[![Stability: Maintenance](https://masterminds.github.io/stability/maintenance.svg)](https://masterminds.github.io/stability/maintenance.html) ### Squirrel is "complete". Bug fixes will still be merged (slowly). Bug reports are welcome, but I will not necessarily respond to them. If another fork (or substantially similar project) actively improves on what Squirrel does, let me know and I may link to it here. # Squirrel - fluent SQL generator for Go ```go import "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel" ``` [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/Masterminds/squirrel?status.png)](https://godoc.org/github.com/Masterminds/squirrel) [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/Masterminds/squirrel.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Masterminds/squirrel) **Squirrel is not an ORM.** For an application of Squirrel, check out [structable, a table-struct mapper](https://github.com/Masterminds/structable) Squirrel helps you build SQL queries from composable parts: ```go import sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel" users := sq.Select("*").From("users").Join("emails USING (email_id)") active := users.Where(sq.Eq{"deleted_at": nil}) sql, args, err := active.ToSql() sql == "SELECT * FROM users JOIN emails USING (email_id) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL" ``` ```go sql, args, err := sq. Insert("users").Columns("name", "age"). Values("moe", 13).Values("larry", sq.Expr("? + 5", 12)). ToSql() sql == "INSERT INTO users (name,age) VALUES (?,?),(?,? + 5)" ``` Squirrel can also execute queries directly: ```go stooges := users.Where(sq.Eq{"username": []string{"moe", "larry", "curly", "shemp"}}) three_stooges := stooges.Limit(3) rows, err := three_stooges.RunWith(db).Query() // Behaves like: rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username IN (?,?,?,?) LIMIT 3", "moe", "larry", "curly", "shemp") ``` Squirrel makes conditional query building a breeze: ```go if len(q) > 0 { users = users.Where("name LIKE ?", fmt.Sprint("%", q, "%")) } ``` Squirrel wants to make your life easier: ```go // StmtCache caches Prepared Stmts for you dbCache := sq.NewStmtCache(db) // StatementBuilder keeps your syntax neat mydb := sq.StatementBuilder.RunWith(dbCache) select_users := mydb.Select("*").From("users") ``` Squirrel loves PostgreSQL: ```go psql := sq.StatementBuilder.PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) // You use question marks for placeholders... sql, _, _ := psql.Select("*").From("elephants").Where("name IN (?,?)", "Dumbo", "Verna").ToSql() /// ...squirrel replaces them using PlaceholderFormat. sql == "SELECT * FROM elephants WHERE name IN ($1,$2)" /// You can retrieve id ... query := sq.Insert("nodes"). Columns("uuid", "type", "data"). Values(node.Uuid, node.Type, node.Data). Suffix("RETURNING \"id\""). RunWith(m.db). PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar) query.QueryRow().Scan(&node.id) ``` You can escape question marks by inserting two question marks: ```sql SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE meta->'format' ??| array[?,?] ``` will generate with the Dollar Placeholder: ```sql SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE meta->'format' ?| array[$1,$2] ``` ## FAQ * **How can I build an IN query on composite keys / tuples, e.g. `WHERE (col1, col2) IN ((1,2),(3,4))`? ([#104](https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel/issues/104))** Squirrel does not explicitly support tuples, but you can get the same effect with e.g.: ```go sq.Or{ sq.Eq{"col1": 1, "col2": 2}, sq.Eq{"col1": 3, "col2": 4}} ``` ```sql WHERE (col1 = 1 AND col2 = 2) OR (col1 = 3 AND col2 = 4) ``` (which should produce the same query plan as the tuple version) * **Why doesn't `Eq{"mynumber": []uint8{1,2,3}}` turn into an `IN` query? ([#114](https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel/issues/114))** Values of type `[]byte` are handled specially by `database/sql`. In Go, [`byte` is just an alias of `uint8`](https://golang.org/pkg/builtin/#byte), so there is no way to distinguish `[]uint8` from `[]byte`. * **Some features are poorly documented!** This isn't a frequent complaints section! * **Some features are poorly documented?** Yes. The tests should be considered a part of the documentation; take a look at those for ideas on how to express more complex queries. ## License Squirrel is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).