Peer pool signals ================= Peer pool sends 3 types of signals. Discovery started signal will be sent once discovery server is started. And every time node will have to re-start discovery server because peer number dropped too low. ```json { "type": "discovery.started", "event": null } ``` Discovery stopped signal will be sent once discovery found max limit of peers for every registered topic. ```json { "type": "discovery.stopped", "event": null } ``` Discovery summary signal will be sent every time new peer is added or removed from a cluster. It will contain a map with capability as a key and total numbers of peers with that capability as a value. ```json { "type": "discovery.summary", "event": [ { "id": "339c84c816b5f17a622c8d7ab9498f9998e942a274f70794af934bf5d3d02e14db8ddca2170e4edccede29ea6d409b154c141c34c01006e76c95e17672a27454", "name": "peer-0/v1.0/darwin/go1.10.1", "caps": [ "shh/6" ], "network": { "localAddress": "", "remoteAddress": "", "inbound": false, "trusted": false, "static": true }, "protocols": { "shh": "unknown" } } ] } ``` Or if we don't have any peers: ```json { "type": "discovery.summary", "event": [] } ```