import groovy.json.JsonBuilder def getRepoName() { if (env.GIT_URL =~ /https?:\/\/[^\/]\/(.+)(\.git)?/) { return } return env.GIT_URL.split('/').last().minus('.git') } /* if job was started by a parent we can access it's env */ def getParentRunEnv(name) { def c = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause) if (c == null) { return null } return c.getUpstreamRun().getEnvironment()[name] } /* returns duration of build in rounded up minutes */ def buildDuration() { def duration = currentBuild.durationString return '~' + duration.take(duration.lastIndexOf(' and counting')) } /* CHANGE_ID can be provided via the build parameters or from parent */ def changeId() { def changeId = env.CHANGE_ID changeId = params.CHANGE_ID ? params.CHANGE_ID : changeId changeId = getParentRunEnv('CHANGE_ID') ? getParentRunEnv('CHANGE_ID') : changeId if (!changeId) { println('This build is not related to a PR, CHANGE_ID missing.') println('GitHub notification impossible, skipping...') return null } return changeId } /* assemble build object valid for ghcmgr */ def buildObj(success) { return [ id: env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME, commit: GIT_COMMIT.take(8), success: success != null ? success : true, platform: env.BUILD_PLATFORM, duration: buildDuration(), url: currentBuild.absoluteUrl, pkg_url: env.PKG_URL, ] } /** * This is our own service for avoiding comment spam. * **/ def postBuild(success) { def changeId = changeId() if (changeId == null) { return } /* not in a PR build */ def ghcmgrUrl = '' def body = buildObj(success) def json = new JsonBuilder(body).toPrettyString() withCredentials([usernamePassword( credentialsId: 'ghcmgr-auth', usernameVariable: 'GHCMGR_USER', passwordVariable: 'GHCMGR_PASS' )]) { sh """ curl --silent --verbose -XPOST --data '${json}' \ -u '${GHCMGR_USER}:${GHCMGR_PASS}' \ -H "content-type: application/json" \ '${ghcmgrUrl}/builds/${getRepoName()}/${changeId}' """ } } return this