interface for initializing db, which is implemented for appdatabase and
walletdatabase. TBD for multiaccounts DB.
Unified DB initializion for all tests using helpers and new interface.
Reduced sqlcipher kdf iterations for all tests to 1.
This is the second step of improvements over keypairs/keycards/accounts.
- `SyncKeycardAction` protobuf removed
- `SyncKeypair` protobuf is used for syncing keycards state as well as for all
keycards related changes
- `last_update_clock` column removed from `keypairs` table cause as well as
for accounts, any keycard related change is actually a change made on a related
keypair, thus a keypair's clock keeps the clock of the last change
- `position` column added to `keypairs` table, needed to display keycards in
the same order accross devices
This is the first step of improvements over keypairs/keycards/accounts.
- `SyncKeypairFull` protobuf removed
- `SyncKeypair` protobuf is used for syncing all but the watch only accounts
- `SyncAccount` is used only for syncing watch only accounts
- related keycards are synced together with a keypair
- on any keypair change (either it's just a keypair name or any change made over an
account which belongs to that keypair) entire keypair is synced including related keycards
- on any watch only account related change, that account is synced with all its details
Main changes:
- extend DB query include status for transactions and pending_transactions
- extend DB query to aggregate data from complex activity entries
- extend tests to include the new status values
Other changes:
- Improve tests with mocked addresses in DB to have a true to/from state
Update status-desktop #10746
- old `accounts` table is moved/mapped to `keypairs` and `keypairs_accounts`
- `keycards` table has foreign key which refers to `keypairs.key_uid`
- `Keypair` introduced as a new type
- api endpoints updated according to this change
It uses the current data only and doesn't extend with new types or
include new features in activity sources DBs.
Major changes:
- Partially filter by chain IDs
- Partially filter by Status if it is the case
- Partially filter by token types
- Filter by counterparty addresses
- Use wallet accounts for TO/FROM instead of filters
Closes: #10634
This commit renames few api endpoints:
- old `AddMigratedKeyPairOrAddAccountsIfKeyPairIsAdded` renamed to `AddKeycardOrAddAccountsIfKeycardIsAdded`
- old `GetAllMigratedKeyPairs` renamed to `GetAllKnownKeycardsGroupedByKeyUID`
- old `GetMigratedKeyPairByKeyUID` renamed to `GetKeycardByKeyUID`
- old `DeleteKeypair` renamed to `DeleteAllKeycardsWithKeyUID`
- `keypair_name` added to `accounts` table, all accounts derived from the
same master key have the same keypair name and also no two keypairs share
the same keypair name (keypair name is unique per keypair)
- `last_used_derivation_index` added to `accounts` table, cause we need
to maintain the highest index been used for the derivations made within
the same keypair
Due to easier maintaining in future the following is done:
- keypairs table removed
- keycard table added, storing only keycards/keypairs
- keycard_accounts table added, storing only accounts migrated to a keycard
Migration is done keeping the current keycard state accurate (no keycard records will be lost).
Handling results of `GetAllMigratedKeyPairs` and `GetMigratedKeyPairByKeyUID`
endpoints updated in a way that account address is unique in the address list.