err := enode.Parse(enode.ValidSchemes, addrString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, bootnode)
return result, nil
type fnApplyToEachPeer func(d dnsdisc.DiscoveredNode, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
func (w *Waku) dnsDiscover(ctx context.Context, enrtreeAddress string, apply fnApplyToEachPeer) error {
w.logger.Info("retrieving nodes", zap.String("enr", enrtreeAddress))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, requestTimeout)
defer cancel()
defer w.dnsAddressCacheLock.Unlock()
discNodes, ok := w.dnsAddressCache[enrtreeAddress]
if !ok {
nameserver := w.cfg.Nameserver
resolver := w.cfg.Resolver
var opts []dnsdisc.DNSDiscoveryOption
if nameserver != "" {
opts = append(opts, dnsdisc.WithNameserver(nameserver))
if resolver != nil {
opts = append(opts, dnsdisc.WithResolver(resolver))
discoveredNodes, err := dnsdisc.RetrieveNodes(ctx, enrtreeAddress, opts...)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Warn("dns discovery error ", zap.Error(err))
return err
if len(discoveredNodes) != 0 {
w.dnsAddressCache[enrtreeAddress] = append(w.dnsAddressCache[enrtreeAddress], discoveredNodes...)
discNodes = w.dnsAddressCache[enrtreeAddress]
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, d := range discNodes {
apply(d, wg)
return nil
func (w *Waku) discoverAndConnectPeers() error {
fnApply := func(d dnsdisc.DiscoveredNode, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if len(d.PeerInfo.Addrs) != 0 {
go w.connect(d.PeerInfo, d.ENR, wps.DNSDiscovery)
for _, addrString := range w.cfg.WakuNodes {
addrString := addrString
if strings.HasPrefix(addrString, "enrtree://") {
// Use DNS Discovery
go func() {
if err := w.dnsDiscover(w.ctx, addrString, fnApply); err != nil {
w.logger.Error("could not obtain dns discovery peers for ClusterConfig.WakuNodes", zap.Error(err), zap.String("dnsDiscURL", addrString))
} else {
// It is a normal multiaddress
addr, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(addrString)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Warn("invalid peer multiaddress", zap.String("ma", addrString), zap.Error(err))
peerInfo, err := peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(addr)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Warn("invalid peer multiaddress", zap.Stringer("addr", addr), zap.Error(err))
go w.connect(*peerInfo, nil, wps.Static)
return nil
func (w *Waku) connect(peerInfo peer.AddrInfo, enr *enode.Node, origin wps.Origin) {
// Connection will be prunned eventually by the connection manager if needed
// The peer connector in go-waku uses Connect, so it will execute identify as part of its
w.node.AddDiscoveredPeer(peerInfo.ID, peerInfo.Addrs, origin, w.cfg.DefaultShardedPubsubTopics, enr, true)
func (w *Waku) telemetryBandwidthStats(telemetryServerURL string) {
if telemetryServerURL == "" {
telemetry := NewBandwidthTelemetryClient(w.logger, telemetryServerURL)
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 20)
defer ticker.Stop()
today := time.Now()
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
case now := <-ticker.C:
// Reset totals when day changes
if now.Day() != today.Day() {
today = now
storeStats := w.bandwidthCounter.GetBandwidthForProtocol(legacy_store.StoreID_v20beta4)
relayStats := w.bandwidthCounter.GetBandwidthForProtocol(relay.WakuRelayID_v200)
go telemetry.PushProtocolStats(relayStats, storeStats)
func (w *Waku) GetStats() types.StatsSummary {
stats := w.bandwidthCounter.GetBandwidthTotals()
return types.StatsSummary{
UploadRate: uint64(stats.RateOut),
DownloadRate: uint64(stats.RateIn),
func (w *Waku) runPeerExchangeLoop() {
defer w.wg.Done()
if !w.cfg.EnablePeerExchangeClient {
// Currently peer exchange client is only used for light nodes
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
w.logger.Debug("Peer exchange loop stopped")
case <-ticker.C:
w.logger.Info("Running peer exchange loop")
// We select only the nodes discovered via DNS Discovery that support peer exchange
// We assume that those peers are running peer exchange according to infra config,
// If not, the peer selection process in go-waku will filter them out anyway
var peers []peer.ID
for _, record := range w.dnsAddressCache {
for _, discoveredNode := range record {
if len(discoveredNode.PeerInfo.Addrs) == 0 {
// Attempt to connect to the peers.
// Peers will be added to the libp2p peer store thanks to identify
go w.connect(discoveredNode.PeerInfo, discoveredNode.ENR, wps.DNSDiscovery)
peers = append(peers, discoveredNode.PeerID)
if len(peers) != 0 {
err := w.node.PeerExchange().Request(w.ctx, w.cfg.DiscoveryLimit, peer_exchange.WithAutomaticPeerSelection(peers...))
