services: status-go: user: ${FUNCTIONAL_TESTS_DOCKER_UID} build: context: ../ dockerfile: _assets/build/Dockerfile args: build_tags: gowaku_no_rln build_target: statusd build_flags: -cover entrypoint: [ "statusd", "-c", "/static/configs/config.json", "--server", "", "--seed-phrase", "test test test test test test test test test test test junk", "--password", "Strong12345", "--dir", "/tmp/status-go-data", # Keep in sync with `config.json/DataDir` value. Later this arg will not be needed. ] ports: - 3333:3333 # - 8354:8354 # use for local debbuging only healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -X POST --data '{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"net_version\",\"params\":[],\"id\":1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' || exit 1"] interval: 5s timeout: 2s retries: 120 environment: GOCOVERDIR: "/coverage/binary" volumes: - ./coverage/binary:/coverage/binary stop_signal: SIGINT # TODO: Remove this duplication when implemented: status-go-no-funds: user: ${FUNCTIONAL_TESTS_DOCKER_UID} build: context: ../ dockerfile: _assets/build/Dockerfile args: build_tags: gowaku_no_rln build_target: statusd build_flags: -cover entrypoint: [ "statusd", "-c", "/static/configs/config.json", "--seed-phrase", "test test test test test test test test test test test takoe", "--password", "Strong12345", "--dir", "/tmp/status-go-data", # Keep in sync with `config.json/DataDir` value. Later this arg will not be needed. ] healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -X POST --data '{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"net_version\",\"params\":[],\"id\":1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' || exit 1"] interval: 5s timeout: 2s retries: 120 environment: GOCOVERDIR: "/coverage/binary" volumes: - ./coverage/binary:/coverage/binary stop_signal: SIGINT tests-rpc: user: ${FUNCTIONAL_TESTS_DOCKER_UID} depends_on: status-go: condition: service_healthy status-go-no-funds: condition: service_healthy deploy-communities-contracts: condition: service_completed_successfully build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.tests-rpc entrypoint: [ "pytest", "-m", "wallet", "--rpc_url=http://status-go:3333", "--rpc_url_2=http://status-go-no-funds:3333", "--anvil_url=http://anvil:8545", "--ws_url=ws://status-go:8354", "--junitxml=/tests-rpc/reports/report.xml", ] volumes: - .:/tests-rpc