// Package temperrcatcher provides a TempErrCatcher object,
// which implements simple error-retrying functionality.
package temperrcatcher

import (

// InitialDelay governs how long to wait the first time.
// This is defaulted to time.Millisecond, which makes sense
// for network listener failures. You may want a much smaller
// delay. You can configure this package wide, or in each
// TempErrCatcher
var InitialDelay = time.Millisecond

// Temporary is an interface errors can implement to
// ensure they are correctly classified by the default
// TempErrCatcher classifier
type Temporary interface {
	Temporary() bool

// ErrIsTemporary returns whether an error is Temporary(),
// iff it implements the Temporary interface.
func ErrIsTemporary(e error) bool {
	var te Temporary
	ok := errors.As(e, &te)
	return ok && te.Temporary()

// TempErrCatcher catches temporary errors for you. It then sleeps
// for a bit before returning (you should then try again). This may
// seem odd, but it's exactly what net/http does:
// http://golang.org/src/net/http/server.go?s=51504:51550#L1728
// You can set a few options in TempErrCatcher. They all have defaults
// so a zero TempErrCatcher is ready to be used:
//  var c tec.TempErrCatcher
//  c.IsTemporary(tempErr)
type TempErrCatcher struct {
	IsTemp func(error) bool    // the classifier to use. default: ErrIsTemporary
	Wait   func(time.Duration) // the wait func to call. default: time.Sleep
	Max    time.Duration       // the maximum time to wait. default: time.Second
	Start  time.Duration       // the delay to start with. default: InitialDelay
	delay  time.Duration
	last   time.Time

func (tec *TempErrCatcher) init() {
	if tec.Max == 0 {
		tec.Max = time.Second
	if tec.IsTemp == nil {
		tec.IsTemp = ErrIsTemporary
	if tec.Wait == nil {
		tec.Wait = time.Sleep
	if tec.Start == 0 {
		tec.Start = InitialDelay

// IsTemporary checks whether an error is temporary. It will call
// tec.Wait before returning, with a delay. The delay is also
// doubled, so we do not constantly spin. This is the strategy
// net.Listener uses.
// Note: you will want to call Reset() if you get a success,
// so that the stored delay is brough back to 0.
func (tec *TempErrCatcher) IsTemporary(e error) bool {
	if tec.IsTemp(e) {
		now := time.Now()
		if now.Sub(tec.last) > (tec.delay * 5) {
			// this is a "new streak" of temp failures. reset.

		if tec.delay == 0 { // init case.
			tec.delay = tec.Start
		} else {
			tec.delay *= 2

		if tec.delay > tec.Max {
			tec.delay = tec.Max
		tec.last = now
		return true
	tec.Reset() // different failure. call reset
	return false

// Reset sets the internal delay counter to 0
func (tec *TempErrCatcher) Reset() {
	tec.delay = 0

// ErrTemporary wraps any error and implements Temporary function.
//   err := errors.New("beep boop")
//   var c tec.TempErrCatcher
//   c.IsTemporary(err)              // false
//   c.IsTemporary(tec.ErrTemp{err}) // true
type ErrTemporary struct {
	Err error

func (e ErrTemporary) Temporary() bool {
	return true

func (e ErrTemporary) Error() string {
	return e.Err.Error()

func (e ErrTemporary) String() string {
	return e.Error()