Summary: Filter out gas linter error checks for fmt.Fprintf commands. This required defining a custom linter around gas that additionally included the offending code. Notes: Gas format, without piping it through gometalinter, gives output like this: $ gas -fmt=csv geth/jail/console/console.go geth/jail/console/console.go,21,Errors unhandled.,LOW,HIGH,"fmt.Fprintf(w, ""%s: %s"", consoleEventName, formatForConsole(fn.ArgumentList))" Gometalinter, by default, does not grab the line of code when it filters gas errors. To resolve this, I created a wrapper around gas (I wasn't sure what to call this "gas wrapper", I opted for gasv2, open to other names). The first part of the regular expression was taken directly from gometalinter (see, and I then appended ,\".*\" to additionally grab the line of code of the offending line. Lastly, I excluded ".*Errors unhandled.*fmt.Fprintf.*" to filter out only fmt.Fprintf errors around omitted errors. Also as a result of this change, gas lint output will now include the offending code. Closes #590
log ![GoDoc](
Package log implements logger for status-go.
go get
Package log implements logger for status-go.
This logger handles two loggers - it's own and ethereum-go logger. Both are used as "singletons" - using global shared variables.
First, import package into your code:
import "
Then simply use Info/Error/Debug/etc
functions to log at desired level:
log.Info("Info message")
log.Debug("Debug message")
log.Error("Error message")
Slightly more complicated logging:
log.Warn("abnormal conn rate", "rate", curRate, "low", lowRate, "high", highRate)
Note, in this case parameters should be in in pairs (key, value).
This logger is based upon log15-logger, so see its documentation for advanced usage:
By default logger is set to log to stdout with Error level via init()
You may change both level and file output by log.SetLevel()
and log.SetLogFile()
Automatically generated by autoreadme on 2017.09.15