package protocol import ( "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "encoding/json" "errors" _errors "errors" "fmt" "os" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" v1protocol "" localnotifications "" "" ) // 7 days interval var messageArchiveInterval = 7 * 24 * time.Hour // 1 day interval var updateActiveMembersInterval = 24 * time.Hour const discordTimestampLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05+00:00" func (m *Messenger) publishOrg(org *communities.Community) error { m.logger.Debug("publishing org", zap.String("org-id", org.IDString()), zap.Any("org", org)) payload, err := org.MarshaledDescription() if err != nil { return err } rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ Payload: payload, Sender: org.PrivateKey(), // we don't want to wrap in an encryption layer message SkipEncryption: true, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_DESCRIPTION, } _, err = m.sender.SendPublic(context.Background(), org.IDString(), rawMessage) return err } func (m *Messenger) publishOrgInvitation(org *communities.Community, invitation *protobuf.CommunityInvitation) error { m.logger.Debug("publishing org invitation", zap.String("org-id", org.IDString()), zap.Any("org", org)) pk, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(invitation.PublicKey) if err != nil { return err } payload, err := proto.Marshal(invitation) if err != nil { return err } rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ Payload: payload, Sender: org.PrivateKey(), // we don't want to wrap in an encryption layer message SkipEncryption: true, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_INVITATION, } _, err = m.sender.SendPrivate(context.Background(), pk, &rawMessage) return err } func (m *Messenger) handleCommunitiesHistoryArchivesSubscription(c chan *communities.Subscription) { go func() { for { select { case sub, more := <-c: if !more { return } if sub.CreatingHistoryArchivesSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.CreatingHistoryArchives(sub.CreatingHistoryArchivesSignal.CommunityID) } if sub.HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.HistoryArchivesCreated( sub.HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal.CommunityID, sub.HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal.From, sub.HistoryArchivesCreatedSignal.To, ) } if sub.NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.NoHistoryArchivesCreated( sub.NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal.CommunityID, sub.NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal.From, sub.NoHistoryArchivesCreatedSignal.To, ) } if sub.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.HistoryArchivesSeeding(sub.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal.CommunityID) c, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(sub.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal.CommunityID) if err != nil { m.logger.Debug("failed to retrieve community by id string", zap.Error(err)) } if c.IsAdmin() { err := m.dispatchMagnetlinkMessage(sub.HistoryArchivesSeedingSignal.CommunityID) if err != nil { m.logger.Debug("failed to dispatch magnetlink message", zap.Error(err)) } } } if sub.HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.HistoryArchivesUnseeded(sub.HistoryArchivesUnseededSignal.CommunityID) } if sub.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.HistoryArchiveDownloaded( sub.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal.CommunityID, sub.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal.From, sub.HistoryArchiveDownloadedSignal.To, ) } if sub.DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinishedSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinished(sub.DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinishedSignal.CommunityID) } if sub.DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DownloadingHistoryArchivesStarted(sub.DownloadingHistoryArchivesStartedSignal.CommunityID) } if sub.ImportingHistoryArchiveMessagesSignal != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.ImportingHistoryArchiveMessages(sub.ImportingHistoryArchiveMessagesSignal.CommunityID) } case <-m.quit: return } } }() } // handleCommunitiesSubscription handles events from communities func (m *Messenger) handleCommunitiesSubscription(c chan *communities.Subscription) { var lastPublished int64 // We check every 5 minutes if we need to publish ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute) go func() { for { select { case sub, more := <-c: if !more { return } if sub.Community != nil { err := m.publishOrg(sub.Community) if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("failed to publish org", zap.Error(err)) } } for _, invitation := range sub.Invitations { err := m.publishOrgInvitation(sub.Community, invitation) if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("failed to publish org invitation", zap.Error(err)) } } m.logger.Debug("published org") case <-ticker.C: // If we are not online, we don't even try if ! { continue } // If not enough time has passed since last advertisement, we skip this if time.Now().Unix()-lastPublished < communityAdvertiseIntervalSecond { continue } orgs, err := m.communitiesManager.Created() if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("failed to retrieve orgs", zap.Error(err)) } for idx := range orgs { org := orgs[idx] _, beingImported := m.importingCommunities[org.IDString()] if !beingImported { err := m.publishOrg(org) if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("failed to publish org", zap.Error(err)) } } } // set lastPublished lastPublished = time.Now().Unix() case <-m.quit: return } } }() } func (m *Messenger) updateCommunitiesActiveMembersPeriodically() { communitiesLastUpdated := make(map[string]int64) // We check every 5 minutes if we need to update ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute) go func() { for { select { case <-ticker.C: ownedCommunities, err := m.communitiesManager.Created() if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to update community active members count", zap.Error(err)) } for _, community := range ownedCommunities { lastUpdated, ok := communitiesLastUpdated[community.IDString()] if !ok { lastUpdated = 0 } // If not enough time has passed since last update, we skip this if time.Now().Unix()-lastUpdated < int64(updateActiveMembersInterval.Seconds()) { continue } if err := m.updateCommunityActiveMembers(community.IDString()); err == nil { communitiesLastUpdated[community.IDString()] = time.Now().Unix() // Perf: ensure `updateCommunityActiveMembers` is not called few times in a row // Next communities will be handled in subsequent ticks break } else { m.logger.Error("failed to update community active members count", zap.Error(err)) } } case <-m.quit: return } } }() } func (m *Messenger) updateCommunityActiveMembers(communityID string) error { lastWeek := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -7).Unix() count, err := m.persistence.CountActiveChattersInCommunity(communityID, lastWeek) if err != nil { return err } if err = m.communitiesManager.SetCommunityActiveMembersCount(communityID, uint64(count)); err != nil { return err } m.logger.Debug("community active members updated", zap.String("communityID", communityID), zap.Uint("count", count)) return nil } func (m *Messenger) Communities() ([]*communities.Community, error) { return m.communitiesManager.All() } func (m *Messenger) JoinedCommunities() ([]*communities.Community, error) { return m.communitiesManager.Joined() } func (m *Messenger) SpectatedCommunities() ([]*communities.Community, error) { return m.communitiesManager.Spectated() } func (m *Messenger) CuratedCommunities() (*communities.KnownCommunitiesResponse, error) { // Revert code to once the curated communities contract is deployed to mainnet chainID := uint64(420) // Optimism Goerli sDB, err := accounts.NewDB(m.database) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodeConfig, err := sDB.GetNodeConfig() if err != nil { return nil, err } var backend *ethclient.Client for _, n := range nodeConfig.Networks { if n.ChainID == chainID { b, err := ethclient.Dial(n.RPCURL) if err != nil { return nil, err } backend = b } } directory, err := m.contractMaker.NewDirectoryWithBackend(chainID, backend) if err != nil { return nil, err } // --- end delete callOpts := &bind.CallOpts{Context: context.Background(), Pending: false} communities, err := directory.GetCommunities(callOpts) if err != nil { return nil, err } var communityIDs []types.HexBytes for _, c := range communities { communityIDs = append(communityIDs, c) } response, err := m.communitiesManager.GetStoredDescriptionForCommunities(communityIDs) if err != nil { return nil, err } featuredCommunities, err := directory.GetFeaturedCommunities(callOpts) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, c := range featuredCommunities { response.ContractFeaturedCommunities = append(response.ContractFeaturedCommunities, types.HexBytes(c).String()) } go m.requestCommunitiesFromMailserver(response.UnknownCommunities) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) initCommunityChats(community *communities.Community) ([]*Chat, error) { logger := m.logger.Named("initCommunityChats") chatIDs := community.DefaultFilters() chats := CreateCommunityChats(community, m.getTimesource()) for _, chat := range chats { chatIDs = append(chatIDs, chat.ID) } // Load transport filters filters, err := m.transport.InitPublicFilters(chatIDs) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.transport.InitPublicFilters error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if community.IsAdmin() { // Init the community filter so we can receive messages on the community communityFilters, err := m.transport.InitCommunityFilters([]*ecdsa.PrivateKey{community.PrivateKey()}) if err != nil { return nil, err } filters = append(filters, communityFilters...) } willSync, err := m.scheduleSyncFilters(filters) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.scheduleSyncFilters error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if !willSync { defaultSyncPeriod, err := m.settings.GetDefaultSyncPeriod() if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.settings.GetDefaultSyncPeriod error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } timestamp := uint32(m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime()/1000) - defaultSyncPeriod for idx := range chats { chats[idx].SyncedTo = timestamp chats[idx].SyncedFrom = timestamp } } if err = m.saveChats(chats); err != nil { logger.Debug("m.saveChats error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } return chats, nil } func (m *Messenger) initCommunitySettings(communityID types.HexBytes) (*communities.CommunitySettings, error) { communitySettings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if communitySettings != nil { return communitySettings, nil } communitySettings = &communities.CommunitySettings{ CommunityID: communityID.String(), HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: true, } if err := m.communitiesManager.SaveCommunitySettings(*communitySettings); err != nil { return nil, err } return communitySettings, nil } func (m *Messenger) JoinCommunity(ctx context.Context, communityID types.HexBytes) (*MessengerResponse, error) { mr, err := m.joinCommunity(ctx, communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if com, ok := mr.communities[communityID.String()]; ok { err = m.syncCommunity(context.Background(), com, m.dispatchMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return mr, nil } func (m *Messenger) joinCommunity(ctx context.Context, communityID types.HexBytes) (*MessengerResponse, error) { logger := m.logger.Named("joinCommunity") response := &MessengerResponse{} community, err := m.communitiesManager.JoinCommunity(communityID) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.communitiesManager.JoinCommunity error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } // chats and settings are already initialized for spectated communities if !community.Spectated() { chats, err := m.initCommunityChats(community) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddChats(chats) if _, err = m.initCommunitySettings(communityID); err != nil { return nil, err } } communitySettings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.AddCommunitySettings(communitySettings) if err = m.reregisterForPushNotifications(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err = m.sendCurrentUserStatusToCommunity(ctx, community); err != nil { logger.Debug("m.sendCurrentUserStatusToCommunity error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if err = m.PublishIdentityImage(); err != nil { return nil, err } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) SpectateCommunity(communityID types.HexBytes) (*MessengerResponse, error) { logger := m.logger.Named("SpectateCommunity") response := &MessengerResponse{} community, err := m.communitiesManager.SpectateCommunity(communityID) if err != nil { logger.Debug("SpectateCommunity error", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } chats, err := m.initCommunityChats(community) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddChats(chats) settings, err := m.initCommunitySettings(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunitySettings(settings) response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) SetMuted(communityID types.HexBytes, muted bool) error { return m.communitiesManager.SetMuted(communityID, muted) } func (m *Messenger) SetMutePropertyOnChatsByCategory(communityID string, categoryID string, muted bool) error { community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID) if err != nil { return err } for _, chatID := range community.ChatsByCategoryID(categoryID) { if muted { _, err = m.MuteChat(&requests.MuteChat{ChatID: communityID + chatID, MutedType: MuteTillUnmuted}) } else { err = m.UnmuteChat(communityID + chatID) } if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (m *Messenger) RequestToJoinCommunity(request *requests.RequestToJoinCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { logger := m.logger.Named("RequestToJoinCommunity") if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { logger.Debug("request failed to validate", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("request", request)) return nil, err } displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName() if err != nil { return nil, err } community, requestToJoin, err := m.communitiesManager.RequestToJoin(&m.identity.PublicKey, request) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.syncCommunity(context.Background(), community, m.dispatchMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } requestToJoinProto := &protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoin{ Clock: requestToJoin.Clock, EnsName: requestToJoin.ENSName, DisplayName: displayName, CommunityId: community.ID(), RevealedAddresses: make(map[string][]byte), } // find wallet accounts and attach wallet addresses and // signatures to request if request.Password != "" { walletAccounts, err := m.settings.GetAccounts() if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, walletAccount := range walletAccounts { if !walletAccount.Chat && walletAccount.Type != accounts.AccountTypeWatch { verifiedAccount, err := m.accountsManager.GetVerifiedWalletAccount(m.settings, walletAccount.Address.Hex(), request.Password) if err != nil { return nil, err } messageToSign := types.EncodeHex(crypto.Keccak256(m.IdentityPublicKeyCompressed(), request.CommunityID, requestToJoin.ID)) signParams := account.SignParams{ Data: messageToSign, Address: verifiedAccount.Address.Hex(), Password: request.Password, } signatureBytes, err := m.accountsManager.Sign(signParams, verifiedAccount) if err != nil { return nil, err } requestToJoinProto.RevealedAddresses[verifiedAccount.Address.Hex()] = signatureBytes } } } payload, err := proto.Marshal(requestToJoinProto) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ Payload: payload, CommunityID: community.ID(), SkipEncryption: true, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_REQUEST_TO_JOIN, } _, err = m.sender.SendCommunityMessage(context.Background(), rawMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{RequestsToJoinCommunity: []*communities.RequestToJoin{requestToJoin}} response.AddCommunity(community) // We send a push notification in the background go func() { if m.pushNotificationClient != nil { pks, err := community.CanManageUsersPublicKeys() if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to get pks", zap.Error(err)) return } for _, publicKey := range pks { pkString := common.PubkeyToHex(publicKey) _, err = m.pushNotificationClient.SendNotification(publicKey, nil, requestToJoin.ID, pkString, protobuf.PushNotification_REQUEST_TO_JOIN_COMMUNITY) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("error sending notification", zap.Error(err)) return } } } }() // Activity center notification notification := &ActivityCenterNotification{ ID: types.FromHex(requestToJoin.ID.String()), Type: ActivityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityRequest, Timestamp: m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime(), CommunityID: community.IDString(), MembershipStatus: ActivityCenterMembershipStatusPending, Read: true, Deleted: false, } err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(response, notification) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to save notification", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) CreateCommunityCategory(request *requests.CreateCommunityCategory) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } var response MessengerResponse community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateCategory(request, true) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return &response, nil } func (m *Messenger) EditCommunityCategory(request *requests.EditCommunityCategory) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } var response MessengerResponse community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.EditCategory(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return &response, nil } func (m *Messenger) ReorderCommunityCategories(request *requests.ReorderCommunityCategories) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } var response MessengerResponse community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.ReorderCategories(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return &response, nil } func (m *Messenger) ReorderCommunityChat(request *requests.ReorderCommunityChat) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } var response MessengerResponse community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.ReorderChat(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return &response, nil } func (m *Messenger) DeleteCommunityCategory(request *requests.DeleteCommunityCategory) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } var response MessengerResponse community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.DeleteCategory(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return &response, nil } func (m *Messenger) CancelRequestToJoinCommunity(request *requests.CancelRequestToJoinCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } requestToJoin, community, err := m.communitiesManager.CancelRequestToJoin(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } displayName, err := m.settings.DisplayName() if err != nil { return nil, err } cancelRequestToJoinProto := &protobuf.CommunityCancelRequestToJoin{ Clock: community.Clock(), EnsName: requestToJoin.ENSName, DisplayName: displayName, CommunityId: community.ID(), } payload, err := proto.Marshal(cancelRequestToJoinProto) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ Payload: payload, CommunityID: community.ID(), SkipEncryption: true, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_CANCEL_REQUEST_TO_JOIN, } _, err = m.sender.SendCommunityMessage(context.Background(), rawMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) response.RequestsToJoinCommunity = append(response.RequestsToJoinCommunity, requestToJoin) // delete activity center notification notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(requestToJoin.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if notification != nil { err = m.persistence.DeleteActivityCenterNotification(types.FromHex(requestToJoin.ID.String())) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to delete notification from Activity Center", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } // set notification as deleted, so that the client will remove the activity center notification from UI notification.Deleted = true response.AddActivityCenterNotification(notification) } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) AcceptRequestToJoinCommunity(request *requests.AcceptRequestToJoinCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } requestToJoin, err := m.communitiesManager.GetRequestToJoin(request.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } community, err := m.communitiesManager.AcceptRequestToJoin(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } pk, err := common.HexToPubkey(requestToJoin.PublicKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } grant, err := community.BuildGrant(pk, "") if err != nil { return nil, err } requestToJoinResponseProto := &protobuf.CommunityRequestToJoinResponse{ Clock: community.Clock(), Accepted: true, CommunityId: community.ID(), Community: community.Description(), Grant: grant, } if m.torrentClientReady() && m.communitiesManager.TorrentFileExists(community.IDString()) { magnetlink, err := m.communitiesManager.GetHistoryArchiveMagnetlink(community.ID()) if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("couldn't get magnet link for community", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } requestToJoinResponseProto.MagnetUri = magnetlink } payload, err := proto.Marshal(requestToJoinResponseProto) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.SendKeyExchangeMessage(community.ID(), []*ecdsa.PublicKey{pk}, common.KeyExMsgReuse) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawMessage := &common.RawMessage{ Payload: payload, Sender: community.PrivateKey(), SkipEncryption: true, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_REQUEST_TO_JOIN_RESPONSE, } _, err = m.sender.SendPrivate(context.Background(), pk, rawMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) // Activity Center notification notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(request.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if notification != nil { notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusAccepted notification.Read = true notification.Accepted = true err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(response, notification) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to save notification", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) DeclineRequestToJoinCommunity(request *requests.DeclineRequestToJoinCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } err := m.communitiesManager.DeclineRequestToJoin(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Activity Center notification notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(request.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} if notification != nil { notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusDeclined notification.Read = true notification.Dismissed = true err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(response, notification) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to save notification", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) LeaveCommunity(communityID types.HexBytes) (*MessengerResponse, error) { err := m.persistence.DismissAllActivityCenterNotificationsFromCommunity(communityID.String()) if err != nil { return nil, err } mr, err := m.leaveCommunity(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.communitiesManager.DeleteCommunitySettings(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } m.communitiesManager.StopHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(communityID) if com, ok := mr.communities[communityID.String()]; ok { err = m.syncCommunity(context.Background(), com, m.dispatchMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } } isAdmin, err := m.communitiesManager.IsAdminCommunityByID(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !isAdmin { requestToLeaveProto := &protobuf.CommunityRequestToLeave{ Clock: uint64(time.Now().Unix()), CommunityId: communityID, } payload, err := proto.Marshal(requestToLeaveProto) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ Payload: payload, CommunityID: communityID, SkipEncryption: true, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_REQUEST_TO_LEAVE, } _, err = m.sender.SendCommunityMessage(context.Background(), rawMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return mr, nil } func (m *Messenger) leaveCommunity(communityID types.HexBytes) (*MessengerResponse, error) { response := &MessengerResponse{} community, err := m.communitiesManager.LeaveCommunity(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Make chat inactive for chatID := range community.Chats() { communityChatID := communityID.String() + chatID response.AddRemovedChat(communityChatID) _, err = m.deactivateChat(communityChatID, 