# Introduction This document describes the available options in the JSON config for `status-go`. The structure of the JSON config is defined in the [`params/config.go`](/params/config.go) file, which also contains detailed comments on meaning of each option. The `NodeConfig` struct defines the general configuration keys at the __root__ of the JSON file. If the descriptions of any options are too vague feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/issues/new). Example config files can be viewed in the [`config/cli`](/config/cli) folder. # Important Sections The JSON config is separated into several sections. The most important ones are listed below. ## `NodeConfig` The root of the JSON configuration. An example of most important settings would include: ```json { "NetworkID": 1, "DataDir": "/tmp/status-go-data", "NodeKey": "123qwe123qwe123qwe123", "Rendezvous": false, "NoDiscovery": false, "ListenAddr": "", "RegisterTopics": ["whispermail"] } ``` If you'd want to enable JSON RPC port you'd need: ```json { "HTTPEnabled": true, "HTTPHost": "", "HTTPPort": 8545, "APIModules": "eth,net,web3,admin" } ``` In order to adjust logging settings you'd need: ```json { "LogFile": "/var/log/status-go.log", "LogLevel": "INFO", "LogMaxSize": 200, "LogMaxBackups": 5, "LogCompressRotated": true } ``` Valid `LogLevel` settings are: `ERROR`, `WARN`, `INFO`, `DEBUG`, `TRACE` ## `WakuConfig` If you want your node to relay Waku(modified Whisper) protocol messages you'll want to include this: ```json { "WakuConfig": { "Enabled": true, "EnableMailServer": true, "DataDir": "/tmp/status-go-data/waku", "MailServerPassword": "status-offline-inbox", "MailServerDataRetention": 30 } } ``` The `MailServerPassword` is used for symmetric encryption of history requests. The `MailServerDataRetention` defines number of days for which to keep messages. By default it will use `leveldb` embedded database. To use postgres instead you need to add this to your config: ```json { "DatabaseConfig": { "PGConfig": { "Enabled": true, "URI": "postgres://user:password@host:port?options" } } } ``` __NOTE:__ The default password used by Status App and [our mailservers](https://fleets.status.im/) is `status-offline-inbox`. ## `ClusterConfig` This config manages what peers and bootstrap nodes your `status-go` instance connects when it starts. ```json { "ClusterConfig": { "Enabled": true, "Fleet": "eth.prod", "BootNodes": [ "enode://345ert345ert@" ], "TrustedMailServers": [ "enode://qwe123qwe123@" ], "StaticNodes": [ "enode://123qwe123qwe@" ] } } ``` `BootNodes` help the `status-go` instance find peers. They are more important to have than `StaticNodes` or `TrustedMailServers`, which are just statically added peers on start.