mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:50:59 +00:00
* feat_: log error and stacktrace when panic in goroutine * test_: add test TestSafeGo * chore_: rename logAndCall to call * chore_: rename SafeGo to Go * chore_: make lint-fix * chore_: use t.Cleanup * chore_: Revert "chore_: use t.Cleanup" This reverts commit 4eb420d179cc0e208e84c13cb941e6b3d1ed9819. * chore_: Revert "chore_: make lint-fix" This reverts commit fcc995f157e671a4229b47419c3a0e4004b5fdab. * chore_: Revert "chore_: rename SafeGo to Go" This reverts commit a6d73d6df583f313032d79aac62f66328039cb55. * chore_: Revert "chore_: rename logAndCall to call" This reverts commit 8fbe993bedb9fbba67349a44f151e2dd5e3bc4cc. * chore_: Revert "test_: add test TestSafeGo" This reverts commit a1fa91839f3960398980c6bf456e6462ec944819. * chore_: Revert "feat_: log error and stacktrace when panic in goroutine" This reverts commit f612dd828fa2ce410d0e806fe773ecbe3e86a68a. * feat_: log error and stacktrace when panic in goroutine * chore_: make lint-fix * chore_: rename logAndCall to call * chore_: renaming LogOnPanic * chore_: update rest goroutine function calls * chore_: make lint-fix
565 lines
15 KiB
565 lines
15 KiB
package protocol
import (
gocommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/common"
multiaccountscommon "github.com/status-im/status-go/multiaccounts/common"
const (
BackupContactsPerBatch = 20
// backupTickerInterval is how often we should check for backups
var backupTickerInterval = 120 * time.Second
// backupIntervalSeconds is the amount of seconds we should allow between
// backups
var backupIntervalSeconds uint64 = 28800
type CommunitySet struct {
Joined []*communities.Community
Deleted []*communities.Community
func (m *Messenger) backupEnabled() (bool, error) {
return m.settings.BackupEnabled()
func (m *Messenger) lastBackup() (uint64, error) {
return m.settings.LastBackup()
func (m *Messenger) startBackupLoop() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(backupTickerInterval)
go func() {
defer gocommon.LogOnPanic()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if !m.Online() {
enabled, err := m.backupEnabled()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to fetch backup enabled")
if !enabled {
m.logger.Debug("backup not enabled, skipping")
lastBackup, err := m.lastBackup()
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to fetch last backup time")
now := time.Now().Unix()
if uint64(now) <= backupIntervalSeconds+lastBackup {
m.logger.Debug("not backing up")
m.logger.Debug("backing up data")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
_, err = m.BackupData(ctx)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to backup data", zap.Error(err))
case <-m.quit:
func (m *Messenger) BackupData(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat()
contactsToBackup := m.backupContacts(ctx)
communitiesToBackup, err := m.backupCommunities(ctx, clock)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
chatsToBackup := m.backupChats(ctx, clock)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
profileToBackup, err := m.backupProfile(ctx, clock)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
_, settings, errors := m.prepareSyncSettingsMessages(clock, true)
if len(errors) != 0 {
// return just the first error, the others have been logged
return 0, errors[0]
keypairsToBackup, err := m.backupKeypairs()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
woAccountsToBackup, err := m.backupWatchOnlyAccounts()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
backupDetailsOnly := func() *protobuf.Backup {
return &protobuf.Backup{
Clock: clock,
ChatsDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(chatsToBackup)),
ContactsDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(contactsToBackup)),
CommunitiesDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(communitiesToBackup)),
ProfileDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(profileToBackup)),
SettingsDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(settings)),
KeypairDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(keypairsToBackup)),
WatchOnlyAccountDetails: &protobuf.FetchingBackedUpDataDetails{
DataNumber: uint32(0),
TotalNumber: uint32(len(woAccountsToBackup)),
// Update contacts messages encode and dispatch
for i, d := range contactsToBackup {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.ContactsDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.Contacts = d.Contacts
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update communities messages encode and dispatch
for i, d := range communitiesToBackup {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.CommunitiesDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.Communities = d.Communities
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update profile messages encode and dispatch
