#!/usr/bin/env bash # The output of this script is as follows: # 1. One line "checking commits between: <start_commit> <end_commit>" # 2. One line for each commit message that is not well-formed # 3. One line with the value of "is_breaking_change" (true/false) set -euo pipefail source _assets/scripts/colors.sh parse_commits() { BASE_BRANCH=${BASE_BRANCH:-develop} start_commit=${1:-origin/${BASE_BRANCH}} end_commit=${2:-HEAD} is_breaking_change=false exit_code=0 echo -e "${GRN}Checking commits between:${RST} $start_commit $end_commit" # Run the loop in the current shell using process substitution while IFS= read -r message || [ -n "$message" ]; do # Check if commit message follows conventional commits format if [[ $message =~ ^(build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\(.*\))?(\_|!):.*$ ]]; then # Check for breaking changes if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[3]} == *'!'* ]]; then is_breaking_change=true fi else echo -e "${YLW}Commit message is ill-formed:${RST} $message" exit_code=1 fi done < <(git log --format=%s "$start_commit".."$end_commit") echo "$is_breaking_change" exit ${exit_code} }