mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 00:37:38 +00:00
When fetch or cache, always return the cache Do not save if the token is not being returns Resolve connection map AFTER making the call
706 lines
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706 lines
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package wallet
import (
// WalletTickReload emitted every 15mn to reload the wallet balance and history
const EventWalletTickReload walletevent.EventType = "wallet-tick-reload"
const EventWalletTickCheckConnected walletevent.EventType = "wallet-tick-check-connected"
const (
walletTickReloadPeriod = 10 * time.Minute
activityReloadDelay = 30 // Wait this many seconds after activity is detected before triggering a wallet reload
activityReloadMarginSeconds = 30 // Trigger a wallet reload if activity is detected this many seconds before the last reload
func getFixedCurrencies() []string {
return []string{"USD"}
func belongsToMandatoryTokens(symbol string) bool {
var mandatoryTokens = []string{"ETH", "DAI", "SNT", "STT"}
for _, t := range mandatoryTokens {
if t == symbol {
return true
return false
func NewReader(tokenManager token.ManagerInterface, marketManager *market.Manager, persistence token.TokenBalancesStorage, walletFeed *event.Feed) *Reader {
return &Reader{
tokenManager: tokenManager,
marketManager: marketManager,
persistence: persistence,
walletFeed: walletFeed,
refreshBalanceCache: true,
type Reader struct {
tokenManager token.ManagerInterface
marketManager *market.Manager
persistence token.TokenBalancesStorage
walletFeed *event.Feed
cancel context.CancelFunc
walletEventsWatcher *walletevent.Watcher
lastWalletTokenUpdateTimestamp sync.Map
reloadDelayTimer *time.Timer
refreshBalanceCache bool
rw sync.RWMutex
func splitVerifiedTokens(tokens []*token.Token) ([]*token.Token, []*token.Token) {
verified := make([]*token.Token, 0)
unverified := make([]*token.Token, 0)
for _, t := range tokens {
if t.Verified {
verified = append(verified, t)
} else {
unverified = append(unverified, t)
return verified, unverified
func getTokenBySymbols(tokens []*token.Token) map[string][]*token.Token {
res := make(map[string][]*token.Token)
for _, t := range tokens {
if _, ok := res[t.Symbol]; !ok {
res[t.Symbol] = make([]*token.Token, 0)
res[t.Symbol] = append(res[t.Symbol], t)
return res
func getTokenAddresses(tokens []*token.Token) []common.Address {
set := make(map[common.Address]bool)
for _, token := range tokens {
set[token.Address] = true
res := make([]common.Address, 0)
for address := range set {
res = append(res, address)
return res
func (r *Reader) Start() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
r.cancel = cancel
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(walletTickReloadPeriod)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
return nil
func (r *Reader) Stop() {
if r.cancel != nil {
r.lastWalletTokenUpdateTimestamp = sync.Map{}
func (r *Reader) Restart() error {
return r.Start()
func (r *Reader) triggerWalletReload() {
Type: EventWalletTickReload,
func (r *Reader) triggerDelayedWalletReload() {
r.reloadDelayTimer = time.AfterFunc(time.Duration(activityReloadDelay)*time.Second, r.triggerWalletReload)
func (r *Reader) cancelDelayedWalletReload() {
if r.reloadDelayTimer != nil {
r.reloadDelayTimer = nil
func (r *Reader) startWalletEventsWatcher() {
if r.walletEventsWatcher != nil {
// Respond to ETH/Token transfers
walletEventCb := func(event walletevent.Event) {
if event.Type != transfer.EventInternalETHTransferDetected &&
event.Type != transfer.EventInternalERC20TransferDetected {
for _, address := range event.Accounts {
timestamp, ok := r.lastWalletTokenUpdateTimestamp.Load(address)
timecheck := int64(0)
if ok {
timecheck = timestamp.(int64) - activityReloadMarginSeconds
if !ok || event.At > timecheck {
r.walletEventsWatcher = walletevent.NewWatcher(r.walletFeed, walletEventCb)
func (r *Reader) stopWalletEventsWatcher() {
if r.walletEventsWatcher != nil {
r.walletEventsWatcher = nil
func (r *Reader) tokensCachedForAddresses(addresses []common.Address) bool {
cachedTokens, err := r.getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData()
if err != nil {
return false
for _, address := range addresses {
_, ok := cachedTokens[address]
if !ok {
return false
return true
func (r *Reader) isCacheTimestampValidForAddress(address common.Address) bool {
_, ok := r.lastWalletTokenUpdateTimestamp.Load(address)
return ok
func (r *Reader) areCacheTimestampsValid(addresses []common.Address) bool {
for _, address := range addresses {
if !r.isCacheTimestampValidForAddress(address) {
return false
return true
func (r *Reader) isBalanceCacheValid(addresses []common.Address) bool {
defer r.rw.RUnlock()
