mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:50:59 +00:00
* fix(sync)_: Improve EnableInstallationAndSync and add EnableInstallationV2 - Refactor EnableInstallationAndSync for better error handling and response merging - Add new EnableInstallationV2 method returning the installation - Update tests to check for installation in response - Deprecate old EnableInstallation method * chore_: remove EnableInstallationV2 * fix(sync)_: create/delete AC notification only when targetInstallationID match - Add targetInstallationID parameter to SendPairInstallation function - Update protobuf SyncPairInstallation struct with TargetInstallationId field - Modify method calls across multiple test files to include new parameter - Update pairing.proto and pairing.pb.go with new field for local pairing * chore_: rename stubEnableInstallationAndPair chore_: move InstallationIDProvider chore_: revert endpoints.go test_: check AC with resp chore_: rename ModifiedInstallationsTargetedToThisDevice test_: add InstallationIDProvider chore_: revert endpoints.go chore_: remove comment test_: add TestNewInstallationCreatedIsNotDeleted
529 lines
15 KiB
529 lines
15 KiB
package protocol
import (
mathRand "math/rand"
gocommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/common"
waku2 "github.com/status-im/status-go/wakuv2"
var letterRunes = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
var hexRunes = []rune("0123456789abcdef")
// WaitOnMessengerResponse Wait until the condition is true or the timeout is reached.
func WaitOnMessengerResponse(m *Messenger, condition func(*MessengerResponse) bool, errorMessage string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
response := &MessengerResponse{}
err := tt.RetryWithBackOff(func() error {
var err error
r, err := m.RetrieveAll()
if err != nil {
if err := response.Merge(r); err != nil {
if err == nil && !condition(response) {
err = errors.New(errorMessage)
return err
return response, err
type MessengerSignalsHandlerMock struct {
responseChan chan *MessengerResponse
communityFoundChan chan *communities.Community
wakuBackedUpDataResponseChan chan *wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) SendWakuFetchingBackupProgress(response *wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse) {
m.wakuBackedUpDataResponseChan <- response
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) SendWakuBackedUpProfile(*wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) SendWakuBackedUpSettings(*wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) SendWakuBackedUpKeypair(*wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) SendWakuBackedUpWatchOnlyAccount(*wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse) {
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) BackupPerformed(uint64) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) HistoryArchivesProtocolEnabled() {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) HistoryArchivesProtocolDisabled() {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) CreatingHistoryArchives(string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) NoHistoryArchivesCreated(string, int, int) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) HistoryArchivesCreated(string, int, int) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) HistoryArchivesSeeding(string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) HistoryArchivesUnseeded(string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) HistoryArchiveDownloaded(string, int, int) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) DownloadingHistoryArchivesStarted(string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinished(string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) ImportingHistoryArchiveMessages(string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) MessengerResponse(response *MessengerResponse) {
// Non-blocking send
select {
case m.responseChan <- response:
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) MessageDelivered(chatID string, messageID string) {}
func (m *MessengerSignalsHandlerMock) CommunityInfoFound(community *communities.Community) {
select {
case m.communityFoundChan <- community:
func WaitOnSignaledSendWakuFetchingBackupProgress(m *Messenger, condition func(*wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse) bool, errorMessage string) (*wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse, error) {
interval := 500 * time.Millisecond
timeoutChan := time.After(10 * time.Second)
