// Code generated - DO NOT EDIT. // This file is a generated binding and any manual changes will be lost. package auctionregistrar import ( "math/big" "strings" ethereum "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/accounts/abi" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/accounts/abi/bind" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event" ) // Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used. var ( _ = big.NewInt _ = strings.NewReader _ = ethereum.NotFound _ = bind.Bind _ = common.Big1 _ = types.BloomLookup _ = event.NewSubscription ) // ContractABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from. const ContractABI = "[{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"releaseDeed\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"getAllowedTime\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"timestamp\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"unhashedName\",\"type\":\"string\"}],\"name\":\"invalidateName\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"name\":\"owner\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":\"uint256\"},{\"name\":\"salt\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"shaBid\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"sealedBid\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"bidder\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"seal\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"cancelBid\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"entries\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint8\"},{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint256\"},{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint256\"},{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"ens\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"address\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"name\":\"_value\",\"type\":\"uint256\"},{\"name\":\"_salt\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"unsealBid\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"transferRegistrars\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"sealedBids\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"address\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"state\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint8\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"name\":\"newOwner\",\"type\":\"address\"}],\"name\":\"transfer\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"name\":\"_timestamp\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"name\":\"isAllowed\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"allowed\",\"type\":\"bool\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"finalizeAuction\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"registryStarted\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"launchLength\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint32\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"sealedBid\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"newBid\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":true,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"labels\",\"type\":\"bytes32[]\"}],\"name\":\"eraseNode\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hashes\",\"type\":\"bytes32[]\"}],\"name\":\"startAuctions\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"name\":\"deed\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"registrationDate\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"name\":\"acceptRegistrarTransfer\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"startAuction\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"rootNode\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"hashes\",\"type\":\"bytes32[]\"},{\"name\":\"sealedBid\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"}],\"name\":\"startAuctionsAndBid\",\"outputs\":[],\"payable\":true,\"type\":\"function\"},{\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_ens\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"_rootNode\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"name\":\"_startDate\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"payable\":false,\"type\":\"constructor\"},{\"anonymous\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"indexed\":true,\"name\":\"hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"indexed\":false,\"name\":\"registrationDate\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"name\":\"AuctionStarted\",\"type\":\"event\"},{\"anonymous\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"indexed\":true,\"name\":\"hash\",\"type\":\"bytes32\"},{\"indexed\":true,\"name\":\"bi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// Contract is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type Contract struct { ContractCaller // Read-only binding to the contract ContractTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract ContractFilterer // Log filterer for contract events } // ContractCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type ContractCaller struct { contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls } // ContractTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type ContractTransactor struct { contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls } // ContractFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events. type ContractFilterer struct { contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls } // ContractSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, // with pre-set call and transact options. type ContractSession struct { Contract *Contract // Generic contract binding to set the session for CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session } // ContractCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, // with pre-set call options. type ContractCallerSession struct { Contract *ContractCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session } // ContractTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, // with pre-set transact options. type ContractTransactorSession struct { Contract *ContractTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session } // ContractRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type ContractRaw struct { Contract *Contract // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on } // ContractCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type ContractCallerRaw struct { Contract *ContractCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on } // ContractTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type ContractTransactorRaw struct { Contract *ContractTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on } // NewContract creates a new instance of Contract, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewContract(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*Contract, error) { contract, err := bindContract(address, backend, backend, backend) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Contract{ContractCaller: ContractCaller{contract: contract}, ContractTransactor: ContractTransactor{contract: contract}, ContractFilterer: ContractFilterer{contract: contract}}, nil } // NewContractCaller creates a new read-only instance of Contract, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewContractCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ContractCaller, error) { contract, err := bindContract(address, caller, nil, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractCaller{contract: contract}, nil } // NewContractTransactor creates a new write-only instance of Contract, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewContractTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ContractTransactor, error) { contract, err := bindContract(address, nil, transactor, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractTransactor{contract: contract}, nil } // NewContractFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of Contract, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewContractFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ContractFilterer, error) { contract, err := bindContract(address, nil, nil, filterer) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractFilterer{contract: contract}, nil } // bindContract binds a generic wrapper to an already deployed contract. func bindContract(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller, transactor bind.ContractTransactor, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*bind.BoundContract, error) { parsed, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(ContractABI)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return bind.NewBoundContract(address, parsed, caller, transactor, filterer), nil } // Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and // sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple // returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named // returns. func (_Contract *ContractRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result *[]interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error { return _Contract.Contract.ContractCaller.contract.Call(opts, result, method, params...) } // Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling // its default method if one is available. func (_Contract *ContractRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.ContractTransactor.contract.Transfer(opts) } // Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values. func (_Contract *ContractRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.ContractTransactor.contract.Transact(opts, method, params...) } // Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and // sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple // returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named // returns. func (_Contract *ContractCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result *[]interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error { return _Contract.Contract.contract.Call(opts, result, method, params...) } // Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling // its default method if one is available. func (_Contract *ContractTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.contract.Transfer(opts) } // Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values. func (_Contract *ContractTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.contract.Transact(opts, method, params...) } // Ens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3f15457f. // // Solidity: function ens() returns(address) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) Ens(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "ens") if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // Ens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3f15457f. // // Solidity: function ens() returns(address) func (_Contract *ContractSession) Ens() (common.Address, error) { return _Contract.Contract.Ens(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // Ens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3f15457f. // // Solidity: function ens() returns(address) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) Ens() (common.Address, error) { return _Contract.Contract.Ens(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // Entries is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x267b6922. // // Solidity: function entries(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint8, address, uint256, uint256, uint256) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) Entries(opts *bind.CallOpts, _hash [32]byte) (uint8, common.Address, *big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "entries", _hash) if err != nil { return *new(uint8), *new(common.Address), *new(*big.Int), *new(*big.Int), *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(uint8)).(*uint8) out1 := *abi.ConvertType(out[1], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) out2 := *abi.ConvertType(out[2], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) out3 := *abi.ConvertType(out[3], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) out4 := *abi.ConvertType(out[4], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, err } // Entries is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x267b6922. // // Solidity: function entries(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint8, address, uint256, uint256, uint256) func (_Contract *ContractSession) Entries(_hash [32]byte) (uint8, common.Address, *big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int, error) { return _Contract.Contract.Entries(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash) } // Entries is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x267b6922. // // Solidity: function entries(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint8, address, uint256, uint256, uint256) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) Entries(_hash [32]byte) (uint8, common.Address, *big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int, error) { return _Contract.Contract.Entries(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash) } // GetAllowedTime is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x13c89a8f. // // Solidity: function getAllowedTime(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint256 timestamp) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) GetAllowedTime(opts *bind.CallOpts, _hash [32]byte) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "getAllowedTime", _hash) if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // GetAllowedTime is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x13c89a8f. // // Solidity: function getAllowedTime(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint256 timestamp) func (_Contract *ContractSession) GetAllowedTime(_hash [32]byte) (*big.Int, error) { return _Contract.Contract.GetAllowedTime(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash) } // GetAllowedTime is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x13c89a8f. // // Solidity: function getAllowedTime(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint256 timestamp) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) GetAllowedTime(_hash [32]byte) (*big.Int, error) { return _Contract.Contract.GetAllowedTime(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash) } // IsAllowed is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x93503337. // // Solidity: function isAllowed(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _timestamp) returns(bool allowed) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) IsAllowed(opts *bind.CallOpts, _hash [32]byte, _timestamp *big.Int) (bool, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "isAllowed", _hash, _timestamp) if err != nil { return *new(bool), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(bool)).(*bool) return out0, err } // IsAllowed is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x93503337. // // Solidity: function isAllowed(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _timestamp) returns(bool allowed) func (_Contract *ContractSession) IsAllowed(_hash [32]byte, _timestamp *big.Int) (bool, error) { return _Contract.Contract.IsAllowed(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash, _timestamp) } // IsAllowed is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x93503337. // // Solidity: function isAllowed(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _timestamp) returns(bool allowed) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) IsAllowed(_hash [32]byte, _timestamp *big.Int) (bool, error) { return _Contract.Contract.IsAllowed(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash, _timestamp) } // LaunchLength is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xae1a0b0c. // // Solidity: function launchLength() returns(uint32) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) LaunchLength(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint32, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "launchLength") if err != nil { return *new(uint32), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(uint32)).(*uint32) return out0, err } // LaunchLength is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xae1a0b0c. // // Solidity: function launchLength() returns(uint32) func (_Contract *ContractSession) LaunchLength() (uint32, error) { return _Contract.Contract.LaunchLength(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // LaunchLength is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xae1a0b0c. // // Solidity: function launchLength() returns(uint32) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) LaunchLength() (uint32, error) { return _Contract.Contract.LaunchLength(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // RegistryStarted is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x9c67f06f. // // Solidity: function registryStarted() returns(uint256) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) RegistryStarted(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "registryStarted") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // RegistryStarted is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x9c67f06f. // // Solidity: function registryStarted() returns(uint256) func (_Contract *ContractSession) RegistryStarted() (*big.Int, error) { return _Contract.Contract.RegistryStarted(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // RegistryStarted is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x9c67f06f. // // Solidity: function registryStarted() returns(uint256) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) RegistryStarted() (*big.Int, error) { return _Contract.Contract.RegistryStarted(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // RootNode is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xfaff50a8. // // Solidity: function rootNode() returns(bytes32) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) RootNode(opts *bind.CallOpts) ([32]byte, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "rootNode") if err != nil { return *new([32]byte), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new([32]byte)).(*[32]byte) return out0, err } // RootNode is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xfaff50a8. // // Solidity: function rootNode() returns(bytes32) func (_Contract *ContractSession) RootNode() ([32]byte, error) { return _Contract.Contract.RootNode(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // RootNode is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xfaff50a8. // // Solidity: function rootNode() returns(bytes32) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) RootNode() ([32]byte, error) { return _Contract.Contract.RootNode(&_Contract.CallOpts) } // SealedBids is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x5e431709. // // Solidity: function sealedBids(address , bytes32 ) returns(address) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) SealedBids(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "sealedBids", arg0, arg1) if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // SealedBids is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x5e431709. // // Solidity: function sealedBids(address , bytes32 ) returns(address) func (_Contract *ContractSession) SealedBids(arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (common.Address, error) { return _Contract.Contract.SealedBids(&_Contract.CallOpts, arg0, arg1) } // SealedBids is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x5e431709. // // Solidity: function sealedBids(address , bytes32 ) returns(address) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) SealedBids(arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (common.Address, error) { return _Contract.Contract.SealedBids(&_Contract.CallOpts, arg0, arg1) } // ShaBid is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x22ec1244. // // Solidity: function shaBid(bytes32 hash, address owner, uint256 value, bytes32 salt) returns(bytes32 sealedBid) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) ShaBid(opts *bind.CallOpts, hash [32]byte, owner common.Address, value *big.Int, salt [32]byte) ([32]byte, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "shaBid", hash, owner, value, salt) if err != nil { return *new([32]byte), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new([32]byte)).