if err != nil {
w.logger.Error("couldnt request peers via peer exchange", zap.Error(err))
func (w *Waku) GetPubsubTopic(topic string) string {
if topic == "" || !w.cfg.UseShardAsDefaultTopic {
topic = w.cfg.DefaultShardPubsubTopic
return topic
func (w *Waku) unsubscribeFromPubsubTopicWithWakuRelay(topic string) error {
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if !w.node.Relay().IsSubscribed(topic) {
return nil
contentFilter := protocol.NewContentFilter(topic)
return w.node.Relay().Unsubscribe(w.ctx, contentFilter)
func (w *Waku) subscribeToPubsubTopicWithWakuRelay(topic string, pubkey *ecdsa.PublicKey) error {
if w.cfg.LightClient {
return errors.New("only available for full nodes")
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if w.node.Relay().IsSubscribed(topic) {
return nil
if pubkey != nil {
err := w.node.Relay().AddSignedTopicValidator(topic, pubkey)
if err != nil {
return err
contentFilter := protocol.NewContentFilter(topic)
sub, err := w.node.Relay().Subscribe(w.ctx, contentFilter)
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
defer w.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
err := w.node.Relay().Unsubscribe(w.ctx, contentFilter)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
w.logger.Error("could not unsubscribe", zap.Error(err))
case env := <-sub[0].Ch:
err := w.OnNewEnvelopes(env, common.RelayedMessageType, false)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Error("OnNewEnvelopes error", zap.Error(err))
return nil
// MaxMessageSize returns the maximum accepted message size.
func (w *Waku) MaxMessageSize() uint32 {
return w.cfg.MaxMessageSize
// CurrentTime returns current time.
func (w *Waku) CurrentTime() time.Time {
return w.timesource.Now()
// APIs returns the RPC descriptors the Waku implementation offers
func (w *Waku) APIs() []rpc.API {
return []rpc.API{
Namespace: Name,
Version: VersionStr,
Service: NewPublicWakuAPI(w),
Public: false,
// Protocols returns the waku sub-protocols ran by this particular client.
func (w *Waku) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
return []p2p.Protocol{}
func (w *Waku) SendEnvelopeEvent(event common.EnvelopeEvent) int {
return w.envelopeFeed.Send(event)
// SubscribeEnvelopeEvents subscribes to envelopes feed.
// In order to prevent blocking waku producers events must be amply buffered.
func (w *Waku) SubscribeEnvelopeEvents(events chan<- common.EnvelopeEvent) event.Subscription {
return w.envelopeFeed.Subscribe(events)
// NewKeyPair generates a new cryptographic identity for the client, and injects
// it into the known identities for message decryption. Returns ID of the new key pair.
func (w *Waku) NewKeyPair() (string, error) {
key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil || !validatePrivateKey(key) {
key, err = crypto.GenerateKey() // retry once
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !validatePrivateKey(key) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate valid key")
id, err := toDeterministicID(hexutil.Encode(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&key.PublicKey)), common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
if w.privateKeys[id] != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate unique ID")
w.privateKeys[id] = key
return id, nil
// DeleteKeyPair deletes the specified key if it exists.
func (w *Waku) DeleteKeyPair(key string) bool {
deterministicID, err := toDeterministicID(key, common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return false
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
if w.privateKeys[deterministicID] != nil {
delete(w.privateKeys, deterministicID)
return true
return false
// AddKeyPair imports a asymmetric private key and returns it identifier.
func (w *Waku) AddKeyPair(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (string, error) {
id, err := makeDeterministicID(hexutil.Encode(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&key.PublicKey)), common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if w.HasKeyPair(id) {
return id, nil // no need to re-inject
w.privateKeys[id] = key
return id, nil
// SelectKeyPair adds cryptographic identity, and makes sure
// that it is the only private key known to the node.
func (w *Waku) SelectKeyPair(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
id, err := makeDeterministicID(hexutil.Encode(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&key.PublicKey)), common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
w.privateKeys = make(map[string]*ecdsa.PrivateKey) // reset key store
w.privateKeys[id] = key
return nil
// DeleteKeyPairs removes all cryptographic identities known to the node
func (w *Waku) DeleteKeyPairs() error {
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
w.privateKeys = make(map[string]*ecdsa.PrivateKey)
return nil
// HasKeyPair checks if the waku node is configured with the private key
// of the specified public pair.
func (w *Waku) HasKeyPair(id string) bool {
deterministicID, err := toDeterministicID(id, common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return false
defer w.keyMu.RUnlock()
return w.privateKeys[deterministicID] != nil
// GetPrivateKey retrieves the private key of the specified identity.
func (w *Waku) GetPrivateKey(id string) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
deterministicID, err := toDeterministicID(id, common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer w.keyMu.RUnlock()
key := w.privateKeys[deterministicID]
if key == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid id")
return key, nil
// GenerateSymKey generates a random symmetric key and stores it under id,
// which is then returned. Will be used in the future for session key exchange.
func (w *Waku) GenerateSymKey() (string, error) {
key, err := common.GenerateSecureRandomData(common.AESKeyLength)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else if !common.ValidateDataIntegrity(key, common.AESKeyLength) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error in GenerateSymKey: crypto/rand failed to generate random data")
id, err := common.GenerateRandomID()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate ID: %s", err)
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
if w.symKeys[id] != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate unique ID")
w.symKeys[id] = key
return id, nil
// AddSymKey stores the key with a given id.
func (w *Waku) AddSymKey(id string, key []byte) (string, error) {
deterministicID, err := toDeterministicID(id, common.KeyIDSize)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
if w.symKeys[deterministicID] != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("key already exists: %v", id)
w.symKeys[deterministicID] = key
return deterministicID, nil
// AddSymKeyDirect stores the key, and returns its id.
