syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = "./;protobuf"; package protobuf; /* Specs: :AUTOMATIC To Send - "AUTOMATIC" status ping every 5 minutes Display - Online for up to 5 minutes from the last clock, after that Offline :ALWAYS_ONLINE To Send - "ALWAYS_ONLINE" status ping every 5 minutes Display - Online for up to 2 weeks from the last clock, after that Offline :INACTIVE To Send - A single "INACTIVE" status ping Display - Offline forever Note: Only send pings if the user interacted with the app in the last x minutes. */ message StatusUpdate { uint64 clock = 1; StatusType status_type = 2; string custom_text = 3; enum StatusType { UNKNOWN_STATUS_TYPE = 0; AUTOMATIC = 1; DO_NOT_DISTURB = 2; ALWAYS_ONLINE = 3; INACTIVE = 4; }; }