const crypto = require('crypto'); const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const axios = require('axios'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const Web3 = require('web3'); describe('Whisper MailServer', () => { const topic = `0x${crypto.randomBytes(4).toString('hex')}`; const sharedSymKey = '0x6c32583c0bc13ef90a10b36ed6f66baaa0e537d0677619993bfd72c819cba6f3'; const mailServerEnode = 'enode://b7e65e1bedc2499ee6cbd806945af5e7df0e59e4070c96821570bd581473eade24a489f5ec95d060c0db118c879403ab88d827d3766978f28708989d35474f87@'; const messageTTL = 5; describe('Check prerequisites', () => { console.log('Expecting MailServer running.') console.log('./build/bin/wnode-status -mailserver -passwordfile=./static/keys/wnodepassword -http -httpport 8540 -listenaddr= -identity=./static/keys/wnodekey') it('MailServer should be running', () => { const mailServer = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8540')); const version = mailServer.shh.version(); expect(version).to.equal("5.0"); }); }); describe('NodeA', () => { let nodeA; let nodeAProcess; before((done) => { nodeAProcess = spawn( './build/bin/wnode-status', ['-datadir', 'wnode-data-1', '-http', '-httpport', '8590'] ); nodeA = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8590')); // need to wait a bit until the node is up and running setTimeout(done, 500); }); after((done) => { nodeAProcess.kill('SIGTERM'); nodeAProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => { expect(code); expect(signal).to.equal('SIGTERM'); rimraf('wnode-data-1', done); }); }); it('Should add MailServer as a peer', (done) => { // add MailServer as a peer, { method: 'admin_addPeer', params: [mailServerEnode], id: 1 }).then((resp) => { expect(; expect(; done(); }).catch(done); }) it('Should send a message', (done) => { const symKeyId = nodeA.shh.addSymKey(sharedSymKey); const result ={ symKeyID: symKeyId, topic: topic, payload: nodeA.toHex('hello!'), ttl: messageTTL, powTime: 10, powTarget: 2.5 }); expect(result); // give it some time to propagate before the node is shut down setTimeout(done, 500); }); }); describe('NodeB', () => { let nodeBProcess; let nodeB; before((done) => { nodeBProcess = spawn( './build/bin/wnode-status', ['-datadir', 'wnode-data-2', '-http', '-httpport', '8591', '-log', 'INFO', '-logfile', 'wnode-data-2/wnode.log'] ); nodeB = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8591')); // need to wait a bit until the node is up and running setTimeout(done, 500); }); after((done) => { nodeBProcess.kill('SIGTERM'); nodeBProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => { expect(code); expect(signal).to.equal('SIGTERM'); rimraf('wnode-data-2', done); }); }); it('Should add MailServer as a peer', (done) => { // add MailServer as a peer, { method: 'admin_addPeer', params: [mailServerEnode], id: 1 }).then((resp) => { expect(; expect(; done(); }).catch(done); }) it('Should request and receive old messages', (done) => { const mailServerSymKeyID = nodeB.shh.generateSymKeyFromPassword('status-offline-inbox'); const symKeyId = nodeB.shh.addSymKey(sharedSymKey); let requestedForMessages = false; // wait until the message expires before setting up a filter setTimeout(() => { let counter = 0; nodeB.shh.newMessageFilter({ topics: [topic], symKeyID: symKeyId, allowP2P: true }, (err, data) => { if (err) { done(err); return; } expect(nodeB.toAscii(data.payload)).to.equal('hello!'); if (requestedForMessages) { done(); } else { done('should not receive the message before requesting it'); } }, done); }, (messageTTL + 1) * 1000); // request messages after the filter is set up and give it some addotional time // so we are sure that the message was received after requesting it setTimeout(() => { // send a request for old messages, { method: 'shh_requestMessages', params: [{ mailServerPeer: mailServerEnode, topic: topic, symKeyID: mailServerSymKeyID }], id: 2 }).then((resp) => { requestedForMessages = true; expect(; expect(; }).catch(done); }, (messageTTL + 5) * 1000); }); }); });