func (w *Waku) AddSymKeyDirect(key []byte) (string, error) {
if len(key) != common.AESKeyLength {
return "", fmt.Errorf("wrong key size: %d", len(key))
id, err := common.GenerateRandomID()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate ID: %s", err)
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
if w.symKeys[id] != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate unique ID")
w.symKeys[id] = key
return id, nil
// AddSymKeyFromPassword generates the key from password, stores it, and returns its id.
func (w *Waku) AddSymKeyFromPassword(password string) (string, error) {
id, err := common.GenerateRandomID()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate ID: %s", err)
if w.HasSymKey(id) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate unique ID")
// kdf should run no less than 0.1 seconds on an average computer,
// because it's an once in a session experience
derived := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), nil, 65356, common.AESKeyLength, sha256.New)
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
// double check is necessary, because deriveKeyMaterial() is very slow
if w.symKeys[id] != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("critical error: failed to generate unique ID")
w.symKeys[id] = derived
return id, nil
// HasSymKey returns true if there is a key associated with the given id.
// Otherwise returns false.
func (w *Waku) HasSymKey(id string) bool {
defer w.keyMu.RUnlock()
return w.symKeys[id] != nil
// DeleteSymKey deletes the key associated with the name string if it exists.
func (w *Waku) DeleteSymKey(id string) bool {
defer w.keyMu.Unlock()
if w.symKeys[id] != nil {
delete(w.symKeys, id)
return true
return false
// GetSymKey returns the symmetric key associated with the given id.
func (w *Waku) GetSymKey(id string) ([]byte, error) {
defer w.keyMu.RUnlock()
if w.symKeys[id] != nil {
return w.symKeys[id], nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-existent key ID")
// Subscribe installs a new message handler used for filtering, decrypting
// and subsequent storing of incoming messages.
func (w *Waku) Subscribe(f *common.Filter) (string, error) {
f.PubsubTopic = w.GetPubsubTopic(f.PubsubTopic)
id, err := w.filters.Install(f)
if err != nil {
return id, err
if w.cfg.LightClient {
w.filterManager.addFilter(id, f)
return id, nil
// Unsubscribe removes an installed message handler.
func (w *Waku) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
ok := w.filters.Uninstall(id)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unsubscribe: invalid ID '%s'", id)
if w.cfg.LightClient {
return nil
// GetFilter returns the filter by id.
func (w *Waku) GetFilter(id string) *common.Filter {
return w.filters.Get(id)
// Unsubscribe removes an installed message handler.
func (w *Waku) UnsubscribeMany(ids []string) error {
for _, id := range ids {
w.logger.Info("cleaning up filter", zap.String("id", id))
ok := w.filters.Uninstall(id)
if !ok {
w.logger.Warn("could not remove filter with id", zap.String("id", id))
return nil
func (w *Waku) SkipPublishToTopic(value bool) {
w.cfg.SkipPublishToTopic = value
type PublishMethod int
const (
LightPush PublishMethod = iota
func (pm PublishMethod) String() string {
switch pm {
case LightPush:
return "LightPush"
case Relay:
return "Relay"
return "Unknown"
func (w *Waku) broadcast() {
for {
select {
case envelope := <-w.sendQueue:
logger := w.logger.With(zap.Stringer("envelopeHash", envelope.Hash()), zap.String("pubsubTopic", envelope.PubsubTopic()), zap.String("contentTopic", envelope.Message().ContentTopic), zap.Int64("timestamp", envelope.Message().GetTimestamp()))
var fn publishFn
var publishMethod PublishMethod
if w.cfg.SkipPublishToTopic {
// For now only used in testing to simulate going offline
fn = func(env *protocol.Envelope, logger *zap.Logger) error {
return errors.New("test send failure")
} else if w.cfg.LightClient {
publishMethod = LightPush
fn = func(env *protocol.Envelope, logger *zap.Logger) error {
logger.Info("publishing message via lightpush")
_, err := w.node.Lightpush().Publish(w.ctx, env.Message(), lightpush.WithPubSubTopic(env.PubsubTopic()))
return err
} else {
publishMethod = Relay
fn = func(env *protocol.Envelope, logger *zap.Logger) error {
peerCnt := len(w.node.Relay().PubSub().ListPeers(env.PubsubTopic()))
logger.Info("publishing message via relay", zap.Int("peerCnt", peerCnt))
_, err := w.node.Relay().Publish(w.ctx, env.Message(), relay.WithPubSubTopic(env.PubsubTopic()))
return err
// Wraps the publish function with a call to the telemetry client
if w.statusTelemetryClient != nil {
sendFn := fn
fn = func(env *protocol.Envelope, logger *zap.Logger) error {
err := sendFn(env, logger)
if err == nil {
w.statusTelemetryClient.PushSentEnvelope(SentEnvelope{Envelope: env, PublishMethod: publishMethod})
// else {
// TODO: send error from Relay or LightPush to Telemetry
// w.statusTelemetryClient.PushError(err)
// }
return err
go w.publishEnvelope(envelope, fn, logger)
case <-w.ctx.Done():
func (w *Waku) checkIfMessagesStored() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(hashQueryInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