if m.config.messengerSignalsHandler != nil {
return nil, errors.New("messengerSignalsHandler already provided/mocked")
responseChan := make(chan *wakusync.WakuBackedUpDataResponse, 1000)
m.config.messengerSignalsHandler = &MessengerSignalsHandlerMock{
wakuBackedUpDataResponseChan: responseChan,
defer func() {
m.config.messengerSignalsHandler = nil
for {
_, err := m.RetrieveAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
select {
case r := <-responseChan:
if condition(r) {
return r, nil
case <-timeoutChan:
return nil, errors.New("timed out: " + errorMessage)
default: // No immediate response, rest & loop back to retrieve again
func WaitOnSignaledMessengerResponse(m *Messenger, condition func(*MessengerResponse) bool, errorMessage string) (*MessengerResponse, error) {
interval := 500 * time.Millisecond
timeoutChan := time.After(10 * time.Second)
if m.config.messengerSignalsHandler != nil {
return nil, errors.New("messengerSignalsHandler already provided/mocked")
responseChan := make(chan *MessengerResponse, 64)
m.config.messengerSignalsHandler = &MessengerSignalsHandlerMock{
responseChan: responseChan,
defer func() {
m.config.messengerSignalsHandler = nil
for {
_, err := m.RetrieveAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
select {
case r := <-responseChan:
if condition(r) {
return r, nil
case <-timeoutChan:
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
default: // No immediate response, rest & loop back to retrieve again
func WaitOnSignaledCommunityFound(m *Messenger, action func(), condition func(community *communities.Community) bool, timeout time.Duration, errorMessage string) error {
timeoutChan := time.After(timeout)
if m.config.messengerSignalsHandler != nil {
return errors.New("messengerSignalsHandler already provided/mocked")
communityFoundChan := make(chan *communities.Community, 1)
m.config.messengerSignalsHandler = &MessengerSignalsHandlerMock{
communityFoundChan: communityFoundChan,
defer func() {
m.config.messengerSignalsHandler = nil
// Call the action after setting up the mock
// Wait for condition after
for {
select {
case c := <-communityFoundChan:
if condition(c) {
return nil
case <-timeoutChan:
return errors.New("timed out: " + errorMessage)
func WaitForConnectionStatus(s *suite.Suite, waku *waku2.Waku, action func() bool) {
subscription := waku.SubscribeToConnStatusChanges()
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Action should return the desired online status
wantedOnline := action()
for {
select {
case status := <-subscription.C:
if status.IsOnline == wantedOnline {
case <-ctx.Done():
s.Require().Fail(fmt.Sprintf("timeout waiting for waku connection status '%t'", wantedOnline))
func hasAllPeers(m map[peer.ID]types.WakuV2Peer, checkSlice peer.IDSlice) bool {
for _, check := range checkSlice {
if _, ok := m[check]; !ok {
return false
return true
func WaitForPeersConnected(s *suite.Suite, waku *waku2.Waku, action func() peer.IDSlice) {
subscription := waku.SubscribeToConnStatusChanges()
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Action should return the desired peer ID
peerIDs := action()
if hasAllPeers(waku.Peers(), peerIDs) {
for {
select {
case status := <-subscription.C:
if hasAllPeers(status.Peers, peerIDs) {
// Give some time for p2p events, otherwise might look like peer is available, but fail to send a message.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
case <-ctx.Done():
s.Require().Fail(fmt.Sprintf("timeout waiting for peers connected '%+v'", peerIDs))
func FindFirstByContentType(messages []*common.Message, contentType protobuf.ChatMessage_ContentType) *common.Message {
for _, message := range messages {
if message.ContentType == contentType {
return message
return nil
func PairDevices(s *suite.Suite, device1, device2 *Messenger) {
// Send pairing data
response, err := device1.SendPairInstallation(context.Background(), "", nil)
s.Len(response.Chats(), 1)
i, ok := device1.allInstallations.Load(device1.installationID)
// Wait for the message to reach its destination
response, err = WaitOnMessengerResponse(
func(r *MessengerResponse) bool {
for _, installation := range r.Installations() {
if installation.ID == device1.installationID {
return installation.InstallationMetadata != nil &&
i.InstallationMetadata.Name == installation.InstallationMetadata.Name &&
i.InstallationMetadata.DeviceType == installation.InstallationMetadata.DeviceType
return false
"installation not received",
// Ensure installation is enabled
