package protocol import ( "errors" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestMessengerPairingTest(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(MessengerPairingSuite)) } type MessengerPairingSuite struct { MessengerBaseTestSuite } func (s *MessengerPairingSuite) TestEnableNonExistingInstallation() { installationID := uuid.New().String() _, err := s.m.EnableInstallationAndPair(&requests.EnableInstallationAndPair{InstallationID: installationID}) s.Require().NoError(err) installations := s.m.Installations() s.Require().NoError(err) s.Require().Len(installations, 2) var theirInstallation *multidevice.Installation for _, i := range installations { if i.ID == installationID { theirInstallation = i break } else { s.Require().NotNil(i.InstallationMetadata) } } s.Require().NotNil(theirInstallation) s.Require().True(theirInstallation.Enabled) installationsFromDB, err := s.m.encryptor.GetOurActiveInstallations(&s.m.identity.PublicKey) s.Require().NoError(err) s.Require().Len(installationsFromDB, 2) for _, i := range installationsFromDB { s.Require().True(i.Enabled) if i.ID == installationID { theirInstallation = i break } } s.Require().NotNil(theirInstallation) s.Require().True(theirInstallation.Enabled) } func (s *MessengerPairingSuite) TestMessengerPairAfterSeedPhrase() { // assuming alice2 want to sync with alice1 // alice1 generated the connection string for bootstraping alice2 // alice2 failed to connect to alice1 and restored from seed phrase // alice2 get the installationID1 from alice1 via parsing the connection string alice1 := s.m alice2, err := newMessengerWithKey(s.shh, s.privateKey, s.logger, nil) s.Require().NoError(err) defer TearDownMessenger(&s.Suite, alice2) installationID1 := alice1.installationID installationID2 := alice2.installationID s.Require().NotEqual(installationID1, installationID2) _, err = alice2.EnableInstallationAndPair(&requests.EnableInstallationAndPair{InstallationID: installationID1}) s.Require().NoError(err) // alice1 should get the installationID1 from alice2 _, err = WaitOnMessengerResponse( alice2, func(r *MessengerResponse) bool { for _, i := range r.Installations() { if i.ID == installationID2 { return true } } return false }, "no messages", ) s.Require().NoError(err) } func (s *MessengerPairingSuite) TestMessengerPairEnableAndSync() { // assuming alice2 want to sync with alice1 // alice1 generated the connection string for bootstraping alice2 // alice2 failed to connect to alice1 and restored from seed phrase // alice2 get the installationID1 from alice1 via parsing the connection string alice1 := s.m alice2logger := s.logger.With(zap.Namespace("alice2")) alice2, err := newMessengerWithKey(s.shh, s.privateKey, alice2logger, nil) s.Require().NoError(err) defer TearDownMessenger(&s.Suite, alice2) installationID1 := alice1.installationID installationID2 := alice2.installationID s.Require().NotEqual(installationID1, installationID2) _, err = alice2.EnableInstallationAndPair(&requests.EnableInstallationAndPair{InstallationID: installationID1}) s.Require().NoError(err) profileKp := accounts.GetProfileKeypairForTest(true, false, false) profileKp.KeyUID = alice2.account.KeyUID profileKp.Accounts[0].KeyUID = alice2.account.KeyUID err = alice2.settings.SaveOrUpdateKeypair(profileKp) s.Require().NoError(err) profileKp = accounts.GetProfileKeypairForTest(true, false, false) profileKp.KeyUID = alice1.account.KeyUID profileKp.Accounts[0].KeyUID = alice1.account.KeyUID err = alice1.settings.SaveOrUpdateKeypair(profileKp) s.Require().NoError(err) // alice1 should get the installationID1 from alice2 _, err = WaitOnMessengerResponse( alice1, func(r *MessengerResponse) bool { for _, i := range r.Installations() { if i.ID == installationID2 { return true } } return false }, "no messages", ) s.Require().NoError(err) displayName := "new-display-name" err = alice1.SetDisplayName(displayName) s.Require().NoError(err) // sync data from acc to acc2 err = alice1.EnableAndSyncInstallation(&requests.EnableAndSyncInstallation{InstallationID: alice2.InstallationID()}) s.Require().NoError(err) installations := alice1.Installations() s.Require().Len(installations, 2) if installations[0].ID == alice2.InstallationID() { s.Require().True(installations[0].Enabled) } else { s.Require().Equal(alice2.InstallationID(), installations[1].ID) s.Require().True(installations[1].Enabled) } // ensure acc2's display name get synced err = tt.RetryWithBackOff(func() error { r, err := alice2.RetrieveAll() s.Require().NoError(err) for _, ss := range r.Settings { if ss.GetDBName() == "display_name" && ss.Value == displayName { return nil } } return errors.New("display name setting not received yet") }) s.Require().NoError(err) }