package shhext import ( "errors" "fmt" "sort" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" whisper "" ) const ( // WhisperTimeAllowance is needed to ensure that we won't miss envelopes that were // delivered to mail server after we made a request. WhisperTimeAllowance = 20 * time.Second ) // TimeSource is a function that returns current time. type TimeSource func() time.Time // NewHistoryUpdateReactor creates HistoryUpdateReactor instance. func NewHistoryUpdateReactor(store db.HistoryStore, registry *RequestsRegistry, timeSource TimeSource) *HistoryUpdateReactor { return &HistoryUpdateReactor{ store: store, registry: registry, timeSource: timeSource, } } // HistoryUpdateReactor responsible for tracking progress for all history requests. // It listens for 2 events: // - when envelope from mail server is received we will update appropriate topic on disk // - when confirmation for request completion is received - we will set last envelope timestamp as the last timestamp // for all TopicLists in current request. type HistoryUpdateReactor struct { mu sync.Mutex store db.HistoryStore registry *RequestsRegistry timeSource TimeSource } // UpdateFinishedRequest removes successfully finished request and updates every topic // attached to the request. func (reactor *HistoryUpdateReactor) UpdateFinishedRequest(id common.Hash) error { defer req, err := if err != nil { return err } for i := range req.Histories() { th := &req.Histories()[i] th.RequestID = common.Hash{} th.Current = th.End th.End = time.Time{} if err := th.Save(); err != nil { return err } } return req.Delete() } // UpdateTopicHistory updates Current timestamp for the TopicHistory with a given timestamp. func (reactor *HistoryUpdateReactor) UpdateTopicHistory(topic whisper.TopicType, timestamp time.Time) error { defer histories, err := if err != nil { return err } if len(histories) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no histories for topic 0x%x", topic) } for i := range histories { th := &histories[i] // this case could happen only iff envelopes were delivered out of order // last envelope received, request completed, then others envelopes received // request completed, last envelope received, and then all others envelopes received if !th.Pending() { continue } if timestamp.Before(th.End) && timestamp.After(th.Current) { th.Current = timestamp } err := th.Save() if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // TopicRequest defines what user has to provide. type TopicRequest struct { Topic whisper.TopicType Duration time.Duration } // CreateRequests receives list of topic with desired timestamps and initiates both pending requests and requests // that cover new topics. func (reactor *HistoryUpdateReactor) CreateRequests(topicRequests []TopicRequest) ([]db.HistoryRequest, error) { defer seen := map[whisper.TopicType]struct{}{} for i := range topicRequests { if _, exist := seen[topicRequests[i].Topic]; exist { return nil, errors.New("only one duration per topic is allowed") } seen[topicRequests[i].Topic] = struct{}{} } histories := map[whisper.TopicType]db.TopicHistory{} for i := range topicRequests { th, err :=[i].Topic, topicRequests[i].Duration) if err != nil { return nil, err } histories[th.Topic] = th } requests, err := if err != nil { return nil, err } filtered := []db.HistoryRequest{} for i := range requests { req := requests[i] for _, th := range histories { if th.Pending() { delete(histories, th.Topic) } } if !reactor.registry.Has(req.ID) { filtered = append(filtered, req) } } adjusted, err := adjustRequestedHistories(, mapToList(histories)) if err != nil { return nil, err } filtered = append(filtered, GroupHistoriesByRequestTimespan(, adjusted)...) return RenewRequests(filtered, reactor.timeSource()), nil } // for every history that is not included in any request check if there are other ranges with such topic in db // if so check if they can be merged // if not then adjust second part so that End of it will be equal to First of previous func adjustRequestedHistories(store db.HistoryStore, histories []db.TopicHistory) ([]db.TopicHistory, error) { adjusted := []db.TopicHistory{} for i := range histories { all, err := store.GetHistoriesByTopic(histories[i].Topic) if err != nil { return nil, err } th, err := adjustRequestedHistory(&histories[i], all...) if err != nil { return nil, err } if th != nil { adjusted = append(adjusted, *th) } } return adjusted, nil } func adjustRequestedHistory(th *db.TopicHistory, others ...db.TopicHistory) (*db.TopicHistory, error) { sort.Slice(others, func(i, j int) bool { return others[i].Duration > others[j].Duration }) if len(others) == 1 && others[0].Duration == th.Duration { return th, nil } for j := range others { if others[j].Duration == th.Duration { // skip instance with same duration continue } else if th.Duration > others[j].Duration { if th.Current.Equal(others[j].First) { // this condition will be reached when query for new index successfully finished th.Current = others[j].Current // FIXME next two db operations must be completed atomically err := th.Save() if err != nil { return nil, err } err = others[j].Delete() if err != nil { return nil, err } } else if (others[j].First != time.Time{}) { // select First timestamp with lowest value. if there are multiple indexes that cover such ranges: // 6:00 - 7:00 Duration: 3h // 7:00 - 8:00 2h // 8:00 - 9:00 1h // and client created new index with Duration 4h // 4h index must have End value set to 6:00 if (others[j].First.Before(th.End) || th.End == time.Time{}) { th.End = others[j].First } } else { // remove previous if it is covered by new one // client created multiple indexes without any succsefully executed query err := others[j].Delete() if err != nil { return nil, err } } } else if th.Duration < others[j].Duration { if !others[j].Pending() { th = &others[j] } else { return nil, nil } } } return th, nil } // RenewRequests re-sets current, first and end timestamps. // Changes should not be persisted on disk in this method. func RenewRequests(requests []db.HistoryRequest, now time.Time) []db.HistoryRequest { zero := time.Time{} for i := range requests { req := requests[i] histories := req.Histories() for j := range histories { history := &histories[j] if history.Current == zero { history.Current = now.Add(-(history.Duration)) } if history.First == zero { history.First = history.Current } if history.End == zero { history.End = now } } } return requests } // CreateTopicOptionsFromRequest transforms histories attached to a single request to a simpler format - TopicOptions. func CreateTopicOptionsFromRequest(req db.HistoryRequest) TopicOptions { histories := req.Histories() rst := make(TopicOptions, len(histories)) for i := range histories { history := histories[i] rst[i] = TopicOption{ Topic: history.Topic, Range: Range{ Start: uint64(history.Current.Add(-(WhisperTimeAllowance)).Unix()), End: uint64(history.End.Unix()), }, } } return rst } func mapToList(topics map[whisper.TopicType]db.TopicHistory) []db.TopicHistory { rst := make([]db.TopicHistory, 0, len(topics)) for key := range topics { rst = append(rst, topics[key]) } return rst } // GroupHistoriesByRequestTimespan creates requests from provided histories. // Multiple histories will be included into the same request only if they share timespan. func GroupHistoriesByRequestTimespan(store db.HistoryStore, histories []db.TopicHistory) []db.HistoryRequest { requests := []db.HistoryRequest{} for _, th := range histories { var added bool for i := range requests { req := &requests[i] histories := req.Histories() if histories[0].SameRange(th) { req.AddHistory(th) added = true } } if !added { req := store.NewRequest() req.AddHistory(th) requests = append(requests, req) } } return requests } // Range of the request. type Range struct { Start uint64 End uint64 } // TopicOption request for a single topic. type TopicOption struct { Topic whisper.TopicType Range Range } // TopicOptions is a list of topic-based requsts. type TopicOptions []TopicOption // ToBloomFilterOption creates bloom filter request from a list of topics. func (options TopicOptions) ToBloomFilterOption() BloomFilterOption { topics := make([]whisper.TopicType, len(options)) var start, end uint64 for i := range options { opt := options[i] topics[i] = opt.Topic if opt.Range.Start > start { start = opt.Range.Start } if opt.Range.End > end { end = opt.Range.End } } return BloomFilterOption{ Range: Range{Start: start, End: end}, Filter: topicsToBloom(topics...), } } // Topics returns list of whisper TopicType attached to each TopicOption. func (options TopicOptions) Topics() []whisper.TopicType { rst := make([]whisper.TopicType, len(options)) for i := range options { rst[i] = options[i].Topic } return rst } // BloomFilterOption is a request based on bloom filter. type BloomFilterOption struct { Range Range Filter []byte } // ToMessagesRequestPayload creates mailserver.MessagesRequestPayload and encodes it to bytes using rlp. func (filter BloomFilterOption) ToMessagesRequestPayload() ([]byte, error) { // TODO fix this conversion. // we start from time.Duration which is int64, then convert to uint64 for rlp-serilizability // why uint32 here? max uint32 is smaller than max int64 payload := mailserver.MessagesRequestPayload{ Lower: uint32(filter.Range.Start), Upper: uint32(filter.Range.End), Bloom: filter.Filter, // Client must tell the MailServer if it supports batch responses. // This can be removed in the future. Batch: true, Limit: 10000, } return rlp.EncodeToBytes(payload) }