interface for initializing db, which is implemented for appdatabase and
walletdatabase. TBD for multiaccounts DB.
Unified DB initializion for all tests using helpers and new interface.
Reduced sqlcipher kdf iterations for all tests to 1.
* Add extra event to capture other type of navigations, allow empty screen name, rename cofx to get rid of clj ns, update tests
* Some view ids are greater than 16 characters. Made it 32 to be safe.
* Tab navigation events occur outside nav, add a new validator for them
* Remove navigate to cofx event, capture screens on will focus, get rid of enum and make valid screens a string less than 32 characters
* Run make generate
* Fix test
* Bump version to 0.75.1
* Migrations in place, how to run them?
* Remove down migrations and touch database.go
* Database and Database Test package in place, added functions to get and store app metrics
* make generate output
* Minor bug fix on app metrics insert and select
* Add a validation layer to restrict what can be saved in the database
* Make validation more terse, throw error if schema doesn't exist, expose appmetrics service
* service updates
* Compute all errors before sending them out
* Trying to bring a closjure to appmetrics go
* Expose appmetrics via an api, skip fancy
* Address value as Jason Dawt Rawmasage to ease parsing
* Introduce a buffered chan with magic cap of 8 to minimize writes to DB. Tests for service and API. Also expose GetAppMetrics function.
* Lint issues
* Remove autoincrement, undo waku.json changes, fix error being shadowed, return nil where nil ought to be returned, get rid of buffered channel
* Bump migration number
* Fix API factory usage
* Add comment re:json.RawMessage instead of strings
* Get rid of test vars, throw save error inside the loop
* Update version
Co-authored-by: Samuel Hawksby-Robinson <>