export GIT_ROOT := $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel) # Useful for showing enode address PUBLIC_IP ?= $(shell curl -s https://ipecho.net/plain) RED := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 1) GRN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2) YLW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3) RST := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0) BLD := $(shell tput bold) # by default we run the service as user SCTL_OPTS := --user JRNL_OPTS := --user-unit SERVICE_DIR := $(HOME)/.config/systemd/user/ # with sudo it will run as a system service ifeq ($(USER), root) SCTL_OPTS := JRNL_OPTS := --unit SERVICE_DIR := /etc/systemd/system/ endif # Settings export SERVICE_NAME ?= status-go-mailserver export SERVICE_DIR ?= $(HOME)/.config/systemd/user/ export SERVICE_PATH ?= $(SERVICE_DIR)/$(SERVICE_NAME).service export DATA_PATH ?= /var/tmp/$(SERVICE_NAME) export LOG_LEVEL ?= INFO export LISTEN_PORT ?= 30303 export METRICS_PORT ?= 9090 export RPC_PORT ?= 8545 # Info STATUS = $(shell systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) is-active $(SERVICE_NAME)) define INFO_MSG * $(GRN)Your mailserver is listening on:$(RST) $(BLD)$(PUBLIC_IP):$(LISTEN_PORT)$(RST) $(GRN)Your enode address is:$(RST) $(shell $(GIT_ROOT)/_assets/scripts/get_enode.sh 2>/dev/null) $(YLW)Make sure that IP and TCP port are available from the internet!$(RST) endef export INFO_MSG all: checks build config service enable restart info enode-qr clean: stop disable rm-service forget checks: ifeq (, $(shell which jq)) $(error $(RED)No 'jq' in your $$PATH. please install it$(RST)) endif # this setup wont work without an os with systemd ifeq (, $(shell which systemctl)) $(error $(RED)Your system does not have systemd$(RST)) endif # if the service is already up just show some info ifeq (active, $(STATUS)) $(info $(INFO_MSG)) $(error $(YLW)Service already started$(RST)) endif info: @echo "$$INFO_MSG" enode: @$(GIT_ROOT)/_assets/scripts/get_enode.sh enode-qr: @$(GIT_ROOT)/_assets/scripts/get_enode.sh --qr status: systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) status --no-pager $(SERVICE_NAME) logs: journalctl $(JRNL_OPTS) statusd enable: @echo " * $(GRN)Enabling '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) enable $(SERVICE_NAME) disable: @echo " * $(YLW)Disabling '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) disable "${SERVICE_NAME}" start: @echo " * $(GRN)Starting '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) start $(SERVICE_NAME) restart: @echo " * $(GRN)Restarting '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) restart $(SERVICE_NAME) stop: @echo " * $(YLW)Stopping '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) stop "${SERVICE_NAME}" forget: @echo " * $(YLW)Stopping '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) daemon-reload systemctl $(SCTL_OPTS) reset-failed $(GIT_ROOT)/build/bin/statusd: @echo " * $(GRN)Building mailserver binary...$(RST)" @cd "$(GIT_ROOT)" && make statusgo build: $(GIT_ROOT)/build/bin/statusd .PHONY: build $(SERVICE_DIR): @mkdir -p $(SERVICE_DIR) service: $(SERVICE_DIR) @echo " * $(GRN)Generating '$(SERVICE_NAME)' service...$(RST)" @envsubst < ./service.template > $(SERVICE_PATH) rm-service: rm -f $(SERVICE_PATH) config: @echo " * $(GRN)Generating '$(SERVICE_NAME)' config...$(RST)" @$(GIT_ROOT)/_assets/scripts/gen_config.sh