* fix: Contact requests flows
fix: pending CR notification
fix: use CR as message with provided text
* fix: Remove legacy default contact request
* fix: Add test case sending CR after removal from contacts
* fix: refactor contact request tests to have common steps
* fix: activate chat on sender side after receiveing the CR
* chore: Return defaultContactRequestID function
* fix: force activate chat on reciever's side
* fix: ensure AC notification's name for CR notifiaction match contact's primary name
- setting clock when adding/updating accounts
- syncing/backing up accounts with the time they actually were updated instead
the time when dispatching is done as it was before
Changes applied here introduce:
- improvements to sync wallet accounts among devices (including all account types)
- backing up wallet accounts to and fetch them from waku (an information about received
wallet accounts is sent via `waku.backedup.wallet-account` signal to a client)
* Community request to join changes
* Fix read state for request to join notification
* Bring back deleted notification when updated with response
* Update Request timeout to 7 days
* Update VERSION
* fix(image-album): make sure to delete all images part of an album
* test(delete): add test that deletes a message part of an album
* test(delete): add test where the signal to delete images is after
also adds the handling of deleteForMe
* fix(delete): add album deletion handling for deleteForMe
- Display name is now backed up only as a part of `protobuf.BackedUpProfile` message,
it is not backed up via `protobuf.SyncSetting` any more (this refers only to backing up to
and fetching data from waku, regular syncing (among devices) remains unchanged)
- When saving the display name fetched from waku, before a clock was set to the current
time when that operation is made, which was incorrect, now we're using the clock from
backed up message (`SaveSyncDisplayName` function)
This adds an additional check for collectibles when community
permissions are validated.
Specifically this uses opensea to request all NFTs given an
owner wallet and a list of contract addresses (collectibles).
- `keypair_name` added to `accounts` table, all accounts derived from the
same master key have the same keypair name and also no two keypairs share
the same keypair name (keypair name is unique per keypair)
- `last_used_derivation_index` added to `accounts` table, cause we need
to maintain the highest index been used for the derivations made within
the same keypair
When community owners accept pending requests manually, they would be
declined in that process if the request doesn't fullfill the required
token permission criteria.
We don't want this to automatically reject those requests anymore,
instead, owners have to manually reject the requests.
When a community permission is edited, we need to revalidate
the token criteria with the existing member list, as members might
no longer fulfill the requirements.
This commit runs the checks in a go routine after the permission has
been updated.
This adds checks to `HandleCommunityRequestToJoin` and
`AcceptRequestToJoinCommunity` that ensure a given user's revealed
wallet addresses own the token funds required by a community.
When community has token permissions of type `BECOME_MEMBER`, the
following happens when the owner receives a request:
1. Upon verifying provided wallet addresses by the requester, the owner
node accumulates all token funds related to the given wallets that
match the token criteria in the configured permissions
2. If the requester does not meet the necessary requirements, the
request to join will be declined. If the requester does have the
funds, he'll either be automatically accepted to the community, or
enters the next stage where an owner needs to manually accept the
3. The the community does not automatically accept users, then the funds
check will happen again, when the owner tries to manually accept the
request. If the necessary funds do not exist at this stage, the
request will be declined
4. Upon accepting, whether automatically or manually, the owner adds the
requester's wallet addresses to the `CommunityDescription`, such that
they can be retrieved later when doing periodic checks or when
permissions have changed.
We need to store the `decimals` of a given token when creating community
permissions so that we can use it later on to do calculations when
checking funds for given wallet addresses.