package cl // #ifdef __APPLE__ // #include "OpenCL/opencl.h" // #else // #include "cl.h" // #endif import "C" import "unsafe" const maxPlatforms = 32 type Platform struct { id C.cl_platform_id } // Obtain the list of platforms available. func GetPlatforms() ([]*Platform, error) { var platformIds [maxPlatforms]C.cl_platform_id var nPlatforms C.cl_uint if err := C.clGetPlatformIDs(C.cl_uint(maxPlatforms), &platformIds[0], &nPlatforms); err != C.CL_SUCCESS { return nil, toError(err) } platforms := make([]*Platform, nPlatforms) for i := 0; i < int(nPlatforms); i++ { platforms[i] = &Platform{id: platformIds[i]} } return platforms, nil } func (p *Platform) GetDevices(deviceType DeviceType) ([]*Device, error) { return GetDevices(p, deviceType) } func (p *Platform) getInfoString(param C.cl_platform_info) (string, error) { var strC [2048]byte var strN C.size_t if err := C.clGetPlatformInfo(, param, 2048, unsafe.Pointer(&strC[0]), &strN); err != C.CL_SUCCESS { return "", toError(err) } return string(strC[:(strN - 1)]), nil } func (p *Platform) Name() string { if str, err := p.getInfoString(C.CL_PLATFORM_NAME); err != nil { panic("Platform.Name() should never fail") } else { return str } } func (p *Platform) Vendor() string { if str, err := p.getInfoString(C.CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR); err != nil { panic("Platform.Vendor() should never fail") } else { return str } } func (p *Platform) Profile() string { if str, err := p.getInfoString(C.CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE); err != nil { panic("Platform.Profile() should never fail") } else { return str } } func (p *Platform) Version() string { if str, err := p.getInfoString(C.CL_PLATFORM_VERSION); err != nil { panic("Platform.Version() should never fail") } else { return str } } func (p *Platform) Extensions() string { if str, err := p.getInfoString(C.CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS); err != nil { panic("Platform.Extensions() should never fail") } else { return str } }