(*[32]byte) return out0, err } // ShaBid is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x22ec1244. // // Solidity: function shaBid(bytes32 hash, address owner, uint256 value, bytes32 salt) returns(bytes32 sealedBid) func (_Contract *ContractSession) ShaBid(hash [32]byte, owner common.Address, value *big.Int, salt [32]byte) ([32]byte, error) { return _Contract.Contract.ShaBid(&_Contract.CallOpts, hash, owner, value, salt) } // ShaBid is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x22ec1244. // // Solidity: function shaBid(bytes32 hash, address owner, uint256 value, bytes32 salt) returns(bytes32 sealedBid) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) ShaBid(hash [32]byte, owner common.Address, value *big.Int, salt [32]byte) ([32]byte, error) { return _Contract.Contract.ShaBid(&_Contract.CallOpts, hash, owner, value, salt) } // State is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x61d585da. // // Solidity: function state(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint8) func (_Contract *ContractCaller) State(opts *bind.CallOpts, _hash [32]byte) (uint8, error) { var out []interface{} err := _Contract.contract.Call(opts, &out, "state", _hash) if err != nil { return *new(uint8), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(uint8)).(*uint8) return out0, err } // State is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x61d585da. // // Solidity: function state(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint8) func (_Contract *ContractSession) State(_hash [32]byte) (uint8, error) { return _Contract.Contract.State(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash) } // State is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x61d585da. // // Solidity: function state(bytes32 _hash) returns(uint8) func (_Contract *ContractCallerSession) State(_hash [32]byte) (uint8, error) { return _Contract.Contract.State(&_Contract.CallOpts, _hash) } // AcceptRegistrarTransfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xea9e107a. // // Solidity: function acceptRegistrarTransfer(bytes32 hash, address deed, uint256 registrationDate) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) AcceptRegistrarTransfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, hash [32]byte, deed common.Address, registrationDate *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "acceptRegistrarTransfer", hash, deed, registrationDate) } // AcceptRegistrarTransfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xea9e107a. // // Solidity: function acceptRegistrarTransfer(bytes32 hash, address deed, uint256 registrationDate) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) AcceptRegistrarTransfer(hash [32]byte, deed common.Address, registrationDate *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.AcceptRegistrarTransfer(&_Contract.TransactOpts, hash, deed, registrationDate) } // AcceptRegistrarTransfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xea9e107a. // // Solidity: function acceptRegistrarTransfer(bytes32 hash, address deed, uint256 registrationDate) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) AcceptRegistrarTransfer(hash [32]byte, deed common.Address, registrationDate *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.AcceptRegistrarTransfer(&_Contract.TransactOpts, hash, deed, registrationDate) } // CancelBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2525f5c1. // // Solidity: function cancelBid(address bidder, bytes32 seal) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) CancelBid(opts *bind.TransactOpts, bidder common.Address, seal [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "cancelBid", bidder, seal) } // CancelBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2525f5c1. // // Solidity: function cancelBid(address bidder, bytes32 seal) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) CancelBid(bidder common.Address, seal [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.CancelBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, bidder, seal) } // CancelBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2525f5c1. // // Solidity: function cancelBid(address bidder, bytes32 seal) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) CancelBid(bidder common.Address, seal [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.CancelBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, bidder, seal) } // EraseNode is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xde10f04b. // // Solidity: function eraseNode(bytes32[] labels) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) EraseNode(opts *bind.TransactOpts, labels [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "eraseNode", labels) } // EraseNode is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xde10f04b. // // Solidity: function eraseNode(bytes32[] labels) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) EraseNode(labels [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.EraseNode(&_Contract.TransactOpts, labels) } // EraseNode is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xde10f04b. // // Solidity: function eraseNode(bytes32[] labels) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) EraseNode(labels [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.EraseNode(&_Contract.TransactOpts, labels) } // FinalizeAuction is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x983b94fb. // // Solidity: function finalizeAuction(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) FinalizeAuction(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "finalizeAuction", _hash) } // FinalizeAuction is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x983b94fb. // // Solidity: function finalizeAuction(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) FinalizeAuction(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.FinalizeAuction(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // FinalizeAuction is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x983b94fb. // // Solidity: function finalizeAuction(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) FinalizeAuction(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.FinalizeAuction(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // InvalidateName is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x15f73331. // // Solidity: function invalidateName(string unhashedName) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) InvalidateName(opts *bind.TransactOpts, unhashedName string) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "invalidateName", unhashedName) } // InvalidateName is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x15f73331. // // Solidity: function invalidateName(string unhashedName) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) InvalidateName(unhashedName string) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.InvalidateName(&_Contract.TransactOpts, unhashedName) } // InvalidateName is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x15f73331. // // Solidity: function invalidateName(string unhashedName) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) InvalidateName(unhashedName string) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.InvalidateName(&_Contract.TransactOpts, unhashedName) } // NewBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xce92dced. // // Solidity: function newBid(bytes32 sealedBid) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) NewBid(opts *bind.TransactOpts, sealedBid [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "newBid", sealedBid) } // NewBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xce92dced. // // Solidity: function newBid(bytes32 sealedBid) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) NewBid(sealedBid [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.NewBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, sealedBid) } // NewBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xce92dced. // // Solidity: function newBid(bytes32 sealedBid) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) NewBid(sealedBid [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.NewBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, sealedBid) } // ReleaseDeed is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0230a07c. // // Solidity: function releaseDeed(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) ReleaseDeed(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "releaseDeed", _hash) } // ReleaseDeed is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0230a07c. // // Solidity: function releaseDeed(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) ReleaseDeed(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.ReleaseDeed(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // ReleaseDeed is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0230a07c. // // Solidity: function releaseDeed(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) ReleaseDeed(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.ReleaseDeed(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // StartAuction is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xede8acdb. // // Solidity: function startAuction(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) StartAuction(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "startAuction", _hash) } // StartAuction is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xede8acdb. // // Solidity: function startAuction(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) StartAuction(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.StartAuction(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // StartAuction is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xede8acdb. // // Solidity: function startAuction(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) StartAuction(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.StartAuction(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // StartAuctions is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe27fe50f. // // Solidity: function startAuctions(bytes32[] _hashes) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) StartAuctions(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hashes [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "startAuctions", _hashes) } // StartAuctions is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe27fe50f. // // Solidity: function startAuctions(bytes32[] _hashes) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) StartAuctions(_hashes [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.StartAuctions(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hashes) } // StartAuctions is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe27fe50f. // // Solidity: function startAuctions(bytes32[] _hashes) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) StartAuctions(_hashes [][32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.StartAuctions(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hashes) } // StartAuctionsAndBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfebefd61. // // Solidity: function startAuctionsAndBid(bytes32[] hashes, bytes32 sealedBid) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) StartAuctionsAndBid(opts *bind.TransactOpts, hashes [][32]byte, sealedBid [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "startAuctionsAndBid", hashes, sealedBid) } // StartAuctionsAndBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfebefd61. // // Solidity: function startAuctionsAndBid(bytes32[] hashes, bytes32 sealedBid) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) StartAuctionsAndBid(hashes [][32]byte, sealedBid [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.StartAuctionsAndBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, hashes, sealedBid) } // StartAuctionsAndBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xfebefd61. // // Solidity: function startAuctionsAndBid(bytes32[] hashes, bytes32 sealedBid) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) StartAuctionsAndBid(hashes [][32]byte, sealedBid [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.StartAuctionsAndBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, hashes, sealedBid) } // Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x79ce9fac. // // Solidity: function transfer(bytes32 _hash, address newOwner) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hash [32]byte, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "transfer", _hash, newOwner) } // Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x79ce9fac. // // Solidity: function transfer(bytes32 _hash, address newOwner) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) Transfer(_hash [32]byte, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.Transfer(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash, newOwner) } // Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x79ce9fac. // // Solidity: function transfer(bytes32 _hash, address newOwner) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) Transfer(_hash [32]byte, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.Transfer(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash, newOwner) } // TransferRegistrars