# # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY # # It is automatically copied from https://github.com/pion/.goassets repository. # If this repository should have package specific CI config, # remove the repository name from .goassets/.github/workflows/assets-sync.yml. # dist: bionic language: go branches: only: - master env: global: - GO111MODULE=on - GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION=1.19.1 cache: directories: - ${HOME}/.cache/go-build - ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod npm: true yarn: true _lint_job: &lint_job env: CACHE_NAME=lint before_install: - if [ -f .github/.ci.conf ]; then . .github/.ci.conf; fi install: skip before_script: - | curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh \ | bash -s - -b $GOPATH/bin v${GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION} script: - bash .github/assert-contributors.sh - bash .github/lint-disallowed-functions-in-library.sh - bash .github/lint-commit-message.sh - bash .github/lint-filename.sh - golangci-lint run ./... _test_job: &test_job env: CACHE_NAME=test before_install: - if [ -f .github/.ci.conf ]; then . .github/.ci.conf; fi - go mod download install: - go build ./... script: - testpkgs=${TEST_PACKAGES:-$(go list ./... | grep -v examples)} - coverpkgs=$(echo "${testpkgs}" | paste -s -d ',') - | go test \ -coverpkg=${coverpkgs} -coverprofile=cover.out -covermode=atomic \ ${TEST_EXTRA_ARGS:-} \ -v -race ${testpkgs} - if [ -n "${TEST_HOOK}" ]; then ${TEST_HOOK}; fi after_success: - travis_retry bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -c -F go _test_i386_job: &test_i386_job env: CACHE_NAME=test386 services: docker before_install: - if [ -f .github/.ci.conf ]; then . .github/.ci.conf; fi script: - testpkgs=${TEST_PACKAGES:-$(go list ./... | grep -v examples)} - | docker run \ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \ -e "GO111MODULE=on" \ -e "CGO_ENABLED=0" \ -v ${PWD}:/go/src/github.com/pion/$(basename ${PWD}) \ -v ${HOME}/gopath/pkg/mod:/go/pkg/mod \ -v ${HOME}/.cache/go-build:/.cache/go-build \ -w /go/src/github.com/pion/$(basename ${PWD}) \ -it i386/golang:${GO_VERSION}-alpine \ /usr/local/go/bin/go test \ ${TEST_EXTRA_ARGS:-} \ -v ${testpkgs} _test_wasm_job: &test_wasm_job env: CACHE_NAME=wasm language: node_js node_js: 12 before_install: - if [ -f .github/.ci.conf ]; then . .github/.ci.conf; fi - if ${SKIP_WASM_TEST:-false}; then exit 0; fi install: # Manually download and install Go instead of using gimme. # It looks like gimme Go causes some errors on go-test for Wasm. - curl -sSfL https://dl.google.com/go/go${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -C ~ -xzf - - export GOROOT=${HOME}/go - export PATH=${GOROOT}/bin:${PATH} - yarn install - export GO_JS_WASM_EXEC=${GO_JS_WASM_EXEC:-${GOROOT}/misc/wasm/go_js_wasm_exec} script: - testpkgs=${TEST_PACKAGES:-$(go list ./... | grep -v examples)} - coverpkgs=$(echo "${testpkgs}" | paste -s -d ',') - | GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go test \ -coverpkg=${coverpkgs} -coverprofile=cover.out -covermode=atomic \ -exec="${GO_JS_WASM_EXEC}" \ -v ${testpkgs} after_success: - travis_retry bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -c -F wasm jobs: include: - <<: *lint_job name: Lint 1.14 go: 1.14 - <<: *test_job name: Test 1.13 go: 1.13 - <<: *test_job name: Test 1.14 go: 1.14 - <<: *test_i386_job name: Test i386 1.13 env: GO_VERSION=1.13 go: 1.14 # version for host environment used to go list - <<: *test_i386_job name: Test i386 1.14 env: GO_VERSION=1.14 go: 1.14 # version for host environment used to go list - <<: *test_wasm_job name: Test WASM 1.13 env: GO_VERSION=1.13 - <<: *test_wasm_job name: Test WASM 1.14 env: GO_VERSION=1.14 notifications: email: false