_, err = device2.EnableInstallation(device1.installationID)
func SetSettingsAndWaitForChange(s *suite.Suite, messenger *Messenger, timeout time.Duration,
actionCallback func(), eventCallback func(*SelfContactChangeEvent) bool) {
allEventsReceived := false
channel := messenger.SubscribeToSelfContactChanges()
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer gocommon.LogOnPanic()
defer wg.Done()
for !allEventsReceived {
select {
case event := <-channel:
allEventsReceived = eventCallback(event)
case <-time.After(timeout):
func SetIdentityImagesAndWaitForChange(s *suite.Suite, messenger *Messenger, timeout time.Duration, actionCallback func()) {
channel := messenger.SubscribeToSelfContactChanges()
ok := false
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer gocommon.LogOnPanic()
defer wg.Done()
select {
case event := <-channel:
if event.ImagesChanged {
ok = true
case <-time.After(timeout):
func WaitForAvailableStoreNode(s *suite.Suite, m *Messenger, timeout time.Duration) {
available := m.waitForAvailableStoreNode(timeout)
func TearDownMessenger(s *suite.Suite, m *Messenger) {
if m == nil {
if m.database != nil {
if m.multiAccounts != nil {
func randomInt(length int) int {
max := big.NewInt(int64(length))
value, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, max)
if err != nil {
return int(value.Int64())
func randomString(length int, runes []rune) string {
out := make([]rune, length)
for i := range out {
out[i] = runes[randomInt(len(runes))] // nolint: gosec
return string(out)
func RandomLettersString(length int) string {
return randomString(length, letterRunes)
func RandomColor() string {
return "#" + randomString(6, hexRunes)
func RandomCommunityTags(count int) []string {
availableTagsCount := requests.AvailableTagsCount()
if count > availableTagsCount {
count = availableTagsCount
//source := mathRand.New(mathRand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
indices := mathRand.Perm(availableTagsCount)
shuffled := make([]string, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
shuffled[i] = requests.TagByIndex(uint32(indices[i]))
return shuffled
func RandomBytes(length int) []byte {
out := make([]byte, length)
_, err := rand.Read(out)
if err != nil {
return out
func DummyProfileShowcasePreferences(withCollectibles bool) *identity.ProfileShowcasePreferences {
preferences := &identity.ProfileShowcasePreferences{
Communities: []*identity.ProfileShowcaseCommunityPreference{
CommunityID: "0x254254546768764565565",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityEveryone,
CommunityID: "0x865241434343432412343",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityContacts,
Accounts: []*identity.ProfileShowcaseAccountPreference{
Address: "0x0000000000000000000000000033433445133423",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityEveryone,
Order: 0,
Address: "0x0000000000000000000000000032433445133424",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityContacts,
Order: 1,
VerifiedTokens: []*identity.ProfileShowcaseVerifiedTokenPreference{
Symbol: "ETH",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityEveryone,
Order: 1,
Symbol: "DAI",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityIDVerifiedContacts,
Order: 2,
Symbol: "SNT",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityNoOne,
Order: 3,
UnverifiedTokens: []*identity.ProfileShowcaseUnverifiedTokenPreference{
ContractAddress: "0x454525452023452",
ChainID: 11155111,
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityEveryone,
Order: 0,
ContractAddress: "0x12312323323233",
ChainID: 1,
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityContacts,
Order: 1,
SocialLinks: []*identity.ProfileShowcaseSocialLinkPreference{
Text: identity.TwitterID,
URL: "https://twitter.com/ethstatus",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityEveryone,
Order: 1,
Text: identity.TwitterID,
URL: "https://twitter.com/StatusIMBlog",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityIDVerifiedContacts,
Order: 2,
Text: identity.GithubID,
URL: "https://github.com/status-im",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityContacts,
Order: 3,
if withCollectibles {
preferences.Collectibles = []*identity.ProfileShowcaseCollectiblePreference{
ContractAddress: "0x12378534257568678487683576",
ChainID: 1,
TokenID: "12321389592999903",
ShowcaseVisibility: identity.ProfileShowcaseVisibilityEveryone,
Order: 0,
} else {
preferences.Collectibles = []*identity.ProfileShowcaseCollectiblePreference{}
return preferences