package wallet import ( "context" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func NewAPI(s *Service) *API { return &API{s} } // API is class with methods available over RPC. type API struct { s *Service } // SetInitialBlocksRange sets initial blocks range func (api *API) SetInitialBlocksRange(ctx context.Context) error { return api.s.transferController.SetInitialBlocksRange([]uint64{api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID}) } func (api *API) SetInitialBlocksRangeForChainIDs(ctx context.Context, chainIDs []uint64) error { return api.s.transferController.SetInitialBlocksRange(chainIDs) } func (api *API) CheckRecentHistory(ctx context.Context, addresses []common.Address) error { return api.s.transferController.CheckRecentHistory([]uint64{api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID}, addresses) } func (api *API) CheckRecentHistoryForChainIDs(ctx context.Context, chainIDs []uint64, addresses []common.Address) error { return api.s.transferController.CheckRecentHistory(chainIDs, addresses) } // GetTransfersByAddress returns transfers for a single address func (api *API) GetTransfersByAddress(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, toBlock, limit *hexutil.Big, fetchMore bool) ([]transfer.View, error) { log.Debug("[WalletAPI:: GetTransfersByAddress] get transfers for an address", "address", address) return api.s.transferController.GetTransfersByAddress(ctx, api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID, address, toBlock, limit, fetchMore) } // LoadTransferByHash loads transfer to the database func (api *API) LoadTransferByHash(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, hash common.Hash) error { log.Debug("[WalletAPI:: LoadTransferByHash] get transfer by hash", "address", address, "hash", hash) return api.s.transferController.LoadTransferByHash(ctx, api.s.rpcClient, address, hash) } func (api *API) GetTransfersByAddressAndChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, address common.Address, toBlock, limit *hexutil.Big, fetchMore bool) ([]transfer.View, error) { log.Debug("[WalletAPI:: GetTransfersByAddressAndChainID] get transfers for an address", "address", address) return api.s.transferController.GetTransfersByAddress(ctx, chainID, address, toBlock, limit, fetchMore) } func (api *API) GetCachedBalances(ctx context.Context, addresses []common.Address) ([]transfer.LastKnownBlockView, error) { return api.s.transferController.GetCachedBalances(ctx, api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID, addresses) } func (api *API) GetCachedBalancesbyChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, addresses []common.Address) ([]transfer.LastKnownBlockView, error) { return api.s.transferController.GetCachedBalances(ctx, chainID, addresses) } // GetTokensBalances return mapping of token balances for every account. func (api *API) GetTokensBalances(ctx context.Context, accounts, addresses []common.Address) (map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big, error) { chainClient, err := chain.NewLegacyClient(api.s.rpcClient) if err != nil { return nil, err } return api.s.tokenManager.getBalances(ctx, []*chain.Client{chainClient}, accounts, addresses) } func (api *API) GetTokensBalancesForChainIDs(ctx context.Context, chainIDs []uint64, accounts, addresses []common.Address) (map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*hexutil.Big, error) { clients, err := chain.NewClients(api.s.rpcClient, chainIDs) if err != nil { return nil, err } return api.s.tokenManager.getBalances(ctx, clients, accounts, addresses) } func (api *API) GetTokens(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64) ([]*Token, error) { log.Debug("call to get tokens") rst, err := api.s.tokenManager.getTokens(chainID) log.Debug("result from token store", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) GetCustomTokens(ctx context.Context) ([]*Token, error) { log.Debug("call to get custom tokens") rst, err := api.s.tokenManager.getCustoms() log.Debug("result from database for custom tokens", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) AddCustomToken(ctx context.Context, token Token) error { log.Debug("call to create or edit custom token") if token.ChainID == 0 { token.ChainID = api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID } err := api.s.tokenManager.upsertCustom(token) log.Debug("result from database for create or edit custom token", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) DeleteCustomToken(ctx context.Context, address common.Address) error { log.Debug("call to remove custom token") err := api.s.tokenManager.deleteCustom(api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID, address) log.Debug("result from database for remove custom token", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) DeleteCustomTokenByChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, address common.Address) error { log.Debug("call to remove custom token") err := api.s.tokenManager.deleteCustom(chainID, address) log.Debug("result from database for remove custom token", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) GetSavedAddresses(ctx context.Context) ([]*SavedAddress, error) { log.Debug("call to get saved addresses") rst, err := api.s.savedAddressesManager.GetSavedAddresses(api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID) log.Debug("result from database for saved addresses", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) AddSavedAddress(ctx context.Context, sa SavedAddress) error { log.Debug("call to create or edit saved address") if sa.ChainID == 0 { sa.ChainID = api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID } err := api.s.savedAddressesManager.AddSavedAddress(sa) log.Debug("result from database for