w.logger.Debug("stop the look for message stored check")
case <-ticker.C:
w.logger.Debug("running loop for messages stored check", zap.Any("messageIds", w.sendMsgIDs))
pubsubTopics := make([]string, 0, len(w.sendMsgIDs))
pubsubMessageIds := make([][]gethcommon.Hash, 0, len(w.sendMsgIDs))
for pubsubTopic, subMsgs := range w.sendMsgIDs {
var queryMsgIds []gethcommon.Hash
for msgID, sendTime := range subMsgs {
if len(queryMsgIds) >= maxHashQueryLength {
// message is sent 5 seconds ago, check if it's stored
if uint32(w.timesource.Now().Unix()) > sendTime+messageSentPeriod {
queryMsgIds = append(queryMsgIds, msgID)
w.logger.Debug("store query for message hashes", zap.Any("queryMsgIds", queryMsgIds), zap.String("pubsubTopic", pubsubTopic))
if len(queryMsgIds) > 0 {
pubsubTopics = append(pubsubTopics, pubsubTopic)
pubsubMessageIds = append(pubsubMessageIds, queryMsgIds)
pubsubProcessedMessages := make([][]gethcommon.Hash, len(pubsubTopics))
for i, pubsubTopic := range pubsubTopics {
processedMessages := w.messageHashBasedQuery(w.ctx, pubsubMessageIds[i], pubsubTopic)
pubsubProcessedMessages[i] = processedMessages
for i, pubsubTopic := range pubsubTopics {
subMsgs, ok := w.sendMsgIDs[pubsubTopic]
if !ok {
for _, hash := range pubsubProcessedMessages[i] {
delete(subMsgs, hash)
if len(subMsgs) == 0 {
delete(w.sendMsgIDs, pubsubTopic)
} else {
w.sendMsgIDs[pubsubTopic] = subMsgs
w.logger.Debug("messages for next store hash query", zap.Any("messageIds", w.sendMsgIDs))
func (w *Waku) ConfirmMessageDelivered(hashes []gethcommon.Hash) {
defer w.sendMsgIDsMu.Unlock()
for pubsubTopic, subMsgs := range w.sendMsgIDs {
for _, hash := range hashes {
delete(subMsgs, hash)
if len(subMsgs) == 0 {
delete(w.sendMsgIDs, pubsubTopic)
} else {
w.sendMsgIDs[pubsubTopic] = subMsgs
func (w *Waku) SetStorePeerID(peerID peer.ID) {
w.storePeerID = peerID
type publishFn = func(envelope *protocol.Envelope, logger *zap.Logger) error
func (w *Waku) publishEnvelope(envelope *protocol.Envelope, publishFn publishFn, logger *zap.Logger) {
defer w.wg.Done()
if err := publishFn(envelope, logger); err != nil {
logger.Error("could not send message", zap.Error(err))
Hash: gethcommon.BytesToHash(envelope.Hash().Bytes()),
Event: common.EventEnvelopeExpired,
// Send injects a message into the waku send queue, to be distributed in the
// network in the coming cycles.
func (w *Waku) Send(pubsubTopic string, msg *pb.WakuMessage) ([]byte, error) {
pubsubTopic = w.GetPubsubTopic(pubsubTopic)
if w.protectedTopicStore != nil {
privKey, err := w.protectedTopicStore.FetchPrivateKey(pubsubTopic)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if privKey != nil {
err = relay.SignMessage(privKey, msg, pubsubTopic)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
envelope := protocol.NewEnvelope(msg, msg.GetTimestamp(), pubsubTopic)
w.sendQueue <- envelope
alreadyCached := w.envelopeCache.Has(gethcommon.BytesToHash(envelope.Hash().Bytes()))
if !alreadyCached {
recvMessage := common.NewReceivedMessage(envelope, common.SendMessageType)
w.postEvent(recvMessage) // notify the local node about the new message
return envelope.Hash().Bytes(), nil
// ctx, peer, r.PubsubTopic, contentTopics, uint64(r.From), uint64(r.To), options, processEnvelopes
func (w *Waku) messageHashBasedQuery(ctx context.Context, hashes []gethcommon.Hash, pubsubTopic string) []gethcommon.Hash {
selectedPeer := w.storePeerID
if selectedPeer == "" {
w.logger.Error("no store peer id available", zap.String("pubsubTopic", pubsubTopic))
return []gethcommon.Hash{}
var opts []store.RequestOption
requestID := protocol.GenerateRequestID()
opts = append(opts, store.WithRequestID(requestID))
opts = append(opts, store.WithPeer(selectedPeer))
opts = append(opts, store.WithPaging(false, maxHashQueryLength))
opts = append(opts, store.IncludeData(false))
messageHashes := make([]pb.MessageHash, len(hashes))
for i, hash := range hashes {
messageHashes[i] = pb.ToMessageHash(hash.Bytes())
w.logger.Debug("store.queryByHash request", zap.String("requestID", hexutil.Encode(requestID)), zap.Stringer("peerID", selectedPeer), zap.Any("messageHashes", messageHashes))
result, err := w.node.Store().QueryByHash(ctx, messageHashes, opts...)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Error("store.queryByHash failed", zap.String("requestID", hexutil.Encode(requestID)), zap.Stringer("peerID", selectedPeer), zap.Error(err))
return []gethcommon.Hash{}
w.logger.Debug("store.queryByHash result", zap.String("requestID", hexutil.Encode(requestID)), zap.Int("messages", len(result.Messages())))
var ackHashes []gethcommon.Hash
var missedHashes []gethcommon.Hash
for _, hash := range hashes {
found := false
for _, msg := range result.Messages() {
if bytes.Equal(msg.GetMessageHash(), hash.Bytes()) {
found = true
if found {
ackHashes = append(ackHashes, hash)
Hash: hash,
Event: common.EventEnvelopeSent,
} else {
missedHashes = append(missedHashes, hash)
Hash: hash,
Event: common.EventEnvelopeExpired,
w.logger.Debug("ack message hashes", zap.Any("ackHashes", ackHashes))
w.logger.Debug("missed message hashes", zap.Any("missedHashes", missedHashes))
return append(ackHashes, missedHashes...)
