// +build e2e_test package main import ( "C" "encoding/json" "github.com/status-im/status-go/eth-node/crypto" mobile "github.com/status-im/status-go/mobile" ) import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event" "github.com/status-im/status-go/account/generator" ) func checkMultiAccountErrorResponse(t *testing.T, respJSON *C.char, expectedError string) { var e struct { Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` } if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(C.GoString(respJSON)), &e); err != nil { t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling error response") } if e.Error == nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected empty error. expected %s, got nil", expectedError) } if *e.Error != expectedError { t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected %s, got %+v", expectedError, *e.Error) } } func checkMultiAccountResponse(t *testing.T, respJSON *C.char, resp interface{}) { var e struct { Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` } json.Unmarshal([]byte(C.GoString(respJSON)), &e) if e.Error != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected response error: %s", *e.Error) } if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(C.GoString(respJSON)), resp); err != nil { t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling response to expected struct: %s", err) } } func testMultiAccountGenerateDeriveStoreLoadReset(t *testing.T, feed *event.Feed) bool { //nolint: gocyclo params := C.CString(`{ "n": 2, "mnemonicPhraseLength": 24, "bip39Passphrase": "" }`) // generate 2 random accounts rawResp := MultiAccountGenerate(params) var generateResp []generator.GeneratedAccountInfo // check there's no error in the response checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &generateResp) if len(generateResp) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected 2 accounts created, got %d", len(generateResp)) return false } bip44DerivationPath := "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" eip1581DerivationPath := "m/43'/60'/1581'/0'/0" paths := []string{bip44DerivationPath, eip1581DerivationPath} // derive 2 child accounts for each account without storing them for i := 0; i < len(generateResp); i++ { info := generateResp[i] mnemonicLength := len(strings.Split(info.Mnemonic, " ")) if mnemonicLength != 24 { t.Errorf("expected mnemonic to have 24 words, got %d", mnemonicLength) return false } if _, ok := testMultiAccountDeriveAddresses(t, info.ID, paths, false); !ok { return false } } password := "multi-account-test-password" // store 2 derived child accounts from the first account. // after that all the generated account should be remove from memory. addresses, ok := testMultiAccountStoreDerived(t, generateResp[0].ID, password, paths) if !ok { return false } loadedIDs := make([]string, 0) // unlock and load all stored accounts. for _, address := range addresses { loadedID, ok := testMultiAccountLoadAccount(t, address, password) if !ok { return false } loadedIDs = append(loadedIDs, loadedID) if _, ok := testMultiAccountDeriveAddresses(t, loadedID, paths, false); !ok { return false } } rawResp = MultiAccountReset() // try again deriving addresses. // it should fail because reset should remove all the accounts from memory. for _, loadedID := range loadedIDs { if _, ok := testMultiAccountDeriveAddresses(t, loadedID, paths, true); !ok { t.Errorf("account is still in memory, expected Reset to remove all accounts") return false } } return true } func testMultiAccountImportMnemonicAndDerive(t *testing.T, feed *event.Feed) bool { //nolint: gocyclo mnemonicPhrase := "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about" bip39Passphrase := "TREZOR" params := mobile.MultiAccountImportMnemonicParams{ MnemonicPhrase: mnemonicPhrase, Bip39Passphrase: bip39Passphrase, } paramsJSON, err := json.Marshal(¶ms) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountImportMnemonicParams") return false } // import mnemonic rawResp := MultiAccountImportMnemonic(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) var importResp generator.IdentifiedAccountInfo // check the response doesn't have errors checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &importResp) bip44DerivationPath := "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" expectedBip44Address := "0x9c32F71D4DB8Fb9e1A58B0a80dF79935e7256FA6" addresses, ok := testMultiAccountDeriveAddresses(t, importResp.ID, []string{bip44DerivationPath}, false) if !ok { return false } if addresses[bip44DerivationPath] != expectedBip44Address { t.Errorf("unexpected address; expected %s, got %s", expectedBip44Address, addresses[bip44DerivationPath]) return false } return true } func testMultiAccountDeriveAddresses(t *testing.T, accountID string, paths []string, expectAccountNotFoundError bool) (map[string]string, bool) { //nolint: gocyclo params := mobile.MultiAccountDeriveAddressesParams{ AccountID: accountID, Paths: paths, } paramsJSON, err := json.Marshal(¶ms) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountDeriveAddressesParams") return nil, false } // derive addresses from account accountID rawResp := MultiAccountDeriveAddresses(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) if expectAccountNotFoundError { checkMultiAccountErrorResponse(t, rawResp, "account not found") return nil, true } var deriveResp map[string]generator.AccountInfo // check the response doesn't have errors checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &deriveResp) if len(deriveResp) != len(paths) { t.Errorf("expected %d derived accounts info, got %d", len(paths), len(deriveResp)) return nil, false } addresses := make(map[string]string) // check that we have an address for each derivation path we used. for _, path := range paths { info, ok := deriveResp[path] if !ok { t.Errorf("results doesn't contain account info for path %s", path) return nil, false } addresses[path] = info.Address } return addresses, true } func testMultiAccountStoreDerived(t *testing.T, accountID string, password string, paths []string) ([]string, bool) { //nolint: gocyclo params := mobile.MultiAccountStoreDerivedAccountsParams{ MultiAccountDeriveAddressesParams: mobile.MultiAccountDeriveAddressesParams{ AccountID: accountID, Paths: paths, }, Password: password, } paramsJSON, err := json.Marshal(params) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountStoreDerivedParams") return nil, false } // store one child account for each derivation path. rawResp := MultiAccountStoreDerivedAccounts(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) var storeResp map[string]generator.AccountInfo // check that we don't have errors in the response checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &storeResp) addresses := make([]string, 0) for _, info := range storeResp { addresses = append(addresses, info.Address) } if len(addresses) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected 2 addresses, got %d", len(addresses)) return nil, false } // for each stored account, check that we can decrypt it with the password we used. // FIXME pass it somehow dir := keystoreDir for _, address := range addresses { _, err = statusBackend.AccountManager().VerifyAccountPassword(dir, address, password) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to verify password on stored derived account") return nil, false } } return addresses, true } func testMultiAccountGenerateAndDerive(t *testing.T, feed *event.Feed) bool { //nolint: gocyclo paths := []string{"m/0", "m/1"} params := mobile.MultiAccountGenerateAndDeriveAddressesParams{ MultiAccountGenerateParams: mobile.MultiAccountGenerateParams{ N: 2, MnemonicPhraseLength: 12, }, Paths: paths, } paramsJSON, err := json.Marshal(¶ms) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountGenerateAndDeriveParams") return false } // generate 2 random accounts and derive 2 accounts from each one. rawResp := MultiAccountGenerateAndDeriveAddresses(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) var generateResp []generator.GeneratedAndDerivedAccountInfo // check there's no error in the response checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &generateResp) if len(generateResp) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected 2 accounts created, got %d", len(generateResp)) return false } // check that for each account we have the 2 derived addresses for _, info := range generateResp { for _, path := range paths { if _, ok := info.Derived[path]; !ok { t.Errorf("results doesn't contain account info for path %s", path) return false } } } return true } func testMultiAccountImportStore(t *testing.T, feed *event.Feed) bool { //nolint: gocyclo key, err := crypto.GenerateKey() if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed generating key") } hex := fmt.Sprintf("%#x", crypto.FromECDSA(key)) importParams := mobile.MultiAccountImportPrivateKeyParams{ PrivateKey: hex, } paramsJSON, err := json.Marshal(&importParams) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountImportPrivateKeyParams") return false } // import raw private key rawResp := MultiAccountImportPrivateKey(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) var importResp generator.IdentifiedAccountInfo // check the response doesn't have errors checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &importResp) // prepare StoreAccount params password := "test-multiaccount-imported-key-password" storeParams := mobile.MultiAccountStoreAccountParams{ AccountID: importResp.ID, Password: password, } paramsJSON, err = json.Marshal(storeParams) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountStoreParams") return false } // store the imported private key rawResp = MultiAccountStoreAccount(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) var storeResp generator.AccountInfo // check the response doesn't have errors checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &storeResp) dir := keystoreDir _, err = statusBackend.AccountManager().VerifyAccountPassword(dir, storeResp.Address, password) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to verify password on stored derived account") } return true } func testMultiAccountLoadAccount(t *testing.T, address string, password string) (string, bool) { //nolint: gocyclo t.Log("loading account") params := mobile.MultiAccountLoadAccountParams{ Address: address, Password: password, } paramsJSON, err := json.Marshal(params) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error encoding MultiAccountLoadAccountParams") return "", false } // load the account in memory rawResp := MultiAccountLoadAccount(C.CString(string(paramsJSON))) var loadResp generator.IdentifiedAccountInfo // check that we don't have errors in the response checkMultiAccountResponse(t, rawResp, &loadResp) return loadResp.ID, true }