is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5ddae283. // // Solidity: function transferRegistrars(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) TransferRegistrars(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "transferRegistrars", _hash) } // TransferRegistrars is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5ddae283. // // Solidity: function transferRegistrars(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) TransferRegistrars(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.TransferRegistrars(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // TransferRegistrars is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5ddae283. // // Solidity: function transferRegistrars(bytes32 _hash) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) TransferRegistrars(_hash [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.TransferRegistrars(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash) } // UnsealBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x47872b42. // // Solidity: function unsealBid(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _value, bytes32 _salt) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactor) UnsealBid(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _hash [32]byte, _value *big.Int, _salt [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.contract.Transact(opts, "unsealBid", _hash, _value, _salt) } // UnsealBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x47872b42. // // Solidity: function unsealBid(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _value, bytes32 _salt) returns() func (_Contract *ContractSession) UnsealBid(_hash [32]byte, _value *big.Int, _salt [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.UnsealBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash, _value, _salt) } // UnsealBid is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x47872b42. // // Solidity: function unsealBid(bytes32 _hash, uint256 _value, bytes32 _salt) returns() func (_Contract *ContractTransactorSession) UnsealBid(_hash [32]byte, _value *big.Int, _salt [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _Contract.Contract.UnsealBid(&_Contract.TransactOpts, _hash, _value, _salt) } // ContractAuctionStartedIterator is returned from FilterAuctionStarted and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for AuctionStarted events raised by the Contract contract. type ContractAuctionStartedIterator struct { Event *ContractAuctionStarted // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *ContractAuctionStartedIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractAuctionStarted) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractAuctionStarted) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *ContractAuctionStartedIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *ContractAuctionStartedIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // ContractAuctionStarted represents a AuctionStarted event raised by the Contract contract. type ContractAuctionStarted struct { Hash [32]byte RegistrationDate *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterAuctionStarted is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x87e97e825a1d1fa0c54e1d36c7506c1dea8b1efd451fe68b000cf96f7cf40003. // // Solidity: event AuctionStarted(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) FilterAuctionStarted(opts *bind.FilterOpts, hash [][32]byte) (*ContractAuctionStartedIterator, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "AuctionStarted", hashRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractAuctionStartedIterator{contract: _Contract.contract, event: "AuctionStarted", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchAuctionStarted is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x87e97e825a1d1fa0c54e1d36c7506c1dea8b1efd451fe68b000cf96f7cf40003. // // Solidity: event AuctionStarted(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) WatchAuctionStarted(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ContractAuctionStarted, hash [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "AuctionStarted", hashRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(ContractAuctionStarted) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "AuctionStarted", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseAuctionStarted is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x87e97e825a1d1fa0c54e1d36c7506c1dea8b1efd451fe68b000cf96f7cf40003. // // Solidity: event AuctionStarted(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) ParseAuctionStarted(log types.Log) (*ContractAuctionStarted, error) { event := new(ContractAuctionStarted) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "AuctionStarted", log); err != nil { return nil, err } return event, nil } // ContractBidRevealedIterator is returned from FilterBidRevealed and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for BidRevealed events raised by the Contract contract. type ContractBidRevealedIterator struct { Event *ContractBidRevealed // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *ContractBidRevealedIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractBidRevealed) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractBidRevealed) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *ContractBidRevealedIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *ContractBidRevealedIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // ContractBidRevealed represents a BidRevealed event raised by the Contract contract. type ContractBidRevealed struct { Hash [32]byte Owner common.Address Value *big.Int Status uint8 Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterBidRevealed is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x7b6c4b278d165a6b33958f8ea5dfb00c8c9d4d0acf1985bef5d10786898bc3e7. // // Solidity: event BidRevealed(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint256 value, uint8 status) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) FilterBidRevealed(opts *bind.FilterOpts, hash [][32]byte, owner []common.Address) (*ContractBidRevealedIterator, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var ownerRule []interface{} for _, ownerItem := range owner { ownerRule = append(ownerRule, ownerItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "BidRevealed", hashRule, ownerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractBidRevealedIterator{contract: _Contract.contract, event: "BidRevealed", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchBidRevealed is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x7b6c4b278d165a6b33958f8ea5dfb00c8c9d4d0acf1985bef5d10786898bc3e7. // // Solidity: event BidRevealed(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint256 value, uint8 status) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) WatchBidRevealed(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ContractBidRevealed, hash [][32]byte, owner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var ownerRule []interface{} for _, ownerItem := range owner { ownerRule = append(ownerRule, ownerItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "BidRevealed", hashRule, ownerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(ContractBidRevealed) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "BidRevealed", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseBidRevealed is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x7b6c4b278d165a6b33958f8ea5dfb00c8c9d4d0acf1985bef5d10786898bc3e7. // // Solidity: event BidRevealed(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint256 value, uint8 status) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) ParseBidRevealed(log types.Log) (*ContractBidRevealed, error) { event := new(ContractBidRevealed) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "BidRevealed", log); err != nil { return nil, err } return event, nil } // ContractHashInvalidatedIterator is returned from FilterHashInvalidated and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for HashInvalidated events raised by the Contract contract. type ContractHashInvalidatedIterator struct { Event *ContractHashInvalidated // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *ContractHashInvalidatedIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractHashInvalidated) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractHashInvalidated) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *ContractHashInvalidatedIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *ContractHashInvalidatedIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // ContractHashInvalidated represents a HashInvalidated event raised by the Contract contract. type ContractHashInvalidated struct { Hash [32]byte Name common.Hash Value *big.Int RegistrationDate *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterHashInvalidated is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x1f9c649fe47e58bb60f4e52f0d90e4c47a526c9f90c5113df842c025970b66ad. // // Solidity: event HashInvalidated(bytes32 indexed hash, string indexed name, uint256 value, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) FilterHashInvalidated(opts *bind.FilterOpts, hash [][32]byte, name []string) (*ContractHashInvalidatedIterator, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var nameRule []interface{} for _, nameItem := range name { nameRule = append(nameRule, nameItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "HashInvalidated", hashRule, nameRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractHashInvalidatedIterator{contract: _Contract.contract, event: "HashInvalidated", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchHashInvalidated is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x1f9c649fe47e58bb60f4e52f0d90e4c47a526c9f90c5113df842c025970b66ad. // // Solidity: event HashInvalidated(bytes32 indexed hash, string indexed name, uint256 value, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) WatchHashInvalidated(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ContractHashInvalidated, hash [][32]byte, name []string) (event.Subscription, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var nameRule []interface{} for _, nameItem := range name { nameRule = append(nameRule, nameItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "HashInvalidated", hashRule, nameRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(ContractHashInvalidated) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HashInvalidated", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseHashInvalidated is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x1f9c649fe47e58bb60f4e52f0d90e4c47a526c9f90c5113df842c025970b66ad. // // Solidity: event HashInvalidated(bytes32 indexed hash, string indexed name, uint256 value, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) ParseHashInvalidated(log types.Log) (*ContractHashInvalidated, error) { event := new(ContractHashInvalidated) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HashInvalidated", log); err != nil { return nil, err } return event, nil } // ContractHashRegisteredIterator is returned from FilterHashRegistered and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for HashRegistered events raised by the Contract contract. type ContractHashRegisteredIterator struct { Event *ContractHashRegistered // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *ContractHashRegisteredIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractHashRegistered) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractHashRegistered) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *ContractHashRegisteredIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *ContractHashRegisteredIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // ContractHashRegistered represents a HashRegistered event raised by the Contract contract. type ContractHashRegistered struct { Hash [32]byte Owner common.Address Value *big.Int RegistrationDate *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterHashRegistered is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x0f0c27adfd84b60b6f456b0e87cdccb1e5fb9603991588d87fa99f5b6b61e670. // // Solidity: event HashRegistered(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint256 value, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) FilterHashRegistered(opts *bind.FilterOpts, hash [][32]byte, owner []common.Address) (*ContractHashRegisteredIterator, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var ownerRule []interface{} for _, ownerItem := range owner { ownerRule = append(ownerRule, ownerItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "HashRegistered", hashRule, ownerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractHashRegisteredIterator{contract: _Contract.contract, event: "HashRegistered", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchHashRegistered is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x0f0c27adfd84b60b6f456b0e87cdccb1e5fb9603991588d87fa99f5b6b61e670. // // Solidity: event HashRegistered(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint256 value, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) WatchHashRegistered(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ContractHashRegistered, hash [][32]byte, owner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var