for i, d := range profileToBackup {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.ProfileDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.Profile = d.Profile
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update chats encode and dispatch
for i, d := range chatsToBackup {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.ChatsDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.Chats = d.Chats
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update settings messages encode and dispatch
for i, d := range settings {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.SettingsDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.Setting = d
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update keypairs messages encode and dispatch
for i, d := range keypairsToBackup {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.KeypairDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.Keypair = d.Keypair
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Update watch only messages encode and dispatch
for i, d := range woAccountsToBackup {
pb := backupDetailsOnly()
pb.WatchOnlyAccountDetails.DataNumber = uint32(i + 1)
pb.WatchOnlyAccount = d.WatchOnlyAccount
err = m.encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx, pb, chat.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
chat.LastClockValue = clock
err = m.saveChat(chat)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
clockInSeconds := clock / 1000
err = m.settings.SetLastBackup(clockInSeconds)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if m.config.messengerSignalsHandler != nil {
return clockInSeconds, nil
func (m *Messenger) encodeAndDispatchBackupMessage(ctx context.Context, message *protobuf.Backup, chatID string) error {
encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{
LocalChatID: chatID,
Payload: encodedMessage,
SkipEncryptionLayer: true,
SendOnPersonalTopic: true,
MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_BACKUP,
return err
func (m *Messenger) backupContacts(ctx context.Context) []*protobuf.Backup {
var contacts []*protobuf.SyncInstallationContactV2
m.allContacts.Range(func(contactID string, contact *Contact) (shouldContinue bool) {
syncContact := m.buildSyncContactMessage(contact)
if syncContact != nil {
contacts = append(contacts, syncContact)
return true
var backupMessages []*protobuf.Backup
for i := 0; i < len(contacts); i += BackupContactsPerBatch {
j := i + BackupContactsPerBatch
if j > len(contacts) {
j = len(contacts)
contactsToAdd := contacts[i:j]
backupMessage := &protobuf.Backup{
Contacts: contactsToAdd,
backupMessages = append(backupMessages, backupMessage)
return backupMessages
func (m *Messenger) retrieveAllCommunities() (*CommunitySet, error) {
joinedCs, err := m.communitiesManager.JoinedAndPendingCommunitiesWithRequests()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deletedCs, err := m.communitiesManager.DeletedCommunities()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CommunitySet{
Joined: joinedCs,
Deleted: deletedCs,
}, nil
func (m *Messenger) backupCommunities(ctx context.Context, clock uint64) ([]*protobuf.Backup, error) {
communitySet, err := m.retrieveAllCommunities()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var backupMessages []*protobuf.Backup
combinedCs := append(communitySet.Joined, communitySet.Deleted...)
for _, c := range combinedCs {
_, beingImported := m.importingCommunities[c.IDString()]
if !beingImported {
backupMessage, err := m.backupCommunity(c, clock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
backupMessages = append(backupMessages, backupMessage)
return backupMessages, nil
func (m *Messenger) backupCommunity(community *communities.Community, clock uint64) (*protobuf.Backup, error) {
communityId := community.ID()
settings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(communityId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
syncControlNode, err := m.communitiesManager.GetSyncControlNode(communityId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
syncMessage, err := community.ToSyncInstallationCommunityProtobuf(clock, settings, syncControlNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = m.propagateSyncInstallationCommunityWithHRKeys(syncMessage, community)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &protobuf.Backup{
Communities: []*protobuf.SyncInstallationCommunity{syncMessage},
}, nil
func (m *Messenger) backupChats(ctx context.Context, clock uint64) []*protobuf.Backup {
var oneToOneAndGroupChats []*protobuf.SyncChat
m.allChats.Range(func(chatID string, chat *Chat) bool {
if !chat.OneToOne() && !chat.PrivateGroupChat() {
return true
syncChat := protobuf.SyncChat{
Clock: clock,
Id: chatID,
ChatType: uint32(chat.ChatType),
Active: chat.Active,
chatMuteTill, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, chat.MuteTill.Format(time.RFC3339))
if chat.Muted && chatMuteTill.Equal(time.Time{}) {
// Only set Muted if it is "permanently" muted
