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synced 2025-02-10 22:06:36 +00:00
## What has changed? I've introduced to the public binding functionality that will compress and decompress public keys of a variety of encoding and key types. This functionality supports all major byte encoding formats and the following EC public key types: - `secp256k1` pks - `bls12-381 g1` pks - `bls12-381 g2` pks ## Why make the change? We want shorter public (chat) keys and we want to be future proof and encoding agnostic. See the issue here https://github.com/status-im/status-go/issues/1937 --- * Added basic signature for compresspk and uncompresspk * Added basic encoding information * make vendor * formatted imports for the linter * Reformatted imports hoping linter likes it * This linter is capricious * Added check that the secp256k1 key is valid * Added test for valid key * Added multiformat/go-varint dep * Added public key type handling * Added key decompression with key type handling * Added handling for '0x' type indentifying * Added more robust testing * Less lint for the linting gods * make vendor for bls12_381 * Added bls12-381 compression tests * Added decompress key expected results * Refactor of typed and untyped keys in tests * Lint god appeasment * Refactor of sample public keys * Implemented bls12-381 decompression * gofmt * Renamed decode/encode funcs to be more descriptive * Added binary bindings for key de/compression * Refactor of func parameters gomobile is a bit tempermental using raw bytes as a parameter, so I've decided to use string only inputs and outputs * gofmt * Added function documentation * Moved multiformat de/compression into api/multiformat ns * Moved multiformat de/compression into api/multiformat ns * Changed compress to serialize on API
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