ownerRule []interface{} for _, ownerItem := range owner { ownerRule = append(ownerRule, ownerItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "HashRegistered", hashRule, ownerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(ContractHashRegistered) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HashRegistered", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseHashRegistered is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x0f0c27adfd84b60b6f456b0e87cdccb1e5fb9603991588d87fa99f5b6b61e670. // // Solidity: event HashRegistered(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint256 value, uint256 registrationDate) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) ParseHashRegistered(log types.Log) (*ContractHashRegistered, error) { event := new(ContractHashRegistered) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HashRegistered", log); err != nil { return nil, err } return event, nil } // ContractHashReleasedIterator is returned from FilterHashReleased and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for HashReleased events raised by the Contract contract. type ContractHashReleasedIterator struct { Event *ContractHashReleased // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *ContractHashReleasedIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractHashReleased) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractHashReleased) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *ContractHashReleasedIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *ContractHashReleasedIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // ContractHashReleased represents a HashReleased event raised by the Contract contract. type ContractHashReleased struct { Hash [32]byte Value *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterHashReleased is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x292b79b9246fa2c8e77d3fe195b251f9cb839d7d038e667c069ee7708c631e16. // // Solidity: event HashReleased(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 value) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) FilterHashReleased(opts *bind.FilterOpts, hash [][32]byte) (*ContractHashReleasedIterator, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "HashReleased", hashRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractHashReleasedIterator{contract: _Contract.contract, event: "HashReleased", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchHashReleased is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x292b79b9246fa2c8e77d3fe195b251f9cb839d7d038e667c069ee7708c631e16. // // Solidity: event HashReleased(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 value) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) WatchHashReleased(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ContractHashReleased, hash [][32]byte) (event.Subscription, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "HashReleased", hashRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(ContractHashReleased) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HashReleased", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseHashReleased is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x292b79b9246fa2c8e77d3fe195b251f9cb839d7d038e667c069ee7708c631e16. // // Solidity: event HashReleased(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 value) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) ParseHashReleased(log types.Log) (*ContractHashReleased, error) { event := new(ContractHashReleased) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HashReleased", log); err != nil { return nil, err } return event, nil } // ContractNewBidIterator is returned from FilterNewBid and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for NewBid events raised by the Contract contract. type ContractNewBidIterator struct { Event *ContractNewBid // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *ContractNewBidIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractNewBid) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(ContractNewBid) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *ContractNewBidIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *ContractNewBidIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // ContractNewBid represents a NewBid event raised by the Contract contract. type ContractNewBid struct { Hash [32]byte Bidder common.Address Deposit *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterNewBid is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xb556ff269c1b6714f432c36431e2041d28436a73b6c3f19c021827bbdc6bfc29. // // Solidity: event NewBid(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed bidder, uint256 deposit) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) FilterNewBid(opts *bind.FilterOpts, hash [][32]byte, bidder []common.Address) (*ContractNewBidIterator, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var bidderRule []interface{} for _, bidderItem := range bidder { bidderRule = append(bidderRule, bidderItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "NewBid", hashRule, bidderRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ContractNewBidIterator{contract: _Contract.contract, event: "NewBid", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchNewBid is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xb556ff269c1b6714f432c36431e2041d28436a73b6c3f19c021827bbdc6bfc29. // // Solidity: event NewBid(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed bidder, uint256 deposit) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) WatchNewBid(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ContractNewBid, hash [][32]byte, bidder []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var hashRule []interface{} for _, hashItem := range hash { hashRule = append(hashRule, hashItem) } var bidderRule []interface{} for _, bidderItem := range bidder { bidderRule = append(bidderRule, bidderItem) } logs, sub, err := _Contract.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "NewBid", hashRule, bidderRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(ContractNewBid) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "NewBid", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseNewBid is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0xb556ff269c1b6714f432c36431e2041d28436a73b6c3f19c021827bbdc6bfc29. // // Solidity: event NewBid(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed bidder, uint256 deposit) func (_Contract *ContractFilterer) ParseNewBid(log types.Log) (*ContractNewBid, error) { event := new(ContractNewBid) if err := _Contract.contract.UnpackLog(event, "NewBid", log); err != nil { return nil, err } return event, nil }