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synced 2025-02-15 00:08:46 +00:00
* Use a single Message type `v1/message.go` and `message.go` are the same now, and they embed `protobuf.ChatMessage` * Use `SendChatMessage` for sending chat messages, this is basically the old `Send` but a bit more flexible so we can send different message types (stickers,commands), and not just text. * Remove dedup from services/shhext. Because now we process in status-protocol, dedup makes less sense, as those messages are going to be processed anyway, so removing for now, we can re-evaluate if bringing it to status-go or not. * Change the various retrieveX method to a single one: `RetrieveAll` will be processing those messages that it can process (Currently only `Message`), and return the rest in `RawMessages` (still transit). The format for the response is: `Chats`: -> The chats updated by receiving the message `Messages`: -> The messages retrieved (already matched to a chat) `Contacts`: -> The contacts updated by the messages `RawMessages` -> Anything else that can't be parsed, eventually as we move everything to status-protocol-go this will go away.
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