func (w *Waku) Query(ctx context.Context, peerID peer.ID, query legacy_store.Query, cursor *storepb.Index, opts []legacy_store.HistoryRequestOption, processEnvelopes bool) (*storepb.Index, int, error) {
requestID := protocol.GenerateRequestID()
opts = append(opts,
logger := w.logger.With(zap.String("requestID", hexutil.Encode(requestID)), zap.Stringer("peerID", peerID))
logutils.WakuMessageTimestamp("startTime", query.StartTime),
logutils.WakuMessageTimestamp("endTime", query.EndTime),
zap.Strings("contentTopics", query.ContentTopics),
zap.String("pubsubTopic", query.PubsubTopic),
zap.Stringer("cursor", cursor),
queryStart := time.Now()
result, err := w.node.LegacyStore().Query(ctx, query, opts...)
queryDuration := time.Since(queryStart)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error querying storenode", zap.Error(err))
if w.onHistoricMessagesRequestFailed != nil {
w.onHistoricMessagesRequestFailed(requestID, peerID, err)
return nil, 0, err
logger.Debug("store.query response",
zap.Duration("queryDuration", queryDuration),
zap.Int("numMessages", len(result.Messages)),
zap.Stringer("cursor", result.Cursor()))
for _, msg := range result.Messages {
// Temporarily setting RateLimitProof to nil so it matches the WakuMessage protobuffer we are sending
// See https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc/issues/563
msg.RateLimitProof = nil
envelope := protocol.NewEnvelope(msg, msg.GetTimestamp(), query.PubsubTopic)
logger.Info("received waku2 store message",
zap.Stringer("envelopeHash", envelope.Hash()),
zap.String("pubsubTopic", query.PubsubTopic),
zap.Int64p("timestamp", envelope.Message().Timestamp),
err = w.OnNewEnvelopes(envelope, common.StoreMessageType, processEnvelopes)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return result.Cursor(), len(result.Messages), nil
func (w *Waku) lightClientConnectionStatus() {
peers := w.node.Host().Network().Peers()
w.logger.Debug("peer stats",
zap.Int("peersCount", len(peers)))
subs := w.node.FilterLightnode().Subscriptions()
w.logger.Debug("filter subs count", zap.Int("count", len(subs)))
isOnline := false
if len(peers) > 0 {
isOnline = true
//TODOL needs fixing, right now invoking everytime.
//Trigger FilterManager to take care of any pending filter subscriptions
//TODO: Pass pubsubTopic based on topicHealth notif received.
go w.filterManager.onConnectionStatusChange(w.cfg.DefaultShardPubsubTopic, isOnline)
connStatus := types.ConnStatus{
IsOnline: isOnline,
Peers: FormatPeerStats(w.node),
for k, subs := range w.connStatusSubscriptions {
if !subs.Send(connStatus) {
delete(w.connStatusSubscriptions, k)
if w.onPeerStats != nil {
//TODO:Analyze if we need to discover and connect to peers with peerExchange loop enabled.
if w.offline && isOnline {
if err := w.discoverAndConnectPeers(); err != nil {
w.logger.Error("failed to add wakuv2 peers", zap.Error(err))
w.offline = !isOnline
// Start implements node.Service, starting the background data propagation thread
// of the Waku protocol.
func (w *Waku) Start() error {
if w.ctx == nil {
w.ctx, w.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var err error
if w.node, err = node.New(w.options...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a go-waku node: %v", err)
w.connectionChanged = make(chan struct{})
if err = w.node.Start(w.ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start go-waku node: %v", err)
w.logger.Info("WakuV2 PeerID", zap.Stringer("id", w.node.Host().ID()))
if err = w.discoverAndConnectPeers(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add wakuv2 peers: %v", err)
if w.cfg.EnableDiscV5 {
err := w.node.DiscV5().Start(w.ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if w.cfg.EnablePeerExchangeServer {
err := w.node.PeerExchange().Start(w.ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
defer w.wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
peerCountTimer := time.NewTimer(0) // fire immediately
defer peerCountTimer.Stop()
peerCount := 0
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
//TODO: Need to fix.
// Temporary changes for lightNodes to have health check based on connected peers.
//This needs to be enhanced to be based on healthy Filter and lightPush peers available for each shard.
//This would get fixed as part of https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/issues/1114
if w.cfg.LightClient {
case <-peerCountTimer.C:
peerCountTimer.Reset(3 * time.Second)
newPeerCount := len(w.node.Host().Network().Peers())
if newPeerCount != peerCount && w.onPeerStats != nil {
peerCount = newPeerCount
// TODO: `IsOnline` is not implemented correctly here, however
// this is not a problem because Desktop ignores that value.