0, false, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = m.transport.RemoveFilterByChatID(communityChatID) if err != nil { return nil, err } } _, err = m.transport.RemoveFilterByChatID(communityID.String()) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) CheckAndDeletePendingRequestToJoinCommunity(sendResponse bool) (*MessengerResponse, error) { sendSignal := false pendingRequestsToJoin, err := m.communitiesManager.PendingRequestsToJoin() if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to fetch pending request to join", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if len(pendingRequestsToJoin) == 0 { return nil, nil } response := &MessengerResponse{} timeNow := uint64(time.Now().Unix()) for _, requestToJoin := range pendingRequestsToJoin { requestTimeOutClock, err := communities.AddTimeoutToRequestToJoinClock(requestToJoin.Clock) if err != nil { return nil, err } if timeNow >= requestTimeOutClock { err := m.communitiesManager.DeletePendingRequestToJoin(requestToJoin) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to delete pending request to join", zap.String("req-id", requestToJoin.ID.String()), zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } requestToJoin.Deleted = true response.AddRequestToJoinCommunity(requestToJoin) notification, err := m.persistence.GetActivityCenterNotificationByID(requestToJoin.ID) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to fetch pending request to join", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if notification != nil { // Delete activity centre notification for community admin if notification.Type == ActivityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityMembershipRequest { err = m.persistence.DeleteActivityCenterNotification(types.FromHex(requestToJoin.ID.String())) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to delete notification from activity center", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } notification.Deleted = true response.AddActivityCenterNotification(notification) } // Update activity centre notification for requester if notification.Type == ActivityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityRequest { notification.MembershipStatus = ActivityCenterMembershipStatusIdle notification.Read = false notification.Deleted = false err = m.addActivityCenterNotification(response, notification) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to update notification in activity center", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } } } sendSignal = true } } if sendSignal && !sendResponse { signal.SendNewMessages(response) } if sendResponse { return response, nil } return nil, nil } func (m *Messenger) CreateCommunityChat(communityID types.HexBytes, c *protobuf.CommunityChat) (*MessengerResponse, error) { var response MessengerResponse c.Identity.FirstMessageTimestamp = FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateChat(communityID, c, true, "") if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} var chats []*Chat var chatIDs []string for chatID, chat := range changes.ChatsAdded { c := CreateCommunityChat(community.IDString(), chatID, chat, m.getTimesource()) chats = append(chats, c) chatIDs = append(chatIDs, c.ID) response.AddChat(c) } // Load filters filters, err := m.transport.InitPublicFilters(chatIDs) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = m.scheduleSyncFilters(filters) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.saveChats(chats) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.reregisterForPushNotifications() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &response, nil } func (m *Messenger) EditCommunityChat(communityID types.HexBytes, chatID string, c *protobuf.CommunityChat) (*MessengerResponse, error) { var response MessengerResponse community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.EditChat(communityID, chatID, c) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} var chats []*Chat var chatIDs []string for chatID, change := range changes.ChatsModified { c := CreateCommunityChat(community.IDString(), chatID, change.ChatModified, m.getTimesource()) chats = append(chats, c) chatIDs = append(chatIDs, c.ID) response.AddChat(c) } // Load filters filters, err := m.transport.InitPublicFilters(chatIDs) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = m.scheduleSyncFilters(filters) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &response, m.saveChats(chats) } func (m *Messenger) DeleteCommunityChat(communityID types.HexBytes, chatID string) (*MessengerResponse, error) { response := &MessengerResponse{} community, _, err := m.communitiesManager.DeleteChat(communityID, chatID) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.deleteChat(chatID) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddRemovedChat(chatID) _, err = m.transport.RemoveFilterByChatID(chatID) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) CreateCommunity(request *requests.CreateCommunity, createDefaultChannel bool) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} community, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateCommunity(request, true) if err != nil { return nil, err } communitySettings := communities.CommunitySettings{ CommunityID: community.IDString(), HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: request.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled, } err = m.communitiesManager.SaveCommunitySettings(communitySettings) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Init the community filter so we can receive messages on the community _, err = m.transport.InitCommunityFilters([]*ecdsa.PrivateKey{community.PrivateKey()}) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Init the default community filters _, err = m.transport.InitPublicFilters(community.DefaultFilters()) if err != nil { return nil, err } if createDefaultChannel { chatResponse, err := m.CreateCommunityChat(community.ID(), &protobuf.CommunityChat{ Identity: &protobuf.ChatIdentity{ DisplayName: "general", Description: "General channel for the community", Color: community.Description().Identity.Color, FirstMessageTimestamp: FirstMessageTimestampNoMessage, }, Permissions: &protobuf.CommunityPermissions{ Access: protobuf.CommunityPermissions_NO_MEMBERSHIP, }, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } // updating community so it contains the general chat community = chatResponse.Communities()[0] response.AddChat(chatResponse.Chats()[0]) } response.AddCommunity(community) response.AddCommunitySettings(&communitySettings) err = m.syncCommunity(context.Background(), community, m.dispatchMessage) if err != nil { return nil, err } if m.config.torrentConfig != nil && m.config.torrentConfig.Enabled && communitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled { go m.communitiesManager.StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(community, messageArchiveInterval) } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) CreateCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.CreateCommunityTokenPermission) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateCommunityTokenPermission(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response, err := m.UpdateCommunityEncryption(community) if err != nil { return nil, err } if response == nil { response = &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) } response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) EditCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.EditCommunityTokenPermission) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.EditCommunityTokenPermission(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response, err := m.UpdateCommunityEncryption(community) if err != nil { return nil, err } if response == nil { response = &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) } response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) DeleteCommunityTokenPermission(request *requests.DeleteCommunityTokenPermission) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } community, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.DeleteCommunityTokenPermission(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response, err := m.UpdateCommunityEncryption(community) if err != nil { return nil, err } if response == nil { response = &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) } response.CommunityChanges = []*communities.CommunityChanges{changes} return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) EditCommunity(request *requests.EditCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } community, err := m.communitiesManager.EditCommunity(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } communitySettings := communities.CommunitySettings{ CommunityID: community.IDString(), HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: request.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled, } err = m.communitiesManager.UpdateCommunitySettings(communitySettings) if err != nil { return nil, err } id := community.ID() if m.torrentClientReady() { if !communitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled { m.communitiesManager.StopHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(id) } else if !m.communitiesManager.IsSeedingHistoryArchiveTorrent(id) { var communities []*communities.Community communities = append(communities, community) go m.InitHistoryArchiveTasks(communities) } } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) response.AddCommunitySettings(&communitySettings) err = m.SyncCommunitySettings(context.Background(), &communitySettings) if err != nil { return nil, err } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) ExportCommunity(id types.HexBytes) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) { return m.communitiesManager.ExportCommunity(id) } func (m *Messenger) ImportCommunity(ctx context.Context, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (*MessengerResponse, error) { community, err := m.communitiesManager.ImportCommunity(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Load filters _, err = m.transport.InitPublicFilters(community.DefaultFilters()) if err != nil { return nil, err } // TODO Init hash ratchet for community _, err = m.encryptor.GenerateHashRatchetKey(community.ID()) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = m.RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserver(community.IDString(), false) if err != nil { // TODO In the future we should add a mechanism to re-apply next steps (adding owner, joining) // if there is no connection with mailserver. Otherwise changes will be overwritten. // Do not return error to make tests pass. m.logger.Error("Can't request community info from mailserver") } // We add ourselves community, err = m.communitiesManager.AddMemberOwnerToCommunity(community.ID(), &m.identity.PublicKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } response, err := m.JoinCommunity(ctx, community.ID()) if err != nil { return nil, err } if m.torrentClientReady() { var communities []*communities.Community communities = append(communities, community) go m.InitHistoryArchiveTasks(communities) } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) InviteUsersToCommunity(request *requests.InviteUsersToCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} var messages []*common.Message var publicKeys []*ecdsa.PublicKey community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByID(request.CommunityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, pkBytes := range request.Users { publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(pkBytes.String()) if err != nil { return nil, err } publicKeys = append(publicKeys, publicKey) message := &common.Message{} message.ChatId = pkBytes.String() message.CommunityID = request.CommunityID.String() message.Text = fmt.Sprintf("You have been invited to community %s", community.Name()) messages = append(messages, message) r, err := m.CreateOneToOneChat(&requests.CreateOneToOneChat{ID: pkBytes}) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := response.Merge(r); err != nil { return nil, err } } err = m.SendKeyExchangeMessage(community.ID(), publicKeys, common.KeyExMsgReuse) if err != nil { return nil, err } community, err = m.communitiesManager.InviteUsersToCommunity(request.CommunityID, publicKeys) if err != nil { return nil, err } sendMessagesResponse, err := m.SendChatMessages(context.Background(), messages) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := response.Merge(sendMessagesResponse); err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) GetCommunityByID(communityID types.HexBytes) (*communities.Community, error) { return m.communitiesManager.GetByID(communityID) } func (m *Messenger) ShareCommunity(request *requests.ShareCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByID(request.CommunityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } var messages []*common.Message for _, pk := range request.Users { message := &common.Message{} message.ChatId = pk.String() message.CommunityID = request.CommunityID.String() message.Text = fmt.Sprintf("Community %s has been shared with you", community.Name()) if request.InviteMessage != "" { message.Text = request.InviteMessage } messages = append(messages, message) r, err := m.CreateOneToOneChat(&requests.CreateOneToOneChat{ID: pk}) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := response.Merge(r); err != nil { return nil, err } } sendMessagesResponse, err := m.SendChatMessages(context.Background(), messages) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := response.Merge(sendMessagesResponse); err != nil { return nil, err } return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) MyCanceledRequestsToJoin() ([]*communities.RequestToJoin, error) { return m.communitiesManager.CanceledRequestsToJoinForUser(&m.identity.PublicKey) } func (m *Messenger) MyPendingRequestsToJoin() ([]*communities.RequestToJoin, error) { return m.communitiesManager.PendingRequestsToJoinForUser(&m.identity.PublicKey) } func (m *Messenger) PendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*communities.RequestToJoin, error) { return m.communitiesManager.PendingRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id) } func (m *Messenger) DeclinedRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*communities.RequestToJoin, error) { return m.communitiesManager.DeclinedRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id) } func (m *Messenger) CanceledRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id types.HexBytes) ([]*communities.RequestToJoin, error) { return m.communitiesManager.CanceledRequestsToJoinForCommunity(id) } func (m *Messenger) RemoveUserFromCommunity(id types.HexBytes, pkString string) (*MessengerResponse, error) { publicKey, err := common.HexToPubkey(pkString) if err != nil { return nil, err } community, err := m.communitiesManager.RemoveUserFromCommunity(id, publicKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } // TODO func (m *Messenger) SendKeyExchangeMessage(communityID []byte, pubkeys []*ecdsa.PublicKey, msgType common.CommKeyExMsgType) error { rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ SkipEncryption: false, CommunityID: communityID, CommunityKeyExMsgType: msgType, Recipients: pubkeys, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CHAT_MESSAGE, } _, err := m.sender.SendCommunityMessage(context.Background(), rawMessage) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (m *Messenger) UnbanUserFromCommunity(request *requests.UnbanUserFromCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { community, err := m.communitiesManager.UnbanUserFromCommunity(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) BanUserFromCommunity(request *requests.BanUserFromCommunity) (*MessengerResponse, error) { community, err := m.communitiesManager.BanUserFromCommunity(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } // TODO generate new encryption key err = m.SendKeyExchangeMessage(community.ID(), community.GetMemberPubkeys(), common.KeyExMsgRekey) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response, err = m.DeclineAllPendingGroupInvitesFromUser(response, request.User.String()) if err != nil { return nil, err } response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) AddRoleToMember(request *requests.AddRoleToMember) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } community, err := m.communitiesManager.AddRoleToMember(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) RemoveRoleFromMember(request *requests.RemoveRoleFromMember) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if err := request.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } community, err := m.communitiesManager.RemoveRoleFromMember(request) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil } func (m *Messenger) findCommunityInfoFromDB(communityID string) (*communities.Community, error) { id, err := hexutil.Decode(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } var community *communities.Community community, err = m.GetCommunityByID(id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return community, nil } // RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserver installs filter for community and requests its details // from mailserver. It waits until it has the community before returning it. // If useDatabase is true, it searches for community in database and does not request mailserver. func (m *Messenger) RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserver(communityID string, useDatabase bool) (*communities.Community, error) { if useDatabase { community, err := m.findCommunityInfoFromDB(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if community != nil { return community, nil } } return m.requestCommunityInfoFromMailserver(communityID, true) } // RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserverAsync installs filter for community and requests its details // from mailserver. When response received it will be passed through signals handler func (m *Messenger) RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserverAsync(communityID string) error { community, err := m.findCommunityInfoFromDB(communityID) if err != nil { return err } if community != nil { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.CommunityInfoFound(community) return nil } _, err = m.requestCommunityInfoFromMailserver(communityID, false) return err } // RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserver installs filter for community and requests its details // from mailserver. When response received it will be passed through signals handler func (m *Messenger) requestCommunityInfoFromMailserver(communityID string, waitForResponse bool) (*communities.Community, error) { m.requestedCommunitiesLock.Lock() defer m.requestedCommunitiesLock.Unlock() if _, ok := m.requestedCommunities[communityID]; ok { return nil, nil } //If filter wasn't installed we create it and remember for deinstalling after //response received filter := m.transport.FilterByChatID(communityID) if filter == nil { filters, err := m.transport.InitPublicFilters([]string{communityID}) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't install filter for community: %v", err) } if len(filters) != 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected amount of filters created") } filter = filters[0] m.requestedCommunities[communityID] = filter } else { //we don't remember filter id associated with community because it was already installed m.requestedCommunities[communityID] = nil } to := uint32(m.transport.GetCurrentTime() / 1000) from := to - oneMonthInSeconds _, err := m.performMailserverRequest(func() (*MessengerResponse, error) { batch := MailserverBatch{From: from, To: to, Topics: []types.TopicType{filter.Topic}} m.logger.Info("Requesting historic") err := m.processMailserverBatch(batch) return nil, err }) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !waitForResponse { return nil, nil } ctx := context.Background() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time.Second) defer cancel() var community *communities.Community fetching := true for fetching { select { case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond): //send signal to client that message status updated community, err = m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if community != nil && community.Name() != "" && community.DescriptionText() != "" { fetching = false } case <-ctx.Done(): fetching = false } } if community == nil { return nil, nil } //if there is no info helpful for client, we don't post it if community.Name() == "" && community.DescriptionText() == "" { return nil, nil } m.forgetCommunityRequest(communityID) return community, nil } // RequestCommunityInfoFromMailserver installs filter for community and requests its details // from mailserver. When response received it will be passed through signals handler func (m *Messenger) requestCommunitiesFromMailserver(communityIDs []string) { m.requestedCommunitiesLock.Lock() defer m.requestedCommunitiesLock.Unlock() var topics []types.TopicType for _, communityID := range communityIDs { if _, ok := m.requestedCommunities[communityID]; ok { continue } //If filter wasn't installed we create it and remember for deinstalling after //response received filter := m.transport.FilterByChatID(communityID) if filter == nil { filters, err := m.transport.InitPublicFilters([]string{communityID}) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Can't install filter for community", zap.Error(err)) continue } if len(filters) != 1 { m.logger.Error("Unexpected amount of filters created") continue } filter = filters[0] m.requestedCommunities[communityID] = filter } else { //we don't remember filter id associated with community because it was already installed m.requestedCommunities[communityID] = nil } topics = append(topics, filter.Topic) } to := uint32(m.transport.GetCurrentTime() / 1000) from := to - oneMonthInSeconds _, err := m.performMailserverRequest(func() (*MessengerResponse, error) { batch := MailserverBatch{From: from, To: to, Topics: topics} m.logger.Info("Requesting historic") err := m.processMailserverBatch(batch) return nil, err }) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Err performing mailserver request", zap.Error(err)) return } ctx := context.Background() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time.Second) defer cancel() fetching := true for fetching { select { case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond): allLoaded := true for _, c := range communityIDs { community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(c) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Error loading community", zap.Error(err)) break } if community == nil || community.Name() == "" || community.DescriptionText() == "" { allLoaded = false break } } if allLoaded { fetching = false } case <-ctx.Done(): fetching = false } } for _, c := range communityIDs { m.forgetCommunityRequest(c) } } // forgetCommunityRequest removes community from requested ones and removes filter func (m *Messenger) forgetCommunityRequest(communityID string) { filter, ok := m.requestedCommunities[communityID] if !ok { return } if filter != nil { err := m.transport.RemoveFilters([]*transport.Filter{filter}) if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("cant remove filter", zap.Error(err)) } } delete(m.requestedCommunities, communityID) } // passStoredCommunityInfoToSignalHandler calls signal handler with community info func (m *Messenger) passStoredCommunityInfoToSignalHandler(communityID string) { if m.config.messengerSignalsHandler == nil { return } //send signal to client that message status updated community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID) if community == nil { return } if err != nil { m.logger.Warn("cant get community and pass it to signal handler", zap.Error(err)) return } //if there is no info helpful for client, we don't post it if community.Name() == "" && community.DescriptionText() == "" && community.MembersCount() == 0 { return } m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.CommunityInfoFound(community) m.forgetCommunityRequest(communityID) } // handleCommunityDescription handles an community description func (m *Messenger) handleCommunityDescription(state *ReceivedMessageState, signer *ecdsa.PublicKey, description protobuf.CommunityDescription, rawPayload []byte) error { communityResponse, err := m.communitiesManager.HandleCommunityDescriptionMessage(signer, &description, rawPayload) if err != nil { return err } community := communityResponse.Community state.Response.AddCommunity(community) state.Response.CommunityChanges = append(state.Response.CommunityChanges, communityResponse.Changes) // If we haven't joined the org, nothing to do if !community.Joined() { return nil } removedChatIDs := make([]string, 0) for id := range communityResponse.Changes.ChatsRemoved { chatID := community.IDString() + id _, ok := state.AllChats.Load(chatID) if ok { removedChatIDs = append(removedChatIDs, chatID) state.AllChats.Delete(chatID) err := m.DeleteChat(chatID) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("couldn't delete chat", zap.Error(err)) } } } // Update relevant chats names and add new ones // Currently removal is not supported chats := CreateCommunityChats(community, state.Timesource) var chatIDs []string for i, chat := range chats { oldChat, ok := state.AllChats.Load(chat.ID) if !ok { // Beware, don't use the reference in the range (i.e chat) as it's a shallow copy state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, chats[i]) state.Response.AddChat(chat) chatIDs = append(chatIDs, chat.ID) // Update name, currently is the only field is mutable } else if oldChat.Name != chat.Name || oldChat.Description != chat.Description || oldChat.Emoji != chat.Emoji || oldChat.Color != chat.Color || oldChat.UpdateFirstMessageTimestamp(chat.FirstMessageTimestamp) { oldChat.Name = chat.Name oldChat.Description = chat.Description oldChat.Emoji = chat.Emoji oldChat.Color = chat.Color // TODO(samyoul) remove storing of an updated reference pointer? state.AllChats.Store(chat.ID, oldChat) state.Response.AddChat(chat) } } for _, chatID := range removedChatIDs { _, err := m.transport.RemoveFilterByChatID(chatID) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("couldn't remove filter", zap.Error(err)) } } // Load transport filters filters, err := m.transport.InitPublicFilters(chatIDs) if err != nil { return err } _, err = m.scheduleSyncFilters(filters) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (m *Messenger) handleSyncCommunity(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, syncCommunity protobuf.SyncCommunity) error { logger := m.logger.Named("handleSyncCommunity") // Should handle community shouldHandle, err := m.communitiesManager.ShouldHandleSyncCommunity(&syncCommunity) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.communitiesManager.ShouldHandleSyncCommunity error", zap.Error(err)) return err } logger.Debug("ShouldHandleSyncCommunity result", zap.Bool("shouldHandle", shouldHandle)) if !shouldHandle { return nil } // Handle community keys if len(syncCommunity.EncryptionKeys) != 0 { _, err := m.encryptor.HandleHashRatchetKeys(syncCommunity.Id, syncCommunity.EncryptionKeys) if err != nil { return err } } // Handle any community requests to join. // MUST BE HANDLED BEFORE DESCRIPTION! pending := false for _, rtj := range syncCommunity.RequestsToJoin { req := new(communities.RequestToJoin) req.InitFromSyncProtobuf(rtj) if req.State == communities.RequestToJoinStatePending { pending = true } err = m.communitiesManager.SaveRequestToJoin(req) if err != nil && err != communities.ErrOldRequestToJoin { logger.Debug("m.communitiesManager.SaveRequestToJoin error", zap.Error(err)) return err } } logger.Debug("community requests to join pending state", zap.Bool("pending", pending)) // Don't use the public key of the private key, uncompress the community id orgPubKey, err := crypto.DecompressPubkey(syncCommunity.Id) if err != nil { logger.Debug("crypto.DecompressPubkey error", zap.Error(err)) return err } logger.Debug("crypto.DecompressPubkey result", zap.Any("orgPubKey", orgPubKey)) var amm protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage err = proto.Unmarshal(syncCommunity.Description, &amm) if err != nil { logger.Debug("proto.Unmarshal protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage error", zap.Error(err)) return err } var cd protobuf.CommunityDescription err = proto.Unmarshal(amm.Payload, &cd) if err != nil { logger.Debug("proto.Unmarshal protobuf.CommunityDescription error", zap.Error(err)) return err } err = m.handleCommunityDescription(messageState, orgPubKey, cd, syncCommunity.Description) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.handleCommunityDescription error", zap.Error(err)) return err } if syncCommunity.Settings != nil { err = m.handleSyncCommunitySettings(messageState, *syncCommunity.Settings) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.handleSyncCommunitySettings error", zap.Error(err)) return err } } // associate private key with community if set if syncCommunity.PrivateKey != nil { orgPrivKey, err := crypto.ToECDSA(syncCommunity.PrivateKey) if err != nil { logger.Debug("crypto.ToECDSA", zap.Error(err)) return err } err = m.communitiesManager.SetPrivateKey(syncCommunity.Id, orgPrivKey) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.communitiesManager.SetPrivateKey", zap.Error(err)) return err } } // if we are not waiting for approval, join or leave the community if !pending { var mr *MessengerResponse if syncCommunity.Joined { mr, err = m.joinCommunity(context.Background(), syncCommunity.Id) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.joinCommunity error", zap.Error(err)) return err } } else { mr, err = m.leaveCommunity(syncCommunity.Id) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.leaveCommunity error", zap.Error(err)) return err } } err = messageState.Response.Merge(mr) if err != nil { logger.Debug("messageState.Response.Merge error", zap.Error(err)) return err } } // update the clock value err = m.communitiesManager.SetSyncClock(syncCommunity.Id, syncCommunity.Clock) if err != nil { logger.Debug("m.communitiesManager.SetSyncClock", zap.Error(err)) return err } return nil } func (m *Messenger) handleSyncCommunitySettings(messageState *ReceivedMessageState, syncCommunitySettings protobuf.SyncCommunitySettings) error { shouldHandle, err := m.communitiesManager.ShouldHandleSyncCommunitySettings(&syncCommunitySettings) if err != nil { m.logger.Debug("m.communitiesManager.ShouldHandleSyncCommunitySettings error", zap.Error(err)) return err } m.logger.Debug("ShouldHandleSyncCommunity result", zap.Bool("shouldHandle", shouldHandle)) if !shouldHandle { return nil } communitySettings, err := m.communitiesManager.HandleSyncCommunitySettings(&syncCommunitySettings) if err != nil { return err } messageState.Response.AddCommunitySettings(communitySettings) return nil } func (m *Messenger) InitHistoryArchiveTasks(communities []*communities.Community) { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("initializing history archive tasks") for _, c := range communities { if c.Joined() { settings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitySettingsByID(c.ID()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to get community settings", zap.Error(err)) continue } if !settings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("history archive support disabled for community", zap.String("id", c.IDString())) continue } // Check if there's already a torrent file for this community and seed it if m.communitiesManager.TorrentFileExists(c.IDString()) { err = m.communitiesManager.SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(c.ID()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to seed history archive", zap.Error(err)) } } filters, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunityChatsFilters(c.ID()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to get community chats filters for community", zap.Error(err)) continue } if len(filters) == 0 { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("no filters or chats for this community starting interval", zap.String("id", c.IDString())) go m.communitiesManager.StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(c, messageArchiveInterval) continue } topics := []types.TopicType{} for _, filter := range filters { topics = append(topics, filter.Topic) } // First we need to know the timestamp of the latest waku message // we've received for this community, so we can request messages we've // possibly missed since then latestWakuMessageTimestamp, err := m.communitiesManager.GetLatestWakuMessageTimestamp(topics) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to get Latest waku message timestamp", zap.Error(err)) continue } if latestWakuMessageTimestamp == 0 { // This means we don't have any waku messages for this community // yet, either because no messages were sent in the community so far, // or because messages haven't reached this node // // In this case we default to requesting messages from the store nodes // for the past 30 days latestWakuMessageTimestamp = uint64(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -30).Unix()) } // Request possibly missed waku messages for community _, err = m.syncFiltersFrom(filters, uint32(latestWakuMessageTimestamp)) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to request missing messages", zap.Error(err)) continue } // We figure out the end date of the last created archive and schedule // the interval for creating future archives // If the last end date is at least `interval` ago, we create an archive immediately first lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp, err := m.communitiesManager.GetHistoryArchivePartitionStartTimestamp(c.ID()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to get archive partition start timestamp", zap.Error(err)) continue } to := time.Now() lastArchiveEndDate := time.Unix(int64(lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp), 0) durationSinceLastArchive := to.Sub(lastArchiveEndDate) if lastArchiveEndDateTimestamp == 0 { // No prior messages to be archived, so we just kick off the archive creation loop // for future archives go m.communitiesManager.StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(c, messageArchiveInterval) } else if durationSinceLastArchive < messageArchiveInterval { // Last archive is less than `interval` old, wait until `interval` is complete, // then create archive and kick off archive creation loop for future archives // Seed current archive in the meantime err := m.communitiesManager.SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(c.ID()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to seed history archive", zap.Error(err)) } timeToNextInterval := messageArchiveInterval - durationSinceLastArchive m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("starting history archive tasks interval in", zap.Any("timeLeft", timeToNextInterval)) time.AfterFunc(timeToNextInterval, func() { err := m.communitiesManager.CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(c.ID(), topics, lastArchiveEndDate, to.Add(timeToNextInterval), messageArchiveInterval, c.Encrypted()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to get create and seed history archive", zap.Error(err)) } go m.communitiesManager.StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(c, messageArchiveInterval) }) } else { // Looks like the last archive was generated more than `interval` // ago, so lets create a new archive now and then schedule the archive // creation loop err := m.communitiesManager.CreateAndSeedHistoryArchive(c.ID(), topics, lastArchiveEndDate, to, messageArchiveInterval, c.Encrypted()) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to get create and seed history archive", zap.Error(err)) } go m.communitiesManager.StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(c, messageArchiveInterval) } } } } func (m *Messenger) resumeHistoryArchivesImport(communityID types.HexBytes) error { archiveIDsToImport, err := m.communitiesManager.GetMessageArchiveIDsToImport(communityID) if err != nil { return err } if len(archiveIDsToImport) == 0 { return nil } currentTask := m.communitiesManager.GetHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID.String()) // no need to resume imports if there's already a task ongoing if currentTask != nil { return nil } // Create new task task := &communities.HistoryArchiveDownloadTask{ CancelChan: make(chan struct{}), Waiter: *new(sync.WaitGroup), Cancelled: false, } m.communitiesManager.AddHistoryArchiveDownloadTask(communityID.String(), task) // this wait groups tracks the ongoing task for a particular community task.Waiter.Add(1) go func() { defer task.Waiter.Done() err := m.importHistoryArchives(communityID, task.CancelChan) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to import history archives", zap.Error(err)) } m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DownloadingHistoryArchivesFinished(types.EncodeHex(communityID)) }() return nil } func (m *Messenger) importHistoryArchives(communityID types.HexBytes, cancel chan struct{}) error { importTicker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond) defer importTicker.Stop() importMessageArchivesLoop: for { select { case <-cancel: m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("interrupted importing history archive messages") return nil case <-importTicker.C: archiveIDsToImport, err := m.communitiesManager.GetMessageArchiveIDsToImport(communityID) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("couldn't get message archive IDs to import", zap.Error(err)) return err } if len(archiveIDsToImport) == 0 { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("no message archives to import") break importMessageArchivesLoop } m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("importing message archive, %d left", len(archiveIDsToImport))) // only process one archive at a time, so in case of cancel we don't // wait for all archives to be