Sale Djenic 28506bcd17 chore_: improvements of the sending route generated by the router process
This commit simplifies the sending process of the best route suggested by the router.
It also makes the sending process the same for accounts (key pairs) migrated to a keycard
and those stored locally in local keystore files.

Deprecated endpoints:
- `CreateMultiTransaction`
- `ProceedWithTransactionsSignatures`

Deprecated signal:
- `wallet.sign.transactions`

New endpoints:
- `BuildTransactionsFromRoute`
- `SendRouterTransactionsWithSignatures`

The flow for sending the best router suggested by the router:
- call `BuildTransactionsFromRoute`
- wait for the `wallet.router.sign-transactions` signal
- sign received hashes using `SignMessage` call or sign on keycard
- call `SendRouterTransactionsWithSignatures` with the signatures of signed hashes from the previous step
- `wallet.router.transactions-sent` signal will be sent after transactions are sent or if an error occurs

New signals:
- `wallet.router.sending-transactions-started` // notifies client that the sending transactions process started
- `wallet.router.sign-transactions` // notifies client about the list of transactions that need to be signed
- `wallet.router.transactions-sent` // notifies client about transactions that are sent
- `wallet.transaction.status-changed` // notifies about status of sent transactions
2024-10-01 14:30:33 +02:00

202 lines
8.6 KiB

package requests
import (
walletCommon ""
var (
ErrENSRegisterRequiresUsernameAndPubKey = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-001"), Details: "username and public key are required for ENSRegister"}
ErrENSRegisterTestnetSTTOnly = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-002"), Details: "only STT is supported for ENSRegister on testnet"}
ErrENSRegisterMainnetSNTOnly = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-003"), Details: "only SNT is supported for ENSRegister on mainnet"}
ErrENSReleaseRequiresUsername = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-004"), Details: "username is required for ENSRelease"}
ErrENSSetPubKeyRequiresUsernameAndPubKey = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-005"), Details: "username and public key are required for ENSSetPubKey"}
ErrStickersBuyRequiresPackID = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-006"), Details: "packID is required for StickersBuy"}
ErrSwapRequiresToTokenID = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-007"), Details: "toTokenID is required for Swap"}
ErrSwapTokenIDMustBeDifferent = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-008"), Details: "tokenID and toTokenID must be different"}
ErrSwapAmountInAmountOutMustBeExclusive = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-009"), Details: "only one of amountIn or amountOut can be set"}
ErrSwapAmountInMustBePositive = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-010"), Details: "amountIn must be positive"}
ErrSwapAmountOutMustBePositive = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-011"), Details: "amountOut must be positive"}
ErrLockedAmountNotSupportedForNetwork = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-012"), Details: "locked amount is not supported for the selected network"}
ErrLockedAmountNotNegative = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-013"), Details: "locked amount must not be negative"}
ErrLockedAmountExceedsTotalSendAmount = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-014"), Details: "locked amount exceeds the total amount to send"}
ErrLockedAmountLessThanSendAmountAllNetworks = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-015"), Details: "locked amount is less than the total amount to send, but all networks are locked"}
ErrDisabledChainFoundAmongLockedNetworks = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-016"), Details: "disabled chain found among locked networks"}
ErrENSSetPubKeyInvalidUsername = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-017"), Details: "a valid username, ending in '.eth', is required for ENSSetPubKey"}
ErrLockedAmountExcludesAllSupported = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-018"), Details: "all supported chains are excluded, routing impossible"}
ErrCannotCheckLockedAmounts = &errors.ErrorResponse{Code: errors.ErrorCode("WRR-019"), Details: "cannot check locked amounts"}
type RouteInputParams struct {
Uuid string `json:"uuid"`