// This should be fixed to as part of issue
// https://github.com/status-im/status-go/issues/4628
IsOnline: true,
Peers: FormatPeerStats(w.node),
case c := <-w.topicHealthStatusChan:
// TODO: https://github.com/status-im/status-go/issues/4628
// This code is not using the topic health status correctly.
// It assumes we are using a single pubsub topic for now
latestConnStatus := formatConnStatus(w.node, c)
w.logger.Debug("peer stats",
zap.Int("peersCount", len(latestConnStatus.Peers)),
zap.Any("stats", latestConnStatus))
for k, subs := range w.connStatusSubscriptions {
if !subs.Send(latestConnStatus) {
delete(w.connStatusSubscriptions, k)
if w.onPeerStats != nil {
Offline: !latestConnStatus.IsOnline,
go w.telemetryBandwidthStats(w.cfg.TelemetryServerURL)
//TODO: commenting for now so that only fleet nodes are used.
//Need to uncomment once filter peer scoring etc is implemented.
go w.runPeerExchangeLoop()
if w.cfg.LightClient {
// Create FilterManager that will main peer connectivity
// for installed filters
w.filterManager = newFilterManager(w.ctx, w.logger, w.cfg,
func(env *protocol.Envelope) error { return w.OnNewEnvelopes(env, common.RelayedMessageType, false) },
err = w.setupRelaySubscriptions()
if err != nil {
return err
numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
for i := 0; i < numCPU; i++ {
go w.processQueueLoop()
go w.broadcast()
go w.checkIfMessagesStored()
// we should wait `seedBootnodesForDiscV5` shutdown smoothly before set w.ctx to nil within `w.Stop()`
go w.seedBootnodesForDiscV5()
return nil
func (w *Waku) setupRelaySubscriptions() error {
if w.cfg.LightClient {
return nil
if w.protectedTopicStore != nil {
protectedTopics, err := w.protectedTopicStore.ProtectedTopics()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, pt := range protectedTopics {
// Adding subscription to protected topics
err = w.subscribeToPubsubTopicWithWakuRelay(pt.Topic, pt.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return err
err := w.subscribeToPubsubTopicWithWakuRelay(w.cfg.DefaultShardPubsubTopic, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Stop implements node.Service, stopping the background data propagation thread
// of the Waku protocol.
func (w *Waku) Stop() error {
if w.protectedTopicStore != nil {
err := w.protectedTopicStore.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
w.ctx = nil
w.cancel = nil
return nil
func (w *Waku) OnNewEnvelopes(envelope *protocol.Envelope, msgType common.MessageType, processImmediately bool) error {
if envelope == nil {
return nil
recvMessage := common.NewReceivedMessage(envelope, msgType)
if recvMessage == nil {
return nil
if w.statusTelemetryClient != nil {
logger := w.logger.With(
zap.Any("messageType", msgType),
zap.Stringer("envelopeHash", envelope.Hash()),
zap.String("contentTopic", envelope.Message().ContentTopic),
zap.Int64("timestamp", envelope.Message().GetTimestamp()),
logger.Debug("received new envelope")
trouble := false
_, err := w.add(recvMessage, processImmediately)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("invalid envelope received", zap.Error(err))
trouble = true
if trouble {
return errors.New("received invalid envelope")
return nil
// addEnvelope adds an envelope to the envelope map, used for sending
func (w *Waku) addEnvelope(envelope *common.ReceivedMessage) {
w.envelopeCache.Set(envelope.Hash(), envelope, ttlcache.DefaultTTL)
func (w *Waku) add(recvMessage *common.ReceivedMessage, processImmediately bool) (bool, error) {
envelope := w.envelopeCache.Get(recvMessage.Hash())
alreadyCached := envelope != nil
if !alreadyCached {
logger := w.logger.With(zap.String("envelopeHash", recvMessage.Hash().Hex()))
if alreadyCached {
logger.Debug("w envelope already cached")
} else {
logger.Debug("cached w envelope")
if !alreadyCached || !envelope.Value().Processed.Load() {
if processImmediately {
logger.Debug("immediately processing envelope")
} else {
logger.Debug("posting event")
w.postEvent(recvMessage) // notify the local node about the new message
return true, nil
// postEvent queues the message for further processing.
func (w *Waku) postEvent(envelope *common.ReceivedMessage) {
w.msgQueue <- envelope
// processQueueLoop delivers the messages to the watchers during the lifetime of the waku node.