processed first downloadedArchiveID := archiveIDsToImport[0] archiveMessages, err := m.communitiesManager.ExtractMessagesFromHistoryArchive(communityID, downloadedArchiveID) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to extract history archive messages", zap.Error(err)) continue } m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.ImportingHistoryArchiveMessages(types.EncodeHex(communityID)) response, err := m.handleArchiveMessages(archiveMessages, communityID) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to handle archive messages", zap.Error(err)) continue } err = m.communitiesManager.SetMessageArchiveIDImported(communityID, downloadedArchiveID, true) if err != nil { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout("failed to mark history message archive as imported", zap.Error(err)) continue } if !response.IsEmpty() { notifications := response.Notifications() response.ClearNotifications() signal.SendNewMessages(response) localnotifications.PushMessages(notifications) } } } return nil } func (m *Messenger) dispatchMagnetlinkMessage(communityID string) error { community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID) if err != nil { return err } magnetlink, err := m.communitiesManager.GetHistoryArchiveMagnetlink(community.ID()) if err != nil { return err } magnetLinkMessage := &protobuf.CommunityMessageArchiveMagnetlink{ Clock: m.getTimesource().GetCurrentTime(), MagnetUri: magnetlink, } encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(magnetLinkMessage) if err != nil { return err } chatID := community.MagnetlinkMessageChannelID() rawMessage := common.RawMessage{ LocalChatID: chatID, Sender: community.PrivateKey(), Payload: encodedMessage, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_COMMUNITY_ARCHIVE_MAGNETLINK, SkipGroupMessageWrap: true, } _, err = m.sender.SendPublic(context.Background(), chatID, rawMessage) if err != nil { return err } err = m.communitiesManager.UpdateCommunityDescriptionMagnetlinkMessageClock(community.ID(), magnetLinkMessage.Clock) if err != nil { return err } return m.communitiesManager.UpdateMagnetlinkMessageClock(community.ID(), magnetLinkMessage.Clock) } func (m *Messenger) EnableCommunityHistoryArchiveProtocol() error { nodeConfig, err := m.settings.GetNodeConfig() if err != nil { return err } if nodeConfig.TorrentConfig.Enabled { return nil } nodeConfig.TorrentConfig.Enabled = true err = m.settings.SaveSetting("node-config", nodeConfig) if err != nil { return err } m.config.torrentConfig = &nodeConfig.TorrentConfig m.communitiesManager.SetTorrentConfig(&nodeConfig.TorrentConfig) err = m.communitiesManager.StartTorrentClient() if err != nil { return err } communities, err := m.communitiesManager.Created() if err != nil { return err } if len(communities) > 0 { go m.InitHistoryArchiveTasks(communities) } m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.HistoryArchivesProtocolEnabled() return nil } func (m *Messenger) DisableCommunityHistoryArchiveProtocol() error { nodeConfig, err := m.settings.GetNodeConfig() if err != nil { return err } if !nodeConfig.TorrentConfig.Enabled { return nil } m.communitiesManager.StopTorrentClient() nodeConfig.TorrentConfig.Enabled = false err = m.settings.SaveSetting("node-config", nodeConfig) m.config.torrentConfig = &nodeConfig.TorrentConfig m.communitiesManager.SetTorrentConfig(&nodeConfig.TorrentConfig) if err != nil { return err } m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.HistoryArchivesProtocolDisabled() return nil } func (m *Messenger) GetCommunitiesSettings() ([]communities.CommunitySettings, error) { settings, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunitiesSettings() if err != nil { return nil, err } return settings, nil } func (m *Messenger) SyncCommunitySettings(ctx context.Context, settings *communities.CommunitySettings) error { if !m.hasPairedDevices() { return nil } clock, chat := m.getLastClockWithRelatedChat() syncMessage := &protobuf.SyncCommunitySettings{ Clock: clock, CommunityId: settings.CommunityID, HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: settings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled, } encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(syncMessage) if err != nil { return err } _, err = m.dispatchMessage(ctx, common.RawMessage{ LocalChatID: chat.ID, Payload: encodedMessage, MessageType: protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_SYNC_COMMUNITY_SETTINGS, ResendAutomatically: true, }) if err != nil { return err } chat.LastClockValue = clock return m.saveChat(chat) } func (m *Messenger) ExtractDiscordDataFromImportFiles(filesToImport []string) (*discord.ExtractedData, map[string]*discord.ImportError) { extractedData := &discord.ExtractedData{ Categories: map[string]*discord.Category{}, ExportedData: make([]*discord.ExportedData, 0), OldestMessageTimestamp: 0, MessageCount: 0, } errors := map[string]*discord.ImportError{} for _, fileToImport := range filesToImport { filePath := strings.Replace(fileToImport, "file://", "", -1) fileInfo, err := os.Stat(filePath) if err != nil { errors[fileToImport] = discord.Error(err.Error()) continue } fileSize := fileInfo.Size() if fileSize > discord.MaxImportFileSizeBytes { errors[fileToImport] = discord.Error(discord.ErrImportFileTooBig.Error()) continue } bytes, err := os.ReadFile(filePath) if err != nil { errors[fileToImport] = discord.Error(err.Error()) continue } var discordExportedData discord.ExportedData err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &discordExportedData) if err != nil { errors[fileToImport] = discord.Error(err.Error()) continue } if len(discordExportedData.Messages) == 0 { errors[fileToImport] = discord.Error(discord.ErrNoMessageData.Error()) continue } discordExportedData.Channel.FilePath = filePath categoryID := discordExportedData.Channel.CategoryID discordCategory := discord.Category{ ID: categoryID, Name: discordExportedData.Channel.CategoryName, } _, ok := extractedData.Categories[categoryID] if !ok { extractedData.Categories[categoryID] = &discordCategory } extractedData.MessageCount = extractedData.MessageCount + discordExportedData.MessageCount extractedData.ExportedData = append(extractedData.ExportedData, &discordExportedData) if len(discordExportedData.Messages) > 0 { msgTime, err := time.Parse(discordTimestampLayout, discordExportedData.Messages[0].Timestamp) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to parse discord message timestamp", zap.Error(err)) continue } if extractedData.OldestMessageTimestamp == 0 || int(msgTime.Unix()) <= extractedData.OldestMessageTimestamp { // Exported discord channel data already comes with `messages` being // sorted, starting with the oldest, so we can safely rely on the first // message extractedData.OldestMessageTimestamp = int(msgTime.Unix()) } } } return extractedData, errors } func (m *Messenger) ExtractDiscordChannelsAndCategories(filesToImport []string) (*MessengerResponse, map[string]*discord.ImportError) { response := &MessengerResponse{} extractedData, errs := m.ExtractDiscordDataFromImportFiles(filesToImport) for _, category := range extractedData.Categories { response.AddDiscordCategory(category) } for _, export := range extractedData.ExportedData { response.AddDiscordChannel(&export.Channel) } if extractedData.OldestMessageTimestamp != 0 { response.DiscordOldestMessageTimestamp = extractedData.OldestMessageTimestamp } return response, errs } func (m *Messenger) RequestExtractDiscordChannelsAndCategories(filesToImport []string) { go func() { response, errors := m.ExtractDiscordChannelsAndCategories(filesToImport) m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DiscordCategoriesAndChannelsExtracted( response.DiscordCategories, response.DiscordChannels, int64(response.DiscordOldestMessageTimestamp), errors) }() } func (m *Messenger) RequestImportDiscordCommunity(request *requests.ImportDiscordCommunity) { go func() { totalImportChunkCount := len(request.FilesToImport) progressUpdates := make(chan *discord.ImportProgress) done := make(chan struct{}) cancel := make(chan string) m.startPublishImportProgressInterval(progressUpdates, cancel, done) importProgress := &discord.ImportProgress{} importProgress.Init(totalImportChunkCount, []discord.ImportTask{ discord.CommunityCreationTask, discord.ChannelsCreationTask, discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.DownloadAssetsTask, discord.InitCommunityTask, }) importProgress.CommunityName = request.Name // initial progress immediately m.publishImportProgress(importProgress) createCommunityRequest := request.ToCreateCommunityRequest() // We're calling `CreateCommunity` on `communitiesManager` directly, instead of // using the `Messenger` API, so we get more control over when we set up filters, // the community is published and data is being synced (we don't want the community // to show up in clients while the import is in progress) discordCommunity, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateCommunity(createCommunityRequest, false) if err != nil { importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.CommunityCreationTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.CommunityCreationTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } communitySettings := communities.CommunitySettings{ CommunityID: discordCommunity.IDString(), HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: true, } err = m.communitiesManager.SaveCommunitySettings(communitySettings) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(discordCommunity.IDString()) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.CommunityCreationTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.CommunityCreationTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } communityID := discordCommunity.IDString() // marking import as not cancelled m.importingCommunities[communityID] = false importProgress.CommunityID = communityID importProgress.CommunityImages = make(map[string]images.IdentityImage) imgs := discordCommunity.Images() for t, i := range imgs { importProgress.CommunityImages[t] = images.IdentityImage{Name: t, Payload: i.Payload} } importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.CommunityCreationTask, 1) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.CommunityCreationTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } var chatsToSave []*Chat processedChannelIds := make(map[string]string, 0) processedCategoriesIds := make(map[string]string, 0) for i, importFile := range request.FilesToImport { exportData, errs := m.ExtractDiscordDataFromImportFiles([]string{importFile}) if len(errs) > 0 { for _, err := range errs { importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.CommunityCreationTask, err) } progressUpdates <- importProgress return } totalChannelsCount := len(exportData.ExportedData) totalMessageCount := exportData.MessageCount if totalChannelsCount == 0 || totalMessageCount == 0 { importError := discord.Error(fmt.Errorf("No channel to import messages from in file: %s", importFile).Error()) if totalMessageCount == 0 { importError.Message = fmt.Errorf("No messages to import in file: %s", importFile).Error() } importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ChannelsCreationTask, importError) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } importProgress.CurrentChunk = i + 1 // We actually only ever receive a single category // from `exportData` but since it's a map, we still have to // iterate over it to access its values for _, category := range exportData.Categories { categories := discordCommunity.Categories() exists := false for catID := range categories { if strings.HasSuffix(catID, category.ID) { exists = true break } } if !exists { createCommunityCategoryRequest := &requests.CreateCommunityCategory{ CommunityID: discordCommunity.ID(), CategoryName: category.Name, ThirdPartyID: category.ID, ChatIDs: make([]string, 0), } // We call `CreateCategory` on `communitiesManager` directly so we can control // whether or not the community update should be published (it should not until the // import has finished) communityWithCategories, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateCategory(createCommunityCategoryRequest, false) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.CommunityCreationTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.CommunityCreationTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } discordCommunity = communityWithCategories // This looks like we keep overriding the same field but there's // only one `CategoriesAdded` change at this point. for _, addedCategory := range changes.CategoriesAdded { processedCategoriesIds[category.ID] = addedCategory.CategoryId } } } progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, (float32(1) / 