// Package blake3 implements the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function.
package blake3 // import "lukechampine.com/blake3"

import (


// Hasher implements hash.Hash.
type Hasher struct {
	key   [8]uint32
	flags uint32
	size  int // output size, for Sum

	// log(n) set of Merkle subtree roots, at most one per height.
	stack   [64 - (guts.MaxSIMD + 10)][8]uint32 // 10 = log2(guts.ChunkSize)
	counter uint64                              // number of buffers hashed; also serves as a bit vector indicating which stack elems are occupied

	buf    [guts.MaxSIMD * guts.ChunkSize]byte
	buflen int

func (h *Hasher) hasSubtreeAtHeight(i int) bool {
	return h.counter&(1<<i) != 0

func (h *Hasher) pushSubtree(cv [8]uint32) {
	// seek to first open stack slot, merging subtrees as we go
	i := 0
	for h.hasSubtreeAtHeight(i) {
		cv = guts.ChainingValue(guts.ParentNode(h.stack[i], cv, &h.key, h.flags))
	h.stack[i] = cv

// rootNode computes the root of the Merkle tree. It does not modify the
// stack.
func (h *Hasher) rootNode() guts.Node {
	n := guts.CompressBuffer(&h.buf, h.buflen, &h.key, h.counter*guts.MaxSIMD, h.flags)
	for i := bits.TrailingZeros64(h.counter); i < bits.Len64(h.counter); i++ {
		if h.hasSubtreeAtHeight(i) {
			n = guts.ParentNode(h.stack[i], guts.ChainingValue(n), &h.key, h.flags)
	n.Flags |= guts.FlagRoot
	return n

// Write implements hash.Hash.
func (h *Hasher) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	lenp := len(p)
	for len(p) > 0 {
		if h.buflen == len(h.buf) {
			n := guts.CompressBuffer(&h.buf, h.buflen, &h.key, h.counter*guts.MaxSIMD, h.flags)
			h.buflen = 0
		n := copy(h.buf[h.buflen:], p)
		h.buflen += n
		p = p[n:]
	return lenp, nil

// Sum implements hash.Hash.
func (h *Hasher) Sum(b []byte) (sum []byte) {
	// We need to append h.Size() bytes to b. Reuse b's capacity if possible;
	// otherwise, allocate a new slice.
	if total := len(b) + h.Size(); cap(b) >= total {
		sum = b[:total]
	} else {
		sum = make([]byte, total)
		copy(sum, b)
	// Read into the appended portion of sum. Use a low-latency-low-throughput
	// path for small digests (requiring a single compression), and a
	// high-latency-high-throughput path for large digests.
	if dst := sum[len(b):]; len(dst) <= 64 {
		out := guts.WordsToBytes(guts.CompressNode(h.rootNode()))
		copy(dst, out[:])
	} else {

// Reset implements hash.Hash.
func (h *Hasher) Reset() {
	h.counter = 0
	h.buflen = 0

// BlockSize implements hash.Hash.
func (h *Hasher) BlockSize() int { return 64 }

// Size implements hash.Hash.
func (h *Hasher) Size() int { return h.size }

// XOF returns an OutputReader initialized with the current hash state.
func (h *Hasher) XOF() *OutputReader {
	return &OutputReader{
		n: h.rootNode(),

func newHasher(key [8]uint32, flags uint32, size int) *Hasher {
	return &Hasher{
		key:   key,
		flags: flags,
		size:  size,

// New returns a Hasher for the specified digest size and key. If key is nil,
// the hash is unkeyed. Otherwise, len(key) must be 32.
func New(size int, key []byte) *Hasher {
	if key == nil {
		return newHasher(guts.IV, 0, size)
	var keyWords [8]uint32
	for i := range keyWords {
		keyWords[i] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(key[i*4:])
	return newHasher(keyWords, guts.FlagKeyedHash, size)

// Sum256 and Sum512 always use the same hasher state, so we can save some time
// when hashing small inputs by constructing the hasher ahead of time.
var defaultHasher = New(64, nil)

// Sum256 returns the unkeyed BLAKE3 hash of b, truncated to 256 bits.
func Sum256(b []byte) (out [32]byte) {
	out512 := Sum512(b)
	copy(out[:], out512[:])

// Sum512 returns the unkeyed BLAKE3 hash of b, truncated to 512 bits.
func Sum512(b []byte) (out [64]byte) {
	var n guts.Node
	if len(b) <= guts.BlockSize {
		var block [64]byte
		copy(block[:], b)
		return guts.WordsToBytes(guts.CompressNode(guts.Node{
			CV:       guts.IV,
			Block:    guts.BytesToWords(block),
			BlockLen: uint32(len(b)),
			Flags:    guts.FlagChunkStart | guts.FlagChunkEnd | guts.FlagRoot,
	} else if len(b) <= guts.ChunkSize {
		n = guts.CompressChunk(b, &guts.IV, 0, 0)
		n.Flags |= guts.FlagRoot
	} else {
		h := *defaultHasher
		n = h.rootNode()
	return guts.WordsToBytes(guts.CompressNode(n))