func (w *Waku) processQueueLoop() {
if w.ctx == nil {
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
case e := <-w.msgQueue:
func (w *Waku) processMessage(e *common.ReceivedMessage) {
logger := w.logger.With(
zap.Stringer("envelopeHash", e.Envelope.Hash()),
zap.String("pubsubTopic", e.PubsubTopic),
zap.String("contentTopic", e.ContentTopic.ContentTopic()),
zap.Int64("timestamp", e.Envelope.Message().GetTimestamp()),
if e.MsgType == common.StoreMessageType {
// We need to insert it first, and then remove it if not matched,
// as messages are processed asynchronously
w.storeMsgIDs[e.Hash()] = true
ephemeral := e.Envelope.Message().Ephemeral
if e.MsgType == common.SendMessageType && (ephemeral == nil || !*ephemeral) {
subMsgs, ok := w.sendMsgIDs[e.PubsubTopic]
if !ok {
subMsgs = make(map[gethcommon.Hash]uint32)
subMsgs[e.Hash()] = e.Sent
w.sendMsgIDs[e.PubsubTopic] = subMsgs
matched := w.filters.NotifyWatchers(e)
// If not matched we remove it
if !matched {
logger.Debug("filters did not match")
delete(w.storeMsgIDs, e.Hash())
} else {
logger.Debug("filters did match")
Topic: e.ContentTopic,
Hash: e.Hash(),
Event: common.EventEnvelopeAvailable,
// GetEnvelope retrieves an envelope from the message queue by its hash.
// It returns nil if the envelope can not be found.
func (w *Waku) GetEnvelope(hash gethcommon.Hash) *common.ReceivedMessage {
defer w.poolMu.RUnlock()
envelope := w.envelopeCache.Get(hash)
if envelope == nil {
return nil
return envelope.Value()
// isEnvelopeCached checks if envelope with specific hash has already been received and cached.
func (w *Waku) IsEnvelopeCached(hash gethcommon.Hash) bool {
defer w.poolMu.Unlock()
return w.envelopeCache.Has(hash)
func (w *Waku) ClearEnvelopesCache() {
defer w.poolMu.Unlock()
w.envelopeCache = newTTLCache()
func (w *Waku) PeerCount() int {
return w.node.PeerCount()
func (w *Waku) Peers() map[string]types.WakuV2Peer {
return FormatPeerStats(w.node)
func (w *Waku) ListenAddresses() []string {
addrs := w.node.ListenAddresses()
var result []string
for _, addr := range addrs {
result = append(result, addr.String())
return result
func (w *Waku) ENR() (string, error) {
enr := w.node.ENR()
if enr == nil {
return "", errors.New("enr not available")
return enr.String(), nil
func (w *Waku) SubscribeToPubsubTopic(topic string, pubkey *ecdsa.PublicKey) error {
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if !w.cfg.LightClient {
err := w.subscribeToPubsubTopicWithWakuRelay(topic, pubkey)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Waku) UnsubscribeFromPubsubTopic(topic string) error {
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if !w.cfg.LightClient {
err := w.unsubscribeFromPubsubTopicWithWakuRelay(topic)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *Waku) RetrievePubsubTopicKey(topic string) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if w.protectedTopicStore == nil {
return nil, nil
return w.protectedTopicStore.FetchPrivateKey(topic)
func (w *Waku) StorePubsubTopicKey(topic string, privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if w.protectedTopicStore == nil {
return nil
return w.protectedTopicStore.Insert(topic, privKey, &privKey.PublicKey)
func (w *Waku) RemovePubsubTopicKey(topic string) error {
topic = w.GetPubsubTopic(topic)
if w.protectedTopicStore == nil {
return nil
return w.protectedTopicStore.Delete(topic)
func (w *Waku) StartDiscV5() error {
if w.node.DiscV5() == nil {
return errors.New("discv5 is not setup")
return w.node.DiscV5().Start(w.ctx)
func (w *Waku) StopDiscV5() error {
if w.node.DiscV5() == nil {
return errors.New("discv5 is not setup")
return nil
func (w *Waku) ConnectionChanged(state connection.State) {
if !state.Offline && w.offline {
select {
case w.connectionChanged <- struct{}{}:
w.logger.Warn("could not write on connection changed channel")
w.offline = state.Offline
// seedBootnodesForDiscV5 tries to fetch bootnodes
// from an ENR periodically.
// It backs off exponentially until maxRetries, at which point it restarts from 0
// It also restarts if there's a connection change signalled from the client
func (w *Waku) seedBootnodesForDiscV5() {
if !w.cfg.EnableDiscV5 || w.node.DiscV5() == nil {
ticker := time.NewTicker(500 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
var retries = 0
now := func() int64 {
return time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
var lastTry = now()
canQuery := func() bool {
backoff := bootnodesQueryBackoffMs * int64(math.Exp2(float64(retries)))
return lastTry+backoff < now()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if w.seededBootnodesForDiscV5 && len(w.node.Host().Network().Peers()) > 3 {
w.logger.Debug("not querying bootnodes", zap.Bool("seeded", w.seededBootnodesForDiscV5), zap.Int("peer-count", len(w.node.Host().Network().Peers())))
if canQuery() {
w.logger.Info("querying bootnodes to restore connectivity", zap.Int("peer-count", len(w.node.Host().Network().Peers())))
err := w.restartDiscV5()
if err != nil {
w.logger.Warn("failed to restart discv5", zap.Error(err))
lastTry = now()
// We reset the retries after a while and restart
if retries > bootnodesMaxRetries {
retries = 0
} else {
w.logger.Info("can't query bootnodes", zap.Int("peer-count", len(w.node.Host().Network().Peers())), zap.Int64("lastTry", lastTry), zap.Int64("now", now()), zap.Int64("backoff", bootnodesQueryBackoffMs*int64(math.Exp2(float64(retries)))), zap.Int("retries", retries))