return !r.refreshBalanceCache && r.tokensCachedForAddresses(addresses) && r.areCacheTimestampsValid(addresses)
func (r *Reader) balanceRefreshed() {
defer r.rw.Unlock()
r.refreshBalanceCache = false
func (r *Reader) invalidateBalanceCache() {
defer r.rw.Unlock()
r.refreshBalanceCache = true
func (r *Reader) FetchOrGetCachedWalletBalances(ctx context.Context, clients map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, addresses []common.Address) (map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken, error) {
needFetch := !r.isBalanceCacheValid(addresses) || r.isBalanceUpdateNeededAnyway(clients, addresses)
if needFetch {
_, err := r.FetchBalances(ctx, clients, addresses)
if err != nil {
log.Error("FetchOrGetCachedWalletBalances error", "err", err)
return r.GetCachedBalances(clients, addresses)
func (r *Reader) isBalanceUpdateNeededAnyway(clients map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, addresses []common.Address) bool {
cachedTokens, err := r.getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData()
if err != nil {
return true
chainIDs := maps.Keys(clients)
updateAnyway := false
for _, address := range addresses {
if res, ok := cachedTokens[address]; !ok || len(res) == 0 {
updateAnyway = true
networkFound := map[uint64]bool{}
for _, token := range cachedTokens[address] {
for _, chain := range chainIDs {
if _, ok := token.BalancesPerChain[chain]; ok {
networkFound[chain] = true
for _, chain := range chainIDs {
if !networkFound[chain] {
updateAnyway = true
return updateAnyway
return updateAnyway
func tokensToBalancesPerChain(cachedTokens map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken) map[uint64]map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big {
cachedBalancesPerChain := map[uint64]map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big{}
for address, tokens := range cachedTokens {
for _, token := range tokens {
for _, balance := range token.BalancesPerChain {
if _, ok := cachedBalancesPerChain[balance.ChainID]; !ok {
cachedBalancesPerChain[balance.ChainID] = map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big{}
if _, ok := cachedBalancesPerChain[balance.ChainID][address]; !ok {
cachedBalancesPerChain[balance.ChainID][address] = map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big{}
bigBalance, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(balance.RawBalance, 10)
cachedBalancesPerChain[balance.ChainID][address][balance.Address] = (*hexutil.Big)(bigBalance)
return cachedBalancesPerChain
func (r *Reader) fetchBalances(ctx context.Context, clients map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, addresses []common.Address, tokenAddresses []common.Address) (map[uint64]map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big, error) {
latestBalances, err := r.tokenManager.GetBalancesByChain(ctx, clients, addresses, tokenAddresses)
if err != nil {
log.Error("tokenManager.GetBalancesByChain error", "err", err)
return nil, err
return latestBalances, nil
func toChainBalance(
balances map[uint64]map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big,
tok *token.Token,
address common.Address,
decimals uint,
cachedTokens map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken,
hasError bool,
isMandatoryToken bool,
) *token.ChainBalance {
hexBalance := &big.Int{}
if balances != nil {
hexBalance = balances[tok.ChainID][address][tok.Address].ToInt()
balance := big.NewFloat(0.0)
if hexBalance != nil {
balance = new(big.Float).Quo(
big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10, float64(decimals))),
isVisible := balance.Cmp(big.NewFloat(0.0)) > 0 || isCachedToken(cachedTokens, address, tok.Symbol, tok.ChainID)
if !isVisible && !isMandatoryToken {
return nil
return &token.ChainBalance{
RawBalance: hexBalance.String(),
Balance: balance,
Balance1DayAgo: "0",
Address: tok.Address,
ChainID: tok.ChainID,
HasError: hasError,
func (r *Reader) getBalance1DayAgo(balance *token.ChainBalance, dayAgoTimestamp int64, symbol string, address common.Address) (*big.Int, error) {
balance1DayAgo, err := r.tokenManager.GetTokenHistoricalBalance(address, balance.ChainID, symbol, dayAgoTimestamp)
if err != nil {
log.Error("tokenManager.GetTokenHistoricalBalance error", "err", err)
return nil, err
return balance1DayAgo, nil
func (r *Reader) balancesToTokensByAddress(connectedPerChain map[uint64]bool, addresses []common.Address, allTokens []*token.Token, balances map[uint64]map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big, cachedTokens map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken) map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken {
verifiedTokens, unverifiedTokens := splitVerifiedTokens(allTokens)
result := make(map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken)
