#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script updates the go-ethereum dependency, optionally updating the branch if GETH_BRANCH is provided. # If any changes were made, they will be committed. # Exit early if any errors are encountered set -e if [ ! -z "$GETH_BRANCH" ]; then # escape slashes GETH_BRANCH=$(echo $GETH_BRANCH | sed 's@\/@\\\/@g') # Update go-ethereum contraint branch sed -i 'N;N;s@\(\[\[constraint]]\n name = "github.com\/ethereum\/go-ethereum"\n branch =\)\(.*\)@\1 '"\"${GETH_BRANCH}\""'@g' Gopkg.toml fi dep ensure -v -update github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum if ! make dep-ensure; then echo "Please fix patches and rerun. (dep-ensure failed)" exit 1 fi git add Gopkg.lock Gopkg.toml vendor/ _assets/patches/ if $(git diff --cached --quiet); then echo "No changes to commit. Geth up to date." exit 0 fi git commit --quiet -m "Updating Geth" echo "Geth updated."