package geth import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" "" ) // errors var ( ErrAddressToAccountMappingFailure = errors.New("cannot retrieve a valid account for a given address") ErrAccountToKeyMappingFailure = errors.New("cannot retrieve a valid key for a given account") ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure = errors.New("failed to inject identity into Whisper") ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure = errors.New("failed to clear whisper identities") ErrNoAccountSelected = errors.New("no account has been selected, please login") ErrInvalidMasterKeyCreated = errors.New("can not create master extended key") ErrInvalidAccountAddressOrKey = errors.New("cannot parse address or key to valid account address") ) // CreateAccount creates an internal geth account // BIP44-compatible keys are generated: CKD#1 is stored as account key, CKD#2 stored as sub-account root // Public key of CKD#1 is returned, with CKD#2 securely encoded into account key file (to be used for // sub-account derivations) func CreateAccount(password string) (address, pubKey, mnemonic string, err error) { // generate mnemonic phrase m := extkeys.NewMnemonic(extkeys.Salt) mnemonic, err = m.MnemonicPhrase(128, extkeys.EnglishLanguage) if err != nil { return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("can not create mnemonic seed: %v", err) } // generate extended master key (see BIP32) extKey, err := extkeys.NewMaster(m.MnemonicSeed(mnemonic, password), []byte(extkeys.Salt)) if err != nil { return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("can not create master extended key: %v", err) } // import created key into account keystore address, pubKey, err = importExtendedKey(extKey, password) if err != nil { return "", "", "", err } return address, pubKey, mnemonic, nil } // CreateChildAccount creates sub-account for an account identified by parent address. // CKD#2 is used as root for master accounts (when parentAddress is ""). // Otherwise (when parentAddress != ""), child is derived directly from parent. func CreateChildAccount(parentAddress, password string) (address, pubKey string, err error) { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() keyStore, err := nodeManager.AccountKeyStore() if err != nil { return "", "", err } if parentAddress == "" && nodeManager.SelectedAccount != nil { // derive from selected account by default parentAddress = nodeManager.SelectedAccount.Address.Hex() } if parentAddress == "" { return "", "", ErrNoAccountSelected } account, err := ParseAccountString(parentAddress) if err != nil { return "", "", ErrAddressToAccountMappingFailure } // make sure that given password can decrypt key associated with a given parent address account, accountKey, err := keyStore.AccountDecryptedKey(account, password) if err != nil { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", ErrAccountToKeyMappingFailure.Error(), err) } parentKey, err := extkeys.NewKeyFromString(accountKey.ExtendedKey.String()) if err != nil { return "", "", err } // derive child key childKey, err := parentKey.Child(accountKey.SubAccountIndex) if err != nil { return "", "", err } if err = keyStore.IncSubAccountIndex(account, password); err != nil { return "", "", err } accountKey.SubAccountIndex++ // import derived key into account keystore address, pubKey, err = importExtendedKey(childKey, password) if err != nil { return } // update in-memory selected account if nodeManager.SelectedAccount != nil { nodeManager.SelectedAccount.AccountKey = accountKey } return address, pubKey, nil } // RecoverAccount re-creates master key using given details. // Once master key is re-generated, it is inserted into keystore (if not already there). func RecoverAccount(password, mnemonic string) (address, pubKey string, err error) { // re-create extended key (see BIP32) m := extkeys.NewMnemonic(extkeys.Salt) extKey, err := extkeys.NewMaster(m.MnemonicSeed(mnemonic, password), []byte(extkeys.Salt)) if err != nil { return "", "", ErrInvalidMasterKeyCreated } // import re-created key into account keystore address, pubKey, err = importExtendedKey(extKey, password) if err != nil { return } return address, pubKey, nil } // VerifyAccountPassword tries to decrypt a given account key file, with a provided password. // If no error is returned, then account is considered verified. func VerifyAccountPassword(keyStoreDir, address, password string) (*keystore.Key, error) { var err error var keyJSON []byte addressObj := common.BytesToAddress(common.FromHex(address)) checkAccountKey := func(path string, fileInfo os.FileInfo) error { if len(keyJSON) > 0 || fileInfo.IsDir() { return nil } keyJSON, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid account key file: %v", err) } if !bytes.Contains(keyJSON, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"address":"%s"`, addressObj.Hex()[2:]))) { keyJSON = []byte{} } return nil } // locate key within key store directory (address should be within the file) err = filepath.Walk(keyStoreDir, func(path string, fileInfo os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } return checkAccountKey(path, fileInfo) }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot traverse key store folder: %v", err) } if len(keyJSON) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot locate account for address: %x", addressObj) } key, err := keystore.DecryptKey(keyJSON, password) if err != nil { return nil, err } // avoid swap attack if key.Address != addressObj { return nil, fmt.Errorf("account mismatch: have %x, want %x", key.Address, addressObj) } return key, nil } // SelectAccount selects current account, by verifying that address has corresponding account which can be decrypted // using provided password. Once verification is done, decrypted key is injected into Whisper (as a single identity, // all previous identities are removed). func SelectAccount(address, password string) error { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() keyStore, err := nodeManager.AccountKeyStore() if err != nil { return err } account, err := ParseAccountString(address) if err != nil { return ErrAddressToAccountMappingFailure } account, accountKey, err := keyStore.AccountDecryptedKey(account, password) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", ErrAccountToKeyMappingFailure.Error(), err) } whisperService, err := nodeManager.WhisperService() if err != nil { return err } if err := whisperService.SelectKeyPair(accountKey.PrivateKey); err != nil { return ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure } // persist account key for easier recovery of currently selected key subAccounts, err := findSubAccounts(accountKey.ExtendedKey, accountKey.SubAccountIndex) if err != nil { return err } nodeManager.SelectedAccount = &SelectedExtKey{ Address: account.Address, AccountKey: accountKey, SubAccounts: subAccounts, } return nil } // ReSelectAccount selects previously selected account, often, after node restart. func ReSelectAccount() error { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() selectedAccount := nodeManager.SelectedAccount if selectedAccount == nil { return nil } whisperService, err := nodeManager.WhisperService() if err != nil { return err } if err := whisperService.SelectKeyPair(selectedAccount.AccountKey.PrivateKey); err != nil { return ErrWhisperIdentityInjectionFailure } return nil } // Logout clears whisper identities func Logout() error { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() whisperService, err := nodeManager.WhisperService() if err != nil { return err } err = whisperService.DeleteKeyPairs() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", ErrWhisperClearIdentitiesFailure, err) } nodeManager.SelectedAccount = nil return nil } // importExtendedKey processes incoming extended key, extracts required info and creates corresponding account key. // Once account key is formed, that key is put (if not already) into keystore i.e. key is *encoded* into key file. func importExtendedKey(extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, password string) (address, pubKey string, err error) { keyStore, err := NodeManagerInstance().AccountKeyStore() if err != nil { return "", "", err } // imports extended key, create key file (if necessary) account, err := keyStore.ImportExtendedKey(extKey, password) if err != nil { return "", "", err } address = fmt.Sprintf("%x", account.Address) // obtain public key to return account, key, err := keyStore.AccountDecryptedKey(account, password) if err != nil { return address, "", err } pubKey = common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(&key.PrivateKey.PublicKey)) return } func onAccountsListRequest(entities []common.Address) []common.Address { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() if nodeManager.SelectedAccount == nil { return []common.Address{} } refreshSelectedAccount() filtered := make([]common.Address, 0) for _, account := range entities { // main account if nodeManager.SelectedAccount.Address.Hex() == account.Hex() { filtered = append(filtered, account) } else { // sub accounts for _, subAccount := range nodeManager.SelectedAccount.SubAccounts { if subAccount.Address.Hex() == account.Hex() { filtered = append(filtered, account) } } } } return filtered } // refreshSelectedAccount re-populates list of sub-accounts of the currently selected account (if any) func refreshSelectedAccount() { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() if nodeManager.SelectedAccount == nil { return } accountKey := nodeManager.SelectedAccount.AccountKey if accountKey == nil { return } // re-populate list of sub-accounts subAccounts, err := findSubAccounts(accountKey.ExtendedKey, accountKey.SubAccountIndex) if err != nil { return } nodeManager.SelectedAccount = &SelectedExtKey{ Address: nodeManager.SelectedAccount.Address, AccountKey: nodeManager.SelectedAccount.AccountKey, SubAccounts: subAccounts, } } // findSubAccounts traverses cached accounts and adds as a sub-accounts any // that belong to the currently selected account. // The extKey is CKD#2 := root of sub-accounts of the main account func findSubAccounts(extKey *extkeys.ExtendedKey, subAccountIndex uint32) ([]accounts.Account, error) { nodeManager := NodeManagerInstance() keyStore, err := nodeManager.AccountKeyStore() if err != nil { return []accounts.Account{}, err } subAccounts := make([]accounts.Account, 0) if extKey.Depth == 5 { // CKD#2 level // gather possible sub-account addresses subAccountAddresses := make([]common.Address, 0) for i := uint32(0); i < subAccountIndex; i++ { childKey, err := extKey.Child(i) if err != nil { return []accounts.Account{}, err } subAccountAddresses = append(subAccountAddresses, crypto.PubkeyToAddress(childKey.ToECDSA().PublicKey)) } // see if any of the gathered addresses actually exist in cached accounts list for _, cachedAccount := range keyStore.Accounts() { for _, possibleAddress := range subAccountAddresses { if possibleAddress.Hex() == cachedAccount.Address.Hex() { subAccounts = append(subAccounts, cachedAccount) } } } } return subAccounts, nil }