dayAgoTimestamp := time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour).Unix()
for _, address := range addresses {
for _, tokenList := range [][]*token.Token{verifiedTokens, unverifiedTokens} {
for symbol, tokens := range getTokenBySymbols(tokenList) {
balancesPerChain := r.createBalancePerChainPerSymbol(address, balances, tokens, cachedTokens, connectedPerChain, dayAgoTimestamp)
if balancesPerChain == nil {
walletToken := token.StorageToken{
Token: token.Token{
Name: tokens[0].Name,
Symbol: symbol,
Decimals: tokens[0].Decimals,
PegSymbol: token.GetTokenPegSymbol(symbol),
Verified: tokens[0].Verified,
CommunityData: tokens[0].CommunityData,
Image: tokens[0].Image,
BalancesPerChain: balancesPerChain,
result[address] = append(result[address], walletToken)
return result
// For tokens with single symbol, create a chain balance for each chain
func (r *Reader) createBalancePerChainPerSymbol(
address common.Address,
balances map[uint64]map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big,
tokens []*token.Token,
cachedTokens map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken,
clientConnectionPerChain map[uint64]bool,
dayAgoTimestamp int64,
) map[uint64]token.ChainBalance {
var balancesPerChain map[uint64]token.ChainBalance
decimals := tokens[0].Decimals
isMandatoryToken := belongsToMandatoryTokens(tokens[0].Symbol) // we expect all tokens in the list to have the same symbol
for _, tok := range tokens {
hasError := false
if connected, ok := clientConnectionPerChain[tok.ChainID]; ok {
hasError = !connected
if _, ok := balances[tok.ChainID][address][tok.Address]; !ok {
hasError = true
// TODO: Avoid passing the entire balances map to toChainBalance. Iterate over the balances map once and pass the balance per address per token to toChainBalance
balance := toChainBalance(balances, tok, address, decimals, cachedTokens, hasError, isMandatoryToken)
if balance != nil {
balance1DayAgo, _ := r.getBalance1DayAgo(balance, dayAgoTimestamp, tok.Symbol, address) // Ignore error
if balance1DayAgo != nil {
balance.Balance1DayAgo = balance1DayAgo.String()
if balancesPerChain == nil {
balancesPerChain = make(map[uint64]token.ChainBalance)
balancesPerChain[tok.ChainID] = *balance
return balancesPerChain
func (r *Reader) GetWalletToken(ctx context.Context, clients map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, addresses []common.Address, currency string) (map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken, error) {
cachedTokens, err := r.getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chainIDs := maps.Keys(clients)
currencies := make([]string, 0)
currencies = append(currencies, currency)
currencies = append(currencies, getFixedCurrencies()...)
allTokens, err := r.tokenManager.GetTokensByChainIDs(chainIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tokenAddresses := getTokenAddresses(allTokens)
balances, err := r.tokenManager.GetBalancesByChain(ctx, clients, addresses, tokenAddresses)
if err != nil {
log.Info("tokenManager.GetBalancesByChain error", "err", err)
return nil, err
verifiedTokens, unverifiedTokens := splitVerifiedTokens(allTokens)
tokenSymbols := make([]string, 0)
result := make(map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken)
for _, address := range addresses {
for _, tokenList := range [][]*token.Token{verifiedTokens, unverifiedTokens} {
for symbol, tokens := range getTokenBySymbols(tokenList) {
balancesPerChain := make(map[uint64]token.ChainBalance)
decimals := tokens[0].Decimals
isVisible := false
for _, tok := range tokens {
hexBalance := balances[tok.ChainID][address][tok.Address]
balance := big.NewFloat(0.0)
if hexBalance != nil {
balance = new(big.Float).Quo(
big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10, float64(decimals))),
hasError := false
if client, ok := clients[tok.ChainID]; ok {
hasError = err != nil || !client.IsConnected()
if !isVisible {
isVisible = balance.Cmp(big.NewFloat(0.0)) > 0 || isCachedToken(cachedTokens, address, tok.Symbol, tok.ChainID)
balancesPerChain[tok.ChainID] = token.ChainBalance{
RawBalance: hexBalance.ToInt().String(),
Balance: balance,
Address: tok.Address,
ChainID: tok.ChainID,
HasError: hasError,
if !isVisible && !belongsToMandatoryTokens(symbol) {
walletToken := token.StorageToken{
Token: token.Token{
Name: tokens[0].Name,
Symbol: symbol,
Decimals: decimals,
PegSymbol: token.GetTokenPegSymbol(symbol),
Verified: tokens[0].Verified,
CommunityData: tokens[0].CommunityData,
Image: tokens[0].Image,
BalancesPerChain: balancesPerChain,
tokenSymbols = append(tokenSymbols, symbol)
result[address] = append(result[address], walletToken)
var (
group = async.NewAtomicGroup(ctx)
prices = map[string]map[string]float64{}
tokenDetails = map[string]thirdparty.TokenDetails{}
