package server import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "testing" "time" "" "" ) func TestGetOutboundIPSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(GetOutboundIPSuite)) } type GetOutboundIPSuite struct { suite.Suite TestPairingServerComponents } func (s *GetOutboundIPSuite) SetupSuite() { s.SetupPairingServerComponents(s.T()) } func testHandler(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { say, ok := r.URL.Query()["say"] if !ok || len(say) == 0 { say = append(say, "nothing") } _, err := w.Write([]byte("Hello I like to be a tls server. You said: `" + say[0] + "` " + time.Now().String())) if err != nil { require.NoError(t, err) } } } func makeThingToSay() (string, error) { b := make([]byte, 32) _, err := rand.Read(b) if err != nil { return "", err } return hex.EncodeToString(b), nil } func (s *GetOutboundIPSuite) TestGetOutboundIPWithFullServerE2e() { s.PS.mode = Sending s.PS.SetHandlers(HandlerPatternMap{"/hello": testHandler(s.T())}) err := s.PS.Start() s.Require().NoError(err) // Give time for the sever to be ready, hacky I know, I'll iron this out time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // Server generates a QR code connection string cp, err := s.PS.MakeConnectionParams() s.Require().NoError(err) qr := cp.ToString() // Client reads QR code and parses the connection string ccp := new(ConnectionParams) err = ccp.FromString(qr) s.Require().NoError(err) c, err := NewPairingClient(ccp, nil) s.Require().NoError(err) thing, err := makeThingToSay() s.Require().NoError(err) response, err := c.Get(c.baseAddress.String() + "/hello?say=" + thing) s.Require().NoError(err) defer response.Body.Close() content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) s.Require().NoError(err) s.Require().Equal("Hello I like to be a tls server. You said: `"+thing+"`", string(content[:109])) }