package collectibles import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "math/big" "" "" "" w_common "" walletCommon "" "" "" ) const InvalidTimestamp = int64(-1) type OwnershipDB struct { db *sql.DB } func NewOwnershipDB(sqlDb *sql.DB) *OwnershipDB { return &OwnershipDB{ db: sqlDb, } } const ownershipColumns = "chain_id, contract_address, token_id, owner_address, balance" const selectOwnershipColumns = "chain_id, contract_address, token_id" const selectAccountBalancesColumns = "owner_address, balance" const ownershipTimestampColumns = "owner_address, chain_id, timestamp" const selectOwnershipTimestampColumns = "timestamp" func removeAddressOwnership(creator sqlite.StatementCreator, chainID w_common.ChainID, ownerAddress common.Address) error { deleteOwnership, err := creator.Prepare("DELETE FROM collectibles_ownership_cache WHERE chain_id = ? AND owner_address = ?") if err != nil { return err } _, err = deleteOwnership.Exec(chainID, ownerAddress) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func insertAddressOwnership(creator sqlite.StatementCreator, chainID w_common.ChainID, ownerAddress common.Address, balancesPerContractAdddress thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress) error { insertOwnership, err := creator.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO collectibles_ownership_cache (%s) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, ownershipColumns)) if err != nil { return err } for contractAddress, balances := range balancesPerContractAdddress { for _, balance := range balances { _, err = insertOwnership.Exec(chainID, contractAddress, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(balance.TokenID.Int), ownerAddress, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(balance.Balance.Int)) if err != nil { return err } } } return nil } func updateAddressOwnershipTimestamp(creator sqlite.StatementCreator, ownerAddress common.Address, chainID w_common.ChainID, timestamp int64) error { updateTimestamp, err := creator.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO collectibles_ownership_update_timestamps (%s) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, ownershipTimestampColumns)) if err != nil { return err } _, err = updateTimestamp.Exec(ownerAddress, chainID, timestamp) return err } // Returns the list of new IDs when comparing the given list of IDs with the ones in the DB. // Call before Update for the result to be useful. func (o *OwnershipDB) GetIDsNotInDB( chainID w_common.ChainID, ownerAddress common.Address, newIDs []thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) ([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, error) { ret := make([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, 0, len(newIDs)) exists, err := o.db.Prepare(`SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM collectibles_ownership_cache WHERE chain_id=? AND contract_address=? AND token_id=? AND owner_address=? )`) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, id := range newIDs { row := exists.QueryRow( id.ContractID.ChainID, id.ContractID.Address, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(id.TokenID.Int), ownerAddress, ) var exists bool err = row.Scan(&exists) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !exists { ret = append(ret, id) } } return ret, nil } func (o *OwnershipDB) Update(chainID w_common.ChainID, ownerAddress common.Address, balances thirdparty.TokenBalancesPerContractAddress, timestamp int64) (err error) { var ( tx *sql.Tx ) tx, err = o.db.Begin() if err != nil { return err } defer func() { if err == nil { err = tx.Commit() return } _ = tx.Rollback() }() // Remove previous ownership data err = removeAddressOwnership(tx, chainID, ownerAddress) if err != nil { return err } // Insert new ownership data err = insertAddressOwnership(tx, chainID, ownerAddress, balances) if err != nil { return err } // Update timestamp err = updateAddressOwnershipTimestamp(tx, ownerAddress, chainID, timestamp) return } func (o *OwnershipDB) GetOwnedCollectibles(chainIDs []w_common.ChainID, ownerAddresses []common.Address, offset int, limit int) ([]thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, error) { query, args, err := sqlx.In(fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %s FROM collectibles_ownership_cache WHERE chain_id IN (?) AND owner_address IN (?) LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, selectOwnershipColumns), chainIDs, ownerAddresses, limit, offset) if err != nil { return nil, err } stmt, err := o.db.Prepare(query) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer stmt.Close() rows, err := stmt.Query(args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() return thirdparty.RowsToCollectibles(rows) } func (o *OwnershipDB) GetOwnedCollectible(chainID w_common.ChainID, ownerAddresses common.Address, contractAddress common.Address, tokenID *big.Int) (*thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID, error) { query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %s FROM collectibles_ownership_cache WHERE chain_id = ? AND owner_address = ? AND contract_address = ? AND token_id = ?`, selectOwnershipColumns) stmt, err := o.db.Prepare(query) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer stmt.Close() rows, err := stmt.Query(chainID, ownerAddresses, contractAddress, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(tokenID)) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() ids, err := thirdparty.RowsToCollectibles(rows) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(ids) == 0 { return nil, nil } return &ids[0], nil } func (o *OwnershipDB) GetOwnershipUpdateTimestamp(owner common.Address, chainID walletCommon.ChainID) (int64, error) { query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %s FROM collectibles_ownership_update_timestamps WHERE owner_address = ? AND chain_id = ?`, selectOwnershipTimestampColumns) stmt, err := o.db.Prepare(query) if err != nil { return InvalidTimestamp, err } defer stmt.Close() row := stmt.QueryRow(owner, chainID) var timestamp int64 err = row.Scan(×tamp) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return InvalidTimestamp, nil } else if err != nil { return InvalidTimestamp, err } return timestamp, nil } func (o *OwnershipDB) GetLatestOwnershipUpdateTimestamp(chainID walletCommon.ChainID) (int64, error) { query := `SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM collectibles_ownership_update_timestamps WHERE chain_id = ?` stmt, err := o.db.Prepare(query) if err != nil { return InvalidTimestamp, err } defer stmt.Close() row := stmt.QueryRow(chainID) var timestamp sql.NullInt64 err = row.Scan(×tamp) if err != nil { return InvalidTimestamp, err } if timestamp.Valid { return timestamp.Int64, nil } return InvalidTimestamp, nil } func (o *OwnershipDB) GetOwnership(id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) ([]thirdparty.AccountBalance, error) { query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %s FROM collectibles_ownership_cache WHERE chain_id = ? AND contract_address = ? AND token_id = ?`, selectAccountBalancesColumns) stmt, err := o.db.Prepare(query) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer stmt.Close() rows, err := stmt.Query(id.ContractID.ChainID, id.ContractID.Address, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(id.TokenID.Int)) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var ret []thirdparty.AccountBalance for rows.Next() { accountBalance := thirdparty.AccountBalance{ Balance: &bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(0)}, } err = rows.Scan( &accountBalance.Address, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(accountBalance.Balance.Int), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } ret = append(ret, accountBalance) } return ret, nil }