// If we go online, trigger immediately
case <-w.connectionChanged:
if w.cfg.EnableDiscV5 {
if canQuery() {
err := w.restartDiscV5()
if err != nil {
w.logger.Warn("failed to restart discv5", zap.Error(err))
retries = 0
lastTry = now()
case <-w.ctx.Done():
w.logger.Debug("bootnode seeding stopped")
// Restart discv5, re-retrieving bootstrap nodes
func (w *Waku) restartDiscV5() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(w.ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
bootnodes, err := w.getDiscV5BootstrapNodes(ctx, w.discV5BootstrapNodes)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(bootnodes) == 0 {
return errors.New("failed to fetch bootnodes")
if w.node.DiscV5().ErrOnNotRunning() != nil {
w.logger.Info("is not started restarting")
err := w.node.DiscV5().Start(w.ctx)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Error("Could not start DiscV5", zap.Error(err))
} else {
w.logger.Info("is started restarting")
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done(): // Don't start discv5 if we are stopping waku
return nil
err := w.node.DiscV5().Start(w.ctx)
if err != nil {
w.logger.Error("Could not start DiscV5", zap.Error(err))
w.logger.Info("restarting discv5 with nodes", zap.Any("nodes", bootnodes))
return w.node.SetDiscV5Bootnodes(bootnodes)
func (w *Waku) AddStorePeer(address string) (peer.ID, error) {
addr, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(address)
if err != nil {
return "", err
peerID, err := w.node.AddPeer(addr, wps.Static, []string{}, legacy_store.StoreID_v20beta4)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return peerID, nil
func (w *Waku) timestamp() int64 {
return w.timesource.Now().UnixNano()
func (w *Waku) AddRelayPeer(address string) (peer.ID, error) {
addr, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(address)
if err != nil {
return "", err
peerID, err := w.node.AddPeer(addr, wps.Static, []string{}, relay.WakuRelayID_v200)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return peerID, nil
func (w *Waku) DialPeer(address string) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(w.ctx, requestTimeout)
defer cancel()
return w.node.DialPeer(ctx, address)
func (w *Waku) DialPeerByID(peerID string) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(w.ctx, requestTimeout)
defer cancel()
pid, err := peer.Decode(peerID)
if err != nil {
return err
return w.node.DialPeerByID(ctx, pid)
func (w *Waku) DropPeer(peerID string) error {
pid, err := peer.Decode(peerID)
if err != nil {
return err
return w.node.ClosePeerById(pid)
func (w *Waku) ProcessingP2PMessages() bool {
defer w.storeMsgIDsMu.Unlock()
return len(w.storeMsgIDs) != 0
func (w *Waku) MarkP2PMessageAsProcessed(hash gethcommon.Hash) {
defer w.storeMsgIDsMu.Unlock()
delete(w.storeMsgIDs, hash)
func (w *Waku) Clean() error {
w.msgQueue = make(chan *common.ReceivedMessage, messageQueueLimit)
for _, f := range w.filters.All() {
f.Messages = common.NewMemoryMessageStore()
return nil
func (w *Waku) PeerID() peer.ID {
return w.node.Host().ID()
func (w *Waku) Peerstore() peerstore.Peerstore {
return w.node.Host().Peerstore()
// validatePrivateKey checks the format of the given private key.
func validatePrivateKey(k *ecdsa.PrivateKey) bool {
if k == nil || k.D == nil || k.D.Sign() == 0 {
return false
return common.ValidatePublicKey(&k.PublicKey)
// makeDeterministicID generates a deterministic ID, based on a given input
func makeDeterministicID(input string, keyLen int) (id string, err error) {
buf := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(input), nil, 4096, keyLen, sha256.New)
if !common.ValidateDataIntegrity(buf, common.KeyIDSize) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error in GenerateDeterministicID: failed to generate key")
id = gethcommon.Bytes2Hex(buf)
return id, err
// toDeterministicID reviews incoming id, and transforms it to format
// expected internally be private key store. Originally, public keys
// were used as keys, now random keys are being used. And in order to
// make it easier to consume, we now allow both random IDs and public
// keys to be passed.
func toDeterministicID(id string, expectedLen int) (string, error) {
if len(id) != (expectedLen * 2) { // we received hex key, so number of chars in id is doubled
var err error
id, err = makeDeterministicID(id, expectedLen)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return id, nil
func FormatPeerStats(wakuNode *node.WakuNode) map[string]types.WakuV2Peer {
p := make(map[string]types.WakuV2Peer)
for k, v := range wakuNode.PeerStats() {
peerInfo := wakuNode.Host().Peerstore().PeerInfo(k)
wakuV2Peer := types.WakuV2Peer{}
wakuV2Peer.Protocols = v
hostInfo, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/p2p/%s", k.String()))
for _, addr := range peerInfo.Addrs {
wakuV2Peer.Addresses = append(wakuV2Peer.Addresses, addr.Encapsulate(hostInfo).String())
p[k.String()] = wakuV2Peer
return p
func formatConnStatus(wakuNode *node.WakuNode, c peermanager.TopicHealthStatus) types.ConnStatus {
isOnline := true
if c.Health == peermanager.UnHealthy {
isOnline = false
return types.ConnStatus{
IsOnline: isOnline,
Peers: FormatPeerStats(wakuNode),
func (w *Waku) StoreNode() legacy_store.Store {
return w.node.LegacyStore()