package router import ( "context" "fmt" "math/big" "sort" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" walletCommon "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" walletToken "" "" "" ) var ( routerTask = async.TaskType{ ID: 1, Policy: async.ReplacementPolicyCancelOld, } ) type amountOption struct { amount *big.Int locked bool subtractFees bool } func makeBalanceKey(chainID uint64, symbol string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", chainID, symbol) } type ProcessorError struct { ProcessorName string Error error } type SuggestedRoutes struct { Uuid string Best routes.Route Candidates routes.Route UpdatedPrices map[string]float64 } type Router struct { rpcClient *rpc.Client tokenManager *token.Manager marketManager *market.Manager collectiblesService *collectibles.Service collectiblesManager *collectibles.Manager ensService *ens.Service stickersService *stickers.Service feesManager *fees.FeeManager pathProcessors map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor scheduler *async.Scheduler activeBalanceMap sync.Map // map[string]*big.Int activeRoutesMutex sync.Mutex activeRoutes *SuggestedRoutes routeCanceledMutex sync.Mutex routeCanceled bool lastInputParamsMutex sync.Mutex lastInputParams *requests.RouteInputParams clientsForUpdatesPerChains sync.Map } func NewRouter(rpcClient *rpc.Client, transactor *transactions.Transactor, tokenManager *token.Manager, marketManager *market.Manager, collectibles *collectibles.Service, collectiblesManager *collectibles.Manager, ensService *ens.Service, stickersService *stickers.Service) *Router { processors := make(map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor) return &Router{ rpcClient: rpcClient, tokenManager: tokenManager, marketManager: marketManager, collectiblesService: collectibles, collectiblesManager: collectiblesManager, ensService: ensService, stickersService: stickersService, feesManager: &fees.FeeManager{ RPCClient: rpcClient, }, pathProcessors: processors, scheduler: async.NewScheduler(), } } func (r *Router) AddPathProcessor(processor pathprocessor.PathProcessor) { r.pathProcessors[processor.Name()] = processor } func (r *Router) Stop() { r.scheduler.Stop() } func (r *Router) GetFeesManager() *fees.FeeManager { return r.feesManager } func (r *Router) GetPathProcessors() map[string]pathprocessor.PathProcessor { return r.pathProcessors } func (r *Router) GetBestRouteAndAssociatedInputParams() (routes.Route, requests.RouteInputParams) { r.activeRoutesMutex.Lock() defer r.activeRoutesMutex.Unlock() if r.activeRoutes == nil { return nil, requests.RouteInputParams{} } r.lastInputParamsMutex.Lock() defer r.lastInputParamsMutex.Unlock() ip := *r.lastInputParams return r.activeRoutes.Best.Copy(), ip } func (r *Router) SetTestBalanceMap(balanceMap map[string]*big.Int) { for k, v := range balanceMap { r.activeBalanceMap.Store(k, v) } } func newSuggestedRoutes( input *requests.RouteInputParams, candidates routes.Route, updatedPrices map[string]float64, ) (*SuggestedRoutes, []routes.Route) { suggestedRoutes := &SuggestedRoutes{ Uuid: input.Uuid, Candidates: candidates, UpdatedPrices: updatedPrices, } if len(candidates) == 0 { return suggestedRoutes, nil } node := &routes.Node{ Path: nil, Children: routes.BuildGraph(input.AmountIn.ToInt(), candidates, 0, []uint64{}), } allRoutes := node.BuildAllRoutes() allRoutes = filterRoutes(allRoutes, input.AmountIn.ToInt(), input.FromLockedAmount) if len(allRoutes) > 0 { sort.Slice(allRoutes, func(i, j int) bool { iRoute := getRoutePriority(allRoutes[i]) jRoute := getRoutePriority(allRoutes[j]) return iRoute <= jRoute }) } return suggestedRoutes, allRoutes } func sendRouterResult(uuid string, result interface{}, err error) { routesResponse := responses.RouterSuggestedRoutes{ Uuid: uuid, } if err != nil { errorResponse := errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) routesResponse.ErrorResponse = errorResponse.(*errors.ErrorResponse) } if suggestedRoutes, ok := result.