library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.3.3' pipeline { agent { label 'linux' } parameters { string( name: 'BRANCH', defaultValue: 'develop', description: 'Name of branch to build.' ) booleanParam( name: 'RELEASE', defaultValue: false, description: 'Enable to create build for release.', ) } options { timestamps() disableConcurrentBuilds() /* Go requires a certain directory structure */ checkoutToSubdirectory('src/') /* manage how many builds we keep */ buildDiscarder(logRotator( numToKeepStr: '5', daysToKeepStr: '30', )) } environment { /* fix for gomobile complaining about missing packages */ CGO_ENABLED = "1" /* Other stuff */ TARGET = 'android' REPO = "${env.WORKSPACE}/src/" GOPATH = "${env.WORKSPACE}" PATH = "/usr/local/go/bin:${env.PATH}:${env.GOPATH}/bin" /* Android SDK */ ANDROID_HOME = '/usr/lib/android-sdk' ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = '/usr/lib/android-sdk' /* gomobile requires a specific NDK version */ ANDROID_NDK = "${env.NDK_GOMOBILE}" ANDROID_NDK_HOME = "${env.NDK_GOMOBILE}" } stages { stage('Prep') { steps { dir(env.REPO) { script { env.ARTIFACT = "${env.WORKSPACE}/" + utils.pkgFilename( name: "status-go", type: "android", ext: "aar" ) println("Output: ${env.ARTIFACT}") } } } } stage('Setup') { steps { dir(env.REPO) { sh 'make setup-build install-modvendor' } } } stage('Vendoring check') { steps { dir(env.REPO) { /* fail build if vendoring hasn't been done */ sh 'make vendor' sh 'git diff --exit-code --no-color --stat vendor/' } } } stage('Compile') { steps { dir(env.REPO) { sh 'make statusgo-android' sh "cp build/bin/statusgo.aar ${env.ARTIFACT}" } } } stage('Archive') { steps { archiveArtifacts(env.ARTIFACT.minus("${env.WORKSPACE}/")) } } stage('Upload') { steps { script { env.PKG_URL = s3.uploadArtifact(env.ARTIFACT) } } } } // stages post { success { script { github.notifyPR(true) } } failure { script { github.notifyPR(false) } } always { dir(env.REPO) { sh 'make clean' } } } // post } // pipeline