package jail import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" gethcommon "" "" "" "" e2e "" . "" "" "" ) func TestJailRPCTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(JailRPCTestSuite)) } type JailRPCTestSuite struct { e2e.BackendTestSuite jail jail.Manager } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) SetupTest() { s.BackendTestSuite.SetupTest() s.jail = s.Backend.JailManager() s.NotNil(s.jail) } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) TestJailRPCSend() { CheckTestSkipForNetworks(s.T(), params.MainNetworkID) s.StartTestBackend() defer s.StopTestBackend() EnsureNodeSync(s.Backend.StatusNode().EnsureSync) // load Status JS and add test command to it s.jail.SetBaseJS(baseStatusJSCode) s.jail.CreateAndInitCell(testChatID) // obtain VM for a given chat (to send custom JS to jailed version of Send()) cell, err := s.jail.Cell(testChatID) s.NoError(err) s.NotNil(cell) // internally (since we replaced `web3.send` with `jail.Send`) // all requests to web3 are forwarded to `jail.Send` _, err = cell.Run(` var balance = web3.eth.getBalance("` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"); var sendResult = web3.fromWei(balance, "ether") `) s.NoError(err) value, err := cell.Get("sendResult") s.NoError(err, "cannot obtain result of balance check operation") balance, err := value.Value().ToFloat() s.NoError(err) s.T().Logf("Balance of %.2f ETH found on '%s' account", balance, TestConfig.Account1.Address) s.False(balance < 1, "wrong balance (there should be lots of test Ether on that account)") } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) TestIsConnected() { s.StartTestBackend() defer s.StopTestBackend() s.jail.CreateAndInitCell(testChatID) // obtain VM for a given chat (to send custom JS to jailed version of Send()) cell, err := s.jail.Cell(testChatID) s.NoError(err) _, err = cell.Run(` var responseValue = web3.isConnected(); responseValue = JSON.stringify(responseValue); `) s.NoError(err) responseValue, err := cell.Get("responseValue") s.NoError(err, "cannot obtain result of isConnected()") response, err := responseValue.Value().ToBoolean() s.NoError(err, "cannot parse result") s.True(response) } // regression test: eth_getTransactionReceipt with invalid transaction hash should return "result":null. func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) TestRegressionGetTransactionReceipt() { s.StartTestBackend() defer s.StopTestBackend() rpcClient := s.Backend.StatusNode().RPCClient() s.NotNil(rpcClient) // note: transaction hash is assumed to be invalid got := rpcClient.CallRaw(`{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionReceipt","params":["0xbbebf28d0a3a3cbb38e6053a5b21f08f82c62b0c145a17b1c4313cac3f68ae7c"],"id":7}`) expected := `{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":7,"result":null}` s.Equal(expected, got) } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) TestContractDeploymentLES() { s.testContractDeployment(false) } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) TestContractDeploymentRPC() { s.testContractDeployment(true) } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) testContractDeployment(upstream bool) { CheckTestSkipForNetworks(s.T(), params.MainNetworkID) if upstream && GetNetworkID() == params.StatusChainNetworkID { // only testing RPC on rinkeby s.T().Skip() } testContractMining := true if GetNetworkID() == params.StatusChainNetworkID { // we don't do mining on our chain testContractMining = false } s.StartTestBackend(setUpstreamOption(s.T(), upstream)) defer s.StopTestBackend() s.NoError(s.Backend.SelectAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Address, TestConfig.Account1.Password)) if !upstream { EnsureNodeSync(s.Backend.StatusNode().EnsureSync) } // obtain VM for a given chat (to send custom JS to jailed version of Send()) s.jail.CreateAndInitCell(testChatID) cell, err := s.jail.Cell(testChatID) s.NoError(err) completeQueuedTransaction := make(chan struct{}) var txHash gethcommon.Hash signal.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) { var envelope signal.Envelope unmarshalErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope) s.NoError(unmarshalErr, "cannot unmarshal JSON: %s", jsonEvent) if envelope.Type == signal.EventSignRequestAdded { event := envelope.Event.(map[string]interface{}) s.T().Logf("transaction queued and will be completed shortly, id: %v", event["id"]) txID := event["id"].(string) result := s.Backend.ApproveSignRequest(txID, TestConfig.Account1.Password) txHash.SetBytes(result.Response.Bytes()) if s.NoError(result.Error, event["id"]) { s.T().Logf("contract transaction complete, URL: %s", ""+txHash.Hex()) } close(completeQueuedTransaction) } }) _, err = cell.Run(` var responseValue = null; var errorValue = null; var wasMined = false; var wasSent = false; var testContract = web3.eth.contract([{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"a","type":"int256"}],"name":"double","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int256"}],"payable":false,"type":"function"}]); var test = { from: '` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `', data: '0x6060604052341561000c57fe5b5b60a58061001b6000396000f30060606040526000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff1680636ffa1caa14603a575bfe5b3415604157fe5b60556004808035906020019091905050606b565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b60008160020290505b9190505600a165627a7a72305820ccdadd737e4ac7039963b54cee5e5afb25fa859a275252bdcf06f653155228210029', gas: '` + strconv.Itoa(params.DefaultGas) + `' }, function (e, contract) { // NOTE: The callback will fire twice! if (e) { errorValue = e; return; } // Once the contract has the transactionHash property set and once its deployed on an address. if (!contract.address) { responseValue = contract.transactionHash; wasSent = true; } if (contract.address) { wasMined = true; } }) `) s.NoError(err) select { case <-completeQueuedTransaction: case <-time.After(time.Minute): s.FailNow("test timed out") } s.waitForBoolValue(cell, "wasSent", true, 30*time.Second, "timeout while waiting for the contract tx to be sent") errorValue, err := cell.Get("errorValue") s.NoError(err) s.Equal("null", errorValue.Value().String()) responseValue, err := cell.Get("responseValue") s.NoError(err) response, err := responseValue.Value().ToString() s.NoError(err) expectedResponse := txHash.Hex() s.Equal(expectedResponse, response) if testContractMining { s.waitForBoolValue(cell, "wasMined", true, 3*time.Minute, "timeout while waiting for the contract to be mined") } } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) waitForBoolValue(cell jail.JSCell, name string, expected bool, timeout time.Duration, msg string) { deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout) s.T().Logf("waiting for the variable '%s' to be '%v' with timeout of '%v'", name, expected, timeout) for time.Now().Before(deadline) { boolValue, err := cell.Get(name) s.NoError(err) actualValue, err := boolValue.Value().ToBoolean() s.NoError(err) if actualValue == expected { return } time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } s.Fail(msg) } func (s *JailRPCTestSuite) TestJailVMPersistence() { CheckTestSkipForNetworks(s.T(), params.MainNetworkID) s.StartTestBackend() defer s.StopTestBackend() EnsureNodeSync(s.Backend.StatusNode().EnsureSync) // log into account from which transactions will be sent err := s.Backend.SelectAccount(TestConfig.Account1.Address, TestConfig.Account1.Password) s.NoError(err, "cannot select account: %v", TestConfig.Account1.Address) // there are two `sendTestTx` calls in `testCases` var wgTransctions sync.WaitGroup wgTransctions.Add(2) type testCase struct { command string params string validator func(response string) error } var testCases = []testCase{ { `["sendTestTx"]`, `{"amount": "0.000001", "from": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"}`, func(response string) error { if strings.Contains(response, "error") { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response: %v", response) } return nil }, }, { `["sendTestTx"]`, `{"amount": "0.000002", "from": "` + TestConfig.Account1.Address + `"}`, func(response string) error { if strings.Contains(response, "error") { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response: %v", response) } return nil }, }, { `["ping"]`, `{"pong": "Ping1", "amount": 0.42}`, func(response string) error { expectedResponse := `{"result":"Ping1"}` if response != expectedResponse { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response, expected: %v, got: %v", expectedResponse, response) } return nil }, }, { `["ping"]`, `{"pong": "Ping2", "amount": 0.42}`, func(response string) error { expectedResponse := `{"result":"Ping2"}` if response != expectedResponse { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response, expected: %v, got: %v", expectedResponse, response) } return nil }, }, } jail := s.Backend.JailManager() jail.SetBaseJS(baseStatusJSCode) parseResult := jail.CreateAndInitCell(testChatID, ` var total = 0; _status_catalog['ping'] = function(params) { total += Number(params.amount); return params.pong; } _status_catalog['sendTestTx'] = function(params) { var amount = params.amount; var transaction = { "from": params.from, "to": "`+TestConfig.Account2.Address+`", "value": web3.toWei(amount, "ether") }; web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction, function (error, result) { if(!error) { total += Number(amount); _done(); } }); } _status_catalog; `) s.NotContains(parseResult, "error", "further will fail if initial parsing failed") cell, err := jail.Cell(testChatID) s.NoError(err) // create a bridge between JS code and Go // to notify when the tx callback is called err = cell.Set("_done", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { wgTransctions.Done() return otto.UndefinedValue() }) s.NoError(err) signal.SetDefaultNodeNotificationHandler(func(jsonEvent string) { var envelope signal.Envelope if e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonEvent), &envelope); e != nil { s.T().Errorf("cannot unmarshal event's JSON: %s", jsonEvent) return } if envelope.Type == signal.EventSignRequestAdded { event := envelope.Event.(map[string]interface{}) s.T().Logf("Transaction queued (will be completed shortly): {id: %s}\n", event["id"].(string)) var txHash gethcommon.Hash txID := event["id"].(string) result := s.Backend.ApproveSignRequest(txID, TestConfig.Account1.Password) s.NoError(result.Error, "cannot complete queued transaction[%v]: %v", event["id"], result.Error) txHash.SetBytes(result.Response.Bytes()) s.T().Logf("Transaction complete: %s", txHash.Hex()) } }) // run commands concurrently var wg sync.WaitGroup for _, tc := range testCases { wg.Add(1) go func(tc testCase) { defer wg.Done() // ensure we don't forget it s.T().Logf("CALL START: %v %v", tc.command, tc.params) response := jail.Call(testChatID, tc.command, tc.params) if e := tc.validator(response); e != nil { s.T().Errorf("failed test validation: %v, err: %v", tc.command, e) } s.T().Logf("CALL END: %v %v", tc.command, tc.params) }(tc) } finishTestCases := make(chan struct{}) go func() { wg.Wait() wgTransctions.Wait() close(finishTestCases) }() select { case <-finishTestCases: case <-time.After(time.Minute): s.FailNow("some tests failed to finish in time") } // Validate total. totalOtto, err := cell.Get("total") s.NoError(err) total, err := totalOtto.Value().ToFloat() s.NoError(err) s.T().Log(total) s.InDelta(0.840003, total, 0.0000001) } func setUpstreamOption(t *testing.T, upstream bool) e2e.TestNodeOption { return func(config *params.NodeConfig) { if upstream { networkURL, err := GetRemoteURL() assert.NoError(t, err) config.UpstreamConfig.Enabled = true config.UpstreamConfig.URL = networkURL } } }