interface for initializing db, which is implemented for appdatabase and
walletdatabase. TBD for multiaccounts DB.
Unified DB initializion for all tests using helpers and new interface.
Reduced sqlcipher kdf iterations for all tests to 1.
Small refactoring in Collectibles service in order to make API code more simple.
Add TokenInstance interface with some common functions.
Implementations of TokenInstance for TokenMaster, Collectibles and Assets contracts.
Issue #11276
Adding new smart contracts and generated go files.
Deploy token owner function and master token address getter.
Adding deployer and privilegesLevel columns to community_tokens table.
Passing addressFrom to API calls.
Issue #11250
Modify API to handle also ERC20 tokens.
Modify community_tokens table - keep supply as string since string is easly convertible to bigint.BigInt.
Use bigint.BigInt for supply functions and fields.
Issue #11129
- Add ERC20 contract
- Add decimals field to community_tokens db table
- Adjusting API to handle assets deployment
- Add decimals field to CommunityTokenMetadata
Issue #10987