pragma solidity ^0.5.16; /** @title ERC-1155 Multi Token Standard @dev See Note: The ERC-165 identifier for this interface is 0xd9b67a26. */ /* is ERC165 */ interface ERC1155 { /** @dev Either `TransferSingle` or `TransferBatch` MUST emit when tokens are transferred, including zero value transfers as well as minting or burning (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). The `_operator` argument MUST be the address of an account/contract that is approved to make the transfer (SHOULD be msg.sender). The `_from` argument MUST be the address of the holder whose balance is decreased. The `_to` argument MUST be the address of the recipient whose balance is increased. The `_id` argument MUST be the token type being transferred. The `_value` argument MUST be the number of tokens the holder balance is decreased by and match what the recipient balance is increased by. When minting/creating tokens, the `_from` argument MUST be set to `0x0` (i.e. zero address). When burning/destroying tokens, the `_to` argument MUST be set to `0x0` (i.e. zero address). */ event TransferSingle( address indexed _operator, address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _id, uint256 _value ); /** @dev Either `TransferSingle` or `TransferBatch` MUST emit when tokens are transferred, including zero value transfers as well as minting or burning (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). The `_operator` argument MUST be the address of an account/contract that is approved to make the transfer (SHOULD be msg.sender). The `_from` argument MUST be the address of the holder whose balance is decreased. The `_to` argument MUST be the address of the recipient whose balance is increased. The `_ids` argument MUST be the list of tokens being transferred. The `_values` argument MUST be the list of number of tokens (matching the list and order of tokens specified in _ids) the holder balance is decreased by and match what the recipient balance is increased by. When minting/creating tokens, the `_from` argument MUST be set to `0x0` (i.e. zero address). When burning/destroying tokens, the `_to` argument MUST be set to `0x0` (i.e. zero address). */ event TransferBatch( address indexed _operator, address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256[] _ids, uint256[] _values ); /** @dev MUST emit when approval for a second party/operator address to manage all tokens for an owner address is enabled or disabled (absence of an event assumes disabled). */ event ApprovalForAll( address indexed _owner, address indexed _operator, bool _approved ); /** @dev MUST emit when the URI is updated for a token ID. URIs are defined in RFC 3986. The URI MUST point to a JSON file that conforms to the "ERC-1155 Metadata URI JSON Schema". */ event URI(string _value, uint256 indexed _id); /** @notice Transfers `_value` amount of an `_id` from the `_from` address to the `_to` address specified (with safety call). @dev Caller must be approved to manage the tokens being transferred out of the `_from` account (see "Approval" section of the standard). MUST revert if `_to` is the zero address. MUST revert if balance of holder for token `_id` is lower than the `_value` sent. MUST revert on any other error. MUST emit the `TransferSingle` event to reflect the balance change (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). After the above conditions are met, this function MUST check if `_to` is a smart contract (e.g. code size > 0). If so, it MUST call `onERC1155Received` on `_to` and act appropriately (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). @param _from Source address @param _to Target address @param _id ID of the token type @param _value Transfer amount @param _data Additional data with no specified format, MUST be sent unaltered in call to `onERC1155Received` on `_to` */ function safeTransferFrom( address _from, address _to, uint256 _id, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data ) external; /** @notice Transfers `_values` amount(s) of `_ids` from the `_from` address to the `_to` address specified (with safety call). @dev Caller must be approved to manage the tokens being transferred out of the `_from` account (see "Approval" section of the standard). MUST revert if `_to` is the zero address. MUST revert if length of `_ids` is not the same as length of `_values`. MUST revert if any of the balance(s) of the holder(s) for token(s) in `_ids` is lower than the respective amount(s) in `_values` sent to the recipient. MUST revert on any other error. MUST emit `TransferSingle` or `TransferBatch` event(s) such that all the balance changes are reflected (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). Balance changes and events MUST follow the ordering of the arrays (_ids[0]/_values[0] before _ids[1]/_values[1], etc). After the above conditions for the transfer(s) in the batch are met, this function MUST check if `_to` is a smart contract (e.g. code size > 0). If so, it MUST call the relevant `ERC1155TokenReceiver` hook(s) on `_to` and act appropriately (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). @param _from Source address @param _to Target address @param _ids IDs of each token type (order and length must match _values array) @param _values Transfer amounts per token type (order and length must match _ids array) @param _data Additional data with no specified format, MUST be sent unaltered in call to the `ERC1155TokenReceiver` hook(s) on `_to` */ function safeBatchTransferFrom( address _from, address _to, uint256[] calldata _ids, uint256[] calldata _values, bytes calldata _data ) external; /** @notice Get the balance of an account's tokens. @param _owner The address of the token holder @param _id ID of the token @return The _owner's balance of the token type requested */ function balanceOf( address _owner, uint256 _id ) external view returns (uint256); /** @notice Get the balance of multiple account/token pairs @param _owners The addresses of the token holders @param _ids ID of the tokens @return The _owner's balance of the token types requested (i.e. balance for each (owner, id) pair) */ function balanceOfBatch( address[] calldata _owners, uint256[] calldata _ids ) external view returns (uint256[] memory); /** @notice Enable or disable approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of the caller's tokens. @dev MUST emit the ApprovalForAll event on success. @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators @param _approved True if the operator is approved, false to revoke approval */ function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) external; /** @notice Queries the approval status of an operator for a given owner. @param _owner The owner of the tokens @param _operator Address of authorized operator @return True if the operator is approved, false if not */ function isApprovedForAll( address _owner, address _operator ) external view returns (bool); }