SendType sendtype.SendType `json:"sendType" validate:"required"`
AddrFrom common.Address `json:"addrFrom" validate:"required"`
AddrTo common.Address `json:"addrTo" validate:"required"`
AmountIn *hexutil.Big `json:"amountIn" validate:"required"`
AmountOut *hexutil.Big `json:"amountOut"`
TokenID string `json:"tokenID" validate:"required"`
TokenIDIsOwnerToken bool `json:"tokenIDIsOwnerToken"`
ToTokenID string `json:"toTokenID"`
DisabledFromChainIDs []uint64 `json:"disabledFromChainIDs"`
DisabledToChainIDs []uint64 `json:"disabledToChainIDs"`
GasFeeMode fees.GasFeeMode `json:"gasFeeMode" validate:"required"`
FromLockedAmount map[uint64]*hexutil.Big `json:"fromLockedAmount"`
TestnetMode bool
// For send types like EnsRegister, EnsRelease, EnsSetPubKey, StickersBuy
Username string `json:"username"`
PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"`
PackID *hexutil.Big `json:"packID"`
// TODO: Remove two fields below once we implement a better solution for tests
// Currently used for tests only
TestsMode bool
TestParams *RouterTestParams
type RouterTestParams struct {
TokenFrom *token.Token
TokenPrices map[string]float64
EstimationMap map[string]pathprocessor.Estimation // [processor-name, estimation]
BonderFeeMap map[string]*big.Int // [token-symbol, bonder-fee]
SuggestedFees *fees.SuggestedFees
BaseFee *big.Int
BalanceMap map[string]*big.Int // [token-symbol, balance]
ApprovalGasEstimation uint64
ApprovalL1Fee uint64
func (i *RouteInputParams) Validate() error {
if i.SendType == sendtype.ENSRegister {
if i.Username == "" || i.PublicKey == "" {
return ErrENSRegisterRequiresUsernameAndPubKey
if i.TestnetMode {
if i.TokenID != pathprocessor.SttSymbol {
return ErrENSRegisterTestnetSTTOnly
} else {
if i.TokenID != pathprocessor.SntSymbol {
return ErrENSRegisterMainnetSNTOnly
return nil
if i.SendType == sendtype.ENSRelease {
if i.Username == "" {
return ErrENSReleaseRequiresUsername
if i.SendType == sendtype.ENSSetPubKey {
if i.Username == "" || i.PublicKey == "" {
return ErrENSSetPubKeyRequiresUsernameAndPubKey
if ens.ValidateENSUsername(i.Username) != nil {
return ErrENSSetPubKeyInvalidUsername
if i.SendType == sendtype.StickersBuy {
if i.PackID == nil {
return ErrStickersBuyRequiresPackID
if i.SendType == sendtype.Swap {
if i.ToTokenID == "" {
return ErrSwapRequiresToTokenID
if i.TokenID == i.ToTokenID {
return ErrSwapTokenIDMustBeDifferent
if i.AmountIn != nil &&
i.AmountOut != nil &&
i.AmountIn.ToInt().Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 &&
i.AmountOut.ToInt().Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 {
return ErrSwapAmountInAmountOutMustBeExclusive
if i.AmountIn != nil && i.AmountIn.ToInt().Sign() < 0 {
return ErrSwapAmountInMustBePositive
if i.AmountOut != nil && i.AmountOut.ToInt().Sign() < 0 {
return ErrSwapAmountOutMustBePositive
return i.validateFromLockedAmount()
func (i *RouteInputParams) validateFromLockedAmount() error {
if i.FromLockedAmount == nil || len(i.FromLockedAmount) == 0 {
return nil
var suppNetworks map[uint64]bool
if i.TestnetMode {
suppNetworks = walletCommon.CopyMapGeneric(walletCommon.SupportedTestNetworks, nil).(map[uint64]bool)
} else {
suppNetworks = walletCommon.CopyMapGeneric(walletCommon.SupportedNetworks, nil).(map[uint64]bool)
if suppNetworks == nil {
return ErrCannotCheckLockedAmounts
totalLockedAmount := big.NewInt(0)
excludedChainCount := 0
for chainID, amount := range i.FromLockedAmount {
if walletCommon.ArrayContainsElement(chainID, i.DisabledFromChainIDs) {
return ErrDisabledChainFoundAmongLockedNetworks
if i.TestnetMode {
if !walletCommon.SupportedTestNetworks[chainID] {
return ErrLockedAmountNotSupportedForNetwork
} else {
if !walletCommon.SupportedNetworks[chainID] {
return ErrLockedAmountNotSupportedForNetwork
if amount == nil || amount.ToInt().Sign() < 0 {
return ErrLockedAmountNotNegative
if !(amount.ToInt().Sign() > 0) {
delete(suppNetworks, chainID)
totalLockedAmount = new(big.Int).Add(totalLockedAmount, amount.ToInt())
if (!i.TestnetMode && excludedChainCount == len(walletCommon.SupportedNetworks)) ||
(i.TestnetMode && excludedChainCount == len(walletCommon.SupportedTestNetworks)) {
return ErrLockedAmountExcludesAllSupported
if totalLockedAmount.Cmp(i.AmountIn.ToInt()) > 0 {
return ErrLockedAmountExceedsTotalSendAmount
if totalLockedAmount.Cmp(i.AmountIn.ToInt()) < 0 && len(suppNetworks) == 0 {
return ErrLockedAmountLessThanSendAmountAllNetworks
return nil