package server import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "image" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( basePath = "/messages" identiconsPath = basePath + "/identicons" imagesPath = basePath + "/images" audioPath = basePath + "/audio" ipfsPath = "/ipfs" discordAuthorsPath = "/discord/authors" discordAttachmentsPath = basePath + "/discord/attachments" // Handler routes for pairing accountImagesPath = "/accountImages" contactImagesPath = "/contactImages" ) type HandlerPatternMap map[string]http.HandlerFunc func handleAccountImages(multiaccountsDB *multiaccounts.Database, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := r.URL.Query() keyUids, ok := params["keyUid"] if !ok || len(keyUids) == 0 { logger.Error("no keyUid") return } imageNames, ok := params["imageName"] if !ok || len(imageNames) == 0 { logger.Error("no imageName") return } identityImage, err := multiaccountsDB.GetIdentityImage(keyUids[0], imageNames[0]) if err != nil { logger.Error("handleAccountImages: failed to load image.", zap.String("keyUid", keyUids[0]), zap.String("imageName", imageNames[0]), zap.Error(err)) return } var payload = identityImage.Payload if ringEnabled(params) { pks, ok := params["publicKey"] if !ok || len(pks) == 0 { logger.Error("no publicKey") return } colorHash, err := colorhash.GenerateFor(pks[0]) if err != nil { logger.Error("could not generate color hash") return } var theme = getTheme(params, logger) payload, err = ring.DrawRing(&ring.DrawRingParam{ Theme: theme, ColorHash: colorHash, ImageBytes: identityImage.Payload, Height: identityImage.Height, Width: identityImage.Width, }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to draw ring for account identity", zap.Error(err)) return } } if len(payload) == 0 { logger.Error("empty image") return } mime, err := images.ImageMime(payload) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to get mime", zap.Error(err)) } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store") _, err = w.Write(payload) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write image", zap.Error(err)) } } } func handleContactImages(db *sql.DB, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := r.URL.Query() pks, ok := params["publicKey"] if !ok || len(pks) == 0 { logger.Error("no publicKey") return } imageNames, ok := params["imageName"] if !ok || len(imageNames) == 0 { logger.Error("no imageName") return } colorHash, err := colorhash.GenerateFor(pks[0]) if err != nil { logger.Error("could not generate color hash") return } var payload []byte err = db.QueryRow(`SELECT payload FROM chat_identity_contacts WHERE contact_id = ? and image_type = ?`, pks[0], imageNames[0]).Scan(&payload) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to load image.", zap.String("contact id", pks[0]), zap.String("image type", imageNames[0]), zap.Error(err)) return } if ringEnabled(params) { var theme = getTheme(params, logger) config, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(payload)) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to decode config.", zap.String("contact id", pks[0]), zap.String("image type", imageNames[0]), zap.Error(err)) return } payload, err = ring.DrawRing(&ring.DrawRingParam{ Theme: theme, ColorHash: colorHash, ImageBytes: payload, Height: config.Height, Width: config.Width, }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to draw ring for contact image.", zap.Error(err)) return } } if len(payload) == 0 { logger.Error("empty image") return } mime, err := images.ImageMime(payload) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to get mime", zap.Error(err)) } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store") _, err = w.Write(payload) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write image", zap.Error(err)) } } } func ringEnabled(params url.Values) bool { addRings, ok := params["addRing"] return ok && len(addRings) == 1 && addRings[0] == "1" } func getTheme(params url.Values, logger *zap.Logger) ring.Theme { theme := ring.LightTheme // default themes, ok := params["theme"] if ok && len(themes) > 0 { t, err := strconv.Atoi(themes[0]) if err != nil { logger.Error("invalid param[theme], value: " + themes[0]) } else { theme = ring.Theme(t) } } return theme } func handleIdenticon(logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := r.URL.Query() pks, ok := params["publicKey"] if !ok || len(pks) == 0 { logger.Error("no publicKey") return } pk := pks[0] image, err := identicon.Generate(pk) if err != nil { logger.Error("could not generate identicon") } if image != nil && ringEnabled(params) { colorHash, err := colorhash.GenerateFor(pk) if err != nil { logger.Error("could not generate color hash") return } theme := getTheme(params, logger) image, err = ring.DrawRing(&ring.DrawRingParam{ Theme: theme, ColorHash: colorHash, ImageBytes: image, Height: identicon.Height, Width: identicon.Width, }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to draw ring", zap.Error(err)) } } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png") w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age:290304000, public") w.Header().Set("Expires", time.Now().AddDate(60, 0, 0).Format(http.TimeFormat)) _, err = w.Write(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write image", zap.Error(err)) } } } func handleDiscordAuthorAvatar(db *sql.DB, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { authorIDs, ok := r.URL.Query()["authorId"] if !ok || len(authorIDs) == 0 { logger.Error("no authorIDs") return } authorID := authorIDs[0] var image []byte err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT avatar_image_payload FROM discord_message_authors WHERE id = ?`, authorID).Scan(&image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to find image", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(image) == 0 { logger.Error("empty image") return } mime, err := images.ImageMime(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to get mime", zap.Error(err)) } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store") _, err = w.Write(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write image", zap.Error(err)) } } } func handleDiscordAttachment(db *sql.DB, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { messageIDs, ok := r.URL.Query()["messageId"] if !ok || len(messageIDs) == 0 { logger.Error("no messageID") return } attachmentIDs, ok := r.URL.Query()["attachmentId"] if !ok || len(attachmentIDs) == 0 { logger.Error("no attachmentID") return } messageID := messageIDs[0] attachmentID := attachmentIDs[0] var image []byte err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT payload FROM discord_message_attachments WHERE discord_message_id = ? AND id = ?`, messageID, attachmentID).Scan(&image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to find image", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(image) == 0 { logger.Error("empty image") return } mime, err := images.ImageMime(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to get mime", zap.Error(err)) } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store") _, err = w.Write(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write image", zap.Error(err)) } } } func handleImage(db *sql.DB, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { messageIDs, ok := r.URL.Query()["messageId"] if !ok || len(messageIDs) == 0 { logger.Error("no messageID") return } messageID := messageIDs[0] var image []byte err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT image_payload FROM user_messages WHERE id = ?`, messageID).Scan(&image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to find image", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(image) == 0 { logger.Error("empty image") return } mime, err := images.ImageMime(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to get mime", zap.Error(err)) } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store") _, err = w.Write(image) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write image", zap.Error(err)) } } } func handleAudio(db *sql.DB, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { messageIDs, ok := r.URL.Query()["messageId"] if !ok || len(messageIDs) == 0 { logger.Error("no messageID") return } messageID := messageIDs[0] var audio []byte err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT audio_payload FROM user_messages WHERE id = ?`, messageID).Scan(&audio) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to find image", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(audio) == 0 { logger.Error("empty audio") return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "audio/aac") w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store") _, err = w.Write(audio) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write audio", zap.Error(err)) } } } func handleIPFS(downloader *ipfs.Downloader, logger *zap.Logger) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { hashes, ok := r.URL.Query()["hash"] if !ok || len(hashes) == 0 { logger.Error("no hash") return } _, download := r.URL.Query()["download"] content, err := downloader.Get(hashes[0], download) if err != nil { logger.Error("could not download hash", zap.Error(err)) return } w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age:290304000, public") w.Header().Set("Expires", time.Now().AddDate(60, 0, 0).Format(http.TimeFormat)) _, err = w.Write(content) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to write ipfs resource", zap.Error(err)) } } }