e2e === This package contains all e2e tests divided into subpackages which represents (or should represent) business domains like transactions, chat etc. These tests are run against public testnets: Ropsten and Rinkeby. e2e package contains a few utilities which are described in a [godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/status-im/status-go/e2e). ### Flags #### 1. `-network` The `-network` flag is used to provide either a network id or network name which specifies the ethereum network to use for running all test. It by default uses the `StatusChain` network. #### Usage To use the `ropsten` network for testing using network name: ```bash go test -v ./e2e/... -network=3 ``` To use the `rinkeby` network for testing using network id: ```bash go test -v ./e2e/... -network=4 ``` ## Run `make test-e2e`