tokenMarketValues = map[string]thirdparty.TokenMarketValues{}
group.Add(func(parent context.Context) error {
prices, err = r.marketManager.FetchPrices(tokenSymbols, currencies)
if err != nil {
log.Info("marketManager.FetchPrices err", err)
return nil
group.Add(func(parent context.Context) error {
tokenDetails, err = r.marketManager.FetchTokenDetails(tokenSymbols)
if err != nil {
log.Info("marketManager.FetchTokenDetails err", err)
return nil
group.Add(func(parent context.Context) error {
tokenMarketValues, err = r.marketManager.FetchTokenMarketValues(tokenSymbols, currency)
if err != nil {
log.Info("marketManager.FetchTokenMarketValues err", err)
return nil
select {
case <-group.WaitAsync():
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
err = group.Error()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for address, tokens := range result {
for index, tok := range tokens {
marketValuesPerCurrency := make(map[string]token.TokenMarketValues)
for _, currency := range currencies {
if _, ok := tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol]; !ok {
marketValuesPerCurrency[currency] = token.TokenMarketValues{
MarketCap: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].MKTCAP,
HighDay: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].HIGHDAY,
LowDay: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].LOWDAY,
ChangePctHour: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].CHANGEPCTHOUR,
ChangePctDay: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].CHANGEPCTDAY,
ChangePct24hour: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].CHANGEPCT24HOUR,
Change24hour: tokenMarketValues[tok.Symbol].CHANGE24HOUR,
Price: prices[tok.Symbol][currency],
HasError: !r.marketManager.IsConnected,
if _, ok := tokenDetails[tok.Symbol]; !ok {
result[address][index].Description = tokenDetails[tok.Symbol].Description
result[address][index].AssetWebsiteURL = tokenDetails[tok.Symbol].AssetWebsiteURL
result[address][index].BuiltOn = tokenDetails[tok.Symbol].BuiltOn
result[address][index].MarketValuesPerCurrency = marketValuesPerCurrency
return result, r.persistence.SaveTokens(result)
func isCachedToken(cachedTokens map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken, address common.Address, symbol string, chainID uint64) bool {
if tokens, ok := cachedTokens[address]; ok {
for _, t := range tokens {
if t.Symbol != symbol {
_, ok := t.BalancesPerChain[chainID]
if ok {
return true
return false
// getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData returns the latest fetched balances, minus
// price information
func (r *Reader) getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData() (map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken, error) {
return r.persistence.GetTokens()
func (r *Reader) updateTokenUpdateTimestamp(addresses []common.Address) {
for _, address := range addresses {
r.lastWalletTokenUpdateTimestamp.Store(address, time.Now().Unix())
func (r *Reader) FetchBalances(ctx context.Context, clients map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, addresses []common.Address) (map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken, error) {
cachedTokens, err := r.getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chainIDs := maps.Keys(clients)
allTokens, err := r.tokenManager.GetTokensByChainIDs(chainIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tokenAddresses := getTokenAddresses(allTokens)
balances, err := r.fetchBalances(ctx, clients, addresses, tokenAddresses)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update balances", "err", err)
return nil, err
connectedPerChain := map[uint64]bool{}
for chainID, client := range clients {
connectedPerChain[chainID] = client.IsConnected()
tokens := r.balancesToTokensByAddress(connectedPerChain, addresses, allTokens, balances, cachedTokens)
err = r.persistence.SaveTokens(tokens)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to save tokens", "err", err) // Do not return error, as it is not critical
return tokens, err
func (r *Reader) GetCachedBalances(clients map[uint64]chain.ClientInterface, addresses []common.Address) (map[common.Address][]token.StorageToken, error) {
cachedTokens, err := r.getCachedWalletTokensWithoutMarketData()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chainIDs := maps.Keys(clients)
allTokens, err := r.tokenManager.GetTokensByChainIDs(chainIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
connectedPerChain := map[uint64]bool{}
for chainID, client := range clients {
connectedPerChain[chainID] = client.IsConnected()
balances := tokensToBalancesPerChain(cachedTokens)
return r.balancesToTokensByAddress(connectedPerChain, addresses, allTokens, balances, cachedTokens), nil