create or edit saved address", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) DeleteSavedAddress(ctx context.Context, address common.Address) error { log.Debug("call to remove saved address") err := api.s.savedAddressesManager.DeleteSavedAddress(api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID, address) log.Debug("result from database for remove saved address", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) GetPendingTransactions(ctx context.Context) ([]*PendingTransaction, error) { log.Debug("call to get pending transactions") rst, err := api.s.transactionManager.getAllPendings(api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID) log.Debug("result from database for pending transactions", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) GetPendingTransactionsByChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64) ([]*PendingTransaction, error) { log.Debug("call to get pending transactions") rst, err := api.s.transactionManager.getAllPendings(chainID) log.Debug("result from database for pending transactions", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) GetPendingOutboundTransactionsByAddress(ctx context.Context, address common.Address) ([]*PendingTransaction, error) { log.Debug("call to get pending outbound transactions by address") rst, err := api.s.transactionManager.getPendingByAddress(api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID, address) log.Debug("result from database for pending transactions by address", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) GetPendingOutboundTransactionsByAddressAndChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, address common.Address) ([]*PendingTransaction, error) { log.Debug("call to get pending outbound transactions by address") rst, err := api.s.transactionManager.getPendingByAddress(chainID, address) log.Debug("result from database for pending transactions by address", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) StorePendingTransaction(ctx context.Context, trx PendingTransaction) error { log.Debug("call to create or edit pending transaction") if trx.ChainID == 0 { trx.ChainID = api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID } err := api.s.transactionManager.addPending(trx) log.Debug("result from database for creating or editing a pending transaction", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) DeletePendingTransaction(ctx context.Context, transactionHash common.Hash) error { log.Debug("call to remove pending transaction") err := api.s.transactionManager.deletePending(api.s.rpcClient.UpstreamChainID, transactionHash) log.Debug("result from database for remove pending transaction", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) DeletePendingTransactionByChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, transactionHash common.Hash) error { log.Debug("call to remove pending transaction") err := api.s.transactionManager.deletePending(chainID, transactionHash) log.Debug("result from database for remove pending transaction", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) WatchTransaction(ctx context.Context, transactionHash common.Hash) error { chainClient, err := chain.NewLegacyClient(api.s.rpcClient) if err != nil { return err } return, transactionHash, chainClient) } func (api *API) WatchTransactionByChainID(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, transactionHash common.Hash) error { chainClient, err := chain.NewClient(api.s.rpcClient, chainID) if err != nil { return err } return, transactionHash, chainClient) } func (api *API) GetFavourites(ctx context.Context) ([]*Favourite, error) { log.Debug("call to get favourites") rst, err := api.s.favouriteManager.GetFavourites() log.Debug("result from database for favourites", "len", len(rst)) return rst, err } func (api *API) AddFavourite(ctx context.Context, favourite Favourite) error { log.Debug("call to create or update favourites") err := api.s.favouriteManager.AddFavourite(favourite) log.Debug("result from database for create or update favourites", "err", err) return err } func (api *API) GetCryptoOnRamps(ctx context.Context) ([]CryptoOnRamp, error) { return api.s.cryptoOnRampManager.Get() } func (api *API) GetOpenseaCollectionsByOwner(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, owner common.Address) ([]OpenseaCollection, error) { log.Debug("call to get opensea collections") client, err := newOpenseaClient(chainID, api.s.openseaAPIKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } return client.fetchAllCollectionsByOwner(owner) } func (api *API) GetOpenseaAssetsByOwnerAndCollection(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, owner common.Address, collectionSlug string, limit int) ([]OpenseaAsset, error) { log.Debug("call to get opensea assets") client, err := newOpenseaClient(chainID, api.s.openseaAPIKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } return client.fetchAllAssetsByOwnerAndCollection(owner, collectionSlug, limit) } func (api *API) AddEthereumChain(ctx context.Context, network params.Network) error { log.Debug("call to AddEthereumChain") return api.s.rpcClient.NetworkManager.Upsert(&network) } func (api *API) DeleteEthereumChain(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64) error { log.Debug("call to DeleteEthereumChain") return api.s.rpcClient.NetworkManager.Delete(chainID) } func (api *API) GetEthereumChains(ctx context.Context, onlyEnabled bool) ([]*params.Network, error) { log.Debug("call to GetEthereumChains") return api.s.rpcClient.NetworkManager.Get(onlyEnabled) } func (api *API) FetchPrices(ctx context.Context, symbols []string, currency string) (map[string]float64, error) { log.Debug("call to FetchPrices") return fetchCryptoComparePrices(symbols, currency) }