# Status CLI The Status CLI is a command line interface for interacting with the Status messenging process. It is a tool for developers and QAs to test the communication workflow without running Status desktop and mobile app. ## Features - Create a new account - Send and receive contact request - DM between contacts ## Build Go to `cmd/status-cli` directory and build the binary ```bash go build ``` You can also run `make status-cli` in the root directory to build the binary. ## Run ### Run `serve` command: ```bash # run alice's server ./status-cli serve # run charlie's server in another terminal with the logged pubkey of Alice ./status-cli serve -n charlie -p 8565 -a ``` You can send direct messages through JSON RPC. If you also want to send messages through terminal enable `interactive` mode (with the `-i` flag) JSON RPC examples: ```bash # get waku info curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"waku_info","params":[],"id":1}' # get peer info curl --request POST --url --header 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_peers", "params": [], "id": 1}' # send contact request from charlie to alice (use -a flag will automatacally send contact request when starting) curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"wakuext_sendContactRequest","params":[{"id": "0x0436470da23039f10c1588bc6b9fcbd4b815bf9fae4dc09c0fb05a7eaaf1670b5dbdbc757630d54bf2f8be45a796304dc42506c3f4172f499f610a9ed85d9b0d4c", "message": "hello"}],"id":1}' # send dm from charlie to alice curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"wakuext_sendOneToOneMessage","params":[{"id": "0x0436470da23039f10c1588bc6b9fcbd4b815bf9fae4dc09c0fb05a7eaaf1670b5dbdbc757630d54bf2f8be45a796304dc42506c3f4172f499f610a9ed85d9b0d4c", "message": "how are you"}],"id":1}' # send dm from alice to charlie curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"wakuext_sendOneToOneMessage","params":[{"id": "0x042c0ce856c41ad6d3f651a84c83f646cdafdf3a26a3d69bce3a6ccf59b23b5a366c12162045d5066abad7912741a6e6c6e8e11e7826c4c850a1de7a2bae24a79c", "message": "Im fine, and you?"}],"id":1}' ``` ### Run `serve-account` command The `./status-cli serve` command will generate a new account, it will print in the console the key UID of that account, if you want to re-run that created account (i.e.: run the account with the same public key), you can do so with this command: ```bash ./status-cli serve-account -n alice -kid 0x02887ff8dddb774ad836c00c8fd30ef9bc45d6b23f1f8cad1bff07d09cb378c3 ``` You will need the same name and key ### Run `simulate` command ```bash # simulate DM between two accounts ./status-cli simulate # simulate DM in a interactive way ./status-cli simulate -i # simulate DM with 3 messages ./status-cli simulate -c 3 # run in light mode ./status-cli simulate --light ``` You can run the commands with `--light` to work as a light client. Logs are recorded in file `*.log` and terminal. ## JSON-RPC use cases ### Start two CLIs adding each other as contacts ```bash # terminal 1 (alice) ./status-cli serve -n alice -p 5500 # note the public key and the key id from the output # terminal 2 (bobby) ./status-cli serve -n bobby -p 5501 -a ``` ## Restart any existing account ```bash # notice we need both the name and the key id (not the pub key here) # the key id will be pressent in the logs when a new account is created, same as the public key ./status-cli serve -n bobby -kid ``` ### Create community Have two CLIs running (`alice` and `bobby`) ```bash # 1. (alice) create community # this call will return the community id curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_createCommunity", "params": [ { "membership": 3, "name": "cli-test-1", "color": "#ffffff", "description": "cli-test-1" } ], "id": 1 }' # 2. (bobby & alice) fetch community (use communityId from step 1 response) curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_fetchCommunity", "params": [ { "communityKey": "0x02bea5af5779d5f742f2419cc0d819d3ce33adb922e8e90bdf3533fd121d52d4bc", "waitForResponse": true, "tryDatabase": true } ], "id": 1 }' # 3. (bobby) request to join community (use communityId from step 1 response) # this call will return the requestsToJoinCommunity.id curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_requestToJoinCommunity", "params": [ { "communityId": "0x02bea5af5779d5f742f2419cc0d819d3ce33adb922e8e90bdf3533fd121d52d4bc" } ], "id": 1 }' # 4. (alice) accept request to join community from bobby (use requestsToJoinCommunity.id from step 3 response) # in the response you can see the community id and the chats' ids for that community ($.result.communities[*].chats[*].id) curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_acceptRequestToJoinCommunity", "params": [ { "id": "0x1b828fe8c778403268ffcf80b892f8be46cf9a85ba2c9f479bfb0c0a807a71f4" } ], "id": 1 }' # 5. (alice) send chat message (bobby should receive it) # chatId is the community id concatenated to the chat id (from step 4 response) curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_sendChatMessage", "params": [ { "chatId": "0x02bea5af5779d5f742f2419cc0d819d3ce33adb922e8e90bdf3533fd121d52d4bcdfe601d1-096c-4201-b692-fcdb81ef0cec", "text": "hello there", "contentType": 1 } ], "id": 1 }' # 6. (bobby) leave the community (use communityId from step 1 response) curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_leaveCommunity", "params": [ "0x02bea5af5779d5f742f2419cc0d819d3ce33adb922e8e90bdf3533fd121d52d4bc" ], "id": 1 }' # Optional: # 7. (bobby & alice) fetch community again and verify the members (curl from step 2.) # 8. Instead of creating a community always you can restart alice and bobby and proceed from step 2. Alice is the owner ``` ### Private group chat Have two CLIs running (`alice` and `bobby`) ```bash # 1. (alice) create the group chat including bobby's public key in it, # the response will have the group chat id to send messages to it curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_createGroupChatWithMembers", "params": [ null, "group-chat-name", [ "0x04d3c86dfc77b195b705e1831935066076018aa0d7c40044829801ebbfe9b06480ce4662072bf16a3ca7cb8f6289207614deceaf7d33e099dfc9281610375fec08" ] ], "id": 1 }' # 2. (alice) send the message to the id of the group chat (from step 1 response) curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "wakuext_sendGroupChatMessage", "params": [ { "id": "8291eae1-338c-4481-9997-04edd2d2bbed-0x0490cbce029eaf094c7f2dcf1feb2d60e91ab1498847eb29fa98cc5ea5a36666b3f9ada142f3080f5074abd942c863438f6af9475f30781790c7e36f9acd2ac93e", "message": "hello" } ], "id": 1 }' ```