// DeriveKey derives a subkey from ctx and srcKey. ctx should be hardcoded,
// globally unique, and application-specific. A good format for ctx strings is:
//	[application] [commit timestamp] [purpose]
// e.g.:
//	example.com 2019-12-25 16:18:03 session tokens v1
// The purpose of these requirements is to ensure that an attacker cannot trick
// two different applications into using the same context string.
func DeriveKey(subKey []byte, ctx string, srcKey []byte) {
	// construct the derivation Hasher
	const derivationIVLen = 32
	h := newHasher(guts.IV, guts.FlagDeriveKeyContext, 32)
	derivationIV := h.Sum(make([]byte, 0, derivationIVLen))
	var ivWords [8]uint32
	for i := range ivWords {
		ivWords[i] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(derivationIV[i*4:])
	h = newHasher(ivWords, guts.FlagDeriveKeyMaterial, 0)
	// derive the subKey

// An OutputReader produces an seekable stream of 2^64 - 1 pseudorandom output
// bytes.
type OutputReader struct {
	n   guts.Node
	buf [guts.MaxSIMD * guts.BlockSize]byte
	off uint64

// Read implements io.Reader. Callers may assume that Read returns len(p), nil
// unless the read would extend beyond the end of the stream.
func (or *OutputReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
	if or.off == math.MaxUint64 {
		return 0, io.EOF
	} else if rem := math.MaxUint64 - or.off; uint64(len(p)) > rem {
		p = p[:rem]
	lenp := len(p)
	for len(p) > 0 {
		if or.off%(guts.MaxSIMD*guts.BlockSize) == 0 {
			or.n.Counter = or.off / guts.BlockSize
			guts.CompressBlocks(&or.buf, or.n)
		n := copy(p, or.buf[or.off%(guts.MaxSIMD*guts.BlockSize):])
		p = p[n:]
		or.off += uint64(n)
	return lenp, nil

// Seek implements io.Seeker.
func (or *OutputReader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
	off := or.off
	switch whence {
	case io.SeekStart:
		if offset < 0 {
			return 0, errors.New("seek position cannot be negative")
		off = uint64(offset)
	case io.SeekCurrent:
		if offset < 0 {
			if uint64(-offset) > off {
				return 0, errors.New("seek position cannot be negative")
			off -= uint64(-offset)
		} else {
			off += uint64(offset)
	case io.SeekEnd:
		off = uint64(offset) - 1
		panic("invalid whence")
	or.off = off
	or.n.Counter = uint64(off) / guts.BlockSize
	if or.off%(guts.MaxSIMD*guts.BlockSize) != 0 {
		guts.CompressBlocks(&or.buf, or.n)
	// NOTE: or.off >= 2^63 will result in a negative return value.
	// Nothing we can do about this.
	return int64(or.off), nil

// ensure that Hasher implements hash.Hash
var _ hash.Hash = (*Hasher)(nil)

// EncodedSize returns the size of a Bao encoding for the provided quantity
// of data.
// Deprecated: Use bao.EncodedSize instead.
func BaoEncodedSize(dataLen int, outboard bool) int {
	return bao.EncodedSize(dataLen, 0, outboard)

// BaoEncode computes the intermediate BLAKE3 tree hashes of data and writes
// them to dst.
// Deprecated: Use bao.Encode instead.
func BaoEncode(dst io.WriterAt, data io.Reader, dataLen int64, outboard bool) ([32]byte, error) {
	return bao.Encode(dst, data, dataLen, 0, outboard)

// BaoDecode reads content and tree data from the provided reader(s), and
// streams the verified content to dst.
// Deprecated: Use bao.Decode instead.
func BaoDecode(dst io.Writer, data, outboard io.Reader, root [32]byte) (bool, error) {
	return bao.Decode(dst, data, outboard, 0, root)

// BaoEncodeBuf returns the Bao encoding and root (i.e. BLAKE3 hash) for data.
// Deprecated: Use bao.EncodeBuf instead.
func BaoEncodeBuf(data []byte, outboard bool) ([]byte, [32]byte) {
	return bao.EncodeBuf(data, 0, outboard)

// BaoVerifyBuf verifies the Bao encoding and root (i.e. BLAKE3 hash) for data.
// Deprecated: Use bao.VerifyBuf instead.
func BaoVerifyBuf(data, outboard []byte, root [32]byte) bool {
	return bao.VerifyBuf(data, outboard, 0, root)