syncChat.Muted = true
if chat.PrivateGroupChat() {
syncChat.Name = chat.Name // The Name is only useful in the case of a group chat
syncChat.MembershipUpdateEvents = make([]*protobuf.MembershipUpdateEvents, len(chat.MembershipUpdates))
for i, membershipUpdate := range chat.MembershipUpdates {
syncChat.MembershipUpdateEvents[i] = &protobuf.MembershipUpdateEvents{
Clock: membershipUpdate.ClockValue,
Type: uint32(membershipUpdate.Type),
Members: membershipUpdate.Members,
Name: membershipUpdate.Name,
Signature: membershipUpdate.Signature,
ChatId: membershipUpdate.ChatID,
From: membershipUpdate.From,
RawPayload: membershipUpdate.RawPayload,
Color: membershipUpdate.Color,
oneToOneAndGroupChats = append(oneToOneAndGroupChats, &syncChat)
return true
var backupMessages []*protobuf.Backup
backupMessage := &protobuf.Backup{
Chats: oneToOneAndGroupChats,
backupMessages = append(backupMessages, backupMessage)
return backupMessages
func (m *Messenger) buildSyncContactMessage(contact *Contact) *protobuf.SyncInstallationContactV2 {
var ensName string
if contact.ENSVerified {
ensName = contact.EnsName
var customizationColor uint32
if len(contact.CustomizationColor) != 0 {
customizationColor = multiaccountscommon.ColorToIDFallbackToBlue(contact.CustomizationColor)
oneToOneChat, ok := m.allChats.Load(contact.ID)
muted := false
if ok {
muted = oneToOneChat.Muted
return &protobuf.SyncInstallationContactV2{
LastUpdatedLocally: contact.LastUpdatedLocally,
LastUpdated: contact.LastUpdated,
Id: contact.ID,
DisplayName: contact.DisplayName,
EnsName: ensName,
CustomizationColor: customizationColor,
LocalNickname: contact.LocalNickname,
Added: contact.added(),
Blocked: contact.Blocked,
Muted: muted,
HasAddedUs: contact.hasAddedUs(),
Removed: contact.Removed,
ContactRequestLocalState: int64(contact.ContactRequestLocalState),
ContactRequestRemoteState: int64(contact.ContactRequestRemoteState),
ContactRequestRemoteClock: int64(contact.ContactRequestRemoteClock),
ContactRequestLocalClock: int64(contact.ContactRequestLocalClock),
VerificationStatus: int64(contact.VerificationStatus),
TrustStatus: int64(contact.TrustStatus),
func (m *Messenger) backupProfile(ctx context.Context, clock uint64) ([]*protobuf.Backup, error) {
displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
displayNameClock, err := m.settings.GetSettingLastSynced(settings.DisplayName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.account == nil {
return nil, nil
keyUID := m.account.KeyUID
images, err := m.multiAccounts.GetIdentityImages(keyUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pictureProtos := make([]*protobuf.SyncProfilePicture, len(images))
for i, image := range images {
p := &protobuf.SyncProfilePicture{}
p.Name = image.Name
p.Payload = image.Payload
p.Width = uint32(image.Width)
p.Height = uint32(image.Height)
p.FileSize = uint32(image.FileSize)
p.ResizeTarget = uint32(image.ResizeTarget)
if image.Clock == 0 {
p.Clock = clock
} else {
p.Clock = image.Clock
pictureProtos[i] = p
ensUsernameDetails, err := m.getEnsUsernameDetails()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ensUsernameDetailProtos := make([]*protobuf.SyncEnsUsernameDetail, len(ensUsernameDetails))
for i, ensUsernameDetail := range ensUsernameDetails {
ensUsernameDetailProtos[i] = &protobuf.SyncEnsUsernameDetail{
Username: ensUsernameDetail.Username,
Clock: ensUsernameDetail.Clock,
Removed: ensUsernameDetail.Removed,
ChainId: ensUsernameDetail.ChainID,
profileShowcasePreferences, err := m.GetProfileShowcasePreferences()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
backupMessage := &protobuf.Backup{
Profile: &protobuf.BackedUpProfile{
KeyUid: keyUID,
DisplayName: displayName,
Pictures: pictureProtos,
DisplayNameClock: displayNameClock,
EnsUsernameDetails: ensUsernameDetailProtos,
ProfileShowcasePreferences: ToProfileShowcasePreferencesProto(profileShowcasePreferences),
backupMessages := []*protobuf.Backup{backupMessage}
return backupMessages, nil
func (m *Messenger) backupKeypairs() ([]*protobuf.Backup, error) {
keypairs, err := m.settings.GetAllKeypairs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var backupMessages []*protobuf.Backup
for _, kp := range keypairs {
kp.SyncedFrom = accounts.SyncedFromBackup
keypair, err := m.prepareSyncKeypairMessage(kp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
backupMessage := &protobuf.Backup{
Keypair: keypair,
backupMessages = append(backupMessages, backupMessage)
return backupMessages, nil
func (m *Messenger) backupWatchOnlyAccounts() ([]*protobuf.Backup, error) {
accounts, err := m.settings.GetAllWatchOnlyAccounts()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var backupMessages []*protobuf.Backup
for _, acc := range accounts {
backupMessage := &protobuf.Backup{}
backupMessage.WatchOnlyAccount = m.prepareSyncAccountMessage(acc)
backupMessages = append(backupMessages, backupMessage)
return backupMessages, nil