2)) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.ChannelsCreationTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.CommunityCreationTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } messagesToSave := make(map[string]*common.Message, 0) pinMessagesToSave := make([]*common.PinMessage, 0) authorProfilesToSave := make(map[string]*protobuf.DiscordMessageAuthor, 0) messageAttachmentsToDownload := make([]*protobuf.DiscordMessageAttachment, 0) // Save to access the first item here as we process // exported data by files which only holds a single channel channel := exportData.ExportedData[0] chatIDs := discordCommunity.ChatIDs() exists := false for _, chatID := range chatIDs { if strings.HasSuffix(chatID, channel.Channel.ID) { exists = true break } } if !exists { communityChat := &protobuf.CommunityChat{ Permissions: &protobuf.CommunityPermissions{ Access: protobuf.CommunityPermissions_NO_MEMBERSHIP, }, Identity: &protobuf.ChatIdentity{ DisplayName: channel.Channel.Name, Emoji: "", Description: channel.Channel.Description, Color: discordCommunity.Color(), }, CategoryId: processedCategoriesIds[channel.Channel.CategoryID], } // We call `CreateChat` on `communitiesManager` directly to get more control // over whether we want to publish the updated community description. communityWithChats, changes, err := m.communitiesManager.CreateChat(discordCommunity.ID(), communityChat, false, channel.Channel.ID) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) errmsg := err.Error() if _errors.Is(err, communities.ErrInvalidCommunityDescriptionDuplicatedName) { errmsg = fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't create channel '%s': %s", communityChat.Identity.DisplayName, err.Error()) } importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ChannelsCreationTask, discord.Error(errmsg)) importProgress.StopTask(discord.ChannelsCreationTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } discordCommunity = communityWithChats // This looks like we keep overriding the chat id value // as we iterate over `ChatsAdded`, however at this point we // know there was only a single such change (and it's a map) for chatID, chat := range changes.ChatsAdded { c := CreateCommunityChat(communityID, chatID, chat, m.getTimesource()) chatsToSave = append(chatsToSave, c) processedChannelIds[channel.Channel.ID] = c.ID } } progressValue = calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, 1) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.ChannelsCreationTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress for ii, discordMessage := range channel.Messages { timestamp, err := time.Parse(discordTimestampLayout, discordMessage.Timestamp) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to parse discord message timestamp", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Warning(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } if timestamp.Unix() < request.From { progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } exists, err := m.persistence.HasDiscordMessageAuthor(discordMessage.Author.GetId()) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to check if message author exists in database", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } if !exists { err := m.persistence.SaveDiscordMessageAuthor(discordMessage.Author) if err != nil { importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } } hasPayload, err := m.persistence.HasDiscordMessageAuthorImagePayload(discordMessage.Author.GetId()) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to check if message avatar payload exists in database", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } if !hasPayload { authorProfilesToSave[discordMessage.Author.Id] = discordMessage.Author } // Convert timestamp to unix timestamp discordMessage.Timestamp = fmt.Sprintf("%d", timestamp.Unix()) if discordMessage.TimestampEdited != "" { timestampEdited, err := time.Parse(discordTimestampLayout, discordMessage.TimestampEdited) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to parse discord message timestamp", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Warning(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } // Convert timestamp to unix timestamp discordMessage.TimestampEdited = fmt.Sprintf("%d", timestampEdited.Unix()) } for i := range discordMessage.Attachments { discordMessage.Attachments[i].MessageId = discordMessage.Id } messageAttachmentsToDownload = append(messageAttachmentsToDownload, discordMessage.Attachments...) clockAndTimestamp := uint64(timestamp.Unix()) * 1000 communityPubKey := discordCommunity.PrivateKey().PublicKey chatMessage := protobuf.ChatMessage{ Timestamp: clockAndTimestamp, MessageType: protobuf.MessageType_COMMUNITY_CHAT, ContentType: protobuf.ChatMessage_DISCORD_MESSAGE, Clock: clockAndTimestamp, ChatId: processedChannelIds[channel.Channel.ID], Payload: &protobuf.ChatMessage_DiscordMessage{ DiscordMessage: discordMessage, }, } // Handle message replies if discordMessage.Type == string(discord.MessageTypeReply) && discordMessage.Reference != nil { _, exists := messagesToSave[communityID+discordMessage.Reference.MessageId] if exists { chatMessage.ResponseTo = communityID + discordMessage.Reference.MessageId } } messageToSave := &common.Message{ ID: communityID + discordMessage.Id, WhisperTimestamp: clockAndTimestamp, From: types.EncodeHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&communityPubKey)), Seen: true, LocalChatID: processedChannelIds[channel.Channel.ID], SigPubKey: &communityPubKey, CommunityID: communityID, ChatMessage: chatMessage, } err = messageToSave.PrepareContent(common.PubkeyToHex(&m.identity.PublicKey)) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to prepare message content", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } // Handle pin messages if discordMessage.Type == string(discord.MessageTypeChannelPinned) && discordMessage.Reference != nil { _, exists := messagesToSave[communityID+discordMessage.Reference.MessageId] if exists { pinMessage := protobuf.PinMessage{ Clock: messageToSave.WhisperTimestamp, MessageId: communityID + discordMessage.Reference.MessageId, ChatId: messageToSave.LocalChatID, MessageType: protobuf.MessageType_COMMUNITY_CHAT, Pinned: true, } encodedPayload, err := proto.Marshal(&pinMessage) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to parse marshal pin message", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Warning(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } wrappedPayload, err := v1protocol.WrapMessageV1(encodedPayload, protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PIN_MESSAGE, discordCommunity.PrivateKey()) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to wrap pin message", zap.Error(err)) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Warning(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } messageID := v1protocol.MessageID(&communityPubKey, wrappedPayload) pinMessageToSave := common.PinMessage{ ID: types.EncodeHex(messageID), PinMessage: pinMessage, LocalChatID: processedChannelIds[channel.Channel.ID], From: messageToSave.From, SigPubKey: messageToSave.SigPubKey, WhisperTimestamp: messageToSave.WhisperTimestamp, } pinMessagesToSave = append(pinMessagesToSave, &pinMessageToSave) } } else { messagesToSave[communityID+discordMessage.Id] = messageToSave } progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, float32(ii+1)/float32(len(channel.Messages))*0.5) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.ImportMessagesTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress } if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } var discordMessages []*protobuf.DiscordMessage for _, msg := range messagesToSave { discordMessages = append(discordMessages, msg.GetDiscordMessage()) } // We save these messages in chunks so we don't block the database // for a longer period of time discordMessageChunks := chunkSlice(discordMessages, maxChunkSizeMessages) chunksCount := len(discordMessageChunks) for ii, msgs := range discordMessageChunks { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("saving %d/%d chunk with %d discord messages", ii+1, chunksCount, len(msgs))) err = m.persistence.SaveDiscordMessages(msgs) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } // We're multiplying `chunksCount` by `0.25` so we leave 25% for additional save operations // 0.5 are the previous 50% of progress currentCount := ii + 1 progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, 0.5+(float32(currentCount)/float32(chunksCount))*0.25) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.ImportMessagesTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress // We slow down the saving of message chunks to keep the database responsive if currentCount < chunksCount { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } var messages []*common.Message for _, msg := range messagesToSave { messages = append(messages, msg) } // Same as above, we save these messages in chunks so we don't block // the database for a longer period of time messageChunks := chunkSlice(messages, maxChunkSizeMessages) chunksCount = len(messageChunks) for ii, msgs := range messageChunks { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("saving %d/%d chunk with %d app messages", ii+1, chunksCount, len(msgs))) err = m.persistence.SaveMessages(msgs) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } // 0.75 are the previous 75% of progress, hence we multiply our chunk progress // by 0.25 currentCount := ii + 1 progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, 0.75+(float32(currentCount)/float32(chunksCount))*0.25) // progressValue := 0.75 + ((float32(currentCount) / float32(chunksCount)) * 0.25) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.ImportMessagesTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress // We slow down the saving of message chunks to keep the database responsive if currentCount < chunksCount { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } pinMessageChunks := chunkSlice(pinMessagesToSave, maxChunkSizeMessages) for _, pinMsgs := range pinMessageChunks { err = m.persistence.SavePinMessages(pinMsgs) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.ImportMessagesTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.ImportMessagesTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } } totalAssetsCount := len(messageAttachmentsToDownload) + len(authorProfilesToSave) var assetCounter discord.AssetCounter var wg sync.WaitGroup for id, author := range authorProfilesToSave { wg.Add(1) go func(id string, author *protobuf.DiscordMessageAuthor) { defer wg.Done() m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("downloading asset %d/%d", assetCounter.Value()+1, totalAssetsCount)) imagePayload, err := discord.DownloadAvatarAsset(author.AvatarUrl) if err != nil { errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't download profile avatar '%s': %s", author.AvatarUrl, err.Error()) importProgress.AddTaskError( discord.DownloadAssetsTask, discord.Warning(errmsg), ) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } err = m.persistence.UpdateDiscordMessageAuthorImage(author.Id, imagePayload) if err != nil { importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.DownloadAssetsTask, discord.Warning(err.Error())) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } author.AvatarImagePayload = imagePayload authorProfilesToSave[id] = author if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(discordCommunity.IDString()) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.DownloadAssetsTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- discordCommunity.IDString() return } assetCounter.Increase() progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, (float32(assetCounter.Value())/float32(totalAssetsCount))*0.25) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.DownloadAssetsTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress }(id, author) } wg.Wait() if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.DownloadAssetsTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } for idxRange := range gopart.Partition(len(messageAttachmentsToDownload), 100) { attachments := messageAttachmentsToDownload[idxRange.Low:idxRange.High] wg.Add(1) go func(attachments []*protobuf.DiscordMessageAttachment) { defer wg.Done() for ii, attachment := range attachments { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("downloading asset %d/%d", assetCounter.Value()+1, totalAssetsCount)) assetPayload, contentType, err := discord.DownloadAsset(attachment.Url) if err != nil { errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't download message attachment '%s': %s", attachment.Url, err.Error()) importProgress.AddTaskError( discord.DownloadAssetsTask, discord.Warning(errmsg), ) progressUpdates <- importProgress continue } attachment.Payload = assetPayload attachment.ContentType = contentType messageAttachmentsToDownload[ii] = attachment if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.DownloadAssetsTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } assetCounter.Increase() progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, 0.25+(float32(assetCounter.Value())/float32(totalAssetsCount))*0.25) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.DownloadAssetsTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress } }(attachments) } wg.Wait() if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.DownloadAssetsTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } attachmentChunks := chunkAttachmentsByByteSize(messageAttachmentsToDownload, maxChunkSizeBytes) chunksCount = len(attachmentChunks) for ii, attachments := range attachmentChunks { m.communitiesManager.LogStdout(fmt.Sprintf("saving %d/%d chunk with %d discord message attachments", ii+1, chunksCount, len(attachments))) err = m.persistence.SaveDiscordMessageAttachments(attachments) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.DownloadAssetsTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.Stop() progressUpdates <- importProgress return } if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.DownloadAssetsTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } // 0.5 are the previous 50% of progress, hence we multiply our chunk progress // by 0.5 currentCount := ii + 1 progressValue := calculateProgress(i+1, totalImportChunkCount, 0.5+(float32(currentCount)/float32(chunksCount))*0.5) importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.DownloadAssetsTask, progressValue) progressUpdates <- importProgress // We slow down the saving of attachment chunks to keep the database responsive if currentCount < chunksCount { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } _, err := m.transport.JoinPublic(processedChannelIds[channel.Channel.ID]) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to load filter for chat", zap.Error(err)) continue } wakuChatMessages, err := m.chatMessagesToWakuMessages(messages, discordCommunity) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to convert chat messages into waku messages", zap.Error(err)) continue } wakuPinMessages, err := m.pinMessagesToWakuMessages(pinMessagesToSave, discordCommunity) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to convert pin messages into waku messages", zap.Error(err)) continue } wakuMessages := append(wakuChatMessages, wakuPinMessages...) topics, err := m.communitiesManager.GetCommunityChatsTopics(discordCommunity.ID()) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to get community chat topics", zap.Error(err)) continue } startDate := time.Unix(int64(exportData.OldestMessageTimestamp), 0) endDate := time.Now() _, err = m.communitiesManager.CreateHistoryArchiveTorrentFromMessages( discordCommunity.ID(), wakuMessages, topics, startDate, endDate, messageArchiveInterval, discordCommunity.Encrypted(), ) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to create history archive torrent", zap.Error(err)) continue } if m.torrentClientReady() && communitySettings.HistoryArchiveSupportEnabled { err = m.communitiesManager.SeedHistoryArchiveTorrent(discordCommunity.ID()) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("failed to seed history archive", zap.Error(err)) } go m.communitiesManager.StartHistoryArchiveTasksInterval(discordCommunity, messageArchiveInterval) } } err = m.publishOrg(discordCommunity) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.InitCommunityTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.Stop() progressUpdates <- importProgress return } if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } // Chats need to be saved after the community has been published, // hence we make this part of the `InitCommunityTask` err = m.saveChats(chatsToSave) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.InitCommunityTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.Stop() progressUpdates <- importProgress return } importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.InitCommunityTask, 0.15) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } // Init the community filter so we can receive messages on the community _, err = m.transport.InitCommunityFilters([]*ecdsa.PrivateKey{discordCommunity.PrivateKey()}) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.InitCommunityTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.InitCommunityTask, 0.25) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } _, err = m.transport.InitPublicFilters(discordCommunity.DefaultFilters()) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.InitCommunityTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.InitCommunityTask, 0.5) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } filters := m.transport.Filters() _, err = m.scheduleSyncFilters(filters) if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.InitCommunityTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.InitCommunityTask, 0.75) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } err = m.reregisterForPushNotifications() if err != nil { m.cleanUpImport(communityID) importProgress.AddTaskError(discord.InitCommunityTask, discord.Error(err.Error())) importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress return } importProgress.UpdateTaskProgress(discord.InitCommunityTask, 1) progressUpdates <- importProgress if m.DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID) { importProgress.StopTask(discord.InitCommunityTask) progressUpdates <- importProgress cancel <- communityID return } m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DiscordCommunityImportFinished(communityID) close(done) }() } func calculateProgress(i int, t int, currentProgress float32) float32 { current := float32(1) / float32(t) * currentProgress if i > 1 { return float32(i-1)/float32(t) + current } return current } func (m *Messenger) MarkDiscordCommunityImportAsCancelled(communityID string) { m.importingCommunities[communityID] = true } func (m *Messenger) DiscordImportMarkedAsCancelled(communityID string) bool { cancelled, exists := m.importingCommunities[communityID] return exists && cancelled } func (m *Messenger) cleanUpImports() { for id := range m.importingCommunities { m.cleanUpImport(id) } } func (m *Messenger) cleanUpImport(communityID string) { community, err := m.communitiesManager.GetByIDString(communityID) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("clean up failed, couldn't delete community", zap.Error(err)) return } deleteErr := m.communitiesManager.DeleteCommunity(community.ID()) if deleteErr != nil { m.logger.Error("clean up failed, couldn't delete community", zap.Error(deleteErr)) } deleteErr = m.persistence.DeleteMessagesByCommunityID(community.IDString()) if deleteErr != nil { m.logger.Error("clean up failed, couldn't delete community messages", zap.Error(deleteErr)) } } func (m *Messenger) publishImportProgress(progress *discord.ImportProgress) { m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DiscordCommunityImportProgress(progress) } func (m *Messenger) startPublishImportProgressInterval(c chan *discord.ImportProgress, cancel chan string, done chan struct{}) { var currentProgress *discord.ImportProgress go func() { ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second) defer ticker.Stop() for { select { case <-ticker.C: if currentProgress != nil { m.publishImportProgress(currentProgress) if currentProgress.Stopped { return } } case progressUpdate := <-c: currentProgress = progressUpdate case <-done: if currentProgress != nil { m.publishImportProgress(currentProgress) } return case communityID := <-cancel: if currentProgress != nil { m.publishImportProgress(currentProgress) } m.cleanUpImport(communityID) m.config.messengerSignalsHandler.DiscordCommunityImportCancelled(communityID) return case <-m.quit: m.cleanUpImports() return } } }() } func (m *Messenger) pinMessagesToWakuMessages(pinMessages []*common.PinMessage, c *communities.Community) ([]*types.Message, error) { wakuMessages := make([]*types.Message, 0) for _, msg := range pinMessages { filter := m.transport.FilterByChatID(msg.LocalChatID) encodedPayload, err := proto.Marshal(msg.GetProtobuf()) if err != nil { return nil, err } wrappedPayload, err := v1protocol.WrapMessageV1(encodedPayload, protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_PIN_MESSAGE, c.PrivateKey()) if err != nil { return nil, err } hash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(append([]byte(c.IDString()), wrappedPayload...)) wakuMessage := &types.Message{ Sig: crypto.FromECDSAPub(&c.PrivateKey().PublicKey), Timestamp: uint32(msg.WhisperTimestamp / 1000), Topic: filter.Topic, Payload: wrappedPayload, Padding: []byte{1}, Hash: hash[:], } wakuMessages = append(wakuMessages, wakuMessage) } return wakuMessages, nil } func (m *Messenger) torrentClientReady() bool { // Simply checking for `torrentConfig.Enabled` isn't enough // as there's a possiblity that the torrent client couldn't // be instantiated (for example in case of port conflicts) return m.config.torrentConfig != nil && m.config.torrentConfig.Enabled && m.communitiesManager.TorrentClientStarted() } func (m *Messenger) chatMessagesToWakuMessages(chatMessages []*common.Message, c *communities.Community) ([]*types.Message, error) { wakuMessages := make([]*types.Message, 0) for _, msg := range chatMessages { filter := m.transport.FilterByChatID(msg.LocalChatID) encodedPayload, err := proto.Marshal(msg.GetProtobuf()) if err != nil { return nil, err } wrappedPayload, err := v1protocol.WrapMessageV1(encodedPayload, protobuf.ApplicationMetadataMessage_CHAT_MESSAGE, c.PrivateKey()) if err != nil { return nil, err } hash := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(c.IDString() + msg.GetDiscordMessage().Id)) wakuMessage := &types.Message{ Sig: crypto.FromECDSAPub(&c.PrivateKey().PublicKey), Timestamp: uint32(msg.WhisperTimestamp / 1000), Topic: filter.Topic, Payload: wrappedPayload, Padding: []byte{1}, Hash: hash[:], ThirdPartyID: c.IDString() + msg.GetDiscordMessage().Id, } wakuMessages = append(wakuMessages, wakuMessage) } return wakuMessages, nil } func (m *Messenger) GetCommunityTokens(communityID string) ([]*communities.CommunityToken, error) { return m.communitiesManager.GetCommunityTokens(communityID) } func (m *Messenger) GetAllCommunityTokens() ([]*communities.CommunityToken, error) { return m.communitiesManager.GetAllCommunityTokens() } func (m *Messenger) AddCommunityToken(token *communities.CommunityToken) (*communities.CommunityToken, error) { return m.communitiesManager.AddCommunityToken(token) } func (m *Messenger) UpdateCommunityTokenState(contractAddress string, deployState communities.DeployState) error { return m.communitiesManager.UpdateCommunityTokenState(contractAddress, deployState) } // UpdateCommunityEncryption takes a community and encrypts / decrypts the community // based on TokenPermission. Community is republished along with any keys if needed. // // Note: This function cannot decrypt previously encrypted messages, and it cannot encrypt previous unencrypted messages. // This functionality introduces some race conditions: // - community description is processed by members before the receiving the key exchange messages // - members maybe sending encrypted messages after the community description is updated and a new member joins func (m *Messenger) UpdateCommunityEncryption(community *communities.Community) (*MessengerResponse, error) { if community == nil { return nil, errors.New("community is nil") } becomeMemberPermissions := community.TokenPermissionsByType(protobuf.CommunityTokenPermission_BECOME_MEMBER) isEncrypted := len(becomeMemberPermissions) > 0 // Check isEncrypted is different to Community's value // If not different return if community.Encrypted() == isEncrypted { return nil, nil } if isEncrypted { // 🪄 The magic that encrypts a community _, err := m.encryptor.GenerateHashRatchetKey(community.ID()) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = m.SendKeyExchangeMessage(community.ID(), community.GetMemberPubkeys(), common.KeyExMsgReuse) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // 🧙 There is no magic that decrypts a community, we just need to tell everyone to not use encryption // Republish the community. community.SetEncrypted(isEncrypted) err := m.communitiesManager.UpdateCommunity(community) if err != nil { return nil, err } response := &MessengerResponse{} response.AddCommunity(community) return response, nil }