(*SuggestedRoutes); ok && suggestedRoutes != nil { routesResponse.Best = suggestedRoutes.Best routesResponse.Candidates = suggestedRoutes.Candidates routesResponse.UpdatedPrices = suggestedRoutes.UpdatedPrices } signal.SendWalletEvent(signal.SuggestedRoutes, routesResponse) } func (r *Router) SuggestedRoutesAsync(input *requests.RouteInputParams) { r.scheduler.Enqueue(routerTask, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) { return r.SuggestedRoutes(ctx, input) }, func(result interface{}, taskType async.TaskType, err error) { sendRouterResult(input.Uuid, result, err) }) } func (r *Router) markRouteCanceled(value bool) { r.routeCanceledMutex.Lock() r.routeCanceled = value r.routeCanceledMutex.Unlock() } func (r *Router) StopSuggestedRoutesAsyncCalculation() { r.markRouteCanceled(true) r.unsubscribeFeesUpdateAccrossAllChains() r.scheduler.Stop() } func (r *Router) StopSuggestedRoutesCalculation() { r.unsubscribeFeesUpdateAccrossAllChains() } func (r *Router) SuggestedRoutes(ctx context.Context, input *requests.RouteInputParams) (suggestedRoutes *SuggestedRoutes, err error) { // unsubscribe from updates r.unsubscribeFeesUpdateAccrossAllChains() r.markRouteCanceled(false) // clear all processors for _, processor := range r.pathProcessors { if clearable, ok := processor.(pathprocessor.PathProcessorClearable); ok { clearable.Clear() } } r.lastInputParamsMutex.Lock() r.lastInputParams = input r.lastInputParamsMutex.Unlock() defer func() { r.activeRoutesMutex.Lock() r.activeRoutes = suggestedRoutes r.activeRoutesMutex.Unlock() r.routeCanceledMutex.Lock() if suggestedRoutes != nil && err == nil && !r.routeCanceled { // subscribe for updates for _, path := range suggestedRoutes.Best { err = r.subscribeForUdates(path.FromChain.ChainID) } } r.routeCanceledMutex.Unlock() }() testnetMode, err := r.rpcClient.NetworkManager.GetTestNetworksEnabled() if err != nil { return nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } input.TestnetMode = testnetMode err = input.Validate() if err != nil { return nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } selectedFromChains, selectedToChains, err := r.getSelectedChains(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } err = r.prepareBalanceMapForTokenOnChains(ctx, input, selectedFromChains) // return only if there are no balances, otherwise try to resolve the candidates for chains we know the balances for noBalanceOnAnyChain := true r.activeBalanceMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool { if value.(*big.Int).Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { noBalanceOnAnyChain = false return false } return true }) if noBalanceOnAnyChain { if err != nil { return nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } return nil, ErrNoPositiveBalance } candidates, processorErrors, err := r.resolveCandidates(ctx, input, selectedFromChains, selectedToChains) if err != nil { return nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } suggestedRoutes, err = r.resolveRoutes(ctx, input, candidates) if err == nil && (suggestedRoutes == nil || len(suggestedRoutes.Best) == 0) { // No best route found, but no error given. if len(processorErrors) > 0 { // Return one of the path processor errors if present. // Give precedence to the custom error message. for _, processorError := range processorErrors { if processorError.Error != nil && pathprocessor.IsCustomError(processorError.Error) { err = processorError.Error break } } if err == nil { err = errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(processorErrors[0].Error) } } else { err = ErrNoBestRouteFound } } mapError := func(err error) error { if err == nil { return nil } pattern := "insufficient funds for gas * price + value: address " addressIndex := strings.Index(errors.DetailsFromError(err), pattern) if addressIndex != -1 { addressIndex += len(pattern) + walletCommon.HexAddressLength return errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(&errors.ErrorResponse{ Code: errors.ErrorCodeFromError(err), Details: errors.DetailsFromError(err)[:addressIndex], }) } return err } // map some errors to more user-friendly messages return suggestedRoutes, mapError(err) } // prepareBalanceMapForTokenOnChains prepares the balance map for passed address, where the key is in format "chainID-tokenSymbol" and // value is the balance of the token. Native token (EHT) is always added to the balance map. func (r *Router) prepareBalanceMapForTokenOnChains(ctx context.Context, input *requests.RouteInputParams, selectedFromChains []*params.Network) (err error) { // clear the active balance map r.activeBalanceMap = sync.Map{} if input.TestsMode { for k, v := range input.TestParams.BalanceMap { r.activeBalanceMap.Store(k, v) } return nil } chainError := func(chainId uint64, token string, intErr error) { if err == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("chain %d, token %s: %w", chainId, token, intErr) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("%s; chain %d, token %s: %w", err.Error(), chainId, token, intErr) } } for _, chain := range selectedFromChains { // check token existence token := input.SendType.FindToken(r.tokenManager, r.collectiblesService, input.AddrFrom, chain, input.TokenID) if token == nil { chainError(chain.ChainID, input.TokenID, ErrTokenNotFound) continue } // check native token existence nativeToken := r.tokenManager.FindToken(chain, chain.NativeCurrencySymbol) if nativeToken == nil { chainError(chain.ChainID, chain.NativeCurrencySymbol, ErrNativeTokenNotFound) continue } // add token balance for the chain var tokenBalance *big.Int if input.SendType == sendtype.ERC721Transfer { tokenBalance = big.NewInt(1) } else if input.SendType == sendtype.ERC1155Transfer { tokenBalance, err = r.getERC1155Balance(ctx, chain, token, input.AddrFrom) if err != nil { chainError(chain.ChainID, token.Symbol, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err)) } } else { tokenBalance, err = r.getBalance(ctx, chain.ChainID, token, input.AddrFrom) if err != nil { chainError(chain.ChainID, token.Symbol, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err)) } } // add only if balance is not nil if tokenBalance != nil { r.activeBalanceMap.Store(makeBalanceKey(chain.ChainID, token.Symbol), tokenBalance) } if token.IsNative() { continue } // add native token balance for the chain nativeBalance, err := r.getBalance(ctx, chain.ChainID, nativeToken, input.AddrFrom) if err != nil { chainError(chain.ChainID, token.Symbol, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err)) } // add only if balance is not nil if nativeBalance != nil { r.activeBalanceMap.Store(makeBalanceKey(chain.ChainID, nativeToken.Symbol), nativeBalance) } } return } func (r *Router) getSelectedUnlockedChains(input *requests.RouteInputParams, processingChain *params.Network, selectedFromChains []*params.Network) []*params.Network { selectedButNotLockedChains := []*params.Network{processingChain} // always add the processing chain at the beginning for _, net := range selectedFromChains { if net.ChainID == processingChain.ChainID { continue } if _, ok := input.FromLockedAmount[net.ChainID]; !ok { selectedButNotLockedChains = append(selectedButNotLockedChains, net) } } return selectedButNotLockedChains } func (r *Router) getOptionsForAmoutToSplitAccrossChainsForProcessingChain(input *requests.RouteInputParams, amountToSplit *big.Int, processingChain *params.Network, selectedFromChains []*params.Network) map[uint64][]amountOption { selectedButNotLockedChains := r.getSelectedUnlockedChains(input, processingChain, selectedFromChains) crossChainAmountOptions := make(map[uint64][]amountOption) for _, chain := range selectedButNotLockedChains { var ( ok bool tokenBalance *big.Int ) value, ok := r.activeBalanceMap.Load(makeBalanceKey(chain.ChainID, input.TokenID)) if !ok { continue } tokenBalance, ok = value.(*big.Int) if !ok { continue } if tokenBalance.Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { if tokenBalance.Cmp(amountToSplit) <= 0 { crossChainAmountOptions[chain.ChainID] = append(crossChainAmountOptions[chain.ChainID], amountOption{ amount: tokenBalance, locked: false, subtractFees: true, // for chains where we're taking the full balance, we want to subtract the fees }) amountToSplit = new(big.Int).Sub(amountToSplit, tokenBalance) } else if amountToSplit.Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { crossChainAmountOptions[chain.ChainID] = append(crossChainAmountOptions[chain.ChainID], amountOption{ amount: amountToSplit, locked: false, }) // break since amountToSplit is fully addressed and the rest is 0 break } } } return crossChainAmountOptions } func (r *Router) getCrossChainsOptionsForSendingAmount(input *requests.RouteInputParams, selectedFromChains []*params.Network) map[uint64][]amountOption { // All we do in this block we're free to do, because of the validateInputData function which checks if the locked amount // was properly set and if there is something unexpected it will return an error and we will not reach this point finalCrossChainAmountOptions := make(map[uint64][]amountOption) // represents all possible amounts that can be sent from the "from" chain for _, selectedFromChain := range selectedFromChains { amountLocked := false amountToSend := input.AmountIn.ToInt() if amountToSend.Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) == 0 { finalCrossChainAmountOptions[selectedFromChain.ChainID] = append(finalCrossChainAmountOptions[selectedFromChain.ChainID], amountOption{ amount: amountToSend, locked: false, }) continue } lockedAmount, fromChainLocked := input.FromLockedAmount[selectedFromChain.ChainID] if fromChainLocked { amountToSend = lockedAmount.ToInt() amountLocked = true } else if len(input.FromLockedAmount) > 0 { for chainID, lockedAmount := range input.FromLockedAmount { if chainID == selectedFromChain.ChainID { continue } amountToSend = new(big.Int).Sub(amountToSend, lockedAmount.ToInt()) } } if amountToSend.Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { // add full amount always, cause we want to check for balance errors at the end of the routing algorithm // TODO: once we introduce bettwer error handling and start checking for the balance at the beginning of the routing algorithm // we can remove this line and optimize the routing algorithm more finalCrossChainAmountOptions[selectedFromChain.ChainID] = append(finalCrossChainAmountOptions[selectedFromChain.ChainID], amountOption{ amount: amountToSend, locked: amountLocked, }) if amountLocked { continue } // If the amount that need to be send is bigger than the balance on the chain, then we want to check options if that // amount can be splitted and sent across multiple chains. if input.SendType == sendtype.Transfer && len(selectedFromChains) > 1 { // All we do in this block we're free to do, because of the validateInputData function which checks if the locked amount // was properly set and if there is something unexpected it will return an error and we will not reach this point amountToSplitAccrossChains := new(big.Int).Set(amountToSend) crossChainAmountOptions := r.getOptionsForAmoutToSplitAccrossChainsForProcessingChain(input, amountToSend, selectedFromChain, selectedFromChains) // sum up all the allocated amounts accorss all chains allocatedAmount := big.NewInt(0) for _, amountOptions := range crossChainAmountOptions { for _, amountOption := range amountOptions { allocatedAmount = new(big.Int).Add(allocatedAmount, amountOption.amount) } } // if the allocated amount is the same as the amount that need to be sent, then we can add the options to the finalCrossChainAmountOptions if allocatedAmount.Cmp(amountToSplitAccrossChains) == 0 { for cID, amountOptions := range crossChainAmountOptions { finalCrossChainAmountOptions[cID] = append(finalCrossChainAmountOptions[cID], amountOptions...) } } } } } return finalCrossChainAmountOptions } func (r *Router) findOptionsForSendingAmount(input *requests.RouteInputParams, selectedFromChains []*params.Network) (map[uint64][]amountOption, error) { crossChainAmountOptions := r.getCrossChainsOptionsForSendingAmount(input, selectedFromChains) // filter out duplicates values for the same chain for chainID, amountOptions := range crossChainAmountOptions { uniqueAmountOptions := make(map[string]amountOption) for _, amountOption := range amountOptions { uniqueAmountOptions[amountOption.amount.String()] = amountOption } crossChainAmountOptions[chainID] = make([]amountOption, 0) for _, amountOption := range uniqueAmountOptions { crossChainAmountOptions[chainID] = append(crossChainAmountOptions[chainID], amountOption) } } return crossChainAmountOptions, nil } func (r *Router) getSelectedChains(input *requests.RouteInputParams) (selectedFromChains []*params.Network, selectedToChains []*params.Network, err error) { var networks []*params.Network networks, err = r.rpcClient.NetworkManager.Get(false) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } for _, network := range networks { if network.IsTest != input.TestnetMode { continue } if !walletCommon.ArrayContainsElement(network.ChainID, input.DisabledFromChainIDs) { selectedFromChains = append(selectedFromChains, network) } if !walletCommon.ArrayContainsElement(network.ChainID, input.DisabledToChainIDs) { selectedToChains = append(selectedToChains, network) } } return selectedFromChains, selectedToChains, nil } func (r *Router) resolveCandidates(ctx context.Context, input *requests.RouteInputParams, selectedFromChains []*params.Network, selectedToChains []*params.Network) (candidates routes.Route, processorErrors []*ProcessorError, err error) { var ( testsMode = input.TestsMode && input.TestParams != nil group = async.NewAtomicGroup(ctx) mu sync.Mutex ) crossChainAmountOptions, err := r.findOptionsForSendingAmount(input, selectedFromChains) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } appendProcessorErrorFn := func(processorName string, sendType sendtype.SendType, fromChainID uint64, toChainID uint64, amount *big.Int, err error) { log.Error("router.resolveCandidates error", "processor", processorName, "sendType", sendType, "fromChainId: ", fromChainID, "toChainId", toChainID, "amount", amount, "err", err) mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() processorErrors = append(processorErrors, &ProcessorError{ ProcessorName: processorName, Error: err, }) } appendPathFn := func(path *routes.Path) { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() candidates = append(candidates, path) } for networkIdx := range selectedFromChains { network := selectedFromChains[networkIdx] if !input.SendType.IsAvailableFor(network) { continue } var ( token *walletToken.Token toToken *walletToken.Token ) if testsMode { token = input.TestParams.TokenFrom } else { token = input.SendType.FindToken(r.tokenManager, r.collectiblesService, input.AddrFrom, network, input.TokenID) } if token == nil { continue } if input.SendType == sendtype.Swap { toToken = input.SendType.FindToken(r.tokenManager, r.collectiblesService, common.Address{}, network, input.ToTokenID) } var fetchedFees *fees.SuggestedFees if testsMode { fetchedFees = input.TestParams.SuggestedFees } else { fetchedFees, err = r.feesManager.SuggestedFees(ctx, network.ChainID) if err != nil { continue } } group.Add(func(c context.Context) error { for _, amountOption := range crossChainAmountOptions[network.ChainID] { for _, pProcessor := range r.pathProcessors { // With the condition below we're eliminating `Swap` as potential path that can participate in calculating the best route // once we decide to inlcude `Swap` in the calculation we need to update `canUseProcessor` function. // This also applies to including another (Celer) bridge in the calculation. // TODO: // this algorithm, includeing finding the best route, has to be updated to include more bridges and one (for now) or more swap options // it means that candidates should not be treated linearly, but improve the logic to have multiple routes with different processors of the same type. // Example: // Routes for sending SNT from Ethereum to Optimism can be: // 1. Swap SNT(mainnet) to ETH(mainnet); then bridge via Hop ETH(mainnet) to ETH(opt); then Swap ETH(opt) to SNT(opt); then send SNT (opt) to the destination // 2. Swap SNT(mainnet) to ETH(mainnet); then bridge via Celer ETH(mainnet) to ETH(opt); then Swap ETH(opt) to SNT(opt); then send SNT (opt) to the destination // 3. Swap SNT(mainnet) to USDC(mainnet); then bridge via Hop USDC(mainnet) to USDC(opt); then Swap USDC(opt) to SNT(opt); then send SNT (opt) to the destination // 4. Swap SNT(mainnet) to USDC(mainnet); then bridge via Celer USDC(mainnet) to USDC(opt); then Swap USDC(opt) to SNT(opt); then send SNT (opt) to the destination // 5. ... // 6. ... // // With the current routing algorithm atm we're not able to generate all possible routes. if !input.SendType.CanUseProcessor(pProcessor) { continue } // if we're doing a single chain operation, we can skip bridge processors if walletCommon.IsSingleChainOperation(selectedFromChains, selectedToChains) && pathprocessor.IsProcessorBridge(pProcessor.Name()) { continue } if !input.SendType.ProcessZeroAmountInProcessor(amountOption.amount, input.AmountOut.ToInt(), pProcessor.Name()) { continue } for _, dest := range selectedToChains { if !input.SendType.IsAvailableFor(network) { continue } if !input.SendType.IsAvailableBetween(network, dest) { continue } processorInputParams := pathprocessor.ProcessorInputParams{ FromChain: network, ToChain: dest, FromToken: token, ToToken: toToken, ToAddr: input.AddrTo, FromAddr: input.AddrFrom, AmountIn: amountOption.amount, AmountOut: input.AmountOut.ToInt(), Username: input.Username, PublicKey: input.PublicKey, PackID: input.PackID.ToInt(), } if input.TestsMode { processorInputParams.TestsMode = input.TestsMode processorInputParams.TestEstimationMap = input.TestParams.EstimationMap processorInputParams.TestBonderFeeMap = input.TestParams.BonderFeeMap processorInputParams.TestApprovalGasEstimation = input.TestParams.ApprovalGasEstimation processorInputParams.TestApprovalL1Fee = input.TestParams.ApprovalL1Fee } can, err := pProcessor.AvailableFor(processorInputParams) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } if !can { continue } bonderFees, tokenFees, err := pProcessor.CalculateFees(processorInputParams) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } gasLimit, err := pProcessor.EstimateGas(processorInputParams) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } approvalContractAddress, err := pProcessor.GetContractAddress(processorInputParams) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } approvalRequired, approvalAmountRequired, err := r.requireApproval(ctx, input.SendType, &approvalContractAddress, processorInputParams) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } var approvalGasLimit uint64 if approvalRequired { if processorInputParams.TestsMode { approvalGasLimit = processorInputParams.TestApprovalGasEstimation } else { approvalGasLimit, err = r.estimateGasForApproval(processorInputParams, &approvalContractAddress) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } } } amountOut, err := pProcessor.CalculateAmountOut(processorInputParams) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } maxFeesPerGas := fetchedFees.FeeFor(input.GasFeeMode) estimatedTime := r.feesManager.TransactionEstimatedTime(ctx, network.ChainID, maxFeesPerGas) if approvalRequired && estimatedTime < fees.MoreThanFiveMinutes { estimatedTime += 1 } path := &routes.Path{ ProcessorName: pProcessor.Name(), FromChain: network, ToChain: dest, FromToken: token, ToToken: toToken, AmountIn: (*hexutil.Big)(amountOption.amount), AmountInLocked: amountOption.locked, AmountOut: (*hexutil.Big)(amountOut), // set params that we don't want to be recalculated with every new block creation TxGasAmount: gasLimit, TxBonderFees: (*hexutil.Big)(bonderFees), TxTokenFees: (*hexutil.Big)(tokenFees), ApprovalRequired: approvalRequired, ApprovalAmountRequired: (*hexutil.Big)(approvalAmountRequired), ApprovalContractAddress: &approvalContractAddress, ApprovalGasAmount: approvalGasLimit, EstimatedTime: estimatedTime, SubtractFees: amountOption.subtractFees, } err = r.cacluateFees(ctx, path, fetchedFees, processorInputParams.TestsMode, processorInputParams.TestApprovalL1Fee) if err != nil { appendProcessorErrorFn(pProcessor.Name(), input.SendType, processorInputParams.FromChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.ToChain.ChainID, processorInputParams.AmountIn, err) continue } appendPathFn(path) } } } return nil }) } sort.Slice(candidates, func(i, j int) bool { iChain := getChainPriority(candidates[i].FromChain.ChainID) jChain := getChainPriority(candidates[j].FromChain.ChainID) return iChain <= jChain }) group.Wait() return candidates, processorErrors, nil } func (r *Router) checkBalancesForTheBestRoute(ctx context.Context, bestRoute routes.Route) (hasPositiveBalance bool, err error) { // make a copy of the active balance map balanceMapCopy := make(map[string]*big.Int) r.activeBalanceMap.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { balanceMapCopy[k.(string)] = new(big.Int).Set(v.(*big.Int)) return true }) if balanceMapCopy == nil { return false, ErrCannotCheckBalance } // check the best route for the required balances for _, path := range bestRoute { tokenKey := makeBalanceKey(path.FromChain.ChainID, path.FromToken.Symbol) if tokenBalance, ok := balanceMapCopy[tokenKey]; ok { if tokenBalance.Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { hasPositiveBalance = true } } if path.ProcessorName == pathprocessor.ProcessorBridgeHopName { if path.TxBonderFees.ToInt().Cmp(path.AmountOut.ToInt()) > 0 { return hasPositiveBalance, ErrLowAmountInForHopBridge } } if path.RequiredTokenBalance != nil && path.RequiredTokenBalance.Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { if tokenBalance, ok := balanceMapCopy[tokenKey]; ok { if tokenBalance.Cmp(path.RequiredTokenBalance) == -1 { err := &errors.ErrorResponse{ Code: ErrNotEnoughTokenBalance.Code, Details: fmt.Sprintf(ErrNotEnoughTokenBalance.Details, path.FromToken.Symbol, path.FromChain.ChainID), } return hasPositiveBalance, err } balanceMapCopy[tokenKey].Sub(tokenBalance, path.RequiredTokenBalance) } else { return hasPositiveBalance, ErrTokenNotFound } } ethKey := makeBalanceKey(path.FromChain.ChainID, pathprocessor.EthSymbol) if nativeBalance, ok := balanceMapCopy[ethKey]; ok { if nativeBalance.Cmp(path.RequiredNativeBalance) == -1 { err := &errors.ErrorResponse{ Code: ErrNotEnoughNativeBalance.Code, Details: fmt.Sprintf(ErrNotEnoughNativeBalance.Details, pathprocessor.EthSymbol, path.FromChain.ChainID), } return hasPositiveBalance, err } balanceMapCopy[ethKey].Sub(nativeBalance, path.RequiredNativeBalance) } else { return hasPositiveBalance, ErrNativeTokenNotFound } } return hasPositiveBalance, nil } func (r *Router) resolveRoutes(ctx context.Context, input *requests.RouteInputParams, candidates routes.Route) (suggestedRoutes *SuggestedRoutes, err error) { var prices map[string]float64 if input.TestsMode { prices = input.TestParams.TokenPrices } else { prices, err = input.SendType.FetchPrices(r.marketManager, []string{input.TokenID, input.ToTokenID}) if err != nil { return nil, errors.CreateErrorResponseFromError(err) } } tokenPrice := prices[input.TokenID] nativeTokenPrice := prices[pathprocessor.EthSymbol] var allRoutes []routes.Route suggestedRoutes, allRoutes = newSuggestedRoutes(input, candidates, prices) defer func() { if suggestedRoutes.Best != nil && len(suggestedRoutes.Best) > 0 { sort.Slice(suggestedRoutes.Best, func(i, j int) bool { iChain := getChainPriority(suggestedRoutes.Best[i].FromChain.ChainID) jChain := getChainPriority(suggestedRoutes.Best[j].FromChain.ChainID) return iChain <= jChain }) } }() var ( bestRoute routes.Route lastBestRouteWithPositiveBalance routes.Route lastBestRouteErr error ) for len(allRoutes) > 0 { bestRoute = routes.FindBestRoute(allRoutes, tokenPrice, nativeTokenPrice) var hasPositiveBalance bool hasPositiveBalance, err = r.checkBalancesForTheBestRoute(ctx, bestRoute) if err != nil { // If it's about transfer or bridge and there is more routes, but on the best (cheapest) one there is not enugh balance // we shold check other routes even though there are not the cheapest ones if input.SendType == sendtype.Transfer || input.SendType == sendtype.Bridge { if hasPositiveBalance { lastBestRouteWithPositiveBalance = bestRoute lastBestRouteErr = err } if len(allRoutes) > 1 { allRoutes = removeBestRouteFromAllRouters(allRoutes, bestRoute) continue } else { break } } } break } // if none of the routes have positive balance, we should return the last best route with positive balance if err != nil && lastBestRouteWithPositiveBalance != nil { bestRoute = lastBestRouteWithPositiveBalance err = lastBestRouteErr } if len(bestRoute) > 0 { // At this point we have to do the final check and update the amountIn (subtracting fees) if complete balance is going to be sent for native token (ETH) for _, path := range bestRoute { if path.SubtractFees && path.FromToken.IsNative() { path.AmountIn.ToInt().Sub(path.AmountIn.ToInt(), path.TxFee.ToInt()) if path.TxL1Fee.ToInt().Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { path.AmountIn.ToInt().Sub(path.AmountIn.ToInt(), path.TxL1Fee.ToInt()) } if path.ApprovalRequired { path.AmountIn.ToInt().Sub(path.AmountIn.ToInt(), path.ApprovalFee.ToInt()) if path.ApprovalL1Fee.ToInt().Cmp(walletCommon.ZeroBigIntValue()) > 0 { path.AmountIn.ToInt().Sub(path.AmountIn.ToInt(), path.ApprovalL1Fee.ToInt()) } } } } } suggestedRoutes.Best = bestRoute return suggestedRoutes, err }