#cloud-config coreos: etcd2: # generate a new token for each unique cluster from https://discovery.etcd.io/new: discovery: https://discovery.etcd.io/d2df3f02e6129624ad96f1bdb4a5ba05 # multi-region deployments, multi-cloud deployments, and Droplets without # private networking need to use $public_ipv4: advertise-client-urls: http://$private_ipv4:2379,http://$private_ipv4:4001 initial-advertise-peer-urls: http://$private_ipv4:2380 # listen on the official ports 2379, 2380 and one legacy port 4001: listen-client-urls:, listen-peer-urls: http://$private_ipv4:2380 fleet: public-ip: $private_ipv4 # used for fleetctl ssh command metadata: "region=sgp,size=2048" units: - name: etcd2.service command: start - name: fleet.service command: start